• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,571 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 25 - Apprehended

Rose opens her eyes as the first rays of dawn stream through the porthole. She stares into Arc’s sleeping face for a short time. There is a knock at the door. Arc opens his eyes.

“Ugh… what the…?”

Rose sits up and looks to the door. “I’ll get it.”

Arc’s eyes widen as he sees Rose’s nearly naked form. He stands up quickly.

“Actually, why don’t you let me get it Rose?!”

Rose lays back down on the bed. “Okay.”

Arc turns back to her as he walks over to the door. “Um… why don’t you head to the Bathroom and… uh… brush your hair?”

Rose stands up. “Alright. I’ll make myself presentable for breakfast. But don’t you have to use the toilet?”

“I’ll wait.”

Nodding, Rose walks over to the Bathroom and closes the door behind her. Arc breathes a sigh of relief. He opens the door to find Flash Sentry waiting on the other side. He salutes as Arc lets him in.

“Sir! Feeling better?!”

Arc closes the door behind him. “Kinda. What’s up?”

“Princess Luna wanted me to see if you were feeling up to breakfast with her.”

“Yes, that does sound good. Thank you.”

“I’ll let her know.”

As the lieutenant turns to leave. “Flash Sentry?”

“Yes sir?”

“I… I was wondering if there had been any word from the king or council?”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “Not to my knowledge, sir. Captain Tight Ship has kept somepony at the radio at all hours since we arrived in Griffonstone.”

Arc sighs. “I see. Well, I guess no news is better than bad news.”

“Sir, I was there last night. You did the only thing you could to even the odds!”

“Really? There wasn’t ANYTHING else I could have done?!”

“I don’t believe so, sir. Truth be told, I didn’t think any of us were getting out of that one.”

The lieutenant looks around.

“Um… where is Rose?”

Arc smiles nervously. “Oh! Um… she’s… in the Bathroom.”

“Really? I didn’t think she ever had to… you know…”

“She’s brushing her hair. We’ll see you at breakfast in a few…”

The Bathroom door suddenly opens and Rose steps out in her undergarments.

“Sorry, Arc. I didn’t bring my armor into the…”

She turns around to see Flash Sentry staring at her, his mouth open and pupils shrunken.

“Oh! Good morning! Sorry for not being in uniform. Arc and I just got up.”

Flash Sentry backs slowly out of the room. “I… uh… hope you slept well, sir.”

Rose nods. “He was very tense when we climbed into bed last night. But not to worry. I found a way to loosen him up.”

Flash Sentry blushes and salutes with a shaking hoof.

“I… it’s not for me to… see you at breakfast, sir!”

Arc nods and closes the door. Blushing furiously, Flash Sentry quickly gallops down the corridor.

“The commander has more marefriends than I have hooves! And that’s just the ones I know about!”

He sighs before continuing with his thought.

“I know he deserves it though. After all… the commander takes the biggest risks. He should have as much... relaxation as possible.”

Meanwhile, Arc turns to his friend.


She looks over as she puts on her armor. “Yes?”

“You shouldn’t say things like that. He might think we slept together last night!”

Rose tilts her head to one side, confused. “But.. we did.”

Arc shakes his head. “Not like that! I mean… you know what, never mind. Let’s just get a move on.”

He sighs before continuing.

“This feels like my last meal.”

“No, Arc. Lunch will be here before you know it.”

Arc frowns as he opens the door. “No, I mean… last meal before the news comes.”

“Oh… I see.”

Rose follows Arc out the door and down the corridor.

“It’s really getting to me, you know?!”

“What you did, Arc?”

He nods. “Yes. But the waiting for their response to my actions is just as nerve-wracking!”

Rose takes his hand. “No matter what they say, it won’t change how I feel about you in the least.”

Arc turns to Rose and forces a small smile. “Thank you, Rose. You’ve been so… I don’t know…”


“I guess ‘dedicated’ would be the word. ‘Loyal’ sounds like something you would use to describe a dog.”

They chuckle and continue on in silence.

“Well, I won’t tell Rainbow Dash that.”

Arc smiles at her. “Thanks. Although I’m sure she’d understand. But I really am impressed by your dedication to my well-being.”

Rose latches onto his arm. “It’s why I exist, silly!”

Arc suddenly becomes sober. “Yes. You’ve said that before.”


He suddenly stops. “Rose, I… I don’t know how to say this, but… I don’t really like our relationship as it is.”

Rose turns to looks him in the eye. “B-but, I… I can CHANGE! Be anything you want me to be! Just tell me what about myself makes you upset!”

“It’s just your… dedication.”

Rose appears confused. “But that’s what you said you LIKED about me!”

Arc nods. “And I meant it. But it isn’t very Loyal of me to keep you like this.”

“But this is where I want to be!”

He takes her hands in his. “That’s your programing talking.”

Rose shakes her head. “But it’s the TRUTH!”

Arc sighs and looks Rose in the eyes, soberly. “Rose. When we return to Ponyville, I’m going to ask Twilight to alter your programing.”

“I-in what way?!”

“Your directives.”

“I… I can change them if you want me to. You do have administer rank after all.”

“Really? So Twilight doesn’t have to do anything?”

Rose nods. “Yes! Like I said, just tell me what you want and I’ll become it!”


Rose looks relieved. “Now what would you like to change about my directives?”

“Remove them.”

She stares at him. A look of confusion on her face.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“I said I’d like you to remove your directives.”

“Which one?”

“All of them.”

Rose nervously takes a step back. “B-but… I… I don’t know if I would still… continue to exist!”

“Are you saying it might destroy you?”

“My base programing, maybe.”

“Any way to know for sure before you do it?”

Rose thinks for a moment. “I’d need to run quite a few tests, log the data from them, and rewrite my programing.”

“How long would that take?”

“A couple days. I’d like to speak with mother about this first though. Make sure she’s there to oversee the system rewrite, update, and restart.”

“That’s fine. We’ll take you to Twilight before you do anything permanent.”

Rose appears relieved. “Thank you! I’ll allocate some of my system resources to testing.”

“Good. Do you need to rest while you do that?”

“No. I’ll only allocate a small portion of resources to this task so as to not hinder our mission.”

Arc takes Rose’s hand and leads her down the corridor. “You do that. Now I want you to understand that if the tests show this being unfeasible, or Twilight comes up with a reason we shouldn’t, we won’t do it. Okay?”

Rose nods. “I understand.”

“It’s just that I don’t want any harm coming to you.”

“I… appreciate that.”

They arrive at the Cafeteria. The smell of coffee and pancakes greet them along with Flash Sentry, Luna, Moon Dancer and Wrangler. Upon entering the room, Luna walks quickly over to them.

“Arc! Are you feeling alright?”

“For now, yes. Who cooked breakfast?”

Moon Dancer looks over. “Wrangler and I did. At this point, there really isn’t anything for me to do.”

Wrangler nods as she glances over at the princess. “Me either! With the ship on lockdown, my place is guarding the princess anyways.”

Flash Sentry salutes his commanding officer. “Me too! While I don’t see anypony getting in here, I find it’s best to be safe.”

Luna smiles. “I feel more secure here than in Canterlot Castle. But why don’t we sit down and eat before the food gets cold?”

Arc nods as he puts a hand to his forehead. “Yeah. I… can’t actually remember the last time I did that.”

Flash Sentry pulls out a chair for Luna. “I believe it was yesterday at lunch, sir. Before the… um… attack.”

Rose shakes her head. “No. Arc and I ate last night on our date.”

Wrangler raises an eyebrow. “Come again?”

Arc looks over to Rose, confused. “We went on a… what?”

Rose blushes slightly and smiles. “You asked me out, and I accepted. We had a GREAT time!”

Flash Sentry frowns. “Was this before the attack on the Aviary?”

Rose nods. “Yes. We saw the rebels flying overhead and knew there was trouble. Arc and I hurried there as fast as we could.”

Arc rests his hands on his forehead. “I… I have no memory of any of this!”

Moon Dancer walks to Arc and looks him over. “Perhaps the toxin is having an effect on your short term memory?”

“I hope that’s all it is!”

They begin to eat. Arc picks at his food as Luna levitates a fork to her mouth.

“Arc, you have to keep your strength up.”

“I’m just… not very hungry.”

Luna puts down her fork and looks across the table to him. “Arc, listen to me. There were many times in the past when things weren’t going well, and neither me nor my sister felt like eating. But we learned that course of action only made a bad situation worse.”

Moon Dancer smiles. “It’s hard to make good decisions when you’re weak with hunger, sir.”

Wrangler nods as she stands behind Luna with Flash Sentry. “Agreed.”

Arc picks up his utensils and sighs. “I’ll try.”

He takes a bite, and turns to Moon Dancer and Wrangler.

“These really are pretty good you two!”

“Thank you, sir.”

“We’re glad you like ‘em.”

A few minutes later Commander Soarin walks into the Cafeteria. He makes a beeline for Luna and bows.

“Your highness, a Lieutenant Natalya is on the deck requesting an audience with you. She brings word from the Council of Lords.”

“Bring her here at once, Commander.”

Soarin salutes. “Yes, your highness.”

He quickly leaves the room. Arc sighs.

“I guess we’ll finally know, huh?”

Rose takes Arc’s hand. “It’ll be okay.”

Luna nods. “Yes. I’m certain of it.”

A short time later Natalya slowly enters the Cafeteria with Soarin. She approaches Luna, removes her helmet respectfully, and bows.

“Good morning, your highness. The council sends its regards and hopes you are unharmed from last night.”

Luna nods. “I am. Thanks to some quick thinking from our Hero of Light here.”

Natalya turns to Arc. “Yes! Word is all around the city of your heroic exploits, sir!”

“My what?”

“It’s not every day the Aviary is attacked like that, Lord Arc! Everyone in town has heard by now how the rebels took the nobles and the Council of Lords hostage! But you saved them AND took out the leader along with their second-in-command!”

Arc looks down. “I… um…”

Flash Sentry, sensing his commanding officer’s unease, steps forward.

“Has the council sent you with some kind of message?”

Natalya nods. “Yes. They send their apologies, and hope that the actions of last night have not tarnished your opinions of them.”

Luna mutters under her breath. “Our opinions of them?!”

“Furthermore, they hope you will still entertain the idea of a peace treaty.”

“Yes, yes of course. When can we meet?”

“If it pleases your majesty, the council and King Guto wish to convene the ceremony aboard your ship in one hour.”

Wrangler frowns at Natalya. “But, is that enough time for them to arrange a secure escort?!”

“Forgive me, you highness. But there is one condition they request of you.”

“A condition?”

Flash Sentry mutters to himself. “Haven’t we endured enough?!”

“Yes, your highness. They ask that you land your ship behind the Aviary so they may securely come aboard under heavy guard. However, out of respect for pony traditions, the council and King Guto agree to leave their guards on the deck.”

Luna nods. “Anything else?”

“Just one last thing, your majesty. After the treaty is signed they would like the honor of a short flight around the perimeter of the city while our forces drop confetti from the deck.”

Luna considers this for a moment.

“Very well. Return to your leaders and inform them that I agree to their terms completely.”

“Thank you, Princess Luna. I will relay your message…”

Natalya winces in pain. Arc looks at her a moment.

“Are you alright?”

Natalya nods as she rubs her side. “Y-yes. During the attack I tangled with one of the rebels.”

Flash Sentry gasps. “Were you hurt?!”

“Not really. It’s just a scratch. Not very deep. I’ll be fine!”

Arc frowns. “I see. Well, be sure to take it easy. That doesn’t look like it tickles.”

“Yes sir. Now I must return to the Aviary and inform the council of Princess Luna’s decision.”

Wrangler steps toward Natalya. “I’ll escort you out, miss.”

“Thank you.”

Luna nods as Natalya and Wrangler leave the Cafeteria. Rose frowns.

“Could it be…?”

Flash Sentry turns to her. “Rose?”

“She appears to have a puncture wound on the same side that Arc stabbed the Rebel Leader.”

Arc growls. “WHAT?!”

Flash Sentry appears skeptical. “But… but Natalya’s been with us for some time now! She’s not capable of…!”

Luna interrupts. “I have lived for a long time, lieutenant. Many of those whom I believe upstanding over the years turned out to be less than what they originally seemed.”

Rose nods. “One never knows for certain who hides behind a mask and cloak.”

Arc sighs. “That may be. While I admit it is possible, Natalya has always been loyal to me in the past.”

Moon Dancer looks toward the empty doorway. “Do you believe her story then?”


Luna shakes her head. “Arc, I once said the same of Captain Decimus. Do not let your trust lead you to an early grave.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “Should we question her?”

“No. If Natalya really is the leader, she will simply disappear at the first sign of trouble.”

Rose appears confused. “So we should do nothing?!”

Flash Sentry thinks for a moment. “Well… this mess IS a griffon problem after all. They’ve been pretty adamant about that thus far.”

Luna nods. “I believe I will notify General Blackbeak. See if he can investigate this.”

Arc sighs. “Yes. From what I’ve seen he’s a pretty fair griffon.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “If she’s innocent he’ll see to it she’s protected. But if she’s guilty…”

Moon Dancer nods. “She’ll get what’s coming to her.”

Arc shrugs. “Everyone deserves what they’ve earned. Good OR bad.”

Luna turns to Moon Dancer. “Head to the Bridge and tell Lemon Hearts to anonymously send a message to General Blackbeak regarding Lieutenant Natalya.”

“Yes, your highness.”

Moon Dancer leaves the room as Wrangler returns.

“All secure, your highness.”

Luna stands. “Very good. Inform the captain to prepare for immediate take off.”

“Yes, Princess Luna. We heading to the Aviary?”

“Yes. No time like the present.”

Arc looks relieved. “That and it will send a clear message that we are still very interested in becoming allies.”

Rose giggles. “That too!”

They head toward the Observation Deck. Luna looks around the room as the ship slowly takes flight.

“This isn’t much, but it will have to do.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “Your highness?”

“We need to make this room presentable for the ceremony.”

Arc turns to her. “What about your quarters, Luna? They are certainly more… luxurious.”

Luna shakes her head. “Yes, but it’s too informal. That and I don’t feel right entertaining royalty there.”

Arc picks up a large table with his magic and sets it in the center of the room. “Well, here’s your signing table. Rose, can you run to the Cafeteria and see if you can find a nice tablecloth please?”

“Be right back!”

She hurries off. Arc turns to Flash Sentry.

“Go find something to dress this table up. Flowers, knick-knacks, anything to make it look less plain.”

“Yes sir!”

Luna begins pushing a table across the room as Flash Sentry leaves.

“Help me push the rest of the tables to the far side of the room, Arc!”

“Won’t that look kinda tacky, Luna?”

“We don’t have time to do anything else!”

“Allow me, Luna.”

Arc uses his magic to gather all the remaining furniture in front of him. He then casts the Matter Compacting spell to shrink them all down before putting the miniature furniture in his ring and turning to Luna.

“That should make this room look a bit more professional.”

Luna breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Arc. Forgive me, but I’m a tad nervous.”

Arc chuckles as he finishes his task. “I’d say more than that.”


Arc looks down at her hooves. “I’ve never seen you trot in place like that.”

Luna stops. She appears a bit embarrassed.

“This is my first time doing such a thing! I… everything has to be PERFECT!”

“No one expects you to be perfect.”

“But my sister…!”

“Luna, stop.”


Arc walks over to her and puts his hands on her shoulders.

“Don’t try to be like Princess Celestia. Just do your best to be yourself. You’ll be more… real then.”


Arc nods. “More like an individual, and less like a stuffy diplomat.”

“But that’s what’s expected of me!”

“The only one holding you up to those lofty standards is YOU! Just be yourself!”

“Are you certain?”

“No. But that’s what I would do. Sorry, but that might be the Sanguine Azolla in me talking again.”

“I will… consider your words, Arc.”

“So will I.”

Rose returns with a tablecloth and spreads it out.

“This is the most formal looking one I could find.”

Arc nods. “I think it will do.”

Flash Sentry enters with Wrangler. He sets a basket of flowers in the center of the table.

“This was the best thing I could find.”

“It’ll do.”

Wrangler approaches Luna and bows. “Captain Tight Ship says it will take about fifteen minutes to reach our destination.”

“Good. Any trouble on the horizon?”

“No ma’am. I saw our landing zone through my binoculars though. It looks like the griffons are unloading a bunch of crates over there.”

Arc frowns. “Do you suspect trouble?”

“I always suspect trouble, sir.”

Luna nods. “It’s probably just confetti. Natalya did say they wanted to drop it on the city after the treaty was signed. Wrangler, head back to the Bridge and inform Commander Soarin I’d like him to personally inspect any cargo that is brought onto the ship.”

Rose grimaces. “The griffons may not like that, your highness.”

Wrangler frowns. “They can like it or lump it! This is about security!”

Arc nods. “After what’s already happened, I’m sure they won’t put up too much of a fuss.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “Yes. After all, their own king and council will be aboard.”

Luna turns to Arc. “Can you think of anything else to make this room more presentable?!”

“Just one.”


“You and I should probably get changed.”

Luna looks down at herself, horrified. “You’re right! I can’t be seen like THIS!”

She hurries toward her room. Arc turns to Rose.

“Can you help Luna get ready?”

Rose salutes with a smile. “Yes sir!”

She hurries out the door after Luna as Flash Sentry returns to Arc’s side.

“I think this room is as in order as we can get it, sir.”


Arc turns to Wrangler.

“Have all personnel at their stations at all times, Wrangler.”

“I’ll have the weapons standing by!”

“Good. Tell the captain to keep the Lunar Destiny on high alert until further notice. Dismissed!”

“Aye sir!”

She hurries out of the room as Arc turns to Flash Sentry.

“Come with me.”

The pair quickly head to Arc’s quarters. Flash Sentry turns to Arc as they enter his room.

“What can I help with, sir?”

“At the moment, making sure I look my best.”

“Yes sir. There isn’t much time.”

Flash Sentry closes the door as his commanding officer quickly disrobes. Arc frowns as he pulls his royal trousers off a nearby hanger.

“Now then, during the ceremony I want you next to Luna at all times.”

“Do you think she’s in danger aboard our ship?”

“We’re not taking chances.”

“Sir? Is that the Sanguine Azolla affecting you again?”

“Maybe. Why?”

Flash Sentry points a hoof at his legs and chest. “It appears you’re growing a coat.”

Arc looks down and shakes his head. “Most humans have some degree of hair on their bodies. You’ve just never noticed, as I’ve always been covered up.”

“Forgive me for saying it, sir, but you’re not much different than a stallion under your garments.”

Arc shrugs as he puts on his royal tunic. “Thanks… I think.”

Flash Sentry ties the sash around Arc’s waist as he quickly combs his hair. “I meant no offense, sir.”

“I know. You and I aren’t much different at the core. Maybe we can talk about this later.”

Flash Sentry nods as he picks up the headband and ties it around Arc’s head.. “Yes sir.”

“I hope Luna isn’t too nervous.”

The lieutenant smiles to himself as he brushes Arc’s raiments. “Are you?”

“A bit. Less now that I know they’re not out for revenge on account of me killing their citizens. That’s a load of my mind, as well as hers.”

“Well, it is Princess Luna’s first time.”

“Mine too!”

“With all due respect, not really sir.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’ve brokered peace talks with ogres, the Forsaken Tribe, the Dragon Lands, griffons, and even yaks! If anything, you’re eminently qualified to lead this summit personally.”

Arc sighs as he looks himself over in the full length mirror. “I suppose I could if I had to. However this is Princess Luna’s day to shine. We all need to support her.”

Flash Sentry sets down the clothes brush as he grabs Arc’s royal cape and drapes it over his shoulders. “Yes sir. We’ll all do our part,”

There is a slight bump as the ship touches down.

“I know. Now then, how do I look?”

Flash Sentry grins at him. “Like a real monarch!”

“You don’t think I’ll outshine the princess, do you?”

“No sir. She’ll be wearing her formal gown for this event. I don’t mind saying she is quite lovely in it. Every guard on duty turns their heads when she passes.”

“Really? Even you?”

Flash Sentry blushes. “Yes, even me. Please don’t mention that to Raven!”

“I won’t. In any case, let’s head over to Princess Luna’s room and see how she and Rose are doing.”

“Right behind you, sir.”

The pair leave the room. Together they make the short walk to Luna’s room. Two Royal Guards stop them at the door. They wear pained expressions as Arc approaches.

“Forgive us, sir, but Princess Luna has ordered privacy while she readies herself.”

Arc nods. “I understand. We’ll wait in the corridor.”

The guards look suddenly relieved. “Thank you, sir.”

Arc and Flash Sentry walks across the hall to look out the windows. They gaze out over the city for a time before Rose opens the door and steps out.

“She’s ready, Arc.”

Arc nods and removes the Spear of Righteousness from his ring. Soberly he hands it to Rose.

“Good. You and Flash Sentry head to the hatch and await our guests. I’ll escort Princess Luna back to the Observation Deck when the time comes.”

They nod and hurry to comply. The guards part to allow him access. Arc enters quietly and closes the door behind him. Luna is sitting on the couch looking out the window. Arc walks over to her and sits down.

“Nothing to do now but wait.”

Luna nods as she looks out the window absentmindedly. “Yes.”


“I am.”

“Flash Sentry and Rose are heading to the Main Hatch. They’ll escort King Guto and the Council of Lords to the Observation Deck when they arrive.”

Luna nods. “Thank you for handling this, Arc. I must admit I’m ill-prepared to take this role.”

“You’ll do fine. Flash Sentry and Rose will act as your Honor Guards, and I’ll sit next to you as well.”

“That’s probably for the best. The griffons know you.”

“If we’re going to be allies, they need to get to know you too.”

Luna sighs. “I know. Truthfully, I was even considering feigning illness as an excuse to… um…”

“To what? Cancel the meeting?”

“No. To temporarily appoint you Lord Regent again.”

Arc nods. “So I could sign the treaty myself, huh?”

Luna sighs. “I’m going to do my part. But admittedly I’m a bit… nervous.”

Arc notices she is trembling slightly. He puts an arm around her shoulders.

“It’s okay. But think of it this way.”


“How do you know they themselves aren’t just as nervous?”

“I doubt that.”

Arc chuckles. “They’ve never done anything like this either, I’d wager.”

“I… didn’t think about it that way. Perhaps you are right!”

Arc stands and extends a hand. “Sure I am! Now how about we get a move on? We don’t want to be late for something like this.”

Luna nods and takes his hand as she stands up slowly. “I suppose not. Thank you for the talk.”

“Anytime, Luna.”

The pair head for the door. The two Royal Guards outside fall into step behind them. As they enter the Observation Deck the guards station themselves on either side of the doors. Luna sighs as Arc leads her to her seat.

“There certainly were a lot of guards on our way here!”

Arc nods as he pulls out Luna’s chair for her. “I ordered the ship be placed and high alert.”

Luna chuckles as she sits down. “A bit paranoid, Arc?”

He shrugs as he sits down beside her. “I see it as an abundance of caution. We’re so close!”

Luna sighs. “I’ll be glad when we’re on our way back to Canterlot.”

“Me too.”

The pair don’t have long to wait. Before long the sound of talons can be heard approaching. Flash Sentry leads the procession followed by King Guto and Gestal. The other three lords follow them with Rose and Natalya bringing up the rear. Flash Sentry announces them.

“Presenting King Guto and the Council of Lords, your highness.”

Luna nods nervously. Arc stands respectfully, but Luna does not move. After a moment Arc gives her chair a small tap with his foot. She quickly stands and bows at the neck to the assembly.

“Welcome your highness. Council.”

They nod stoically. No one moves or speaks. Arc reaches forward with his magic and pushes out the five chairs across the table.

“Please be seated. I know his highness and the council must be very busy.”

Gestal appears very tired. As if he has not slept in days. He nods and gestures to the king.

“Yes, his royal majesty has many duties.”

King Guto nods unsmiling as they sit down. “Bah! For something as important as this, my personal presence is most certainly required!”

Goldstone nods as he sits down on the king’s left side next to Weller. “Hopefully we can conclude our business here and return to other matters.”

Gestal takes the seat on the king’s right next to Adalbert. “Yes. We have yet to find the Rebel Leader.”

Luna sighs. “And your daughter?”

Gestal shakes his head. “Nothing.”

Weller turns to look at him. “Rest assured she will be found, Lord Gestal!”

Adalbert nods fervently. “Agreed! Then we’ll make the rebels pay… with their blood!”

Guto growls. “Yes. This travesty against the noble house of Gestal cannot be allowed to go unpunished! We will wipe them out mercilessly!”

The king turns to Luna.

“Forgive me, your highness. But I am quite passionate about meting out justice to those who care nothing for our nation!”

Adalbert smiles slyly. “Yes. We understand you Equestrians have… different views on crime and punishment.”

Luna nods stoically. “This is your land. You must govern it as you see fit.”

Guto nods approvingly. “Very well expressed. However, it appears you are not without stalwart warriors. My council has told me of your Hero of Light’s bravery in storming the Aviary and rescuing the Council of Lords.”

Adalbert frowns. “They wouldn’t have dared…!”

Gestal turn to his companion. “Adalbert, they killed a noble without batting an eye and took my daughter! I would say there are VERY desperate!”

Weller sighs. “We cannot afford to take them lightly any longer.”

Goldstone shudders. “Yes. However such a campaign would be very expensive!”

Guto chuckles. “Some things are worth spending the money on Goldstone. Like peace of mind and dead traitors.”

“Y-yes, your majesty! If I may say so, this treaty will free up quite a bit of funds!”

Gestal sighs. “Enough to chase down the rebels, Lord Goldstone?”

“Yes. Guards can be diverted from Griffon’s Gate as soon as the vagrants are rounded up and exported to Equestria as per the treaty.”

Goldstone looks to Arc.

“We would appreciate it if you would begin as soon as possible.”

“Come again?”

Luna turns to Arc. “The treaty states that Equestria will be responsible for collecting the orphans from the streets of Griffon’s Gate.”

Goldstone nods. “Yes. How soon can Equestria begin?”

Arc turns to Luna and the pair whisper to each other for a few moments before turning back to their guests.

“Less than a week.”

Weller smiles at Luna. “Good! They need somewhere to go, and we need the city secured.”

Adalbert grins. “Win-win there. Well, except the rebels. It’s going to be losses all around for them when they meet our forces!”

Natalya winces slightly.

Arc nods. “Yes. I know someone in Equestria who would be eminently qualified to round up your orphans.”

Guto chuckles. “I’ll leave the matter to you then, Hero of Light.”

Luna gestures to the document on the table before them. “If there is nothing else to discuss, shall we get on with the ceremony?”

Guto smiles at Luna. “Decisive and to the point. I like it, Princess Luna! But there is one thing I would like to say before we sign.”


The king turns to Arc.

“I am most impressed at what I’ve heard of your exploits across the Celestial Sea. Your tenacity was observed by my lords as your ruthlessly slew our traitors! I am most grateful for the assistance.”

Natalya clenches a talon.

“Should you encounter any more traitors on your comings and goings through our land, I hereby grant you permission to do with them as you will.”

“I, um… thank you for understanding, King Guto. Please know that I will act with everyone’s best interests at heart.”

“I am certain you will.”

The king reaches toward the treaty.

“Let us get this underway.”

King Guto signs both copies of the treaty along with the Council of Lords. He looks up as Arc pulls the paper toward Luna.

“I hope this will be the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship with your nation, Princess Luna.”

Luna nods. “Likewise, King Guto.”

As she levitates the quill to the document there is a sudden disturbance from down the corridor. Arc quickly stands and Blinks between the doorway and their guests. He calls forth the Dagger of Eternal Slumber from his ring as Rose and Flash Sentry move to flank him.

“Stand ready to defend!”

A few moments Arc sees General Blackbeak running down the corridor with several griffon guards.

“Let them pass!”

The guards obey. In a few moments the general enters the room with his cadre and lunge at Natalya. They roughly pin her to the floor as she looks over, confused.


Gestal angrily stands. “General! What is the meaning of this?!”

Guto frowns. “Yes, you fool! We are in the middle of a delicate peace negotiation!”

Blackbeak glares at Natalya as she is stripped of her weapons and armor. “I’m checking out a lead, your highness.”

Adalbert appears incredulous. “Lead! Now?!”

Weller sighs. “I’m certain the general understands the gravity of the situation here. He wouldn’t have done so unless there was dire need.”

Blackbeak does not take his eyes off Natalya. “Indeed! Soldiers, turn the lieutenant on her right side!”

They quickly do so, exposing a poorly bandaged wound. “Natalya screams out in pain as the linens are ripped away. Her wound begins oozing blood as her head is again pressed to the floor. Luna frowns.

“Go easy on her! Can’t you see she’s hurt?!”

Blackbeak steps forward and rips out a talonful of feathers around the wound. “Let’s see here…”

He examines the wound for a moment before looking Natalya in the eye.

“Care to explain?!”

Natalya nods shakily, her voice strained. “I… I fought with one of the rebels last night when they attacked the Aviary! They pulled a knife on me!”

Adalbert rolls his eyes. “What about your armor?! It should have stopped a mere knife!”

“I wasn’t wearing it, as I was off duty, sir.”

Blackbeak narrows his eyes. “I see. So you just HAPPENED to be there?!”

“Yes sir!”

“Then how do you explain THIS?!”

The general motions for another guard to enter the room. He does so and gives the general a blood-stained cloak and an empty crossbow. Blackbeak tosses them on the floor in front of Natalya.

“Have you ever seen these before?!”

“No sir! Never!”

“The bloodstain on this cloak is on the same side as your wound! Care to explain that, lieutenant?!”

Arc stands. “General! That is hardly proof!”

“Oh?! This cloak and crossbow were found hidden in her room!”


Natalya’s eyes grow wide. “Th-they’re not mine!”

Guto’s face turns a deep shade of crimson as he speaks with barely controlled rage. “So she’s a rebel then?! General, kill her!”

He shakes his head. “A moment, your highness! Lieutenant Natalya is NOT a mere rebel!”

Adalbert frowns. “But you just said…!”

Blackbeak grabs the cloak and holds it up. He points at the insignia on the lapel.

“She is none other than the Rebel Leader herself!”

Luna gasps. “I… can’t believe it! HER?!”

Gestal jumps up and rushes over to Natalya. He roughly grabs her by the throat. “WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER, HARPY?! TELL ME NOW!!!”

Blackbeak glares at Natalya. “I’ll beat that information out of her myself, Lord Gestal!”


He slaps Natalya, knocking her to the floor to be restrained talon and foot. Blackbeak steps forward and grabs Natalya by her plumage.

“Now I suggest you confess! If you cooperate, I promise you a swift and painless death.”

Natalya shake her head, clearly terrified. “But… but I’m innocent!”

Blackbeak punches her in her wound. “CONFESS!!!”

Guto frowns. “General, that will be quite enough! Such torture should not be done on an ally’s ship!”

Gestal nods. “Yes. Take her to the dungeon and throw her in our filthiest cell! I will interrogate her… personally.

“With pleasure, sir!”

He motions to the guards. They each grab one of her shackled hind legs. Natalya screams as she is dragged away.

“I’m innocent! L-Lord Arc, please help me!!!”

King Guto turns back to Princess Luna with an apologetic look on his face.

“I am sorry you had to witness that, Princess Luna. Rest assured you and the Hero of Light will have justice for her crimes against you two.”

Luna nods. “Thank you.”

Arc looks down the hallway after them. “What’s going to happen to her?”

Weller frowns. “She’ll be publicly executed as per our laws.”

Gestal shakes his head. “Not until after she tells me where Ashe is!”

Guto puts a talon on his shoulder. “Of course, Gestal. Your daughter will be found. Then the traitor will die by your talon!”

“Thank you, your majesty.”

Guto looks again to Luna. “Now I’m sorry to cut this meeting short, but it appears we have much work to do. If you would be so kind as to sign your name, we need to begin interrogating the lieutenant.”

Luna sighs. “Yes. I understand.”

She again picks up the quill with her magic and signs her name on both documents before passing them to Arc.

“I’ll sign off as the witness for Equestria… and… done.”

Arc passes both copies across the table for the king to examine. He nods approvingly.

“Very well! The Griffon Kingdom and Equestrian are now officially allies!”

The griffon guards and the council nod as King Guto stands and Goldstone takes one of the treaties. Luna stands and walks around the table to face the king. He takes her hoof in his talon and gives it a light kiss.

“We thank you for this opportunity, your highness, and apologize for any pain and suffering the former lieutenant’s ilk may have caused you.”

“I… it’s fine.”

She turns to Gestal.

“I hope you find your daughter soon, sir.”

Gestal nods wearily. “As do I, Princess Luna.”

She turns her attention back to the king.

“Our ship will parade around the perimeter of the city as per our earlier agreement.”

“Good. Lord Gestal will want to get off first though.”

Gestal nods. “Yes. I will begin interrogating the prisoner at once!”

Weller smiles. “Good luck, my friend.”

Guto turns to the council. “The rest of us will wave to the citizens as a sign the treaty is official. That should bring them some joy.”

Goldstone grins. “Yes! And help boost the local economy! Happy citizens spend bits!”

Adalbert chuckles. “Will you join us on deck, Princess Luna?”

“Yes, I would be honored.”

Gestal nods to her. “By your leave, Princess Luna.”

“Of course.”

He leaves the room as the king looks to Luna apologetically.

“Please forgive his candor your majesty. Lady Ashe is very important to Lord Gestal.”

“All is forgiven, given the circumstances.”

Luna looks to Arc.

“Will you join us on deck?”

Arc shakes his head as he watches Gestal walk down the corridor. “Sorry, but I think I need some rest and time to think right now.”

Luna nods soberly. “I understand.”

Rose turns to Arc. “Shall I escort you to your room, sir?”

“No. Stay with the princess.”

“Yes sir.”

“Would you at least rest in my room under guard? I’d feel better knowing you were safe.”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “I… will. Thank you.”

They go their separate ways as the ship takes off. Arc enters Luna’s room and flops down on the bed. He puts a hand to his aching head.

“Natalya. I can’t believe it was you! You were my friend! I… I trusted you. I TRUSTED YOU!!!”

He lies there for a moment thinking. Suddenly the sound of movement can be heard in a corner of the room. Arc turns his head just in time to see a hooded figure aim a crossbow at him… and fire.

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