• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Spectators

Arc appears on the sigil in the bathroom,

“That… that was TOO close, Arc!”

“Yes, it was.”

The bathroom door bursts open, Ember and Flash Sentry rush in!

“Arc?! Where have you been?!”

Arc shrugs as he steps out of the bathroom. “I just went for a walk.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “You were gone so long, sir! We were worried something had happened to you!”

Sereb nods. “My senses tell me that something DID happen.”

“Ehm… kinda.”

Ember glares at him! “Kinda?! Either it did or it didn’t! Which one is it?!”

“Were you attacked, sir?!”

“Um… again… kinda.”

“Darn it, Arc! Spit it out! WHAT HAPPENED?!”

“Okay, okay! Let’s sit down first!”

They make their way over to the couch. Arc removes his helmet and sets it down next to him as he recalls the rest of Eidolon’s Ward.

“Let me start out by saying that, as you can see, I’m fine!”

Ember folds her claws over her chest. “I’ll be the judge of that!”

“Like I said, I went for a walk to clear my head. Sleep was eluding me, and getting out to stretch my legs made sense.”

“I can understand that. But why didn’t you take somepony else with you, sir?!”

“It was late, and I didn’t want to disturb anyone. All of you were sleeping so peacefully.”

“Sir. It’s our job to protect you. Sleep deprived or no!”

Sereb sighs. “Did you at least have a nice time?”

“Sort of.”

Ember grabs Arc by the front of his tunic, furious! “Stop being vague and TELL US WHAT HAPPENED!”

Cherry sighs. “Please Arc! They deserve to know!”

“Well… I was walking down the street when I heard moans from nearby.”

Sereb frowns. “Someone was hurt?”

“That’s what I thought! But it turns out it was just our ‘rebel friend’ from Lord Gestal’s party the other night.”

Ember’s eyes grow wide! “A trap?!”

“How did you escape, sir?!”

“They just wanted to talk.”

Ember frowns. “I doubt that. Strongly!”

“I too was skeptical at the time.”

Cherry sighs. “As was I!”

“They wanted me to join them in… ultimately overthrowing the King.”

Flash Sentry nearly falls off the couch! “WHAT?!”

“I hope you didn’t agree, Arc!”

“You know me better than that, Ember!”

Sereb growls. “Why you?”

“As we saw at the party, they are very well equipped! However, according to their leader, what they lack are sufficient numbers to stage a coup.”

Flash Sentry nods. “As powerful as you are, sir, you’re just one warrior!”

“That may be. But they knew I had the authority to call for reinforcements from Equestria.”

Ember frowns. “That would trigger all-out war!”

“Which is why I’m not doing it.”

Flash Sentry considers this for a moment. “Could it be they were hoping to move swiftly enough to avoid allowing the military time to act?!”

Arc nods. “Maybe. Or, another thought, they planned to warn the authorities of our intentions prior to the attack.”

Sereb shakes his head. “The griffon military would be so busy with our troops that it wouldn’t take much force to overthrow the King, take command of the military and together beat back the ‘invaders’.

Ember shakes her head. “The rebels would look like heroes to the common folk!”

Flash Sentry turns to Arc. “What are we going to do, sir?!”

“I wish I knew who I could tell this to. They claim to have many friends within the government.”

Sereb frowns. “Do you think they’re bluffing?”

“Probably not. The armor and weapons they were wearing didn’t look cheap! Someone rich and powerful is bankrolling them!”

Ember nods. “Maybe Lord Goldstone?!”

Flash Sentry sighs. “Or any lord for that matter!”

Sereb growls. “Perhaps a disgruntled noble?”

Arc shakes his head. “There’s no way to know! All we can do in that regard is wait for them to slip up!”

Cherry gasps! “So we’re not going to tell ANYPONY about this?!”

“Not without knowing who to trust, no.”

Ember looks up! “What about Natalya?!”

“For all we know, she could be spying on us and reporting our every move back to the rebels!”

Sereb shakes his head. “I do not sense that level of deception in her.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “That level?”

“Everyone we have met thus far in this land has not been acting in earnest. They are all hiding something, Ember.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “But what?!”


Arc shakes his head. “Great! So we’re back to square one?!”

Cherry sighs. “So it would seem.”

Ember looks to the bed. “Arc, why don’t we get some sleep? Talking endlessly about an enigma that, at this point in time at least, is unsolvable won’t help anyone!”

Flash Sentry smiles at him. “We’re here if you need us, sir! But right now, you need to rest!”

Sereb chuckles. “An ancient proverb of The Forsaken Tribe says ‘a tired warrior is soon a dead one’.”

Arc stands up with his helmet under his arm, sighing. “Agreed. Let’s get some rest. Tomorrow is another day.”

Everyone takes their places as Arc sets his helmet on the nightstand.

“Goodnight Cherry.”

“Sleep well, my love.”

Arc rolls over on his back and stares up at the ceiling. He feels a claw on his shoulder.



“Can you do something for me?”

“What is it, Ember?”

“Promise me you won’t go off alone again while we’re here! You’re important to me!”

“I promise. Sorry for making you worry.”

Ember snuggles up to his side. “Just stay safe, okay?”

Arc smiles and puts an arm around Ember as he closes his eyes. “I will.”

Cherry smiles inwardly as she watches over the sleeping human and dragon. “Thank you for being there for Arc, Ember. You’re such a good friend to him!”

Several hours later the sun rises on a new day. Natalya enters the room in her Footpad armor with the breakfast cart. She approaches the bed and gently nudges him.

“Lord Arc? It’s time to wake up.”

Arc slowly opens his bloodshot eyes. “Morning? So soon?”

Natalya turns away from the bed uncomfortably as she sees Ember nuzzled up to his side. “Shall I give you a bit longer to sleep, sir?”

Arc sits up. “No. Sorry Natalya, but I just had a bit of trouble sleeping last night.”

Ember yawns. “We all did.”

Natalya blushes slightly at the scene before her. “Yes, well… the promotion ceremony will be starting in a couple hours. That is, if you still want to come.”

Arc stands up and takes his helmet off the nightstand. “Wouldn’t miss it!”

Flash Sentry gets up from the couch. “Nor would I!”

Sereb stretches and yawns as Natalya puts their breakfast on the table, happily! “Thank you! I’m sure you won’t be disappointed!”

They make their way to the table and sit down. Arc holds his helmet to his forehead and closes his eyes.

“How are you holding up, Natalya?”

She looks at him quizzically. “I’m as ready as I can be!”

Ember nods! “Good!”

Natalya looks to him. “Are you all right, Lord Arc?”

Arc nods as he returns the helmet to his ring. “Yes. I’m just fine.”

He picks up his silverware and begins to eat before looking back at Natalya.

“Can I assume you need to get there early for registration?”

“Yes sir. I can arrange to have another aide escort you to the Gladiator’s Arena later.”

Arc shakes his head. “That won’t be necessary. We’ll eat quickly so we can go with you.”

Their breakfast is finished in record time. Arc calls forth his armor as they leave the room. Ember turns to him.

“I hope we can find some good seats!”

Natalya chuckles. “That won’t be a problem. As an emissary and his entourage, you have access to a VIP box!”

Flash Sentry smiles. “Does it have a good view?”

“The best! Along with comfy chairs, waitstaff and private betting!”

Ember’s eyes light up! “Betting?!”

Natalya nods. “Griffons enjoy a good fight! But they also like to place bets on the outcomes!”

Flash Sentry frowns. “So it’s state-sponsored gambling?”

“Yes. It used to be an underground service. However, after failing to stop the practice, the Council of Lords ruled to legalize and regulate it!“

Ember laughs! “Was that really a good idea?!”

Natalya sighs. “Probably. Betting is MUCH safer now! “

She escorts them to the VIP section of the Gladiator’s Arena. A contingent of soldiers guard the entrance. Natalya walks up to the commanding officer and salutes!

“This is Lord Arc of Equestria. He wishes to observe the ceremony from the VIP section.”

The commander looks at Arc and his Honor Guards, nods to his soldiers and steps out of the way. Arc turns to him as they pass.

“Thank you, commander.”

They are led to a spacious room with luxurious décor. Natalya holds the door open for them.

“I think all of you will be quite comfortable here!”

Ember looks around. “I agree!”

Flash Sentry frowns. “Don’t let your guard down, Ember!”

“If you will excuse me, Lord Arc, I need to get to my place!”

“Very well. Good luck, Natalya!”

Ember gives her a thumbs up. “I’m sure you’ll do fine!”

Arc nods. “By the way… is an emissary allowed to place bets?”

“Yes! In fact, it’s encouraged for all new spectators to place at least one wager!”

He laughs! “Then I guess I’ll bet on you!”

Natalya shakes her head. “Please don’t throw your money away, sir. Shortly before we get underway the odds sheet will be released. Please read it carefully and make a sound choice.

“I will.”

She bows and leaves the room respectfully. Flash Sentry turns to arc.

“You’re not really going to bet on a fight, are you sir?”

Arc nods as he sits down in a comfortable looking chair. “Just one.”

Ember grins! “Natalya?”

“Of course! This is a prime opportunity to appear ‘flamboyant’!”

“Sir, it is rather unbecoming for an officer in the Equestrian military to be engaging in gambling!”

Arc turns to him. “Am I part of the military?”

“Maybe not officially, but…”

Ember interrupts. “Aw, don’t be such a stick in the mud, Flash Sentry! Sometimes you gotta live a little!”

She pulls out a small bag of bits.

“Besides… I’m betting on her too!”

Arc turns to Flash Sentry. “Normally I wouldn’t do this, but we need to fit in around here!”

He looks at Ember.

“I’m not sure how it would look for my Honor Guards to join in the betting though.”

Ember looks crestfallen. “Awww…”

“Shall I place a bet for you, Ember?”

Ember nods as she gives Arc the bag, happily! “Yes indeed! There’s 200 bits in there that says Natalya has what it takes!”

Flash Sentry sighs and rolls his eyes. “I have a bad feeling about this…”

Sometime later the door opens and Lord Gestal enters with his daughter.

“Good morning, Lord Arc.”

Arc stands up and approaches Lord Gestal. “That it is, sir! I’m looking forward to seeing this sport of yours firsthand!”

Lord Gestal nods as she shakes Arc’s hand. “Good to see you taking an interest in our national pastime, Lord Arc!”

Arc nods as he follows Lord Gestal and Lady Ashe to their seats. “When abroad, one must immerse oneself in the culture to really understand it.”

Ashe nods. “Well put, Lord Arc!”

They sit down and turn toward the arena floor. Ashe looks over to Arc, smiling.

“Thank you again for escorting me home last night.”

“It was my pleasure, Lady Ashe. I’m sure recent events have done little for your peace of mind.”

She sighs. “In difficult times we must all do what we must.”

Lord Gestal turns to him. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy the games, Lord Arc. This is always the high point around here!”

A short time later Chief Advisor Gunter enters with his Honor Guards. He walks over to them and takes a seat.

“Nice day for a fight, eh Lord Gestal?!”

“Yes, it is.”

Gunter looks over to him. “Good to see you could join us Lord Arc!”

“Glad to be here!”

The Chief Advisor turns to Lord Gestal. “Will any other members of the Council of Lords be joining us?”

“No. Lord Weller is busy inspecting a military base, Lord Adalbert is investigating rumors of rebel activities in a nearby village and Lord Goldstone is currently visiting Abyssinia.”

Gunter frowns. “They’re going to miss all the fun!”

Arc sighs. “Such a shame! I was hoping to meet them too.”

Ashe smiles at him warmly. “Perhaps next time you visit, Lord Arc.”

Lord Gestal nods. “Yes. The Council of Lords regrets being too busy to formally see you.”

Arc nods. “Yes well, I suppose it couldn’t be helped.”

Ashe looks to Arc and nods. “The burdens of running a nation are indeed great as I’m sure you understand!”

“That I do! All too well!”

He turns to Lord Gestal.

“If I may, what is Lord Goldstone doing in Abyssinia? I’ve seen it and have to say there isn’t much there of interest!”

“He’s our nation’s emissary to Abyssinia.”

Arc nods. “So he’s a member of the Council of Lords AND a diplomat? Lord Goldstone must keep quite busy!”

Ashe shakes her head. “Such duties are not very time consuming. The Griffon Kingdom has a very… isolationist attitude these days. So a part-time emissary is all that is needed.”

Lord Gestal nods. “I believe he visited Equestria some time ago.”

“Yes, I heard about that. Although it was before my time as Hero of Light had begun. Might I ask if the meeting was… fruitful?”

“Yes. At the time tensions between our nations were quite high. The princesses of your nation requested a peace meeting at Canterlot Castle. Lord Goldstone was successful in diffusing the situation.”

Ashe frowns. “Yes. However, I never understood why HE represents the Griffon Kingdom abroad. He’s an expert on economics and accounting, but one wouldn’t think that would transfer over to diplomatic skills.

Gunter chuckles. “Normally, yes. But you see, he’s also quite charismatic and a fast-talker. Skills required in a negotiator.”

Ashe nods. “I see. While I believe Arbiter Ghaleon would have made a fine choice as well, I understand your reasoning.”

A servant enters the VIP section and approaches Lord Gestal.

“Can I bring you anything, sir?”


Ashe looks over. “I’d like a glass of water, please.”

Gunter grins! “A tall glass of wine! And make sure it’s a good year!”

Arc nods. “A cup of tea would be nice.”

The servant nods as he writes down the orders on his notepad. “I’ll bring them immediately.”

Putting away the notepad and reaching into his bag, he procures a number of papers which he promptly hands to an Honor Guard of each VIP.

“Today’s odds.”

He bows and leaves the room. Ember wordlessly turns and gives the paper to Arc. He accepts it and looks it over as does Lord Gestal.

“It seems we have a full lineup today.”

Ashe sighs. “I still wish there was some other way to handle promotions!”

Gunter smiles at her. “But that wouldn’t be as entertaining, Lady Ashe!”

She frowns. “Or as profitable?”

Lord Gestal turns to her. “King Guto has decreed this is how things are to be done, my dear.”

“And the Council of Lords agrees with him?”

“It does, my dear! We must be sure our soldiers are led by strong and brave leaders!”

Ashe turns to Arc. “I’m sure things like this are handled differently in Equestria.”

Arc nods. “Indeed. Promotions are earned through dedication, hard work and perseverance! Although it does seem that the strongest rise higher than most.”

Gunter nods with evident pride! “Naturally!”

Lord Gestal looks to him. “Do you disagree with that, Lord Arc?”

“It has served Equestria for this long. Why change now?”

Ashe smiles and nods at him. “Well said!”

The servant returns with a water, tea and glass of wine. He sets them before their recipients and again pulls out his notebook.

“Shall I take your bets now?”

Gestal nods as he gives one of his Honor Guards a bag of bits. “Yes. I’ll put 50 bits on Lieutenant Franz.”

The servant accepts the bag and writes out a ticket. “Good choice, sir!”

Gunter tosses the servant a bag. “Give me 100 on Captain Gina!”

He catches the bag and gives the nearby Honor Guard a ticket. “Very well!”

Ashe shakes her head. “I’ll pass!”

The servant looks to Arc as he removes the bag Ember gave him. “I’ll bet 200 bits on Footpad Natalya.”

The servant looks up, confused.

“Begging your pardon, sir?”

“Is something wrong?”

“Well… no sir. It’s just quite a large sum to bet on a Footpad!”

Gunter rechecks the sheet in his talons. “Aye! Especially one who has 10:1 odds against her!”

Arc gives the bag to Ember. “I have faith in General Blackbeak’s former lieutenant.”

The servant accepts the bag from Ember and writes up the ticket. “As you wish, sir.”

He leaves the VIP box, mystified as Lord Gestal turns to him.

“Quite a gesture, Lord Arc. Do you know something we don’t?”

“The general demoted and assigned her to be my assistant after she was soundly defeated in sparing matches against my Honor Guards.”

Gunter nods soberly. “Perhaps that will teach her to train harder!”

“She has been.”

Ashe looks confused. “Oh?”

“I wanted to see how griffons fought, so I ordered her to spar with my guards.”

Lord Gestal nods. “Did she impress you?”

“Not at first. However, I wanted to see if she could be taught.”

Ashe smiles at him. “How so?”

“By facing her myself.”

“Oh my! Is she all right?!”

Arc takes a sip of his tea. “Oh yes. I went easy on her. Sore muscles, bumps and bruises were the only real damage done to her.”

Lord Gestal sighs. “I have seen her with General Blackbeak on several occasions. She never really struck me as being soldier material. Your thoughts, Lord Arc?”

“When we started, I thought the same. But by the end of the session, she had really come around!”

Gunter chuckles as he looks out the window. “I’m looking forward to seeing the fruits of you labor, Lord Arc!”

Ashe smiles at him. “As am I.”

“Will General Blackbeak be joining us?”

Lord Gestal turns to Arc. “No. He is officiating the matches from the Judge’s Box.”

He points a claw at another box across from theirs. It is directly behind the Arena floor on ground level. Two statues of Royal Griffon Guards stand silently on either side of a more regal looking figure. The trio are perched proudly above the judges stand.

Arc nods. “Well, at least he won’t miss any of the action. Say, who is that a statue of?”

Ashe turns to him. “King Grover. First king of the Griffon Kingdom. He loved watching sporting matches here years ago. And while that tradition has passed, it is widely held that he watches over the participants even now.”

“So, he loved competition?”

Ashe nods. “If the history books can agree on one thing, it’s that! However, he absolutely HATED those who blatantly violated the rules!”

Lord Gestal chuckles. “Our first king was a stickler for honesty and fair play. Once when King Grover saw a Boffyball player cheat in the closing seconds, he immediately stopped the game, ordered the offending player jailed, and ordered the game to resume from the previous play.”

Gunter scoffs. “It would have been quicker to just award victory to the other team!”

Arc nods thoughtfully. “Perhaps he thought it would be unfair to award a victory that hadn’t been properly earned?”

Ashe smiles. “Most likely! However, there is a legend that began circulating after his death that said the old king would come back to punish any player whom he saw cheating!”

Gunter laughs throatily! “Unlikely, of course! But it does help maintain a level playing field!”

Before long the various ranks begin to make their way to the edges of the arena. Gunter turns to Arc as the matches commence.

“You see, Lord Arc, the Footpad must defeat a Sergeant Trainer in order to be promoted! If the Footpad wins, they are promoted and get a small percentage of the arena’s bets on them!”

“That’s surprising!”

Lord Gestal nods. “It helps motivate them to do their best and strive for greatness.”

Ashe sighs. “Amongst other things.”

Sn hour later Natalya takes her place against the Sergeant Trainer. Gunter points a talon.

“It looks like we’ll get to see how well your pupil learned from you, Lord Arc! But I hope you weren’t too attached to your bits!”

Arc shrugs. “It’s only money, after all. But I have faith in Natalya!”

Lord Gestal nods and turns to the arena floor. “We will see…”

The Sergeant Trainer looks at the Footpad approaching her with disdain.

“You again?!”

Natalya frowns. “Yes, me again!”

The trainer raises their sword and shield to battle ready position. “I hope you’re more of a challenge than you were last time!”

Natalya holds up her weapon. “I think you’ll find I’m not the same as before!”

Ashe watches the pair. “A spear? Rather strange choice of weapon for a Footpad.”

Gunter chuckles. “The Trainer has the right idea! Give me a good old-fashioned sword any day!”

Arc turns to Ashe. “It takes a bit more practice to use proficiently than a sword. But, at least in my opinion, can be much more versatile.”

Lord Gestal nods. “Any weapon, in the right claws, can make one a formidable opponent.”


Meanwhile, the pair square off. The Trainer spreads her claws wide in a taunt.

“Tell you what! I’ll let you have the first go! Show me what you have, peon!”

“Very well.”

Natalya charges headlong at the Trainer, her spear leveled. The Trainer deflects the blow and forces the tip of the spear into the ground! Not slowing down, Natalya lets go of her spear and smashes into her opponent, knocking them down! She quickly retrieves her spear and rushes over to point it at the Trainer’s face!

“I… I concede.”

The audience applauds as the Trainer gives Natalya a Sergeant’s insignia>

Arc nods and whispers. “Good job.”

Gunter looks at the display before him, wide-eyed! “What the…”

Lord Gestal nods. “Very interesting use of her weapon.”

Ashe looks to Arc. “I wonder if she’ll continue on. Maybe another promotion is in order for such resourcefulness!”

Arc shrugs. “That’s up to her. But I wouldn’t mind seeing what she can really do!”

Gunter points a talon! “Look! She’s heading for the Sergeant’s corner!”

“What does that mean?”

Ashe nods as she watches the display. “She’s going to stay and wait to fight a Lieutenant Trainer and try for another promotion.”

“Good! She was most insistent on getting her rank back!”

The other Footpad matches conclude. Sometime later the servant returns with a large bag of bits. He gives them to Ember.

“Your winnings, Lord Arc.”

Arc smiles as Ember hands him the bag. “Bits well invested!”

“Would you care to make another wager, sir?”

Arc sets the bits down at his feet. “I would. Do you have the updated odds for the next round yet?”

“Yes sir. “

Arc takes the sheet from Ember as she gives it to him. “Let’s see here… I see Sergeant Natalya’s odds have changed.”

The servant nods. “Yes sir! The office believes her victory to be something of a fluke.”

He removes several large bags of bits from his ring and gives them to Ember. “Give me 10,000 bits on Sergeant Natalya.”

“Forgive me, sir, but are you certain?!”

Ashe shakes her head. “Lightning seldom strikes the same spot twice, Lord Arc.”

“Yes! I have faith in the young lady!”

Gunter sighs as Arc is handed the bet slip. “You seem to put quite a bit of faith in someone you barely know!”

Arc leans back in his chair. “Call it a hunch.”

The matches continue. Some combatants are victorious while others are removed from the arena floor by medics.

Ashe winces. “That looked painful!”

Arc nods. “Agreed!”

Lord Gestal nods stoically. “After a bit of rest in the hospital, they will be fine.”

Gunter chuckles. “Don’t worry! No one has ever died on the arena floor!”


“Not during a promotion ceremony, no.”

Lord Gestal nods. “Arena matches are sometimes held for other reasons.”

Arc looks over to him. “Such as?”

Ashe turns to Arc. “We have some rather… old laws still on the books. One of them is the Battle of Truth.”

Her father clears his throat. “In the event a case between two or more parties cannot be decided either way by the courts, either the prosecution or defense has the right to call for the Battle of Truth.”

Gunter grins! “If approved by the judge, both sides will enter combat here in the Gladiator’s Arena to see who is right!”

Arc frowns. “But what if the defendant is elderly or otherwise unable to fight?”

Ashe sighs. “They would have to enter a plea of substitution. In which case they could appoint a Champion to take their place in the Arena.”

Lord Gestal nods. “It is our belief that fate does not allow the guilty to go unpunished. This simply expedites justice.”

Ashe thinks for a moment. “Let me give you an example. Let’s say a prominent elderly widow accused someone of murdering their mate. The case would go before our court system, who would do their best to determine if the defendant’s case has any merit.”

“Sounds very similar to Equestrian law thus far.”

“Well, if during the trial no evidence can be brought forth to definitively prove the charges are true by the prosecutor, then the defense must present evidence to prove they are innocent.”

Arc nods. “And if they can’t?”

Gunter grimaces. “Then to show their resolve, they could petition the court for a Battle of Truth. The elderly widow would bring forth a Champion to represent them, while the other side would do the same. The verdict would then be decided by a one-on-one battle here.”

Lord Gestal nods. “The battle would continue until one side is either dead or unable to continue, as determined by the judge presiding over the case.”

Ashe smiles with relief. “Fortunately, such things are almost non-existent!”

Gunter shrugs. “It’s probably for the best. Such matters really should be determined in a courtroom!”


Sometime later Natalya’s turn comes up again. Ashe points a talon at her.

“Looks like it’s your protégé’s turn, Lord Arc.”

“Good! Let’s see if she can become a lieutenant again!”

Gunter shakes his head. “I doubt that! She’s known as a bit of a regular around here!”

Lord Gestal shrugs. “We shall see, Gunter.”

Natalya approaches her opponent unwaveringly. The Lieutenant Trainer scoffs at her.

“I was hoping to never have to see YOU again!”

Natalya frowns. “Likewise.”

“I won’t go easy on you! General Blackbeak was most displeased by your failure! You’re not going to become a lieutenant ever again!”

Natalya takes up a battle-ready stance. “We’ll just see about that!”

The Trainer lunges at her in an attempt to end the battle quickly! Natalya quickly sidesteps and trips her with the butt of her spear! The Trainer falls to the ground as the crowd laughs!

“What the heck?!”

Natalya grins! “I’m not the same griffon you faced before!”

“Different or not, you’re going down!”

Natalya rushes toward her! “Big words! Let me show you want I’m made of!”

“You do that!”

Natalya flies at her, allowing the Trainer to deflect her attack! As she passes, Natalya wraps her tail around one of the Trainer’s legs, dragging her along for the ride before stopping abruptly and whacking her with her spear as he careens past her!

Ashe smiles. “Quite resourceful!”

Her father nods. “Indeed! But the battle is not yet won.”

The Trainer rises and looks at Natalya defiantly!

“I’m not through with you yet!”

Natalya points her spear at the weakened griffon. “Give it time! You will be!”

They fly at one another yet again! The Trainer drops down as her opponent flies over her. Natalya grabs her by the tail with her hind feet and throws her head over heels toward the ground! She lands with a bone jarring crunch.

Arc winces. “That… looked painful!

Ashe turns to her father. “Why don’t they stop the match?! It’s obvious she’s hurt!"

Gunter shakes his head. “The match goes on as long as the Trainer is conscious and able to stand.”

Lord Gestal looks to his daughter. “General Blackbeak will stop the fight if he believes either of their lives are in mortal danger.”

Ashe frowns. “But…”

Her father interrupts her. “She can concede at any time. “

Natalya looks down at her fallen opponent from overhead. The Trainer struggles to rise. Before she can do so, Natalya swoops down and elbow drops her opponent in the back! The Lieutenant Trainer screams out in agony!

Gunter turns away! “Uh oh! I know THAT sound!”

Ashe looks to him, confused. “What is it?!”

“You’ll see soon enough.”

General Blackbeak motions to a nearby soldier. They blow the horn signaling the fight to stop! The general himself and several soldiers fly down to survey the scene. Natalya slowly gets off her opponent. Natalya looks down and touches the blood on her chest plate.

“What the… “

The general lands nearby, quickly surveys the scene and waves to some nearby medics. They rush over and lay the injured griffon on a stretcher before flying away toward the medical area. General Blackbeak reaches down and picks something up off the ground. He walks over to Natalya and puts the item in her claw before raising it.

“The victor… by decision!”

The crowd cheers and applauds loudly for some time. Ashe turns away looking quite ill!

“Is that… what I think it is?!”

Lord Gestal nods. “Yes. The Trainer’s tail.”

Arc frowns! “WHAT?!”

Gunter sighs and nods. “It’s not very common, but things like this DO happen.”

Ashe looks to her father. “Isn’t that against the rules?!”

“Yes. However General Blackbeak saw the same thing we did. It’s clear to everyone Sergeant Natalya didn’t do that on purpose.”

Arc, looking a bit green himself, looks to Gunter. “Why did the general give her the tail?!”

“Those two have been rivals for quite some time! The only reason she became a Lieutenant in the first place was because that Trainer was away during that particular promotion ceremony!”

Ashe puts a talon to her stomach. “So it’s a trophy?!”

Her father nods. “To put it negatively, yes. The sergeant… nay, lieutenant fought hard and with honor. The tail will always be a reminder to her of what one can accomplish with hard work and dedication.”

Ashe stands up and storms out of the room! “I think I’ve seen enough of this for one day, father!”

Lord Gestal nods and stands. “I suppose I should get back to work.”

He looks back to Arc as he stands and extends a claw.

“I hope you have enjoyed yourself this day.”

Arc shakes Lord Gestal’s claw soberly. “I… feel as though I understand your culture just a bit more now.”

Lord Gestal nods and leaves the room. As the applause dies down, Gunter points a talon at the Arena floor!

“It looks like the lieutenant is done fighting for the day.”


“She’s running back to the Locker Room!”

Arc nods. “I think I’m going to head back as well.”

Gunter laughs! “All this excitement getting to you, Lord Arc?

Arc nods as he leaves the room with his Honor Guards. “Something like that.”

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