• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 19 - Perilous Ransoms

Arc and Sereb step out of the portal and look around.

“We’re still about twenty minutes from the hospital. You know which way to go?”

Sereb nods. “I do. Shall we be off?”

“Yeah. If anything, I want to be early.”

Sereb bounds through the forest at near top speed. Arc looks down nervously.

“Uh… you CAN see where you’re going, right?”

“Yes. Is something amiss?”

“Not… really. I’d just like to get to our destination without needing a hospital myself.”

“My apologies.”

Arc pats Sereb’s side. “It’s okay, big guy. In truth, I really should have more faith in you.”

They bound along for ten minutes. Sereb frowns and slows down as Arc calls out to him.

“See something?”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “We are being followed.”

Arc looks around. “What? By whom?”

“Unknown, as I cannot get a scent. But the sounds on the wind say otherwise. Perhaps I am being paranoid.”

Arc shakes his head. “If you say there’s something out there, I believe you. Stay sharp.”

The pair continues on, but at a slower pace. Arc touches his earring.

“You guys see anything over there?”

Max shakes his head. “Nothing on visual, sir.”

Xenos frowns. “Could they be cloaked?”

Rose scans the area remotely. “Even if they were, Arc would still be able to see them via his True-Sight Enchantment.”

Arc sighs. “What do your scanners say, Rose?”

“Nothing but small forest animals as far as I can tell.”

Viktor turns to Rose. “As far as you can tell?”

“I’ve learned from past experiences not to rely fully on my instruments. Sometimes eyes are more effective.”

Arc nods soberly. “We’ll keep ours open then.”

Sereb grunts. “Indeed.”

They continue on their way. A few minutes later Sereb stops and sniffs the air.

“What’s up?”

“While I still cannot smell anyone, I am now completely convinced we are being followed.”

Arc looks around at the dark forest and calls out.

“Anyone out there?!”

Silence ensues. Rose gasps.

“Something just moved!”

“What?! Where?!”

“In the treetops behind you, Arc!”

Sereb spins around as the pair look up. On a branch no more than fifteen feet up stands a figure clad in a navy blue cloak.


The figure jumps out of the tree to land nimbly before them. Sereb sighs.

“This one does not have her scent.”

“Why, thank you, Sereb.”

Arc frowns. “Great… Wiseman.”

“Hello again.”

“Look, we really don’t have time for this.”

Wiseman puts his gloved hands on his hips. “No time, eh? Why is it that people find it so easy to waste time on frivolous matters, but cannot make time for the important things in life?”

Arc calls out. “Uh, Rose? This IS Wiseman, right?”

“Unable to determine, as usual.”

Arc sighs as he turns back to Wiseman. “How do you keep doing that?!”


Sereb growls. “No such magic exists to fully mask one’s scent.”

Arc nods. “Or Rose’s sensors for that matter.”

Wiseman shrugs. “Yet I continue to do that which you believe to be impossible.”

Arc sighs. “Fine. Keep your secrets. What do you want this time? More advice?”

“A little more tangible this time.”

“Can you speed it up then? We have to…”

Wiseman interrupts Arc. “…meet Diva at the destroyed hospital, right?”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “How did you know that?!”

“When you’re as old as I am, some things just come to you on the breeze.”

“That is… disconcerting.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. But like you said, we’re wasting time. So tell me what you want to and we’ll be on our way.”

“Very well. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from… unlikely sources.”

Rose frowns. “That is rather generic advice.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Does that mean you’re going to help me, Wiseman?”

Wiseman shrugs. “That would depend on you.”

Sereb growls. “On him?”

Wiseman nods. “Yes. If you call out to me tonight, I will come and resolve the situation for you, Arc.”

“Why does that make me nervous?”

Sereb sighs. “Indeed. What is the catch?”

“The ‘catch’, as you put it, is that you will most certainly not like the way I handle things.”

“You mean people will get hurt?”

“More or less. However, I will not act unless you specifically ask for my help.”

Arc frowns. “How generous of you.”

Rose calls out. “His aid would certainly be a nice last resort, Arc.”


Wiseman continues. “I have one thing to ask of you in return should you call for me.”

Sereb groans. “There’s more?”

“Just a small thing, really. Before you do so, both of you should close your eyes.”

Arc frowns. “That’s it?”


“For what purpose?”

Wiseman shakes his head. “Those are my terms. Accept them or do not. There is no middle ground.”

Arc sighs. “Fine. But I’m hoping we won’t need you.”

“Again, that depends on you. Just remember that Minerva’s safety is completely in your hands.”

Wiseman fades away.

“What? Wait!”

Frowning, Arc looks down at Sereb.

“Let’s get moving.”


They continue on until they come to the main road. Arc looks around.

“I don’t like this.”

“Which part?”

“All of it. Minerva being taken. Diva blackmailing us to get the laptop back. Wiseman showing up and being cryptic again.”

Sereb sighs. “I agree that it is… disconcerting. However you should not worry so much about that which you can’t change. Especially regarding Wiseman.”

“I suppose not. In that case, I’ll have to put all my energy into changing that which I can.”


Arc clenches a fist angrily. “Rescuing Minerva and teaching Diva a lesson!”

Sereb growls. “Do not let your emotions guide your actions, my friend. It will only lead to disaster for everyone concerned.”

“I’ll try, big guy. But Diva’s gone too far this time. I can’t just let this go.”

A short time later Sereb stops in front of the ruins of the hospital and turns to Arc.

“What now?”

“Now you have to go home.”

Sereb frowns. “This is unwise.”

Arc nods soberly. “I know. But it was one of Diva’s demands.”

“Very well. Be mindful of your surroundings.”

“I will.”

Arc opens a portal back to his house. Sereb sighs and walks through it. Frowning as he closes it behind his friend, Cherry calls out to him.

“Why do you suppose Diva was so insistent that Sereb bring you here?”

“My guess would be that she’s somehow able to track living creatures. If Sereb and I came out here together she’d be able to pick us up easily.”

“But why send him away then?”

Arc frowns. “Because she knew he was my quick way out of here. An escape route, if you will.”

“She’s thought of everything it seems.”

Arc looks toward the ruins. He sees a light coming from behind what’s left of the building and begins walking toward it.

“Yeah. Let’s hope this goes well.”

“You don’t believe that though.”

“Let’s just say I’m being cautiously optimistic, Cherry.”

Arc rounds the corner of the building. He sees a lantern hanging from a tree branch and walks toward it. As he nears it, Arc spots a figure in a navy blue cloak.


She lowers her hood to reveal her features.

“Who else would it be?!”

Arc snarls at her. “Where’s Minerva?!”

“She’s safe, and will remain… relatively unharmed. That is, assuming you brought what I asked for.”

“I did.”

“Hand it over then.”

“Let me see Minerva first.”

Diva is silent for a time before responding.

“Very well.”

She raises a hand. Instantly several spotlights around the field turn on bathing the grounds with light. Diva points to a spot some distance away.

“As you can see, my companions are keeping her company.”

Arc turns to see Stingray, Hammer, and Mio walk around the other side of the building. Hammer has a large sack slung over her shoulder.

“Show him.”

Hammer sets the sack down and opens it. Pulling the mouth of the sack down she exposes a bruised and dirty Minerva. Her hands are tied behind her back and her ankles are bound. A piece of cloth is tied over her mouth. Diva turns to Arc again.


“No! Why, Diva?!”

“Why what, you fool?”

“She didn’t need to be harmed!”

Diva looks at Arc with a smirk. “I suppose not. But I needed to show you just how serious we were. But in any case…”

With a wave of her hand, a strange aura settles over Arc.

“There. You won’t be using any magic for a while. However, that ring you possess should still work, as I assume that’s where you hid my prize. Now then, show me the device.”

Arc frowns and reaches for his ring. He pulls out the laptop and holds it up.

“Here it is.”

Diva turns to Stingray. “Is it genuine?”

Stingray pulls a handheld device from her pocket and looks it over.

“Yes. The tracking chip is indeed coming from it.”

Diva looks back to Arc. “Excellent. I knew you were smart enough not to try and pass off a fake.”

“Didn’t really have a choice. Now then, give me Minerva and we can all be on our way.”

“Not quite yet. There’s something I want to say first.”

Arc sighs. “What is it?”

Diva turns to Hammer. “Activate the field.”


Hammer removes a remote from her pocket and presses a button. A low hum rings out in the stillness of the night as Diva turns back to Arc.

“That should silence your communications. After all, what I have to say is not for them to hear.”

“What? Guys, can you hear me?”

Arc’s radio is silent as Diva continues.

“You’ve been a thorn in our side since the beginning. In my opinion, it would be much easier to just wipe you out or take you captive.”

“Do whatever you want! Just let Minerva go!”

Diva looks at the woman sitting on the ground shaking fearfully. “Admittedly, it would also be best to kill her as well. While she doesn’t really know anything of great importance, she was supposed to die in the explosion of this building.”

“But why? You said yourself she doesn’t know anything.”

“True. But she IS a very bothersome woman. Always sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong. However, for reasons I can’t understand, my superior wants you to live.”

“And Minerva?”

Diva shrugs. “I’m free to do with her as I want. She’s not exactly a high value target though.”

“Then give her back to me! Take the laptop and walk away!”

Diva thinks for a moment.

“I’d like to do that. After all, a dead reporter tends to raise a lot of questions. Then again, our organization is certainly capable of making sure she disappears properly.”

Minerva’s eyes widen in horror. Diva smiles and shakes her head.

“Decisions, decisions.”

Arc seethes. “How about I make it easy for you then?”

Diva’s expression changes quickly to one of confusion. “What do you mean?”

Arc holds the laptop up and aims his other hand at it. His Hand Cannon glows.

“If something happens to Minerva, you can forget about getting whatever’s in this thing back.”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

“Oh really? Kill Minerva and you lose your only bargaining chip. Not a smart move.”

Diva glares at him as he continues.

“All I want is her safely returned to me. You give me what I want, and the laptop is yours.”

Diva sighs. “Very well. We’ll make the exchange. Hammer, carry the hero’s girlfriend halfway. Mio, you take the laptop.”

They nod. Hammer picks Minerva up and walks toward Arc with Mio by her side. Arriving at the halfway point she sets the frightened woman down on the ground and steps back. Diva nods to Mio. She steps forward to stand before Arc, holding out her hands. Arc carefully puts the laptop into them. He looks her directly in the eye coldly. Mio sighs and looks away as she steps back with the prize as Arc turns to Diva.

“You got what you wanted. I’m taking my friend back now.”

As Arc steps forward Diva suddenly Blinks behind Minerva, a wicked grin on her face. She calls out to Stingray, Hammer, and Mio, not taking her eyes off Arc.

“You three get that laptop out of here. I’ll finish up here.”

They nod and walk around the side of the building. Mio brings up the rear as she holds the laptop close. She takes one last look at Arc and mouths the word ‘sorry’ before following the other two. A few moments later the sounds of an engine starting fills the air. It drives away as Arc and Diva continue their conversation.

“Come on! I just want to get Minerva home!”

Diva grins. “Not yet you’re not.”

“There’s nothing for you to gain by keeping her!”

Diva chuckles as she runs a finger across Minerva’s cheek. “Maybe not. But I just thought of something very interesting. If she stays with us, we won’t have to worry about you hindering our future plans.”

Arc clenches a fist. “Why, you…!”

Grabbing Minerva’s hair, Diva pulls it back to expose the young woman’s neck. Putting a finger to the soft flesh Minerva cries out through her gag frantically as Diva looks up to Arc.

“Just one little spell will end this harpy, hero! Do you want her blood on your hands?!”

Seething, Arc takes a couple steps back as Diva grins wickedly.

“See? I knew you were smart.”

Wrapping one arm around Minerva’s waist Diva helps her stand up. Letting go of her hair she raises a hand. A portal opens as Diva looks back to Arc smugly.

“Mind your own business from now on and your girlfriend will stay alive. Keep getting in our way and I can’t guarantee anything.”

Diva puts a her victim in a headlock and drags her toward the portal. Minerva struggles but is unable to mount any real resistance against her captor. Cherry calls out to Arc.

“We have to stop her!”

“I know, Cherry. But how?”

“Wiseman could probably do something! He’s really powerful, after all!”

“But you heard him back there. I won’t like how he handles it. Minerva might not survive his methods.”

“Minerva won’t survive staying with Diva! Please!”

Arc sighs.


He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.


Diva frowns. “Who is…?”

Wiseman materializes behind Diva and taps her on the shoulder. She whirls around with her hostage.

“WOAH! Where did…?!”

Raising a hand, a massive flash blazes forth from the spotlights as they one by one overload. The entire area is suddenly bathed in massive amounts of light for several seconds. As Diva shakes her head in an attempt to clear her vision, Wiseman points a gloved hand at Minerva. She teleports over to Arc and falls to the grass safely. Diva looks over her shoulder at Minerva out of her reach momentarily before turning back to Wiseman and charging up her magic.

“You just made the last mistake of your life, fool! DIE!”

Diva fires a massive magical blast at Wiseman. However, with a wave of his hand the energy dissipates.

“That’s… not possible! No one is…!”

Wiseman’s reaches forward, grabs Diva by the front of her uniform, and pulls her to within inches of his mask.

“You and I need to have a talk, Diva.”

She gasps and claws at his gloves as her body is lifted off the ground “How… how is such power even…?”

Turning, Wiseman throws Diva through her own portal before walking through it himself. It collapses on itself momentarily leaving Arc and Minerva in the middle of the dark field. The lantern hanging from a tree being their only source of light. Arc opens his eyes and looks around.

“What the…?”

Cherry calls our frantically. “Arc! Help Minerva!”


“On the ground in front of you!”

He looks down to see Minerva lying on the ground unconscious.


Kneeling down he picks her up.

“It’s okay. I’ve got you.”

“We need to get out of here! Who knows when Diva will break free and return!”

“Agreed. Let’s see if my gauntlet still works.”

Arc raises a gauntlet to open a portal. The swirling energies form as Cherry calls out to him.

“Where are we taking her? Her apartment?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, that’s probably where Diva took her from, so it’s not a good idea for her to return.”

“Then where…?”

Arc steps toward the portal. “I know one place she’ll be safe.”

“You mean…?”


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