• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 13 - Unusual Fill-up

Later that night Arc, Ember and Sereb appear on a sigil on the edge of town. They are clad in their signature armor. Ember turns to Arc.

“I still don’t see why we couldn’t have just driven out here!”

Arc shakes his head. “Sure. If we wanted to not only announce our presence, but give away who we really are.”

Sereb looks around. “Indeed. Had the metal chariot been seen around town it would be a simple task for us to be followed home.”

Cherry gasps. “A scary thought!”

Ember grunts. “Fine! Let’s just get this over with.”


“I’m more concerned about getting you back home safely, Arc.”


“Uh, your hand! Remember?!”

Arc stiffly moves his fingers. “What about it? It’s healing.”

“You can’t defend yourself properly!”

Sereb sniffs the air. “I shall watch his back closely.”

“Thanks, Sereb.”

Ember frowns. “I will too! But that’s not the point!”

“Ember? Can we talk about this later? Like after we get home?”

“Fine! But this conversation isn’t over!”

Arc turns to Sereb. “Better return to your normal form.”


“You’re kinda recognizable as you are. That and your larger form has armor.”

Ember chuckles. “We could also use his intimidation factor to our advantage.”

Arc nods. “Yup. I’d rather scare our opponents over fighting them.”

“Very well.”

Sereb concentrates as he quickly returns to his normal size. He stretches.

“That feels much better.”

Ember turns to Arc. “So what now?”

Arc walks over to Sereb and gets into the saddle. “Now we walk. That gas station is still a couple miles down the road.”

Ember sighs. “Great.”

Arc extends a gauntlet to Ember. “Want a ride?”

Ember nods. “This mission is looking up!”

He pulls Ember up behind him and looks down at Sereb.

“The building is a ways down this road. Let’s get moving.”

“As you wish.”

Sereb runs down the road. Arc touches his earring.

“You guys reading us alright?”

Max nods. “Yes sir. Loud and clear.”

Hugh looks over his monitor. “Nothing but snow as far as the eye can see though.”

Viktor frowns. “Hopefully that’s all there is to see.”

Xenos chuckles. “Where’s the fun in that?!”

“Good. How about you, Rose?”

“My sensors are linked to the cameras. Data is coming in normally.”

“Let me know if you pick up anything… strange, I guess.”

“I will!”

“Arc out.”

Ember looks to him as Arc touches his earring again to end the conversation. “I just have one question, Arc.”

“Yes, Ember?”

“How the heck are we inconspicuous like this?!”

“We’re not.”

“Come again?”

“Anyone could see us, yes. But no one will know who we are.”

Sereb nods. “There is wisdom in this course of action… I think.”

Sometime later they come to a hill.

“Stop here, Sereb.”

“Very well.”

Sereb stops and Arc dismounts along with Ember. She looks around.

“I don’t see anything here, Arc.”

Arc points up the hill. “We should be able to see the gas station from up there. Let’s take it slow from here.”

They walk up the road and stop as they crest the hill. Ember squints.

“Is that a light I see in the window?”

Sereb nods. “Yes.”

Arc frowns. “That old station hasn’t been operating since I was a little boy.”

“Someone squatting there?”

“If we’re really lucky, Frank.”

They begin walking. Ember looks around.

“Uh, won’t they see us coming?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. The moon is covered by clouds and there aren’t any streetlamps out here.”

Sereb frowns. “And what of lookouts?”

“You and I blend into the snow pretty well, big guy.”

“What about me?!”

Arc shrugs. “Walk behind me.”

Ember nods. “Simple solution. I like it.”

They slowly walk down the road toward the station. Sereb sniffs the air.

“Wood smoke.”

Ember’s teeth chatter. “Good! That means it’s warm in there!”

“We aren’t here to visit, Ember.”

“I know that! But if we rush in we can take our opponents by surprise.”

Arc sighs. “Let’s just see what we’re up against before we start talking battle strategy, shall we?”

Sereb nods. “A wise choice.”

Ember scowls. “Fine…”

“Let’s go around the side and scout it out.”

Sereb sniffs the air again. “There is something odd here.”

“Define ‘odd’.”

“The smell is unlike anything I’ve ever encountered before.”

Arc frowns. “Is it dangerous?”


Arc touches his earring. “Rose, can you scan for anything dangerous here? Sereb smells something a bit… off.”

Xenos chuckles. “Define ‘off’, sir.”

Max looks over. “How about something that could kill them, Xenos?”

“Point taken.”

Rose runs a scan remotely. “There is some kind of residue nearby. It’s composition is unknown to me.”

Ember turns to Arc. “Something exotic all the way out here?!”

Sereb sighs. “Calm yourself, Ember. It could be anything.”

Rose smiles. “Right! There are quite a few substances on Earth that I have yet to encounter and catalogue. I can attempt to analyze it, but if you want it quickly I’ll have to focus on this rather than on you and the others.”

Max looks over his monitor. “We’ll keep our eyes open, sir.”

“Thanks. Do it, Rose.”


Rose closes her eyes and begins her task as Arc and the others continue on. Ember turns to Arc as they walk around to the front of the building.

“There’s a window.”

Arc turns to Sereb. “Can you smell anyone in there?”

Sereb shakes his head. “The scent which lingers around this place is interfering. I cannot tell.”

“What do you suppose it is, Arc?”

“I would say it’s probably gasoline. But this place has been shut down for over twenty years.

“How long does that stuff last?!”

“Not THAT long. And I can’t imagine them just leaving the tanks with fuel in them. Environmental regulations and all that.”

Ember frowns. “So what should we do?”

Sereb points a paw toward the window. “Perhaps we can peek inside.”

Ember hisses. “They’ll see us!”

Arc chuckles. “Don’t worry. I have an idea.”

He quickly removes the magic cloak from his ring and puts it on. As he vanishes from sight he grins.

“Now then, let’s see what we have here.”

Arc slowly and quietly walks toward the window. Peeking through it a few moments before returning to the others and uncloaking.

“We’ll, there’s definitely people in there.”

Ember sighs. “How many?”


Sereb bares his teeth. “We should be able to take them.”

“I don’t think that’s going to be necessary.”

“Why not, Arc?”

Cherry giggles. “We’ve seen them before.”

He motions to the front door. “Come on. Let’s go say ‘hi’.”

Sereb and Ember look to each other, shrug, and follow Arc toward the door. He knocks loudly. A moment later the sound of footsteps approaching can be heard and a voice rings out from inside.

“Who is it?”

Arc clears his throat. “We’re looking for someone.”

“No one here.”

Ember rubs her gauntlets together. “Come on! It’s cold out here! Open up!”

“Uh… okay!”

The door opens and Jackal’s large form can be seen standing in the doorway. He points at Arc.

“Hey! You guy from store! What you want?!”

“Just want to talk.”


Arc nods. “Yeah. Are your friends here?”

“Sure! Come on in!”

He shows them inside and looks at Ember.

“You bring friends?”

Arc shrugs. “Just like you.”


Ember shakes her head. “He means we both hang with pals.”


He looks past Arc and Ember.

“Someone else back there?”

“Yeah. It’s my… uh… dog.”

Jackal claps his hands happily. “Doggie?!”

Ember nods. “Yeah, but he’ll stay outside.”

“Aw! Why?!”

Ember snickers. “He’s not housebroken.”

“Oh… okay!”

Arc closes the door behind them as Sereb growls.

“I’m not sure what that means, but I’m quite sure I don’t like it.”

Meanwhile, Jackal leads Arc and Ember into the station.

“Others in back!”

They proceed behind the counter toward the storage room. Jackal opens the door for them. They see Snake and Wolf huddled around a small wood stove in a corner. Snake looks over as he rubs his hands together.

“Who was at the door?”

Wolf shivers nearby in a coat and blanket. “Hopefully our relief!”

“Uh… me not know who he is.”

The pair turn to look at their visitors. Wide-eyed as they jump to their feet. Wolf turns to Jackal, angrily.

“You big idiot! Why’d you let HIM in here?!”

Snake facepalms. “Of all the… if Stingray shows up and sees them, she’ll have our heads!”

Arc holds up his hands. “Easy there. I’m a friend.”

Ember turns to Arc. “You have a VERY loose idea of friendship then!”

Wolf sneers. “Agreed!”

Snake glares at them. “What do you want?!”

“A mutual friend of ours asked me to find you.”


“Your friend from Shelly’s Kitchen.”

Snake rolls his eyes. “HA! That idiot?!”

Wolf scoffs. “I’ll bet he hasn’t made ANY headway on finding the boss!”

Ember shakes her head. “Actually, he has.”

Jackal claps his hands together happily. “Goody!”

“Our friend has learned that your boss is still nearby.”

Snake sighs. “That ain’t much to go on!”

“True. But we’ve been able to get a lead on a few locations.”

Arc reaches into his ring and pulls out the map. He turns it to allow the three to see it.

“These places mean anything to you three?”

Snake frowns at him. “What do I look like? An atlas?!”

Wolf shrugs. “Those places aren’t anything special.”

Jackal studies the map carefully. “Hmmm…”

Ember turns to him. “See anything there, big guy?”

“Ya! I see a map on Stingray’s desk that has some of these places on it!”

Snake’s eyes grow wide. “WHAT?!”

Wolf glares at Jackal. “Why didn’t you say anything?!”

“I just thought it was pretty!”

Ember shakes her head. “Tell us more about the map. Can you remember anything else on it?”

Jackal thinks for a minute. “Stingray had scribbled all over it.”

Arc frowns. “Scribbled?”

“Yeah! Like she was doodling!”

Ember nods. “Maybe they were notes?”

“Nah! Scribbles just “X’s”!”

Snake grins. “X marks the spot!”

Wolf looks confused. “What spot?”

Jackal smiles. “Treasure?!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “I doubt it.”

Snake turns to Ember. “What makes you say that?”

“If it was a treasure map Stingray wouldn’t have left it out. More than likely it’s more for reference than a secret.”

Arc sighs. “You think they’re looking for Frank too?”


Wolf laughs. “Shows how much you two know!”

Snake shakes his head. “Yeah! The boss would never run from Stingray! Besides, she’s loyal to the core!”

He looks up at Arc suspiciously.

“Actually, the more I think about it, you’re the most suspicious lout here!”

Wolf turns to Snake. “You think HE took the boss?”

“Makes sense. He shows up in town and suddenly the boss is nowhere to be found.”

Jackal shakes his head. “I dunno Snake. He seems okay to me.”

Wolf glares at Jackal. “You just let us do the thinking around here.”

Snake smiles wickedly. “Yeah! Jackal, grab him!”

Arc shakes his head. “Really?”

Jackal sighs and walks toward Arc and Ember. “Sorry about this.”

Ember turns to Arc. “What now?!”

Arc clears his throat and speaks in a normal tone. “Sereb. Little help here.”

A moment later there is a colossal crash. The door bursts open and Sereb rushes to Arc’s side. He snarls menacingly at the trio before him. Jackal steps back so fast he falls over.


“What is THAT?!”

“It looks angry!”

Ember chuckles. “Now then. You boys still want to play?”

Snake shakes his head fearfully. “Not a chance!”

Wolf looks to Arc as Sereb takes a step toward them. “Call that thing OFF!”

Jackal turns to Snake. “Can I pet it?”


Arc puts an arm on Sereb’s shoulder. “Easy there. I’ll feed you when we get home.”

Sereb smiles a toothy grin as the trio collectively gulps. Arc turns his attention back to them.

“Now that I have your attention, what are you three doing out here? Slumming?”

Wolf hides behind Jackal. “We just do what we’re told!”

Snake nods. “Yeah! Stingray just has us watching this place for some reason.”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “I find it hard to believe you’re babysitting an abandoned building.”

Jackal nods. “It true! We’re just supposed to see to it nobody snoops around here! Honest!”

“It may be that they weren’t told exactly why they’re here. Remember those strange readings outside?”

“How could I forget?”

“We still don’t know their source. I get the feeling they honestly don’t know why they’re here.”

Wolf nods frantically. “We don’t! We don’t! We REALLY don’t!!!”

Ember nods. “That IS convincing.”

Arc’s earring chirps

“Go ahead.”

Rose opens her eyes. “I’ve pinpointed the location of the unknown substance.”

“Great! Where?”

“It’s several feet beneath you.”

Ember frowns. “Underground? Why there?”

“Is the substance a liquid by any chance?”

“Yes. Molecular scans show it to be in a liquid state at the moment.”

Arc points toward the window. “The stuff is in the gas tanks underground.”

Wolf looks confused. “How do you know?”

“I don’t. Let’s find out, shall we?”

Arc leads the group outside. Sereb takes up the rear behind Snake who is shivering.

“It’s cold out here!”

Jackal shrugs. “It not so bad.”

Wolf glares at Jackal. “You’re nothing but blubber!

Ember turns to Arc. “I’m with them on this one. Can we hurry this along please?!”

Arc looks around. “I just need to find the opening under all this snow.”

He thinks for a moment before turning to Sereb.

“Do you think you could sniff out the source of the smell big guy?”

Sereb nods and looks around. Wolf rolls his eyes.

“No mutt is THAT smart!”

Ember nods. “Have some faith in him.”

Sereb sniffs the ground for a few moments before pawing around nearby. Arc walks over to him.

“I think he’s found it.”

He kneels down and brushes the snow away to reveal a steel cover. Snake scoffs.

“Lucky guess.”

Wolf sneers. “Yeah. I still don’t see how this has anything to do with…”

Arc turns away as he opens the lid. “That’s a strange smell. Definitely not gasoline though.”

Ember nods. “Yeah. It’s almost floral.”

Arc looks to Ember. “Go back in the station and get me something to hold this stuff in would you?”


Wolf turns to the others. “Um… do we just let him do this?”

Sereb looks over at them and growls.

Snake sighs. “I guess. That is unless we WANT his mutt to eat us!”

Jackal looks hopeful. “Can I play with him?!”



Ember emerges from the station and tosses Arc an empty bottle.

“I found this flask. Will it do?”

Arc nods as he catches it. “That’s a pop bottle. But yes, it’ll do.”

Snake rolls his eyes. “So you’re just going to reach on down there and scoop it out? Idiot…”

Ember glares at him. “Shut up!”

Arc lowers the bottle down with his magic, leaves it there for a moment and pulls it back up. Turning around with the filled bottle he chuckles.

“That’s how it’s done.”

Jackal claps. “That look like fun! Me go fishing too?!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Oh boy.”

Snake looks at the bottle, wide-eyed. “What the… how did you DO that?!”

Wolf frowns. “I thought only Lieutenant Mio had weird powers like that!”

Jackal nods. “Ya! But only with her cane!”

Arc puts the cap back on the bottle of milky white liquid. “What can I say? I’m gifted.”

He holds the bottle up in front of his face for a moment before turning to the others.

“What do you guys know about this stuff?”

Snake shrugs. “We didn’t even know it was there!”

Ember shakes her head. “So you’re here to guard something and didn’t even bother to ask what it was?!”

Wolf glares at her. “Hey, in the Shards you just do what you’re told!”

Jackal sighs. “Yeah. Things were better with Mr. Fontaine around.”

Snake hisses at him. “What did I tell you about saying that?!”

Wolf frowns. “You’ll get us all in trouble!”

Arc uses his magic to put the lid back over the hole. “I’m taking this bottle. You guys should probably not mention us being here to anyone.”

Snake nods frantically. “We won’t say anything. But could you please leave now?!”

Wolf makes a slicing motion with his finger across his neck. “Yeah! If anyone found out we talked to you, it’d be the end of us!”

Arc nods. “Fine. Let’s go you two.”

Ember and Sereb turn to follow Arc as he turns back toward the trio.

“I suggest you three get out of the Shards while you still can.”

“No way!”

“This is the only family we’ve ever had!”

“Yeah! Mr. Fontaine needs everyone!”

Ember turns back to them. “Then where is he?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Let it go.”

He raises a gauntlet and opens a portal. Arc looks back as Ember and Sereb walk through.

“Take care of yourselves.”

The portal closes as Arc walks through. The trio look at one another. Wolf is the first to speak.

“Did… did that just happen?!”

Snake nods. “I think so.”

Jackal smiles. “Yeah! I like him!”

“You do?! Why?!”

“He nice man!”

Snake frowns. “You do realize that’s the guy that’s standing in the way of the boss’ plan, right big guy?”

“I still think we should be pals with him.”

Wolf rolls his eyes as they walk back into the service station. “You do that. Let us know how it turns out.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Sereb emerge from the portal in the basement. The others walk over to them. Max reaches them first.

“That went well.”

Xenos nods. “Yeah! It’s a nice change of pace.”

Viktor looks to Sereb. “Glad to see you went easy on them.”

“Arc did not want them harmed. I could do nothing else without his orders.”

Hugh grins. “In any case, a little intimidation is all it took to get the job done.”

Rose giggles. “Yes. Their heart rates were sky high!”

Arc holds up the bottle. “Here’s that substance from the tanks, Rose. Think you can analyze it with your sensors?”

Rose takes the bottle. “To a degree, yes. However some specialized equipment will be needed to do the job properly.”

Ember sighs. “So we have to send this to Canterlot, huh?”


Arc looks at his pocket watch. “Well, it is quite late. Sunburst probably went to bed long ago. I’ll send this over tomorrow morning.”

“If you’d like, I can do some preliminary studies and record the results.”

Viktor turns to Arc. “That would certainly save Sunburst some time, sir.”

“Fine. Uh… this isn’t going to explode, is it?”

Rose shakes her head. “No. It’s chemically inert.”

Sereb looks at the bottle nervously. “Are you certain?”

“I am.”

Arc nods. “Good. Just don’t take any unnecessary risks.”

“I won’t. But the rest of you should probably be getting to bed. My sensors show that all of you are quite tired.”

Arc yawns. “That’s probably a good idea.”

He turns to his squad.

“Get some rest. Tomorrow is another day.”

Max salutes. “Yes sir.”

Ember turns to Arc. “I get the feeling you’re already thinking about our next move.”

“Yup. But let’s save it for later. I’m worn out.”

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