• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Insecurities

Frank emerges from the Bathroom sometime later. He spots Arc and Ember sitting on the couch together waiting for him and walks over.

“I apologize for making your two wait.”

Ember grins mischievously. “Don’t worry about it. The delay allowed Arc and I to have some quality alone time together.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Yeah. That’s what we were doing.”

He holds up a tome.

“This is the book Twilight gave me. It really helped me take my first steps into the wide world of magic.”

Frank nods and accepts the book as he sits down. “Thank you, my friend.”

He opens the pages and begins to read. Arc turns to Ember.

“I have a few things to do. Think you can stay with Frank?”

“Sure. But what’s so important?”

Arc counts on his fingers as he talks. “Inform Captain Tight Ship about tomorrow’s expedition. Check in with Flash Sentry and Sandstorm Mirage on the what they’ve been up to since I was here last. Head over to Carousel Boutique for…”

“Okay, okay! Preparations! Got it!”

Arc chuckles as he stands up. “You good for a bit, Frank.”

Frank nods, but does not look up. “Fine.”

Arc heads for the door. “I’ll try to be back for lunch.”

Ember calls out after him. “Isn’t this the day Saffron makes pizza?”

Arc grins as he steps out the door. “Thanks! Forgot about that.”

Ember chuckles as the door closes behind him. “That was easy.”

Frank looks up as Ember turns back to him. “Oh?”

“Arc’s pretty easy to read.”

“That much I do know. We grew up together after all.”

“At the Farburg Orphanage, right?”

Frank nods. “Correct. Did I mention that during our car ride over there before Christmas?”

Ember shrugs. “Either that or Arc said it. Truth be told, at this point I can’t remember either way.”

“Memories fade with time. No shame in that. But I was wondering if you could tell me something.”

“What is it?”

“Forgive me for being so blunt, but… are you and Arc honestly not intimately involved?”

Ember sighs. “No.”

“Apologies, but from the way I’ve heard you speak to him…”

“Sorry if I came on a bit strong in front of you. Arc told me that humans don’t usually get into… relationships outside their species.”

Frank nods. “That is true, as it’s considered ‘bestiality’.”

Ember appears confused. “What’s that?”

“Sexual relations with an animal.”

Ember glares at him. “I am NOT an animal!”

“It was not meant as a slight, Ember. Humans consider any living, breathing creatures that are not ‘homo sapiens’ to collectively be animals.”

“That’s still kinda rude!”

“Again, it was not intended to be. However, you honestly seem to care about his well-being from what I can tell.”

“That I do. But… can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“Do you… do you think it could ever work out between a human and a… a non-human?”

“By that you mean between you and Arc?”

Ember nods as Frank considers the question.

“Had you asked me that yesterday I would have quickly said no, as animals back on Earth lack the mental fortitude for complex thought.”


Frank sighs. “However, from what you’ve displayed thus far, I do believe you do indeed have the mental aptitude for proper emotions and the ability to love.”

“Um… thank you?”

Frank chuckles. “In any case, I must admit I’m looking forward to our little excursion tomorrow morning. Tell me, is the rest of this land as beautiful as I think it is?”

Ember nods. “Yes. But probably not for the reasons you think.”


“It’s full of life. Ponies whom care for one another and help make this land… I don’t know. Whole?”

“I’d like to see this for myself.”

“Trust me, you will.”

Arc returns sometime later. He heads for the couch where Ember and Frank are still talking.

“Sorry I took so long. Nice to see you two getting along.”

Ember shrugs. “We’ve come to a tentative agreement.”


“Frank’s actually really similar to you, Arc.”

Arc chuckles. “I suppose we are. Although our methods are certainly very different as of late.”

Frank nods. “Perhaps. But we still have the same endgame in mind.”

Ember frowns. “Yeah well… let’s hit the Cafeteria for lunch.”

The trio head for the door together. Frank looks to Arc.

“Can I assume you have total authority here, my friend?”

“Yes. Why?”

Frank chuckles as they walk down the corridor together. “Pizza?”

Arc shrugs. “What? It’s veggie pizza.”

Ember frowns. “Hey!”

“Well, all except Ember’s.”

“I assumed all the ponies here were plant eaters.”

Arc nods. “They are. But my chef makes one especially with meat.”

Ember turns to Frank. “I’d be willing to share.”

“What… kind of meat are we talking about?”

Arc grins. “Cockatrice and fish.”

Frank frowns. “Admittedly that doesn’t sound very appetizing.”

“I thought so at first too, but my chef can seemingly make anything taste good.”

Ember chuckles. “Yeah. But Arc still prefers his extra-cheese.”

“Hey, I know what I like.”

They arrive at the Cafeteria. Frank looks around to see guards sitting at various tables with happy faces buried in their plates or levitating slices with magic.

“It must be hard to eat without hands.”

Ember shrugs. “Or magic as far as Unicorns are concerned.”

Arc chuckles. “They’ve managed this long. After all, you can’t miss what you never had.”

He leads the group to his table. They sit down as Saffron emerges from the Kitchen levitating several pizza pans.

“Good afternoon, commander.”

“Hi, Saffron. We’ve been looking forward to this.”

She looks to Frank.

“My apologies, sir. I was not aware the commander had a guest. Shall I make you a pizza of your own?”

“No, no. I can just eat what the others are, Miss… Saffron was it?”

“Yes sir. Let me know if you change your mind.”

“Thank you.”

Arc chuckles. “We’ll share with him.”

He looks around the Cafeteria before turning back to Saffron.

“It appears my pizza order has been quite the hit.”

Saffron nods. “That it has, sir. Today’s lunch is the high point of the week. Well, I need to get back to the Kitchen. There’s a few pizzas in the oven that need to come out soon.”

Ember calls out after Saffron as she returns to the Kitchen. “Tastes great as usual!”

Saffron giggles from the doorway. “I’m glad you like it, Ember!”

Frank turns to Arc as he hands him a slice of his pizza.

“Thank you, but I can eat…”

Arc interrupts him. “Trust me. You can’t stomach most of the pizzas that were baked for my soldiers.”

“Oh? Is there something wrong with them?”

Ember rolls her eyes. “I don’t know. Do you like barley and grains?”

Arc nods. “Whole grains and barley, that is. As toppings. Along with spinach, bananas, apples, cherries, lettuce, carrots, and radishes.”

Ember nods. “Their pizzas are pretty much salads with tomato sauce.”

“While I do enjoy a good salad, I… think I’ll abstain.”

“You should try Ember’s pizza though.”

Frank eyes it suspiciously.

“What’s cockatrice meat taste like?”

Ember looks confused. “Uh… like… cockatrice?”

Arc chuckles. “Think of it like chicken. It’s really quite good

Frank looks over the slice for a moment before taking a bite.

“I admit, it certainly isn’t what I was expecting. However, this is quite good. Tell me, what’s that other slightly salty taste?”



Arc nods. “Saffron grinds it up before adding it to the tomato sauce.”

Ember grins. “Makes it taste better in my opinion.”

Frank continues chewing. “I suppose it does add to the flavor of the sauce.”

He takes a bite of cheese pizza.


“You like it?”

Frank nods. “Very much so! I’ve never been much for plain cheese. But this is just divine!”

Ember chuckles. “Saffron says it’s all in the seasonings.”

Arc grins. “She’s right about that.”

“Yes! It’s like a flavor explosion in my mouth! Where did this cheese come from?!”

Arc looks toward the Kitchen. “Saffron said she was unable to find the perfect cheese, so she resorted to making her own.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Really? I didn’t know that.”

“True story.”

Frank nods approvingly. “She’s very talented. Tell me, where did you find her?”

“Canterlot sent her over. Apparently she was originally worked in the castle’s kitchen.”

Ember grins. “Tastes like it.”


They continue eating. Ember turns to Arc.

“What’s the plan for the rest of the day?”

“I figured we should probably let Frank rest up for tomorrow.”

Frank frowns. “Truthfully, I’d be interested in seeing more of this town.”

Ember shrugs. “You could always open a portal back to your quarters back at Light’s Hope, Arc.”

“I suppose so. Well, if that’s what you want, we can do that.”

A short time later they leave Light’s Hope and walk back toward Ponyville. Frank turns to Arc.

“Where should we go first?”

“We should probably head over to Carousel Boutique and have you measured up for some new clothes.”

Ember grins slyly at Arc. “Are you sure that’s the only reason?”

Arc looks away as he blushes slightly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Ember chuckles. “Right.”

The group makes their way to the shop. Entering, they find Rarity and Sassy Saddles setting out displays. Upon seeing him Rarity quickly trots over.

“Arc! It’s good to see you again!”

He kneels down to give her a hug which she returns as Sassy Saddles walks over to join them.

“Hi, Rarity.”

“How are things on Earth?”

“Um… complicated right now. But I want you to meet someone.”

He turns and gestures to Frank.

“Rarity, this is my friend Frank Fontaine. Frank, this is Rarity. She owns Carousel Boutique and is my sole supplier for clothing. And this is her assistant, Sassy Saddles.”

“A pleasure, sir.”

Sassy Saddles smiles at him. “How do you do?”

“Very nice to meet you two.”

“Frank is going to be here awhile. So I thought we should get him some clothes made up.”

“Yes, of course. Please step right over here, Mr. Fontaine.”

She leads Frank over to her workbench. Picking up a seamstress’ tape she quickly takes his measurements as Sassy Saddles writes down what she calls out.

“…and thirty.”

Sassy Saddles tears off the page from her notepad. “Got it.”

Rarity turns back to Frank. “I’ll get to work on something nice right away.”

“Thank you, but it doesn’t have to be…”

“Oh, but it does! After all, we want you to look your best for the event!”

Arc looks to her, confused. “Event?”

Sassy Saddles nods. “Yes. For the party.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “What party?”

Rarity gasps. “Oh dear. You just got back into town, so of course you didn’t know.”

Sassy Saddles turns to Arc. “In a few days we’ll be celebrating the anniversary of the town’s founding.”

Rarity nods. “Yes. And it’s a big year too. Ponyville’s fiftieth anniversary.”

Arc grins. “I didn’t know that.”

Rarity looks up at Arc with a hopeful gleam in her eyes. “Will you be attending?”

Ember shakes her head. “Sorry, but we have a lot of preparations to make before…”

Arc interrupts. “Yes, of course. After all, it wouldn’t do for the Hero of Light to miss such an auspicious occasion.”

Frank nods. “I too will come.”

Ember frowns. “Uh… okay. Count me in then.”

“I’ll be sure to have a new set of clothes made up for you as well, Arc.”

“Oh, that isn’t really…”

Rarity smiles. “No, no, I insist. You should look your best, after all.”

“Okay. If you say so.”

Rarity turns to Frank. “Stop by later for your fittings.”

“I look forward to it, Miss Rarity.”

“Oh, please. Just call me Rarity, sir.”

“Very well. But only if you call me Frank.”

Rarity smiles. “It’s a deal.”

She turns to Arc.

“Arc, might I talk to you privately?”

“Yes, of course.”

He turns to Ember and Frank.

“I’ll be right back.”

Rarity turns to her assistant. “Could you please make them some tea, Sassy Saddles?”


She leads the pair to the Kitchen as Rarity and Arc head upstairs. Ember chuckles to herself as she mutters under her breath.

“Good luck, tiger.”

Meanwhile, Rarity leads Arc to her room. Entering together, she closes the door behind them as Arc turns to her.

“So what seems to be the problem, Rarity?”

“I… um… need a bit of… uh…”

She shifts uneasily on her hooves as she forces a smile.

“…parenting advice.”

“Should we sit down? You look like you’re really nervous.”

Rarity nods. “Yes, I am.”

The pair sit on the edge of the bed together as Rarity collects her thoughts.

“Things have been rather… strained since that night I told Sweetie Belle the truth.”

“I’m sure it was quite the bombshell for her.”

“Don’t misunderstand me. I’m very glad you were able to convince me to do it. After all, she needed to know the truth. But…”

Rarity clops her front hooves together nervously.

“…but she’s become such a handful since then.”

“What do you mean?”

“Sometimes she calls me ‘Rarity’. Like when we’re around town running errands. Other times she calls me ‘mom’. While it makes my heart soar to finally hear her call me that, I just feel a bit… conflicted by it.”

Arc looks confused. “How so? After all, you’re certainly her mother.”

“It took me until a week or so after the peace summit to figure it out. She never calls me ‘mother’ or ‘mom’ other than in the privacy of our home.”

Rarity looks up to him and lowers her voice.

“I think… that she might be a bit embarrassed by me.”


“Yes. After all, she was born without a father. I wanted to know if that was… um… an issue in your household.”

“You mean with Dinky’s father?”

Rarity nods as Arc sighs.

“Not really, no. After all, she’s met him before.”

“She has?”

Arc nods. “Yes. There was a bit of a… misunderstanding some time back. In any case, Derpy introduced the two, as she felt it was important.”

“That must’ve been very heartwarming.”

Arc frowns. “No, it wasn’t.”

“Oh? What happened?”

He clenches a fist angrily. “He told her off.”

Rarity gasps. “WHAT?!”

“It’s true! That scum sucker told Dinky she wasn’t his!”

“I’m very sorry to hear that! How did she take the news?!”

“Very well, actually. In fact, she agreed with him.”

“But I thought you said…!”

“Dinky walked over to me and said something to the effect of… ‘my REAL dad is right here’.”

Rarity smiles. “That was very mature.”

Arc smiles. “Yes, I’m very proud of her.”

“Has it affected your relationship in any way?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not really. But until that moment, I didn’t really know that she saw me in that way. As more of a parent than her own biological father, I mean.”

Rarity sighs. “I must admit, I’m a bit jealous.”

“You are?”

“Yes. You two seem to have the ideal relationship.”

Arc looks down at his hands. “I… haven’t actually seen her is a while.”

“What? But… what about the last time you were here?”

“Truthfully, I was so busy with the preparations for the summit, I… didn’t really have time to…”

Arc’s voice trails off as Rarity puts a hoof on his knee.

“And you haven’t seen her since coming back?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I spent last night at the castle and this morning at Light’s Hope. I’m planning on meeting her and Derpy at the Orphanage after school gets out, of course. But I just feel like a terrible parent.”

He looks to Rarity and smiles sadly.

“Truth be told, I’m jealous of you.”

Rarity sighs. “You’re jealous of a mare who made the biggest mistake of her life?”

Arc shakes his head as he reaches over and puts a hand on Rarity’s hoof. “Sweetie Belle wasn’t a mistake. She was just… unexpected.”

“I know, but… I just can’t help but wonder if… if maybe… I should have put her up for adoption back then.”

“Why’s that?”

“Maybe then she would have been raised in a loving home by parents whom care for her.”

“And you don’t?”

“No, no! I mean… it’s just… I’m always working on something or other. It could be clothes or doing paperwork. But either way, I’m constantly neglecting her.”

“Rarity. I’m traveling between dimensions constantly. You’re here for your daughter. At least physically.”

“That’s true, I suppose. But… but there’s more to it than that.”

“Something happen?”

Rarity nods. “Last week was parent/teacher conferences at the school. I was very busy that day, so I was trotting in place impatiently as Sweetie Belle and I waited our turn.”

Arc sighs. “At least you were able to go.”

“Yes, well… on the way back home Sweetie Belle said something about me needing help.”

“She might be onto something there if you have THAT much work to do.”

Rarity shakes her head. “It wasn’t that kind of help. You see… I’ve been very stressed out lately due to my workload, and don’t really have much of an outlet for it. When Sweetie Belle suggested getting help, I originally thought she meant hiring somepony. But she wasn’t talking about that.”

“I think I see where this is going.”

“She… told me I should think about finding a special somepony and… settling down with them.”

Arc blushes. “Oh. Um… did you tell her about… us?”

Rarity shakes her head. “No. After all, you were the one who said you didn’t have time for a marefriend.”


“No, no! I understand completely! After all, if you’re too busy to see Dinky regularly, I don’t want you to feel guilty about neglecting a marefriend.”

Rarity lays her head on his shoulder.

“Although I have to admit, I’ve absolutely loved every moment you’ve spent with me. Especially recently.”

Arc puts an arm around Rarity. “And I’ve enjoyed the time we spent together too.”

He sighs.

“We’re really similar, you and I.”

Rarity nods. “Yes. Both of us have fillies we don’t have time for. But what can we do?”

“I really don’t know. All I can think of is just doing our very best.”

Rarity sighs. “Admittedly, it isn’t much.”

“True. But it’s all we can do right now.”

“I should be able to do more.”

Arc nods. “I think the same of myself quite often.”

“But you really can’t do more. After all, as capable as you are, even you can’t be in two places at once.”

“I suppose not.”

They are silent for a time. Eventually Rarity speaks.

“Sweetie Belle and Dinky… they both deserve a proper home and… a father.”


“Arc, I… um… I know this might sound a bit strange, but…”

Her voice trails off.

“What is it?”

“I… just wanted to say that I believe you’re an excellent father to Dinky. And that… you’d make an equally fine father to Sweetie Belle.”

“Thanks. But I can’t see that being true until I’m a full time parent.”

“But you will be one day. You said so yourself.”

Arc nods. “As soon as Princess Celestia again sits on the throne, yes. Then she can deal with the problems facing the land as she has in the past.”

Rarity looks to him, hopeful. “And us?”

“Like I said before, I’d… actually like to explore that option.”


“Yes. But as we agreed on last time, if you find someone else in the meantime, please don’t wait for me, okay?”

“Alright. If that’s what you want, I suppose. But the same goes for you.”


“If you find somepony special, don’t hesitate on my behalf.”

“But what about…?”

“Sweetie Belle? She and I both know that no matter whom you choose to spend your life with, you’ll always make time for your friends.”

“I’ll try to anyways.”

“Thank you, Arc.”

“What for?”

“Being a good role model for my daughter. She talks about you all the time, you know.”

“I’d like to be able to do more for both of them. And… for you.”

Rarity smiles. “That would be a dream come true.”

“Hopefully soon we’ll be able to do so.”

“I… actually already spoke to my friends about that very thing.”

“You did?”

Rarity looks nervous. “Yes. I hope that was okay.”

“No complaints here.”

Rarity breathes a sigh of relief. “Good! I was a bit worried you’d be upset. After all, we aren’t actually dating.”

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to say that you can’t talk to your friends about whatever you want, Rarity. Even if we were dating, or even married, I don’t own you.”

“Thank you. And you’ll be very happy to hear that they approve of our relationship.”

“Oh… um… that’s good to know. All of them?”

“Well… kinda.”

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I know this can’t be easy.”

“The only issue was Rainbow Dash.”

Arc chuckles. “That kinda doesn’t surprise me. She’s so competitive, after all. What was her complaint?”

“She… kinda suggested something a bit… unorthodox.”

“How bad could it have been?”

Rarity blushes. “That maybe we could… share you.”

“You mean like a ‘herd’?”

Rarity looks up, surprised. “You… you know about that?”

Arc nods. “Cherry told me about their historical significance.”

“I see. So… um… are you… interested in something like that?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not really, no. It just seems so impersonal. And you?”



“I’ve always viewed them as something from our land’s barbaric past. But in all honesty, with you and my friends…”

She looks up at him and smiles.

“…I think we’d all be very happy together.”


Rarity nods. “Yes. You, me, our friends, Derpy…”

“Wait! Derpy?!”

Rarity appears confused. “You do care about her, don’t you?”

“I… I do! But I never thought of her as anything more than just a friend!”

“Well, if that’s how you feel about her, I won’t push it. But you should know that we’d allow her into the herd with open hooves.”

“Um… thanks?”

“That and it wouldn’t be proper to take Dinky away from her father. Not to mention she, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom would love being sisters.”

“Applejack too?”

Rarity nods.

“Wow. I… I guess I have a lot to think about.”

“There’s no rush. After all, none of us are going anywhere. But I’d really like it if you’d at least consider it.”

“I’ll give the matter some thought.”

Rarity nods and straightens up, She turns and looks Arc in the eye as she smiles broadly.

“Thank you for listening to a silly mare’s problems.”

“Anytime, Rarity.”

She leans in close and gently kisses Arc’s cheek before drawing back and blushing.

“Whatever you choose to do, make sure you’re happy, okay?”

“That I can do.”

Arc wraps his arms around Rarity and pulls her into his lap. They share a long embrace before he plants his lips on hers. Contentedly, Rarity leans into the kiss as she muses to herself.

“I never want this to end. Arc would make all of us very happy. It’s so nice having friends you can share literally everything with.”

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