• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,571 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Plans, or the lack of...

Early the next morning, The Equinox lands at the Griffonstone Skyport. As it touches down with a slight bump, Arc’s eyes open. Seeing the first streaks of light coming over the horizon through his window he smiles and sighs contentedly.

“Looks like we’re here.”

The sound of sheets rustling next to him greets his ears as a warm feeling suddenly finds itself on his side. Turning, he looks to Hammer lying next to him and speaks softly.

“Good morning.”

Hammer yawns. “That it is.”

Smirking wickedly, she continues.

“But I still think it would have been a whole heck of a lot better if you and I had gone all the way last night.”

Arc rolls his eyes as he sits up. “Same old Hammer. Never gives up.”

Hammer laughs. “You know you love that about me!”

Arc turns and smiles at her. “I guess I do, yes.”

Pulling the covers away to expose her nude body, Hammer grins.

“And this too!”

“Okay, okay, I admit it. I do enjoy sleeping with you naked, Hammer.”

“Good! Because I do too!”

Arc chuckles as he stands. “Hey. My eyes are up here.”

Hammer continues looking at his pelvis hungrily. “And?”

Arc tosses her uniform at her. “And it’s time to get dressed.”

The pair begin making themselves ready for the day. As Arc finishes, Hammer groans and calls out.

“Guess I’m going commando today.”

Arc turns to her. “What?”

Hammer lifts her uniform skirt to expose her bare genitals. “I didn’t bring any spare clothes, or undergarments aboard, remember?”

Pulling aside her uniform jacket to expose her bra strap, she continues.

“Wearing this thing for a second day is bad enough. But I can’t exactly go around with these puppies flopping around all over the place either.”

“I think I can help you with that.”

Hammer licks her lips seductively. “Wanna hold them up for me?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “I was thinking more along the lines of this.”

Pulling a pair of panties and a bra from his ring, Arc holds them out to Hammer as he continues.

“Here you go. They might not fit perfectly, of course. But they’re still a lot better than nothing.”

Hammer grins. “Raiding someone’s panty drawer, Arc?”

“Not exactly. You see, I put them in my ring along with an outfit for Rainbow Dash to change into after we went swimming on our date.”

Hammer nods approvingly as she pulls the panties up. “Good idea there.”

Stopping, she looks to Arc and frowns.

“Uh... but if these were supposed to be for blue, then why do you still have em?”

Arc sighs. “Because she never got dressed after that.”

Hammer grins as she prepares to ‘high five’ him. “Way to go, Arc!”

“I just meant that she didn’t need them afterwards.”

Hammer laughs heartily. “That makes it sound even better!”

Arc groans. “It was because she fainted!”

“Got any popcorn in that ring of yours, Arc?! Because I am loving listening to this play by play!”


“I’d like something to munch on while I watch you dig yourself into a deeper hole.”

Arc shakes his head. “I did give her some clothes after she woke up a few hours...”

Stopping, Arc groans before resuming.

“You know what. I’m going to stop talking now.”

Hammer slaps Arc on the shoulder happily. “I know you didn’t do anything like that to her. Even if she probably wanted you to. But what’s all this about her passing out?”

“Apparently we spent a little too long in the sauna.”

“Ouch. That’ll do it.”

Arc walks over to the bathroom as Hammer follows him. He picks up a comb from next to the sink as his bedmate brushes her hair.

“We spent the next couple days sick in bed too.”

Hammer shudders. “Sounds like it put the brakes on your date for a bit.”

“Sorta. I mean, we were pretty miserable back then. But it did give us a chance to talk a bit.”

“At least you two made good use of your time back there.”

Arc nods. “And since we were both already sick, neither of us had any qualms about sharing the bed.”


Arc shrugs as the pair leave the bathroom together. “So I guess you could say that the whole thing sorta had a silver lining to it.”

“I’ll say. While you two were gone, I’d often lie awake at night staring up at the ceiling and wondering how it was going.”

“You could have just called us, you know.”

Hammer grins sheepishly. “Yeah, well... that could have been really awkward.”

“How? I mean, we’re all friends.”

“If I had called and you two were doing something more than just cuddling, I mean. It would have totally killed the mood.”

“Ah! Okay, admittedly you do raise a good point there.”

“I mean, I knew that you two would have a nice time together. But I still thought about it a lot. Like I did last night.”

Arc appears confused. “You thought about Rainbow Dash and I last night?”

Hammer facepalms. “That didn’t come out right.”


Hammer groans. “Truth be told, I had trouble falling asleep last night and staying asleep.”

Arc shrugs. “It happens to everyone.”

“Not usually to me though.”

“Then what was the issue?”

Hammer sighs. “I… sorta, kinda, mighta kept looking over at the door.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “The door?”

“To make sure it was locked.”

“Ah! The whole fiasco with Ashe yesterday.”

Hammer bows her head. “And with Princess Celestia too.”

“Right. Kinda forgot about that.”

“She probably thinks I’m nothing more than a total slut now.”


“I know I would have had I found myself in a position like that.”

“She knows you’re interested in me and are a potential future herd mate. So it really shouldn’t come as that big a surprise to her.”

Hammer looks to Arc apologetically. “Yeah, well... I’ll try to do better in the future.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “While I do appreciate that, please don’t stop being you.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow, confused. “Don’t stop... what now?”

“Being yourself. The whole teasing thing you do to me is something that I kind of enjoy.”


Arc nods. “Yeah.”

Hammer grins. “Then I’ll do it more often!”

“You just need to take precautions. Like locked doors, for starters.”

“I will! Promise!”

Arc’s earring chirps. Touching it, he speaks.

“Go ahead.”

“Sir, this is Lemon Hearts. I have a message for you from Lord Gestal.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “When did he send it?”

“Just a few moments ago, sir. Is this a good time?”

Arc nods as he looks to Hammer. “Sure, go ahead.”

“He said... ‘I am told by my daughter that you have an urgent matter to discuss with me. Please come to my estate, along with anyone else whom is a part of this affair, for an early breakfast so we can discuss whatever concerns have come up’.”

Arc frowns. “When did Ashe contact him?”

“About ten minutes ago, sir.”

Hammer whistles, clearly impressed. “That was fast!”

Lemon Hearts continues. “Shall I send a response, sir?”

“Yes, tell Lord Gestal that we shall accept his invitation and be there in two hours.”

“I’ll send the message immediately, sir. Should I notify Princess Celestia as well?”

Arc nods. “Please do. Tell her that she is welcome to join us for this meeting at the estate.”

Wrangler calls out as she heads for the door. “I’ll take care of it!”

Lemon Hearts nods. “The message is on its way. Um… there is one other matter you should know about though, sir.”

“Oh? What’s that?”

“Princess Celestia had a very long phone conversation with Princess Twilight last night.”

“What about?”

“I’m not sure, sir. They asked for a secure connection which didn’t allow for anypony, myself included, to listen in.”

Hammer looks to Arc as she pulls on her boots. “That’s standard procedure for royal communications though.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, I don’t really have a problem with them talking late into the night. They’re not fillies, after all.”

Lemon Hearts grimaces. “Yes sir. And normally I wouldn’t have even mentioned it. But it’s what transpired after they finished talking, sir.”

Hammer groans. “Uh oh. What happened?

“Princess Twilight notified me that she would be… joining her mentor aboard The Equinox.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Come again?”

“Princess Twilight is currently aboard The Equinox, sir.”

“What?! How?!”

Lemon Hearts shrugs. “Princess Celestia brought her here… somehow.”

Arc facepalms. “Didn’t know her portal magic was that powerful.”

“I was ordered not to awaken you, but to notify you of this matter when we touched down, sir.”

Arc sighs. “Alright. Thank you for that, Lemon Hearts. Anything else I should know?”

“No sir, that should do it.”

“Good. In any case, tell the princesses that we’ll all meet in the Cargo Hold and take the chariot to Lord Gestal’s estate.”

Hammer frowns. “Um... are you sure that’s a good idea, Arc? After all, there’s already been an... issue with that mode of transportation here in the past.”

Lemon Hearts quickly chimes in. “Lord Gestal did say in his earlier correspondence that he would be willing to send his new armored carriage to safely ferry you and your entourage to his estate, sir.”

Hammer looks to Arc. “That would probably be for the best.”

“Normally I would agree with that. However, the last time Twilight was here she had a panic attack due to the claustrophobic nature of the carriage.”

Lemon Hearts nods soberly. “Your orders, sir?”

“We’ll leave that decision up to Twilight and go with whatever she wants to do.”

“Very well, sir. Will there be anything else?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I think that will be all.”

“Yes sir.”

“Arc out.”

He severs the connection with a touch of his finger to the earring. Walking over to the window, Arc looks out over the city before them as he sighs as he speaks.

“Seems like we just keep coming back to this place.”

Hammer shrugs. “It’s where all the action is lately.”

“So it would seem. But I still don’t like it.”

“We all do what we have to, Arc.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. Now then, if we’re going to be heading out for breakfast at a lord’s estate I guess we’d better get a bit more cleaned up than we are currently.”

“A shower would probably be in order.”

Arc gestures to the bathroom as he turns to Hammer. “You can go first if you...”

He stops talking as he sees Hammer standing before him completely naked. Raising an eyebrow, Arc continues.

“When did you...?!”

Hammer puts her hands on her hips. “…get in the buff? As soon as you turned your back.”

“But that was just a few moments ago.”

Hammer grins. “What can I say? I move quickly when there’s something I want.”

Arc shakes his head. “I really don’t think this is the time for...”

Hammer interrupts him again. “Sure it is! I’ve already triple checked the door locks!”

“But we need to get ready for...”

“Don’t you like what you see though, Arc?”

“I do, yes.”

Hammer smirks. “Then do me a favor.”


“Let’s get cleaned up together.”

Arc sighs. “Fine. But only because I don’t have time to argue with you.”

“All right!”

Grabbing his hand, Hammer pulls Arc toward the bathroom. Sometime later they join Twilight, Ashe, and Celestia in the Cargo Hold. Celestia looks them up and down as Twilight speaks.

“Good morning, you two.”

Celestia frowns. “It would appear that you two made… good use of your time last night.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

Celestia motions to Hammer’s uniform with a hoof. “It would appear that your outfit was lying on a floor all night.”

Hammer sighs. “I didn’t have a change of clothes, okay.”

Ashe attempts the straighten the as she talks. “Why not just hang them up then?”

Hammer groans as she jerks a thumb toward Arc. “Because I was a little too... distracted at the time, okay!”

Arc sighs. “Admittedly, I probably should have said something.”

Celestia shakes her head. “Then allow me to correct that.”

Her horn aglow, Celestia casts a spell on Hammer’s uniform. Gasping, Twilight watches wide-eyed as it suddenly appears freshly pressed.


Celestia turns to her former student. “Just a little something I came up with years ago out of necessity. You see, after the Hoof Maidens complete their tasks and make me ready for an event, I need to maintain the level of perfection that they have worked so very hard to achieve for me. Any amount of pressure in the wrong place will certainly make wrinkles. So I developed a spell to momentarily greatly increase the elasticity of the outfit I cast it on at the microscopic level.”

Ashe nods as she looks over Hammer. “And gravity does the rest.”

Celestia smiles. “Exactly. And in doing so the wrinkles simply cease to exist.”

Arc inspects the spell’s effect. “That they do.”

Hammer looks to Celestia sheepishly. “Th-thanks.”

“You are welcome, lieutenant.”

Turning to Twilight, Celestia continues.

“I’m told that the carriage will arrive shortly.”

Ashe nods. “And it’s much better than the original was.”

Twilight grins. “That’s good. We can avoid disrupting the citizen’s lives by setting out at such an early hour.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “So you’ve decided to use the armored carriage over your chariot, Twilight?”

Twilight nods. “I was planning to use the chariot, yes. But Princess Celestia was able to convince me to do otherwise. For security purposes, that is.”

Hammer sighs. “Considering what happened the last time you and Arc were here, that’s probably for the best.”

Celestia groans. “It did take quite a bit of coaxing from me to change her mind though.”

A guard approaches Twilight and salutes before speaking.

“Your majesty, the Bridge reports that the carriage from Lord Gestal’s estate has arrived.”

“Very good. Go ahead and admit them via the...”

Hammer interrupts her. “Hold on a second! Has the carriage and it’s drivers been vetted?!”

The guard nods. “Yes, Lieutenant Hammer. Our forces have inspected the interior as well as checked the papers of the griffons pulling it.”

“Sounds like someone did their due diligence.”

“Yes, ma’am. Captain Soarin has the ship on high alert for just that reason. Which keeps everypony on edge.”

Arc looks to the guard. “Go ahead and admit the carriage then.”

“Yes sir.”

Motioning to the guard near the large exterior door, he presses a button. The doors slide open and the carriage rolls up the ramp and into the Cargo Hold. As it stops Hammer walks over to it and opens the door. Getting in, she carefully looks all over the interior for a few minutes before sticking her head out and calling to Twilight.

“All clear, Princess Twilight.”

“Alright. Um... can we get underway now?”

Hammer nods as she hops out of the carriage. “Yes, your highness.”

Arc gestures to the door as he looks to Twilight. “After you.”

Taking a deep breath, Twilight walks toward the carriage. Stepping inside, she looks over to Arc.

“Would you please sit next to me?”

Arc nods. “Of course.”

Getting in, Arc takes his place beside Twilight. Celestia, Ashe, and Hammer get in next and sit down across from the pair. Hammer pulls the door shut and presses a button on her radio before speaking.

“Ready to depart.”

A few moments later the carriage begins to move. Twilight looks out the window and sighs as the guards escorting them come into view.

“We’re on our way.”

Ashe turns to her. “Is something wrong, Princess Twilight?”

Twilight nods sadly. “This is my second time visiting the Griffon Kingdom, you know. While I suppose that I really should be excited about visiting another country, ever since I first learned about the trouble here, I can’t help but feel a nameless dread every time I hear the name ‘Griffonstone’.”

Arc frowns. “Well, to be fair, your first trip wasn’t exactly a happy occasion for anyone. What with the subject matter on the line.”

Celestia looks to her student evenly. “But that former matter is over now, Twilight.”

Ashe gestures out the window. “Lord Goldstone is dead and buried. He can’t hurt anyone any longer.”

Hammer nods soberly. “That’s true, yes. But I get the feeling that his past actions are going to be causing trouble for folks here for quite some time to come.”

Twilight groans. “Natalya and her siblings at the moment, yes.”

Celestia gazes out the window as she speaks. “Such is the reason we are here, Twilight.”

Ashe appears hopeful. “With any luck, my father will be able to advise us on this matter and give his take on it.”

A short ride later they arrive at the now familiar estate. As usual, griffon guards patrol the grounds as well as the skies overhead. Stepping out of the carriage, Arc and company are quickly escorted inside via the front door. They find Lord Gestal waiting for them in the Main Hall patiently. He approaches his daughter and the pair embrace. Gestal is the first to speak.

“It is good to have you home, my dear.”

Ashe smiles sadly. “Likewise. I only wish it were under happier circumstances, father.”

Gestal looks over to the others as he and Ashe break off the embrace. “Welcome to our home, Princess Twilight. Princess Celestia. Lord Arc.”

Twilight curtsies. “Thank you for seeing us on such short notice, sir.”

Celestia nods. “Yes, we’re aware that the issue at hoof is very sensitive along with a very tight deadline.”

Gestal gestures to a doorway with a talon. “Indeed. However, we can discuss it over a light breakfast.”

Leading the procession deeper into the manor, they soon come to the Dining Room. A large spread is already set out with innumerable servants around the perimeter of the room awaiting orders. Pulling out a chair for Celestia, Gestal motions for her to approach as Arc does the same for Twilight. Taking their own seats, Arc looks to their host.

“Thank you for the meal, sir.”

Hammer motions to the servants all around them. “Begging your pardon, sir. But with the sensitive nature of the matter at hand, might I recommend dismissing the hired help?”

Gestal nods. “Of course.”

Waving his talon at them Gestal motions to the door. The servants bow respectfully and leave the room together. Arc casts a Telekinesis Spell on the door, closing and locking them behind the departing griffons. Turning to their host as everyone begins to eat a few moments later, Arc speaks.

“We do hope you can give us some kind of a solution to this issue, Lord Gestal.”

Twilight nods. “Yes. We’ve already tried talking through a number of potential scenarios with Lord Goldstone’s heirs on the way over here.”

Celestia sighs. “And none of them have an amicable outcome for all parties concerned.”

Ashe turns to her father. “It appears that some kind of legal loophole will be required in this case.”

Gestal nods as he wipes his chin with a cloth napkin. “Indeed. I’ve considered the matter since learning of the reason for your arrival and there are indeed a few avenues one could take to rectify the situation.”

Arc appears hopeful. “That’s good.”

“Shall I go through them one at a time?”

Twilight smiles. “Please do, sir.”

“Very well. Now then, the simplest solution would be to do what most in their position would. Accept their inheritance and the position of the deceased.”

Ashe shakes her head. “I have already advised them on that, father. None of Lord Goldstone’s heirs actually want to do such a thing, as that would require them to remain in the country.”

“Did you warn them of the possible complications regarding this estate being fought over by Lord Goldstone’s other heirs, Ashe?”

“I did, yes.”

Gestal turns to Arc. “A smaller estate could, of course, be turned over to a management company to look after in their absence. However, nothing of the sort has ever been attempted regarding an estate of this magnitude.”

Arc sighs. “Ashe did mention such a thing to us previously. Could it be done?”

“As I said, normally yes. However, such things are usually only done short term for extensive estates.”

“They are, father?”

Gestal nods. “Yes, Ashe. For example, if a noble were planning to go on vacation abroad for a month or so they would use such a service for both their business and personal estate. After all, things do come up sometimes that require immediate decisions and action. Smaller estates could, of course, use such a service for extended periods of time. However, even they need maintenance from their shareholders sometimes.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Shareholders?”

Gestal turns to him. “That’s what the head of an estate, their spouse, and heirs are known as.”

Ashe looks to Celestia. “Anyone with a talon directly in the pot, so to speak.”

“It would appear that such an option is not viable in this case.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “Any other paths we could take, Lord Gestal?”

“Another slightly similar option would be for them to turn the estate over to someone close to them that they trust in the Griffon Kingdom. They could remit instructions to that individual on what to do with their fortune. However, such a thing could in theory void their shareholder status, as the individual left in charge would legally have full authority to act as they saw fit.”

Ashe sighs. “This individual would then have to take their place in permanent residence here in the Griffon Kingdom, I assume.”

Gestal nods. “Correct, my dear. There really is no easy way to get around something like that.”

Hammer groans. “Which puts us right back here at square one again.”

Arc shakes his head. “Right.”

Gestal looks to him. “There is another avenue, Lord Arc. As Natalya’s owner, you have the legal right to take possession of her inheritance and declare yourself the primary shareholder over her and her siblings.”

Twilight frowns. “But that would also require him to remain here in the Griffon Kingdom, would it not?”

Gestal puts a talon to his chin. “Normally, yes. However, an exemption might be possible in this extreme case.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “An exemption, sir?”

“Since Lord Arc is simultaneously a well-known foreign public figure, high ranking government official, directly in line for the Equestrian throne, and a noble of you land, a case could be made that he cannot realistically be required to stay here in the Griffon Kingdom as his presence is needed periodically back in Equestria.”

Arc groans. “But that would still require me to take what rightfully belongs to Natalya.”

“Yes it would, Lord Arc. That and such a thing would require unanimous approval from both the Council of Lords as well as King Guto.”

Celestia appears confused. “But how would he be able to make decisions for the estate if not from within the country?”

“The king would most likely require Lord Arc to liquidate the physical assets and sell off any businesses run by Lord Goldstone.”

Ashe chimes in. “Those would be a number of large financial institutions and other assorted businesses mostly.”

Twilight taps the table with a hoof. “And what about the money made from the sales of the a fore mentioned businesses?”

“Limits would probably be set in place before the sale on how much could be transferred outside the country at a time. After all, it wouldn’t do for such a large amount of money to up and leave our economy all at once.”

Hammer scoffs. “But if it’s his shouldn’t Arc be able to just physically transfer it to Equestria via his airship?!”

Celestia shakes her head. “The Griffon Kingdom has a say in this matter due to sheer size of this estate.”

Ashe nods. “Right. As was stated over dinner last night, if he were to simply take such a vast amount of wealth back to Equestria all at once, it would do great harm to both our nations’ economies.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Not something I want to do, mind you. But the final decision right now rests with Natalya.”

Gestal nods soberly. “Then I recommend that you have the eldest sibling take their papers to the address listed on them and get their take on this matter. Since the office deals with estates on a regular basis it is possible that they will be able to think of some kind of exemption on the books that I do not know of. Can I assume that she came with you on this trip, Lord Arc?”

“Yes, sir. She and her siblings are still asleep back on my airship. I volunteered to come see you about their options prior to them speaking to the powers that be regarding what path they want to take.”

Celestia looks to Gestal as she speaks. “I recommended that they stay behind to get a good night’s sleep. After all, one can’t make proper decisions when fatigued. More so when they may affect the entire country.”

Gestal sits back in his seat. “Then I ask that you bring my council back to them and let the proper officials know what path they wish to take.”

Twilight nods. “Yes sir, we will.”

Hammer grins as she looks to the food. “But in the meantime, let’s enjoy this spread!”

Everyone chuckles as they continue eating. A short time later they finish and stand. Twilight looks to Gestal and smiles.

“Thank you for your time, sir.”

“It was my pleasure, Princess Twilight. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be of more help to you in this matter. And please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. After all, both of our nations’ economic futures hinges on this matter.”

Leading them back to the front door, Gestal calls for the carriage. Entering it, they wave to him and begin the trip back to The Equinox. Celestia frowns.

“That could have gone better.”

Twilight turns to her mentor. “Princess Celestia?”

“We were far too casual in there, Twilight.”

Hammer shrugs. “It was just a lord, right? I mean... it’s not like he’s the king, or something.”

Ashe rolls her eyes. “I’m sorry. Is the head of the Council of Lords not high enough for you, lieutenant?”

“I didn’t mean it like that!”

Arc shrugs. “Think of Lord Gestal kinda like a prime minister, or something, Hammer.”

Hammer’s eyes grow wide. “Woah! That’s a bit higher than I thought!”

Twilight clears her throat loudly. “In any case, I initially thought we should play this one by ear. But when Lord Gestal spoke to us so casually, I thought such a thing to be the norm.”

Ashe gestures with a talon. “It was probably due to Lord Arc being present.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “How so?”

“As I’m sure you already know, Lord Arc has done so much for the Griffon Kingdom through pushing for the treaty, taking in our street orphans, and saving me personally on several occasions.”

Arc nods. “Lord Gestal is the one I can call at any time if I have some kind of a dilemma that I can’t figure out. He’s always been able to either solve the problem outright or put me in touch with the one whom can.”

Ashe smiles. “And quickly too. Any time Lord Arc’s ship contacts my father’s office, he drops everything to return the call.”

Hammer sighs. “We’re probably going to need his help on this matter later too. Best keep him close at hand, just in case.”

Sometime later they arrive back at The Equinox. Proceeding to the cafeteria the group finds Natalya, Gallus, and Gabby sitting at a table together. They stand as Arc and company approach them. Gabby is the first to speak as she looks to Arc.

“How did it go?!”

Natalya frowns as she turns to her little sister. “Gabby! That’s no way to speak to someone of Lord Arc’s position!”

Gallus nods. “Right.”

He turns to Arc before continuing.

“We were just waiting here for Saffron to get breakfast going.”

Natalya smiles nervously. “I hope that was okay.”

Arc nods as he sits down. “Sure. After all, I’m sure you three are hungry.”

Hammer sniffs the air hungrily. “Smells like she’s in the middle of it right now.”

Twilight turns to her, confused. “How are you still hungry after eating that much at Lord Gestal’s estate?!”

Arc chuckles. “I think Hammer has a hollow leg.”


Celestia clears her throat as she looks to the young griffon’s before her. “In any case, things did go alright at the meeting, yes.”

Ashe nods. “My father suggested a couple ideas we’ve already gone over before landing on one that might be of use to us.”

The ambassador looks to Natalya before continuing.

“As it stands, you cannot accept your father’s estate without permanently moving back to the Griffon Kingdom.”

Natalya frowns. “Which is something I refuse to do.”

“I understand that you have put down roots and have a job back in Equestria, yes.”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “And this country sucks!”

Hammer frowns. “Sure sounds like it, yeah.”

Gabby gasps. “What?! I like it here!”

Gallus glares at his little sister. “You would!”

Natalya looks to Twilight. “Like the ambassador says, I have a life in Equestria. It just... feels like home to me. Like I belong there.”

“So we’re left with the last option.”

Hammer shrugs. “A potential option, that is.”

Arc sighs. “As you know, according to griffon law, legally I own you.”

Natalya nods. “Yes sir.”

“And according to Lord Gestal, I technically have the right to take anything you own. Including your right as a shareholder.”

Gallus glares at him. “But that’s my sister’s rightful estate!”

Gabby points to Gallus. “Yeah! Whatever he said!”

Natalya bows her head. “What you say is indeed correct, sir. However, that would only make you responsible for overseeing the estate from here in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Ashe looks to Natalya. “Under normal circumstances, yes. However, my father believes that a special exemption could be found for Lord Arc.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow, skeptically. “What kind of ‘exemption’?”

Arc sighs. “Lord Gestal believes that I being a well-known political figure, amongst other things, I couldn’t be forced to stay in the Griffon Kingdom and babysit the estate.”

Natalya appears confused. “But someone has to be in physical control of such a thing.”

Celestia nods. “Normally, yes. However, there are a few additional caveats to this potential plan.”

Twilight picks up where Celestia left off. “The physical assets, as well as Lord Goldstone’s intangible possessions, would most likely need to be liquidated.”

Gabby raises a talon. “Um... I don’t understand what ‘liquidated’ means?! Does that mean you put it in a giant blender, or something?!”

Hammer shakes her head. “It means everything is sold.”

Gabby appears hopeful. “To us?!”

Celestia puts a hoof on Gabby’s shoulder. “No, my dear. To others. Likely at auction.”


Gallus shrugs. “That’s just fine with me.”

Gabby gasps. “But Natalya said that we could come back home to visit sometime!”

Natalya sighs. “We can, Gabby. Just not at the old estate, as someone else will own it by then.”

Gallus scoffs. “If you really want to come back to this terrible place I’m sure we could get you a hotel room somewhere.”

Gabby frowns. “What do I need that for?! I already have a room!”

Natalya shakes her head. “Which is inside the estate.”


“It’ll be sold, remember?”

Gabby jumps up onto the table angrily. “But you can’t do that! It belongs to me!”

Celestia clears her throat loudly. “Actually, it belongs to whomever owns the estate.”

Hammer shrugs. “And at the moment, that’s in some kind of legal limbo.”

Ashe nods. “Until an heir legally takes possession of the estate, yes.”

Natalya turns to Arc. “So... what would I have to do in order to turn over the estate to you, sir?”

“I don’t really know. Ashe?”

Ashe chimes in. “You would have to go to the office handling the estate transfer with Lord Arc and present yourself and your paperwork to the official there. After notifying them of your intent to claim your inheritance you would then inform the official of your status as a slave to a foreign master. He will then ask Lord Arc to see the ownership papers to verify your claim.”

Arc grimaces. “That... might be a problem.”

Ashe appears confused. “You no longer have the papers presented along with Natalya upon her delivery to you?”

Arc shrugs. “I think I burned them.”

Gallus grins. “Good!”

Twilight looks to Ashe. “But it’s probably still on record somewhere, right?”

“Yes, Princess Twilight. Lord Arc would simply have to tell the official that your papers were lost in a fire and that he is awaiting new ones.”

Hammer frowns. “That would only delay things. How would he go about getting new papers?”

“Normally there is a slew of paperwork to fill out and hoops to jump through in order to acquire the necessary copies. However, I could call my father later and ask him to put through a special request for immediate copies to be delivered here to the ship.”

Celestia puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Will the official allow the matter to go forward without those papers?”

Ashe shakes her head. “Legally, he can’t. For any sort of claim over that of which belongs to another individual, notarized proof of ownership is required. And that can only be done with the proper documentation present.”

Gallus frowns. “So we really do have to wait for them?”

Ashe nods. “I’m afraid so, yes.”

Arc looks to the ambassador. “How long will that take?”

“If I call him now, my father can send a guard to the Aviary to retrieve copies of the transfer of ownership to Lord Arc. They would then have to take them back to my father for a signature before flying them here to The Equinox for Lord Arc’s signature to make them valid.”

Hammer groans. “Sounds like it would take a while.”

Ashe shrugs. “A couple hours, yes.”

Twilight puts her front hooves on the table and stands. “But we do need to get this ball rolling! And soon!”

Celestia sighs. “Yes. The Griffon Kingdom is very strict on its legal timetables.”

Natalya holds up the legal document. “According to my math, we have until the close of the business day today.”

Hammer shudders. “Best not wait until the last minute though.”

Gallus turns to Natalya. “She’s right. We’re already cutting this pretty close, sis.”

Gabby looks to her sister pleadingly. “Can’t I have the estate?! I promise I’ll be good!”

Natalya rolls her eyes. “No, Gabby.”

Arc looks to Ashe. “Think you could call your father and see about getting that matter underway?”


As she leaves the room, Hammer turns to Natalya.

“Hey, uh...”

“What is it?”

“I just... was wondering how someone in the Griffon Kingdom could be... you know...?”

Gallus frowns. “Sold into slavery?”

Hammer nods. “Yeah. It just doesn’t seem right for any reason to me.”

Natalya shrugs. “Extreme debt and criminal convictions mostly.”

Celestia looks to Natalya. “And which one were you, my dear?”

“Technically, neither.”

Arc nods soberly. “She never got a trial.”

Natalya sighs. “The evidence against me at the time was pretty one sided though. So it would have been an open and shut case for me anyways.”

Arc chimes in. “As a reward for rescuing Ashe back then, Lord Gestal offered to give me Natalya as a reward.”

Hammer frowns. “Couldn’t you have asked for something else though?”

“It was either that or execution for her. So I didn’t really want to try to play the negotiating game. He had papers drawn up for me and had some guards deliver Natalya to my room aboard the Lunar Destiny.”

Natalya smiles. “He had me looked over by Nurse Redheart and even bathed me when I couldn’t do so myself.”

Arc sighs. “Considering the circumstances at the time, it was the least I could do.”

Twilight puts his back. “It sounds like you did well though, Arc.”

Celestia nods. “Yes. A life spared is a life saved.”

Natalya grins. “And I do appreciate all you’ve done for me, sir. It’s more than a slave ever gets here in the Griffon Kingdom.”

“You deserved no less though, Natalya. Remember, you were innocent in the crimes levied against you.”

Gallus scoffs. “Not that the powers that be cared one bit.”

Gabby shrugs. “Natalya’s okay though! That’s what really matters!”

Natalya sighs. “No, Gabby. There’s one more thing.”

“What’s that?!”

Natalya smiles at her little sister. “That I’m happy too.”

A short time later Ashe returns to the cafeteria. Approaching the table, she calls out.

“My father will expedite a new copy of Natalya’s ownership papers immediately. It should arrive in about an hour.”

Celestia appears impressed. “That’s quite a bit faster than anything else I’ve heard of.”

Twilight giggles. “I guess when the order comes from the top, everypony jumps.”

Hammer grins. “Lord Gestal says ‘jump’, and they ask ‘how high’, huh Arc?”

“Something like that, yes.”

Natalya shrugs. “He is the king’s right talon, after all.”

Gallus looks around “Now then, what should we do in the meantime?”

Gabby looks to the kitchen doors as Saffron emerges with several platters of food suspended by a magical spell. “How about eat?!”

Gallus groans. “Gabby, how can you think about food at a time like this?!”

Twilight smiles. “She’s right though.”

Celestia nods. “Yes. You three need to keep your strength up.”

Hammer sighs as the platters are set before them. “Especially with what lies ahead.”

Gallus frowns. “What? Seeing our sister’s enslavement paperwork again?”

Arc attempts to change the subject. “Thank you, Saffron.”

“You’re welcome, sir. Can I get you anything else?”

“No, I think we’re good.”

As she returns to the kitchen, Arc turns to Gallus.

“I’ll make you a deal.”

“What is it, sir?”

“When this matter is settled and done with, you can be the one to burn Natalya’s papers this time.”

“I’ll hold you to that.”

Gabby grins wickedly. “Fun with fire!”

Natalya grimaces. “Maybe keep Gabby away when you two are doing that though. She doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to open flames.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Uh oh. What happened?”

Gallus sighs. “Let’s just say that it involved marshmallows, an open fire, and an open container of kerosene.”

“I just wanted to see what would happen!”

Sometime later the group finishes their meal. Twilight stands and looks around the table

“Well... we should probably adjourn for now.”

Celestia nods. “Yes. Not much we can do until the replacement papers arrive via courier, after all.”

Natalya picks up the dirty dishes. “I’ll bring these back to Saffron.”

Hammer joins her. “Let me give you a hand with that.”

The pair head for the kitchen as Gallus looks to Arc.

“Um... can I talk to you, sir?”

“Sure. What’s up?”

Gallus grimaces. “Could we go somewhere a bit more... private? It won’t take long.”

“How about my office?”

“That’ll work.”

Gabby raises a talon excitedly. “Can I come too?!”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “What part of ‘private’ don’t you get?!”

“But it’s just me!”

Twilight smiles at Gabby. “Now, now... just let them have their little talk. How about you and I play a game?”

Gabby hops out of her chair. “Really?! I love games!”

Celestia giggles. “Is there room for another?”

Twilight appears hopeful. “Would you like to play too, Princess Celestia?”

“Yes, I would.”

Arc chuckles as he looks to Gabby. “Lucky girl! You’re going to be the first griffon in history to play games with not one, but two princesses!”

Gabby flaps her wings excitedly. “I’ll be famous!”

Twilight motions to the door. “This way to the Game Room.”

She, Celestia, and Gabby leave the room together as Arc and Gallus follow them out. Parting ways, they head to the Upper Deck and Arc’s office. Entering, Arc sits down at his desk and rests his hand on his blotter as Gallus sits across from him.

“Now then... what is it you wanted to talk to me about?”

“I... just wanted to tell you that I really don’t like what was done to my sister. How she was forced to become your slave, and all that.”

“Neither do I.”

“But, at the same time, I do understand why you did it.”

Arc nods soberly. “I couldn’t just let them execute Natalya. After all, she had done nothing wrong.”

“How did you know that though?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“I’m asking how you knew my sister was innocent.”

“From what I could tell the evidence that was brought forward was obviously planted in her room. I mean... a rebel cloak just happened to be found in her room that just happened to have documentation found with it that just happened to be discovered on the very hour and day of the treaty signing.”

“It did seem to be really convenient, yeah. And while I’m certain I already know the answer to this, what exactly did your investigation turn up?”


Gallus nods. “Into my sister. I mean, I’m sure you checked her out before releasing her in Ponyville.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I already knew she was innocent.”

“How though?”

“Like I said, the evidence against her was...”

Gallus interrupts him. “So there was no investigation at all?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Gallus. And believe me when I say that Natalya isn’t the leader of the rebels.”

“I know that, sir. But one thing doesn’t make sense.”


“While I know everything about Natalya… you don’t. So there’s really no way you could have known she was innocent back then. That is unless...”

“Unless what?”

Gallus looks Arc squarely in the eye. “Unless you already knew whom the real rebel leader was.”

Arc sighs and looks away as Gallus stands and plants his talons on the desk as he leans forward.

“You do, don’t you?!”


Gallus glares at him. “They why not report it?! My sister could have been publicly exonerated and the real culprit held accountable!”

“It’s not that simple, Gallus.”

“Oh, I think it is!”

“Believe me, it isn’t.”

“Then break it down for me!”

Arc stands and walks over to the window. Looking out it, he speaks.

“It happened some time ago. Shortly after the treaty was signed by Princess Luna and King Guto. I was... out of sorts from a poisoned crossbow bolt that I took to the hand in defense of the princess earlier. Having failed to sabotage the treaty, they sought to take revenge on me personally for my role in the proceedings. That and a particularly personal attack from me on a very good friend of theirs. Lying in wait, the rebel leader attacked me in my quarters when I was alone and weakened. I was able to badly wound them before passing out on top of them though.”

Gallus narrows his eyes. “If that’s true, it would have been reported by the Griffonstone Skyport to the proper authorities!”

“By the time I was discovered, we had long since taken off. Well outside the borders of the Griffon Kingdom, I might add.”

“But you still could have turned them over to the Griffon Kingdom! Equestria, as well as you personally, would have become legendary!”

Arc sighs. “As I said before, it’s not quite that simple. Even with the evidence I had, no one would have believed that they were the rebel leader had I turned them over.”

“Why though?!”

“Because of their position in griffon society. The leader is... they’re just so high up the food chain that no one would suspect them. Or believe me for that matter.”

“But my sister told me that Lord Gestal trusts you completely! Surely he could have been convinced if presented with the proper evidence!”

Arc turns and looks back at Gallus. “Perhaps. However, this is a very high stakes situation here. Even the best outcome would have dire consequences for both of our nations.”

Gallus frowns. “Worse than what already happened to Natalya?!”



Arc walks over to his desk chair and puts his hands on the back of it as he speaks.

“The leader of the rebels is extremely powerful in the Griffon Kingdom. That much I’ve already said. In fact, they’re so high up that their exposure and subsequent arrest would literally have destabilized your entire country.”

Gallus scoffs. “That doesn’t seem likely, no matter how powerful they are.”

“Think about it this way then, Gallus. Some griffons would have rejoiced at their capture. While others would have seen it as their last hope for freedom being snuffed out by the government. The rebel’s rank and file troops would increase exponentially overnight, forcing the nation’s leadership to declare martial law. More griffons would be driven by the additional oppression to either join with the rebels or form their own splinter groups to fight the current system.”

He looks Gallus in the eye before continuing.

“Battles would be fought, towns destroyed, crops ruined, and lives lost in an attempt by all sides to try and gain the upper hand in the conflict. Those whom remain neutral would have eventually been forced to either make a choice on whom to follow or be destroyed by both sides. Now tell me this... does that sound like something you would like to see happen here?”

Gallus looks away as he grunts. Eventually he speaks.

“I still think that there has to be a better way! As it stands, all that blame was forced upon my sister!”

Arc sighs. “There might be. But I don’t know what it could be.”

“Well, how about we start with something small?”

“Like what?”

Gallus stands up. “Give me a few minutes.”

Heading for the door, Gallus leaves the office. A few minutes later there is a knock at the door as Natalya slowly opens it and sticks her head inside.


Arc raises an eyebrow. “Natalya?”

“You wanted to see me?”

Gallus’ voice rings out behind her.

“Right. I think you have something to tell my sister.”

Arc nods soberly. “That I do. Please come in. Both of you.”

They do so, closing the door behind them. Arc motions to the chairs before him.

“Have a seat you two.”

Doing so, Arc sits down in his own desk chair as Gallus speaks.

“The Hero of Light wanted to tell you something. Isn’t that right, sir?”

Arc nods soberly. “Yes, I suppose so.”

He looks Natalya over for a few moments before continuing.

“First off, I wanted to apologize to you.”

Natalya appears confused. “Apologize, sir?”

“For not having this conversation sooner. It’s in regards to something that happened some time ago.”

Gallus nods angrily. “You being accused of being the rebel leader, that is.”

Arc sighs. “Yes, that’s right.”

Natalya appears hopeful. “Has there been some kind of breakthrough in the case, sir?!”

Gallus grunts. “Kinda has been.”

“Is that true, sir?!”

“I suppose so. You see... I knew you weren’t the rebel leader back when you were originally accused.”

Natalya nods. “Yes, you may have been the only one in the entire country whom believed that though.”

“There’s more to it though, sis.”

Natalya looks to Arc. “Oh?”

“The reason for that is because... you couldn’t have been the leader.”

“And why is that, sir?”

“Because... I already know whom the real leader is.”

Natalya gasps. “You do?!”



“I can’t tell you.”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “Yeah. Because it might destroy the entire Griffon Kingdom.”

Natalya looks to Arc. “How could it though, sir?!”

“If anyone else knew whom the real rebel leader was it would start a literal civil war.”

Gallus scoffs. “They’re supposed to be really high up in the social ranks.”

Natalya nods soberly. “No one would believe you then. And even if they did, it would cause a massive destabilization of our government.”

Gallus turns to his sister, confused. “But it couldn’t be as bad as you being arrested and enslaved, Natalya!”

“It could be, yes.”


“With their identity revealed, the leader would have no reason to maintain their current subtlety. And if they’re really that high up in status, then logically speaking they must also have extreme wealth, power, and influence as well.”

Arc nods. “And a shadowy army at their command.”

“But sis... he... he KNEW who the leader was and said NOTHING! How is that justice in any way, shape, or form?!”

Natalya sighs. “I... really didn’t like being told I was something that I wasn’t.”

Looking to Arc, she continues.

“But one thing I’ve learned about you, especially after you took ownership of me, is that you always have a reason for doing things, sir.”

“Usually, yes.”

“And that you always do what’s right for the greatest number of individuals.”

Gallus seethes. “Don’t you want to know who framed you though, Natalya?! We could go after them and...!”

Natalya interrupts him. “No, Gallus.”


Arc cuts him off. “Please let your sister explain herself.”

Natalya turns to her brother. “Gallus, listen to me. What happened to me back then... being thrown out of the military... accused of being the rebel leader... and even being sold as a slave and forced to leave the country...”

She takes a deep breath before continuing.

“…I don’t blame Lord Arc for any of it.”


“Because I was able to find happiness in my new life within Equestria thanks to him.”

“But you’re literally his property!”

“That may be true, yes. However, not once has he forced me to do anything against my will or taken anything from me that I didn’t freely give. Every coin I’ve earned since relocating to Equestria was legally his to take. But he never once did so. I have not been assaulted, abused, or violated in any way by anyone at any time.”

“You could have become something great here though! Maybe risen through the ranks and changed things for the better!”

Natalya shakes her head. “No, Gallus. I couldn’t have. But he did. And for that I am very grateful.”

Arc looks to Natalya. “Just so we’re clear though... Gallus was correct when he said that I do know the identity of the rebel leader. Does that bother you, what with me keeping such knowledge from you?”

Natalya shakes her head. “Not in the least, sir. Believe me when I say that I trust you completely and will always do my very best to make you proud of me.”

Gallus jumps up and storms out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Natalya sighs as she looks to Arc.

“I apologize for Gallus’ behavior, sir. He’s just very protective of me.”

“No offense taken.”

Natalya looks to the door sadly. “That’s one thing I didn’t get to say before he left though.”


“How happy I am that he and I are so close as siblings now.”

“I’m... glad to hear that, Natalya.”

“You’re still upset about something though?”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “Just myself.”

“Because of what you did?”

“I made a choice a long time ago. And have had to live with the consequences ever since.”

“As we all do, sir.”

“But mine led to that rebel bombing that hurt a lot of griffons.”

Natalya bows her head sadly. “That’s true, sir. But you were just trying to protect my country as best you could.”

Arc sighs as he turns in his chair to look out the window. “Tell that to the injured lying in hospital beds and the families of the dead.”

Standing, Natalya walks around the desk and puts a talon on Arc’s arm before speaking.

“I need to tell you something, sir.”

“What is it?”

“You make so many important decisions. Some of which I’m sure you’re happy with. Others maybe not. But from me to you... from a slave to their master... I’d like you to know one thing. That I’d be willing to stand behind you and any decision you make. No matter what they may be.”

“Such a thing might not end well for you though, Natalya.”

“Even if it costs me my life, I can die knowing that my sacrifice was somehow important in the grander scheme of things. That you didn’t just throw me away callously, but weighed all the options before deciding on the one which would protect the largest number of individuals and preserve the greater good.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You’d... be willing to die for me?”

Natalya nods. “Yes sir. At a moment’s notice and without reservation. And not just because I’m your property. But because I believe in you and what it is you’re trying to do.”

“I... thank you.”

“You are welcome, sir.”

“Would you please leave me now though. I’d... like to be left alone for a while.”

Natalya bows respectfully. “Yes... master.”

Turning, she walks toward the door. As Natalya closes it behind her, Arc puts his face in his hands and leans back in his office chair.

“Natalya... you’re willing to give me everything. Your loyalty... your faith... and even your very life if I were to ask it of you.”

Groaning, he continues.

“How... how can someone like you simply pledge themselves to someone so fully and completely?”

A voice nearby suddenly rings out.

“The same could be asked of you, Arc.”

Surprised, Arc falls backward in his chair. Sitting up, he pulls himself up to look toward the window. Wiseman stands where Arc did a short time ago looking out. Frowning, Arc stands.

“How long have you been there?!”

“Long enough.”

Arc groans. “Look, I’m not exactly in the best of moods right now, so if you could just tell me what you’re here for we can move this thing along!”

“You are upset due to your inability to be Honest with Natalya, whom trusts you completely regarding Ashe’s true identity?”

“How did you...?!”

Wiseman continues. “Or is it BECAUSE she trusts you with so much that you are upset?”

“I’m upset because choices I made in the past are hurting others!”

“Then correct them.”


“Such is up to you to figure out, Arc. However, I did not come here to lecture you on the past, but the future.”

“Then get on with it!”

“Very well. Listen well to my words.”

Taking a deep breath, Wiseman speaks.

“The road to destruction is paved with good intentions.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Seriously, can’t you just speak plainly?”

Wiseman chuckles. “But I am, Arc.”

“I don’t understand...!”

“Correct. You do not. So let me just spell it out for you then.”

Arc groans. “Please do.”

“A time is coming when you will need to make choices that will affect many individuals all across the land. It will be hard. It will be complicated. But remember this. Many in the past have started out on the straight and narrow path. However, at some point along the way they stepped off onto a different and wider road.”

“A wider road. You mean they started off wanting to do good, but lost interest in that goal?”

Wiseman nods. “Something like that, yes.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Well, not me!”


“I’ll never stop trying to bring peace to this land!”

Wiseman chuckles. “Peace, eh?”

“What greater goal could there be?!”

“Believe me when I say that there are quite a few more desirable things than just peace, Arc.”

“Oh yeah? Like what?”



“Think about it. Always doing the right thing. Always accomplishing what you set out to do. And always having the correct solution to every problem.”

Arc scoffs. “Such a thing isn’t possible though.”



“Do you remember how we first met, Arc?”

Arc nods. “In the apartment fire.”

“I led you to safety when your access to the roof was cut off.”

Arc frowns. “What about it?”

“You and Ember nearly lost your lives because you didn’t think ahead.”

“No plan is ever foolproof though.”

“And Angel’s father lost his life that day.”

Arc looks away and shudders. “That still haunts me to this day.”

Wiseman folds his arms over his chest. “Later on you failed again. I seem to remember a certain someone making quite the miscalculation on the mission to rescue Princess Celestia from Damocles Base.”

“There were lots of mistakes made that day.”

“When I found you, your motorcycle had been hit by a missile and you were flying through the air as the second projectile took out the Land Rover and your friends.”

Arc nods soberly. “I’m not going to pretend that didn’t happen.”

“If you recall, Kronos was able to turn back time for you a few precious seconds. Just enough to give you a second chance at completing your mission.”

“You here looking for a ‘thank you’, or something?”

“Perfection, Arc. With time rolled back, you were able to get it right the next time around.”

“What does this have to do with...?”

“Such power would allow you to always get it right. Make a mistake when negotiating with another nation’s leader and you could simply turn back time to have another shot at it. Say the wrong thing to one of your fiancées and return to the moment before you even said it.”

“I’m good just doing my best to get it right the first time.”

Wiseman chuckles. “Are you now?”


“So you’ve never had a single time in your life where you wished you could do something over again? Or do it differently in hopes of an even better outcome?”

“Everyone has at some point, yes. But it’s just a fantasy.”

“One that you conveniently experienced first-hand on that dark, back road.”

Arc waves a hand dismissively. “Okay, okay. Maybe it’s not purely fiction. However, you do have to admit that such a thing isn’t something that can be done on a whim.”

Wiseman nods. “For good reason though. After all, if we could all just turn back the clock it would be chaos.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “And that’s where Kronos comes in, eh?”

“Right. The Keeper of Time does their best to stabilize the space/time continuum and keep all of reality running relatively smoothly. Or at the very least, make sure the train stays on the rails.”

“And when a wheel tips?”

“They are the one to provide the proper counter pressure to rectify the situation at hand.”

“Sounds awfully convenient for them.”


“If Kronos messes up, they can just back time up and try again.”

“Their powers in that regard are limited, as such a thing takes more energy than you could possibly imagine.”

Arc frowns. “I don’t know, as I can imagine quite a bit.”

“Just wanted you to understand what had to be done just to get you those few precious seconds back. But in any case, remember what I told you earlier. The road to destruction is paved with good intentions.”

As he speaks this, Wiseman fades away. Arc sighs and shakes his head.

“If he was really interested in warning me about something, Wiseman should just come out and say what it is he means. Something to the effect of ‘Arc... if and when such and such happens DON’T do this, do THIS instead’.”

Turning to look out the window, Arc continues muttering to himself.

“You’re not really very helpful, Wiseman. Not helpful in the least.”

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