• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Sweet Surprises

A couple days later, Arc and Ember make their way toward Carousel Boutique together. Ember frowns.

“I still can’t believe Doctor Horse didn’t find anything!”

Arc nods. “I’m glad to have a clean bill of health and all. But I kinda wish he had uncovered SOMETHING that could explain what happened the other day!”

“Hearing sounds no one else can and then seeing things that aren’t there. There is something very wrong going on in your head, Arc!”

“So, what do you suggest I do?! Check myself into an asylum?!”

“I dunno. But maybe you should call off your trip to Earth tomorrow.”

“Not happening!”

“At least until we can figure out what’s wrong with you!”

Arc stops and turns to Ember. “And how long do you think that will take? Days… weeks… YEARS?!”

“Look, I’m just worried about you!”

“And I appreciate that. But there are things I need to do on Earth that won’t wait,”

“Well, if you’re going there, then I’m coming with you! Don’t try to talk me out of it!”

“Ember, I already said you could come. As long as you stay in human form, and don’t punch anyone in the face, there really shouldn’t be any problems.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “You aren’t going to try and leave without me, are you?”

“No Ember. I was serious when I made that promise. You’re coming with me, Sereb and my squad.”


They walk on in silence.

“Arc? I… uh… don’t have to wear clothes, do I?”


“Alright, alright! Sheesh! I still don’t understand what the big deal is!”

“It’s important, okay!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “If you say so.”

The pair arrive at Rarity’s shop. Sassy Saddles greets them as they enter.

“Good morning you two!”

Ember nods. “Morning!”

“And a good morning it is, Sassy Saddles! Is Rarity around today?”

“She is! At the moment she’s going over our inventory! Shall I let her know you’re here?”

Arc nods. “Yes please! There’s a lot to do before tomorrow.”

Sassy Saddles heads for the back room. “I’ll bet! Just give me a moment!”

She disappears into the back, leaving Arc and Ember alone in the shop. Ember picks up a dress off the rack.

“What kind of things do human girls wear? Dresses?”

“Sometimes. It’s a bit cold for such things though.”

Ember shivers in response. “Not looking forward to that!”

“You don’t like the cold, do you?”

“Not in the least! Dragon’s do best in hot climates!”

Arc nods. “So, you’re cold blooded?”

“That’s a bit rude, Arc!”

“No, Ember. That’s what humans call a species whose body temperature changes with the environment.”

Ember looks confuses. “Come again?”

“It means you become sluggish when the temperature outside lowers.”

Ember thinks for a moment. “Maybe that’s why dragons love playing in lava pools.”

“I guess so.”

Meanwhile, Sassy Saddles approaches Rarity. The room is dark due to the curtains being closed. She is resting her head on the workbench before her.

“Rarity? Arc is here to see you.”

She does not raise her head or look over. “What about?”

“He didn’t say. I suppose he’s here to pick up his order.”

“Can… can you please take care of it?”

“I suppose I could. But he did ask to speak to you. Rarity? Is something wrong?”

Rarity turns her head to look at her assistant. Her mascara is running and her eyes are red and puffy from crying. “I… I just CAN’T face him right now! After what I did the other day, he must think of me as just a common HARLOT!”

She throws herself onto a nearby couch and buries her face in a pillow!

“Of all the worst things that could happen, this is the worst… possible… thing!”

“Please Rarity! You have to pull yourself together! Now I know for a fact he doesn’t think of you as any such thing. If he did, he wouldn’t have come back.”

“But… the things I said. That I DID!!!”

“You weren’t yourself. He knows that! After all, didn’t he go to great lengths to help you and the others?”

Rarity raises her head a bit. “I… I suppose he did. But that was probably more for the others than little old Rarity!”

“Well, you’ll have to face him sooner or later. You can’t stay cooped up in here forever.”

Rarity levitates a tub of ice cream over with her magic and takes a bite. “Who says I can’t?!”

Sassy Saddles sighs as she picks up the bundle. “I’ll give him his order.”

Rarity nods sadly.

“Th-thank you.”

Sassy Saddles emerges from the back room. She slowly walks over to Arc and levitates the bundle over to him.

“I’m sorry, Arc, but Rarity… isn’t up for company today.”

“Is she not feeling well?”

Sassy Saddles bites her lip as she glances back toward the door. “Not… exactly. She… um… she’s been out of sorts since coming back from the hospital.”

“Does this have anything to do with what happened here the other day?”

She nods. “Y-yes, Arc. I’m sorry, but she’s just really upset about her actions."

Ember frowns. “Why? I mean, it’s not like she was in control of herself back then.”

Arc looks to Ember. “Like you?”

“T-that’s different!”

“How is it different, Ember?”

“It just is, okay?!”

Arc turns back to Sassy Saddles.

“Would you mind if I talked to her?”

“I’m not sure if that’s the best idea. She’s really out of sorts right now! But… I suppose it would be rather hard to continue business as usual with Rarity in such a mood.”

Ember nods. “I’ll wait out here, Arc.”

Arc nods as he heads for the back room. “Thanks.”

He enters the room and looks around. Rarity is lying on her side facing away from the door.

“Sassy Saddles? Did he at least like the garments I made?”

“I didn’t look at them yet.”

Rarity jumps off the couch and hurries over to a rack of dresses! Hiding behind them, she calls out!

“ARC! D-don’t look at me! What are you DOING back here?!”

Arc slowly approaches the racks. “I was worried about you, as is Sassy Saddles.”

She sounds as if she is barely holding back her tears. “You shouldn’t have bothered with me! I… I’m not worth your time!”

“I always have time for a friend, Rarity.”

“A friend is not something I am!”

“What makes you think that?”

“Would a friend deceive another to lie in their fetlocks? Would they come between that one and his other friends?! Would they…”

She begins to cry.

“…would they try to force themselves on… on…”

Rarity sobs uncontrollably. Arc sits down on the floor in front of the rack.

“Rarity. What you did back then wasn’t your fault.”

“Yes, it was!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, it wasn’t! You were as much a victim as anyone else! Whomever started this is at fault! Not you!”

He sighs.

“Rarity. You’ve always been generous in all things. Your possessions… your time… your energy…”

Rarity interrupts as she levitates a fresh bucket of ice cream to herself. “Well, being generous with my body is crossing the line!”

“I agree! Look, what I’m trying to say is you’re the most generous pony around. Now I’m asking you to please accept MY Generosity and let us move past the past. Please, Rarity. I don’t want to lose a friend like you.”

She is quiet for a time.

“Rarity. I’m coming back there, okay?”

The sounds of sniffling are the only sounds Arc hears from Rarity as he slowly pushes the dresses to the side. As Rarity looks up at him sadly, she turns away and squeezes her eyes shut as he slowly reaches toward her. Arc wraps his arms around her.

“I forgive you, Rarity. But you have to be willing to forgive yourself."

She wraps her hooves arounds Arc’s midsection as a fresh stream of tears rushes forth! He holds her in his arms as she lets everything out. Eventually Rarity raises her head to look him in the eye.

“How… how can you even LOOK at me after what I did?! I practically THREW myself at you as I begged you to bed me!!!”

Arc strokes her mane gently. “Like I said, it wasn’t your fault. None of that was. Let it go. Just… let it go, okay?"


“Yes Rarity?”

“Th-thank you!”

“What for?”

Rarity hugs him tighter. “For not acting on my… advances the other day! A lot of stallions wouldn’t have been so… respectful.”

“Friends don’t do things like that to each other. But I do need to confess something to you.”

Rarity looks up at him. “Oh?”

“We should probably sit down on the couch for this.”

Rarity lets go of Arc and allows him to stand. “Alright.”

They walk over to Rarity’s couch and sit down. Arc appears nervous.

“I, um… I want you to know that everything I did to help you and the others get over this sickness was done with the purest of intentions.”

“I understand that. You did what you had to do to protect everypony.”

Arc sighs. “Yes, that I did. However, when you succumbed to… whatever that was, I ordered my investigator to… thoroughly search Sugar Cube Corner and… your shop.”

“What?! But why?!”

“I didn’t have anything to go on at the time. While I didn’t know what they would find, if anything, I did know that several of my friends were in dire straits! Sorry for violating your personal privacy.”

Rarity puts a hoof on his hand and smiles up at him. “It’s alright, Arc. Like I said, you did what you had to do Now please forgive my nosiness but, did they find anything of note?”

“That’s another thing I need to apologize for. I ordered him to search everything. Leave no stone unturned.”

“I don’t understand Arc. What are you getting at?”

“Rarity, he… he read you diary."

The blood drains from her face as Arc continues.

“He thought maybe there was some kind of clue in the recent past. It’s not like I could have just questioned you about it.”

“Did… did he…?”

Arc nods soberly. “Yes Rarity. We know what you’ve been hiding.”

Rarity nods and responds in a soft but nervous tone. “Who else knows about this?”

“Just him and I when I read it myself. He was too embarrassed by what he had done to say the words aloud.”

She groans and looks down at her hooves. “I… guess you know my secret then?”


Rarity sighs. “While I have no right to ask you for anything right now, I’m begging you Arc… please don’t tell anypony about this!”

“I won’t. But… you really need to say something at some point. I mean, I can understand why you haven’t up until now. But this isn’t just going to go away if you ignore it.”

“I know that! It’s just… so hard to say! I feel so terribly guilty for keeping this to myself all these years! But it’s not the right time yet! One day, I promise!”

Arc puts both hands on her shoulders. “If you need help coming clean about this, I’m here for you, okay? Everyone has said and… and done things in the past they wish they could change.”

Rarity nods and looks away. “I may just take you up on that one of these days!”

Sometime later the pair emerge from the back of the shop. Rarity has done her best to make herself look presentable.

“Are you feeling better, Rarity?”

“That I am, Sassy Saddles! Sorry for making you worry!”

She walks over to Ember and takes the bundle.

“Let me show you what I came up with!”

Rarity opens the bag and removes a small cloth object which she brings to Arc.

“This is what Silver Hammer and I came up with!”

Ember looks at it. “Forgive me, but what’s with the pointy ears on top?”

“It’s made out of Abyssinian Silk. One of the most comfortable and friction resistant materials out there! The sewing technique required to work with this material is rather… limiting, however. I found it wasn’t possible to sew it properly without those ‘ears’ on top. “

Arc nods and puts the mask on. Looking in the mirror as he turns his head side to side.

“It is quite comfortable! Almost like it’s not there! Although those little patches on top make me look a bit like Batman.”

Sassy Saddles looks confused. “Who?”

“Sorry. It’s a human world reference. He’s a fictional character who always worked from the shadows to protect the innocent and heroically fight for those whom couldn’t defend themselves.”

Ember smiles. “Like you, Arc?”

“Kinda, I guess. But unlike him, I’m real. I did always wonder if he ever got hot under that cowl though.”

“It also breathes well, so you won’t have to worry about roasting under your helmet!”

Ember nods approvingly. “Handy!”

Rarity looks him over. “Why don’t you put on your helmet and let me know how it works?”

Arc sighs nervously. “Okay.”

He pulls his helmet out of the magic ring and slips it on over the mask.

“New helmet Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “Just a modification.”

He looks all around.

“This seems to flow well under here!”

Rarity nods. “It’s not too tight, is it?”

“Nope. I think you really hit the nail on the…”

He is cut short by another visage of something directly in front of him! Arc rips off his helmet and drops it!


Sassy Saddles takes a step back. “Arc?!”

Ember sighs. “Did it happen again?!”


Rarity looks confused. “Did what happen again?!”

Arc explains his experiences the other day in Redemption Village.

Sassy Saddles sigs. “I see. So, this is your second episode?”

“It is. Back then, I thought it was something in or near the village. But this proves it’s not.”

Ember sighs. “I’ve been trying to convince him to put off this trip back to Earth.”

Arc shakes his head. “Well, we’re not going to figure it out wandering aimlessly in Equestria. There are things to do out there.

Rarity frowns. “This is very troubling news indeed! Maybe Ember is right, Arc. Perhaps you just need a good long rest.”

“Thanks for the concern, but I’ll rest when… when this mission on Earth is complete. Now what do I owe you for the mask?”

“You already paid me, remember?”

“Wasn’t this expensive though?!”

Rarity nods. “It would normally be, yes. However, when Abyssinia heard the mask was for you Arc, they sent over an entire bolt of Abyssinian Silk!”

“That was nice of them.”

Ember nods. “After what you did, it seems the least they could do.”

“Yes, well… the rest of the items in the bundle are the robes you asked for.”

Arc takes the cowl off and puts it in the bundle as Rarity levitates it over to him. “Thanks for getting these made so quickly, you two.”

Sassy Saddles nods. “It was our pleasure!”

Ember looks over to him. “Arc, I hate to be ‘that dragon’, but we have quite a few other things to do before tomorrow.”

“You’re right. Thanks again you two. I won’t take up any more of your time.”

Rarity smiles. “It’s no trouble! And… thank you Arc! For everything!”

Ember and Arc leave the shop together. Rarity looks after them as they leave.

“What a stallion!”

“Did you say something Rarity?”

Rarity blushes slightly. “N-no! It was nothing!”

Meanwhile, Arc and Ember walk down the path together.

“Care to tell me what that was all about?”

“Sorry, Ember. But Rarity deserves her privacy! You wouldn’t want me to start telling everyone every time you got… let’s just say, emotional?”


Arc grins. “I thought you’d see it my way.”

As the pair pass Sugar Cube Corner, Arc pauses.

“Hungry Arc?”

“Kinda. But I really want to look in on Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.”

Ember nods. “I understand. See you back at Light’s Hope.”


Ember heads back as Arc enters the shop. He walks up to the counter and rings the bell. A few moments later Rainbow Dash comes out of the kitchen.

“What can I get…”

She stops when she sees Arc. Looking away as she begins to blush.

“Oh… um… hi there, Arc.”

“Good morning. How are you feeling?”

“I… uh… okay, I guess. Look, can we talk to you in the kitchen? Pinkie’s… not herself lately.”

Arc nods. “She’s not the only one.”

He follows her behind the counter. Pinkie Pie is absentmindedly frosting some cupcakes. To say they aren’t her best work would be an understatement!

“Pinkie? We have company.”

She does not look up from her frosting bag as she responds in an emotionless voice. “Who is it?”

Arc clears his throat. “It’s me, Pinkie.”

She drops the bag of frosting on the floor as she suddenly gasps in surprise. Refusing to turn around, she stands there motionless.

“A-Arc! Wh-what brings you here?”

“I wanted to see how you were doing. Sorry I didn’t come by sooner.”

Pinkie nervously taps her hooves together. “It… it’s okay! I know you have a lot of things to do before you head back to Earth!”

Rainbow Dash walks over to him. “Look Arc, I just wanted to say that I’m REALLY sorry for what I said and did… recently!”

Pinkie bows her head as her ears droop. I… I am too.”

“I just don’t know what came over me! Last thing I remember is you cleaning me up after I… um…”

Pinkie spins around to face Arc and Rainbow Dash, angrily! “WHAT?!”

Rainbow Dash looks confused. “What? Arc cleaned me up after I finished puking! Something wrong with that, Pinkie?”

“N-no! Not a thing! I just… never mind!”

“In any case, Arc. I… uh… just wanted to apologize and thank you for… um… not taking advantage of me back there.”

Arc nods. “It’s not really a big deal, Rainbow Dash. You…”

She interrupts! “Not a big deal?! I know I might not be the prettiest mare around, but I think most stallions would have certainly done… something… after I… after I all but… all but bent over and lifted my tail!”

Rainbow Dash blushes furiously at her own admission. Arc walks over to her and kneels down to look her in the eye.

“I know you wouldn’t ever do anything that would make me feel so uncomfortable, my friend. You couldn’t have stopped yourself even if you had tried!”

Rainbow Dash looks up at him sheepishly. “Let me make it up to you somehow! I could…”

Arc puts a hand over Rainbow Dash’s mouth. "Please. All I want is to put this behind us so I can have my friend back, okay?”

Rainbow Dash nods and puts her front hooves around Arc’s neck as he pulls her into an embrace. “Thank you. I’d like that too!”

Arc looks over at Pinkie Pie. “That goes for you too, Pinkie!”

Pinkie Pie doesn’t turn around.

“I… I… I CAN’T!!!”

She runs out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her room, slamming the door behind her! Rainbow Dash shakes her head.

“I was afraid that would happen.”

“Why’s that?”

“Pinkie Pie took this whole thing WAY harder than the rest of us! Even after we recovered, she didn’t say much while we were in the hospital!”

“Pinkie not talking?! That’s a first!”

“She’s been like this ever since we came home.”

Arc heads toward the door. “I should probably go talk to her.”

“Good luck! I’ve been trying for days to get her to open up!”

Arc climbs the stairs and enters the small upstairs apartment.


There is no response. Arc looks around as he hears a noise. He mutters to himself as he approaches a door. “I guess this is her room.”

He knocks lightly.

“Pinkie? Can… can I come in?”

After a few moments of hearing nothing, Arc slowly opens the door. He sees Pinkie lying on her bed, her face buried into the pillow crying. Arc sits on the edge of the bed next to her and gently strokes her mane.

“Pinkie. I don’t hold what happened against you.”

She shakes her head vigorously! “Well, I do!”

“Please! I forgive you! Can’t you do the same for yourself?”


“Why not?”

Pinkie continues to cry. “Because… because I KNEW what I was doing! I KNEW it was wrong! And even though I KNEW it wasn’t what YOU wanted, I did it anyways!”

Arc continues to stroke her. “No one who was affected had any control over their actions at the time.”

Pinkie suddenly rolls over to look Arc in the eyes. “You don’t understand! I… I like you Arc! I really do! I… I…”

She turns away and stares at the wall, sighing.

“I WANTED you to sleep with me! Not like that, of course! Maybe get dinner… take a walk in the moonlight… then we could come back here and I could fall asleep in your arms! I’ve… never been held by a stallion before.”

Arc looks at her, surprised! “I had no idea you felt this way, Pinkie!”

“Nopony does. I’ve always wanted a special somepony! But every time I find a stallion who I think is nice, they just think I’m joking around when I ask them out!”

“But why me?”

Pinkie rolls back over to stare up at the ceiling. “Nopony has ever been so nice to me before! Other than my friends, that is. Everypony just wants to talk to me about planning parties! I mean, it’s not like I have any other interests, but still!”

“Come now! You must have something else you like to do other than baking and party planning!”

Pinkie nods. “I do have one other interest!”

“What’s that?”

“Making others smile!”

Arc nods. “A very noble goal! I too like seeing others happy. I suppose we do have that much in common!”

“Well, nopony ever has ever gone so far out of their way to help me when I was in trouble before either!”

Pinkie sits up and looks at Arc with a small smile on her face. She blushes as she puts her hooves on her cheeks.

“That and… back then in the hospital… you… me… that was my first kiss! “

Arc shakes his head. “Pinkie, I…”

“I know you were just trying to get some of the antidote into me. But… I just want you to know I’m really glad my first time was with somepony REALLY special like you, Arc!”

“Listen, Pinkie. You were very brave to tell me this, and I think you’re a really special mare and all. But I’m not looking for a special someone right now.”

Pinkie looks a bit downcast. “Is it because of… you know.”

Arc nods. “Yes. The pain of that night is… still fresh. “

Pinkie closes her eyes and smiles as she nods. “I understand. Truth be told, I knew you were going to say that!”

“Pinkie Sense?”

“Something like that! But I still wanted to hear your response. I… had to know for sure!”

She puts her hoof on his hand and smiles up at him.

“Well, if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me!”

“I’m sorry I don’t feel the same way. I mean… I do really like you and all, but…”

Pinkie laughs. “Don’t be! You just answered me truthfully! It must have been hard for you to be so Honest with me!”

“Don’t get the wrong idea. I do care about you Pinkie! Just… not in that way.”

Pinkie leans forward and gives Arc a hug. “Thanks! No matter what you choose, this pink pony will always be your friend! Well, I should be getting back downstairs! Rainbow Dash can’t run the bakery alone now!”

Arc nods. “That’s good! She was worried about you earlier.”

Pinkie smiles! “I’m just fine now! And I have you to thank for that!”

He breaks off the embrace. “Glad I could help. I need to get going as well. Lots to do today.”

Pinkie nods as they stand and make their way out the door. “Tomorrow’s the big day, huh?!”

“Yup. Back to Earth again.”

She sighs as they walk down the stairs to the bakery together. “Will you miss Equestria?”

“I will miss my friends.”

As they reach the bottom of the stairs Arc kneels down in front of Pinkie and gives her a parting hug.

“Take care, Pinkie.”

She closes her eyes and smiles. “You too, Arc.”

He leaves the Bakery and Pinkie returns to the kitchen. As she enters, Pinkie begins bouncing around the room happily!

“Ready to stark baking, Rainbow Dash?!”

“Uh, sure. Somepony’s feeling better!”

Pinkie pulls ingredients out of the refrigerator and tosses them onto the counter. “That I am!”

“If you don’t mind me asking, what exactly did you and Arc talk about that brought about such a change?”

The pink mare quickly adds ingredients to a large mixing bowl. “Nothing much! I just confessed my feelings for him is all! Can you put this bowl on the mixer, please?”

Rainbow Dash accepts the bowl. “Sure thing, Pinkie.”

She walks toward the mixer and is about to put the bowl on when she freezes and drops the contents on the floor! Pinkie laughs!

“Somepony has butterhoves!”

“Pinkie! Did I hear you right?!”

Pinkie nods! “Yup! I did want that batter mixed up!”

She looks at the mess on the floor before looking at Rainbow Dash again.

“Although I think I’ll just make up another batch!”

“What?! NO! I mean about you telling Arc about your feelings!”

Pinkie sighs with a smile on her face. “He turned me down, of course!”

“What made you even CONSIDER doing such a thing?!”

Pinkie walks back over to the counter. “I’ve wanted to for such a long time! But, after what happened in the hospital, I knew I had to say something!”

Rainbow Dash looks confused. “The hospital?”

“Yes! I went back to ask Doctor Horse what had happened, just to make sure I didn’t imagine it!”

“Imagine what?!”

Pinkie sighs happily as she rests her head on the counter. “Arc kissing me.”

Rainbow Dash looks as if she might have conniption! “HE WHAT?!”

“I was shaking so badly back then that they couldn’t get me to drink it! So, Arc took a sip himself, grabbed my mane, forced my head back and… you know.”

Rainbow Dash breathes a sigh of relief. “Pinkie, it sounds more like he was just trying to save your life!”

Pinkie nods as she puts fresh ingredients in a bowl. “I know! But he’s always been very nice to me! Arc is everything I want in a special somepony, and then some! “

She takes the new bowl of ingredients from Pinkie and puts it on the mixer. “That nice and all, but he’s what EVERYPONY wants in a special somepony!”

Pinkie raises her eyebrows. “Ohhh! Jealous, Rainbow Dash?!”

Rainbow Dash blushes slightly as she removes the bowl from the mixer. “What?! No! Okay, maybe a little! Like you said, he really is what everypony is looking for!”

As Rainbow Dash walks back toward Pinkie with the bowl, she slips on the remains of the batter she dropped earlier. The pegasus lands her back as the fresh bowl of batter hits her in the face. Pinkie looks over at the mess and laughs!

“Somepony a little distracted? Thinking about somepony special?!”

Rainbow Dash gets up slowly. “I was not!”

She slips again and falls face first back into the sweet batter.

“Okay. Maybe a little. But Twilight was the first to see Arc’s qualities! She really should have a shot before anypony else!”

Pinkie helps Rainbow Dash up. “I think you’re forgetting one important thing!”

“Oh? What’s that?”

“What Arc wants, silly!”

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