• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,571 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - Teaching a Lesson

Early the next morning Natalya enters Arc’s room with her breakfast cart. She makes her way over to his bed and gently nudges him.

“Lord Arc? It’s morning.”

He sits up and stretches, groggily. “Already?”

Natalya nods. “Sorry, but you did ask me not to let you sleep in, sir.”

Ember rolls over and looks up at Arc with a smile. “Sure you don’t want to sleep just a bit longer?”

“I’m sure!”

Natalya gestures nervously toward the table. “I… brought everyone’s breakfast. You should eat before it gets cold.”

Arc nods and swings his legs over the side of the bed. “Thanks! It does smell good!”

As Natalya turns back to her cart, she accidently bumps the nightstand Arc’s helmet is sitting on! It falls to the floor as if in slow motion!


With lightning fast reflexes, Arc reaches out both hands! Using his magic, he ‘catches’ the helmet mere inches above the floor! Wide-eyed and breathing heavily, he pulls his helmet into his arms.

“That was close!”

Ember sits up quickly! “Arc?! What happened?!”

Natalya steps back, clearly flustered! “I… I’m so sorry, Lord Arc!”

Arc stands up and holds his helmet close. “It… it’s okay! Sorry I overreacted.”

Both he and Ember walk over to the table along with Flash Sentry. Arc calls out to Cherry telepathically.

“You okay?”

“I am! Thank you for catching me! But it will take more than a fall from a table to get rid of me!”

“Sorry for going off the deep end earlier. I lost you once! I can’t bear the thought of losing you again!”

“You won’t! In any case, I’m ready to go!”

Arc returns his helmet to his ring as he sits down at the table. “On to brighter things! I hope you three enjoyed last night.”

Ember grins! “I did!”

Flash Sentry nods. “Thankfully nopony was hurt! Who were they?!”

Natalya looks over to him as she transfers the plates from the cart to the table. “Rebels.”

Arc looks to her as they begin to eat. “Lord Gestal said as much when I spoke to him last night. Any clues from that leader I took down last night?”

“Sorry sir, but he never made it to the dungeon.”

Flash Sentry’s eyes grow wide! “He escaped?!”

Natalya nods. “The half dozen guards who were escorting him report being attacked en route to the Grand Aviary.”

Ember looks over to her angrily! “So his troops came to his rescue?!”

“One of them, anyways.”

Arc frowns. “One?”

She nods. “Apparently a lone assailant attacked the guards shortly before they arrived with their prisoner. Both of them are still at large!”

Flash Sentry sighs. “Bold of them to attack so close to the castle!”

Arc chuckles. “Smart plan though. The closer the guards got to the safety of their destination, the more their guard dropped. Any leads?”

Natalya shakes her head. “No. They’ve disappeared without a trace!”

Ember nods. “And what of Lord Gestal?”

“His manor has been reinforced along with his guards. No one is breaking in there again! At least not without an army!”


Ember turns to him. “So what should we do today, Arc?”

“How about some training?”

Flash Sentry smiles. “Sounds good, sir!”

“I’m in!”

Arc turns to Natalya. “Is there somewhere we can spar, Natalya?”

“There are a number of private training rooms under the Grand Aviary. They’re reinforced for the strongest among us to be able to train without having to worry about injuring others!”

“Can we use one?”

“Of course! I’ll take you there anytime you’re ready, sir!”

They finish their meal and follow Natalya toward the kitchen as she pushes her cart. They stop outside the door as she looks back nervously.

“I’ll be out as soon as I can!”

Arc nods. “We’ll wait.”

She disappears through a swinging door. A few moments later she rushes back out amidst angry voices!

“S-sorry for the wait!”

Flash Sentry looks toward the door. “What was that all about?!”

Natalya looks at him, pained. “The castle chefs don’t really like non-kitchen personnel back there.”

Arc frowns as they continue down the corridor. “Don’t you have to do so to pick up our food?”

“Yes, well… they’re at the top of the servant food chain around here, so they view the rest of us as below them.”

Ember furrows her brow. “Why? You’re all servants in one capacity or another!”

“Probably because their job takes a lot of skill and training. Mine… not so much.”

She sighs.

“I’m a glorified waiter.”

A short time later they arrive at a vacant Training Room. Flash Sentry closes and locks the door behind them.

“Who should go first, sir?”

“How about you and Ember? I just want to observe for the moment.”

Ember walks to the middle of the room. “It’s been a while, lieutenant!”

Flash Sentry squares off as he draws his weapons. “That it has!”

The pair go at it as Natalya leads Arc to a comfortable looking chair.

“This is where the commanding officer sits as they critique their troop’s fighting styles. Can I get you anything?”

Arc shakes his head as Sereb lies down next to him. “No thanks. How about you and I watch together?”

“Yes sir.”

They watch for a time in silence. Eventually Natalya lets out a sigh.

“I do wish I could be like them.”

Arc nods. Not taking his eyes off the pair before him. “You can.”

“After what I did last night, I’m certain that will never happen.”


Natalya shakes her head. “I remember when the attack began! Your mount jumped in front of all of us in an effort to protect us! When he charged into the house a few moments later, I peeked inside. The way you and your Honor Guards fought was amazing!”

“All it takes is a bit of practice.”

“I… I wanted to join you in defending Lord Gestal! But my legs were shaking too much to move!”

Arc smiles at her. “Everyone gets scared sometimes.”

“Not your Honor Guards apparently!”

“I’m sure they do! But they trust me not to send them to a premature doom.”

“Well, what about you then? Were you scared last night?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not really. I’ve fought a number of times against far more formidable foes. Even a couple of unkillable ones!”

“How do you function under such stress?! Do you even feel fear at ALL?!”

“I do. Not fear of dying, but fear of what would happen to the innocent if I lost! Take last night for example. Had we failed, Lady Ashe would have been kidnapped and used as a bargaining chip by the rebels!”

Natalya shudders at the thought. “That’s quite a bit of pressure!”

“Want some pointers?”

“From you?! Sure!”

“Do your best to stay in control of your emotions during such an emergency. Focus on the task at hand and keep a level head.”

She nods. “Anything else?”

Arc chuckles. “Being better than your opponent doesn’t hurt either.”

“That’s the tough part for me.”

Arc gestures to Ember and Flash Sentry as they trade blows. “Take a good look at Ember and Flash Sentry. What do you see?”

“Well, for starters their both holding their weapons wrong.”

“Are they now?”

Natalya nods. “Yes. And they’re not using proper battle stances, nor are they focusing on their opponent! Both of them are looking around the room!”

Arc nods. “They’re looking around for inspiration.”

“For what?”

“Ways to make the battlefield work in their favor.”

“I don’t quite follow, sir.”


As Ember lunges at him, Flash Sentry dodges and kicks a nearby bucket at her! She uses the butt end of her spear to knock it back at him! Natalya looks confused.

“That’s a bit… out of the ordinary.”

Arc turns to her. “If you were fighting one of them, would you expect that?”

“I would not.”

“That gives them the upper hand!”

He looks down at Sereb.

“How about you interrupt their little routine, big guy?”

Sereb stands and continues to watch. Natalya turns back to Arc.

“What’s he doing?”

“Waiting for the right moment.”

“To do what?!”

Arc shrugs. “I dunno. Guess we’ll find out!”

A few seconds later Sereb lunges at Ember. She sidesteps and knocks him toward Flash Sentry! Natalya looks on in awe!


Arc nods. “Evasion and counterattack all in one!”

He looks back at the trio.

“Take a breather everyone!”

They breathlessly approach Arc and sit down. Natalya brings them each a flask of water and a towel.

“You were incredible, Miss Ember!”

Ember smiles at her. “Thanks! Flash Sentry and I are pretty evenly matched these days!”

“I dare say you might even be able to give Lord Arc a run for his bits!”

Arc laughs! “Care to try, Ember?”

“No thanks! You already beat me once! That was enough for me!”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “Really?! Was it a close match?!”

Ember shakes her head. “Not even! I don’t recall being able to lay a claw on him back then!”

“You’ve gotten a lot better since that fateful day. Now you might stand a chance!”

“I doubt it! You’ve gotten exponentially stronger yourself!”

Arc chuckles. “Experience is the best teacher!”

After a few minutes rest, Arc stands and calls forth Eidolon’s Ward and the Spear of Righteousness.

“Guess I should get some exercise myself!”

Natalya stands back expectantly as she mutters to herself. “I wonder who Lord Arc will fight?! Hopefully Ember!”

Arc walks toward the center of the room, spear in hand, and turns to face them. “Alright your three. Let’s go!”

Ember, Flash Sentry and Sereb all lunge at Arc! Flash Sentry, being the fastest, gets there first! He swings his blades at Arc who easily blocks them with his spear! Turning his weapon rapidly 180 degrees he easily disarms the pegasus, grabs him by the front of his armor and throws him across the room into the wall! Sereb lunges at Arc only to be caught as Arc falls on his back and uses his legs along with centrifugal force to throw the wolf at a rising Flash Sentry! Ember reaches Arc just as he stands to meet her assault! He seamlessly Blinks behind her and kicks her toward Sereb and Flash Sentry.

“You all okay?”

Ember gets up. “Fine, Arc.”

Flash Sentry nods as Ember helps him up. “Remind me never to get on your bad side, sir!”

Sereb walks back over to Arc with the others and lies down.

“Impressive, Lord Arc! Taking on multiple opponents is not something we’re taught!”

Arc nods. “During a real fight, you may not have a choice!”

Natalya nods. “Understandable! But there is little a Footpad like me can do about that!”

“Do you understand how my Honor Guards and I fight?”

She shakes her head. “No. By all rights, your technique shouldn’t work!”

Arc chuckles. “That’s why it’s so effective!”

Ember nods. “It makes us unpredictable! When I first faced Arc, I expected an easy victory. What I got was a fight I was ill prepared for!”

Flash Sentry chuckles. “I’ve done my best to pass what I’ve learned from the Hero of Light on to his forces. The ability to think on one’s hooves and use the terrain to your advantage, along with being unpredictable, lends itself to keeping opponents guessing!”

Arc turns to her. “Tell me, Natalya. Do you want to be a Footpad forever?”

“No. But that’s what I’ll be for quite some time.”

“You told me anyone could rise to any rank with enough fighting prowess! Was that true?”

“It was. But I just don’t have what it takes!”

Arc points a finger at her forehead. “That… is why you fail.”

Natalya looks confused. “What?”

Flash Sentry looks at her soberly. “If you go into a fight thinking it’s impossible, you’ll always lose.”

Ember nods. “Right! Mind over matter! Having a strong arm doesn’t hurt though!”

Arc sighs. “Facing off against invincible enemies with no possible way to defeat them… that kind of thinking would have killed me long ago!”

“Do you do that… often?”

“Several times now. As you can see, I’m still alive and with all my limbs!”

Arc looks over at Flash Sentry’s blades lying on the floor nearby. Using his magic, he picks them up and levitates them over to himself before tossing them to Natalya.

“Spar with Ember for a while. “

Natalya catches the blades in her talons. “But… I don’t know how to…”

Ember interrupts her. “I’ll teach you!”

Arc heads back to his chair. “Don’t worry, she won’t hurt you. That and I want to see how griffons fight as well.”

Flash Sentry stands next to Arc. “Those ‘warriors’ we faced last night didn’t really put up much of a fight.”

Natalya faces off against Ember. “They probably weren’t.”

Ember frowns as she spars with Natalya. “What do you mean?! They had armor and weapons!”

Arc shakes his head. “Someone else could put on my armor and hold my spear. It wouldn’t make them the Hero of Light though!”

Natalya parries Ember’s attack. “They’re mostly civilians who want things to change.”

Flash Sentry’s eyes grow wide! “We were fighting CIVILIANS?!”

Arc nods. “I hope we didn’t hurt any of them too badly!”

Ember grins. “They were able to get away, so I would say no.”

The pair spar for over an hour. Arc nods approvingly.

“You seem to be doing okay, Natalya.”

“I know Miss Ember isn’t trying to hurt me. If she was, I don’t think I’d be doing so well!”

“You haven’t ever seen real combat before, have you?”

Natalya dodges Ember’s attack. “No sir. My father was always against it!”

Flash Sentry looks to her. “Is he a high ranking official, or something?”

Natalya pulls back to await Ember’s next attack. “Kinda. Let’s just say he has some pull!”

Ember flies over her opponent to flank her. “I would have figured you’d be a higher rank than lieutenant!”

Natalya blocks the attack from the rear with both blades over her back! “He insists I make my own way up the ladder, for which I’m glad!”

Flash Sentry nods as Natalya counters with a kick from her powerful hind leg! “He probably just wants to keep you safe!”

Arc nods. “Agreed! I know I’d feel terrible if my daughter got hurt!”

Ember recovers from the blow. “Right! But I get the feeling Dinky can take care of herself! Call it dragon’s intuition!”

“You have a daughter, Lord Arc?”

“I do! She’s back home in school at the moment.”

Natalya walks over to him as the pair stop for a water break. “I remember my school days. In the Griffon Kingdom only the rich or powerful can send their younglings to school.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “You’re joking, right?”

“I’m not.”

Arc sighs. “In Equestria all foals go to school regardless of their family’s income. They learn everything they need to be productive adults.”

“So it’s like battle training?”

“I assume it’s more like facts and figures.”

Natalya nods. “That sounds nice!”

Ember turns to her. “What if you’re not rich or powerful? How do you educate your young?”

“Their parents teach what they can. Basic reading and math mostly. Not much else though.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “I don’t understand. How are they supposed to make it when they grow up?!”

Arc shakes his head. “They aren’t.”

Natalya looks over, confused. “Sir?”

“A good education is paramount to escaping poverty and making something of yourself. I get the feeling those in power are doing their best to keep the masses subverted.”

Natalya nods. “I… I know. It isn’t right!”

Ember looks over to her opponent. “Can’t something be done?!”

“It would take a lot of work and the cooperation of the Council of Lords! Change doesn’t happen overnight!”

Arc nods thoughtfully. “Then how about you BECOME the change, Natalya?”

“I don’t understand.”

“Climb the ladder and use your authority and influence to bring about change.”

Natalya’s eyes grow wide! That would make me a rebel!”

Arc gets up and walks over to her. “Standing up for what you believe in is the first step to achieving lasting change! If no one speak out, things go on as they are now.”

“But who would want to follow ME?!”

“If you show everyone you are wise and fair, they’ll WANT to follow you! Look at Ember! She isn’t part of the military, yet she follows me.”

“What?! I… I didn’t know that!

She turns to face Ember.

“Why, Miss Ember?! Why put your safety on the line for Lord Arc?!”

“Because… he’s my best friend! We’ve been through a lot together and he’s always treated me and everyone else around him right!”

Flash Sentry nods. “The commander is a very compassionate and charismatic leader! His troops back at our base would probably follow him anywhere!”

“I… I think someone older and wiser should probably…”

Arc interrupts. “Do you see anyone doing that?”

Ember nods. “The rebels, for starters.”

Arc sighs. “While I disagree with their tactics, they made it clear they won’t be silenced. Sometimes you have to BE the change, Natalya! However, the violence these rebels are perpetrating needs to stop before someone gets hurt!”

Flash Sentry looks to her. “You’re part of the legitimate governing body here, yet you sympathize with the rebel’s cause. That attitude would make you a prime candidate to be an intermediary. Perhaps some kind of compromise can be made!”

Natalya looks at him, suspiciously. “Lord Arc? Why are you so keen on helping me? I’m certainly not someone important!”

“We felt bad for what happened when we arrived.”

Natalya looks at him with a confused expression. “What… happened?”

Flash Sentry nods. “Getting you demoted.”

“Oh… that…”

Ember stands up. “If we can toughen you up, maybe you can fight for your old job back!”

Natalya sighs. “That would be nice! Being a Footpad doesn’t really have any advantages.”

“If you’d allow up to help you become a lieutenant again, we’d feel a lot better! That and I think the Griffon Kingdom needs more young, open-minded leaders in positions of power.”

Flash Sentry turns to him. “Begging your pardon sir, but isn’t this meddling in the affairs of another country?”

“Well… yes and no. Yes, it most certainly is! But no, inasmuch as we’re just trying to set right a career we inadvertently ruined!”

Ember shrugs. “Can’t argue with that!”

“I appreciate what you’re trying to do, sir! But the next promotion ceremony is only three days away!”

Arc stands up. “Then we had better get back to work!”

They spar for another hour. Ember frowns at Natalya.

“You’re still stiffening up when I attack! You need to loosen up!”

Arc nods. “Afraid, Natalya?”

“Y-yes! She’s so much stronger than I am!”

“I suppose she is. Let me trade places with you, Ember.”

Ember appears surprised. “Uh, okay.”

Arc stands before Natalya in the center of the room and calls forth his spear. Taking up a battle-ready stance he looks to her.

“Come at me!”

“WHAT?! But… you’ll cream me!”

“I said attack me, Natalya!”

“Y-yes sir!”

She rushes forward with one of Flash Sentry’s swords, but slows down as she nears Arc! By the time she reaches him, she is walking!

Natalya taps his spear with her sword, feebly. “Eep!”

She quickly draws back to her side of the ring. Arc puts a hand on his hip and frowns.

“That was… pretty bad.”

“I… I know! It’s just… you’re REALLY powerful!”

“You have to be prepared to fight someone significantly stronger than you! Both physically and emotionally!”

“But there’s no way I could EVER take you on! Not in a thousand years!”

Arc nods. “You’re right!”

Ember looks confused. “She is?”

“Yes. In fact, I’m pretty tired of the whole ‘we’re so superior to everyone’ griffon attitude around here!”


“You know, for all their big talk I haven’t been too impressed with anyone around here yet! I should have invaded this country back when I was in charge!”

Ember grins! “It’s not too late, Arc!”

Natalya looks at him, wide-eyed. “What?! NO! You… you can’t!”

Arc shrugs. “Who would stop me? The Griffon Defense Force?! How about your family, Natalya? Anyone else a warrior?”

“N-no! Just me!”

“Flash Sentry, notify my troops! Tell them to suit up and head for the Griffon Kingdom! We invade at once!”

Flash Sentry frowns. “What?! But… but the princesses would never agree to that!”

“I don’t need the Equestrian Military! My own forces should be enough to bring this land down!”

He turns back to Natalya who is visibly shaken at the thought>

“I like you, Natalya! So I guess your family fall will last!”

Natalya falls to her knees! “No! Please, spare them!”

“Oh, very well. They won’t go last!”

“Thank you, sir!”

Arc turns to her with a wicked grin! “They’ll go FIRST!”

“But… but…”

He looks to her with outstretched arms. “Just try and stop me!”

With a bestial roar of determination Natalya flies at Arc! He blocks her savage attack with his spear and counters by swatting her across the room like a fly!

“I do hope the others put up a better fight than…”

Natalya is up in a flash! She flies at him again! This time low in an attempt to trip him up! Arc nimbly jumps over her as she crashes into the wall! He laughs at her!

“If the rest of the griffons fight as well as you do, this will be over in a day!”

Ember chuckles. “Blood and feathers everywhere!”

Natalya rises again. Bruised and battered she again stands and takes up her stance. She speaks again, although this time in an eerily even tone.

“No. I’ll stop you here and now… or die trying.”

Arc grins slyly and motions for her to advance.

“Show me what you have then!”

She does so! Moving like lightning she comes in low again. Arc quickly sidesteps to avoid her attack! As she passes him, she deftly wraps her tail around his ankle using her own momentum to pull him off his feet!

“I’ll beat you!”

Arc quickly stands up. “Will you now? Show me!”

Natalya again flies toward him as he takes up a defensive stance. Before she reaches him though she noses up and knocks a large ceiling tile down! Arc nimby rolls out of the way as the piece of ceiling comes crashing down behind him.


Natalya lands and points the sword at Arc, angrily! “I’ll bring this whole castle down on us if it means stopping you!”

Arc stands and points his spear at Natalya. “Well then… show me what you’re REALLY capable of then!”

She flies at him with both claws on her sword! With single-minded determination she screams at him!

“I’ll stop you… I’LL STOP YOU!!!”

Arc blocks her attack with his spear! Kneeling down to deflect her momentum past himself, as Natalya smashes into the wall across the room cracking it! Arc quickly Blinks over to her, grabs her weapon and throws her back into the center of the room. Breathing heavily, Natalya does not rise. Arc walks over to her, sword in hand.

“Did you really think you could take ME on?!”

Natalya weakly shakes her head. “No. But… I had to try.”

Arc looks down at her a moment before kicking her over onto her stomach, pinning her down with his weight and grabbing her forehead from behind! Forcing her neck back to expose her throat, he puts the sword against it.

“Do you have anything to say?”

Natalya smiles weakly. “I… I’m sorry, father. I tried…”

She is silent for a time as she closes her eyes. In a calm tone she speaks to him.

“Go ahead…”

Arc throws the sword across the room and stands up. Walking around Natalya he kneels down to look her in the eye.

“Congratulations, Natalya! You won.”

“…what? But… you were about to kill me! How can I be the victor?”

He stands up and extends a hand to her. “It wasn’t me you needed to overcome. But your own feelings of inadequacy and fear of failure!”

She looks confused as Arc helps her up. “What?! I never stood a chance!”

Ember nods. “But you fearlessly stood against Arc nonetheless!”

Flash Sentry chuckles. “Yes! And even knocked him down!”

“I… I did, didn’t I!”

Arc smiles at her. “That you did! You learned to use what you had at hand to your advantage!”

Flash Sentry nods. “And you learned how to focus your emotions!”

“Yes! You turned your greatest weakness into strength! Very impressive!”

Ember looks up at the ceiling. “Is that… going to be okay?”

She nods. “It will. These rooms are reinforced for such things! In the heat of the moment, I simply forgot that.”

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

Natalya shifts on her feet. “My body’s a bit… sore at the moment. But I think I’ll be fine.”

She looks up at Arc sheepishly.

“You’re… not really going to invade us… are you?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I’m sorry, but that was the best way I could think of to force you into the proper mindset. I figured if that didn’t work, nothing would.”

“Thanks… I think.”

Ember sighs. “Arc has a knack for pushing others past their known limits.”

Flash Sentry nods. “It’s uncanny!”

“Yes, well… if you’re up to it, I’d like to see how much you’ve learned from this.”

Natalya picks up the sword and smiles. “I can go a bit longer!”

Arc motions to Flash Sentry.

“See how you do against my lieutenant now.”

The pair square off. Flash Sentry rushes toward Natalya. She does not waver. Instead she blocks his attack, forces him to land and knocks him down with a quick motion of her hindquarters before standing over him with the sword pointed at his face!

Flash Sentry looks around. “What just happened?!”

Ember holds her stomach, laughing! “You just got dropped!”

Arc looks over to her. “Care to try, Ember?”

Ember nods as Natalya lets Flash Sentry up. “Sure!”

She walks toward the center of the room, stands across from Natalya and takes up a battle-ready position.

“Don’t hold back!”

Natalya nods as Ember rushes towards her! She successfully blocks the attack but not without being staggered! Ember uses the opportunity to knock her down and point her spear at Natalya’s face!

“Nice try!”

Natalya looks confused as Ember helps her up. “But I lost.”

Arc nods. “Ember has about the same amount of battle experience as I do. Flash Sentry, while formidable, hasn’t seen the same level of action we have.”

“I guess I still have a long way to go, huh?”

Arc nods. “No one ever truly stops learning.”

Natalya looks to him, wide eyed! “Even you?”

“Especially me! Every battle makes me faster, better, smarter and stronger. I’ll use that knowledge to protect Equestria from those who would threaten it.”

Natalya smiles up at him. “And I’ll use what you’ve taught me to protect the Griffon Kingdom! Thank you for the lesson, sir!”

“Have faith in yourself and the battle will be that much easier. But how about we head back to the room for now?”

Flash Sentry nods. “I think we could all do with a rest.”

Ember chuckles. “Especially Natalya!”

They leave the training room and make their way back toward Arc’s room. Natalya walks slowly in front of them.

“I’m going to feel this in the morning!”

Flash Sentry sighs. “I think we all are.”

They pass the kitchen as wondrous smells waft forth from its doors. Natalya looks over to them nervously.

“I should probably get your lunch from the chefs now, Lord Arc.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “You going to be okay in there?!”

Natalya nod confidently. “I’ll be fine!”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Actually, I’d like a word with the chef! I’ll get the cart myself.”

Natalya looks confused. “Very well. It should be just inside the kitchen doors ready to go. Just follow your nose and watch out! Like I said before, the chefs don’t like others in there!”

Arc nods as Ember holds the door open for him. “I’ll be careful.”

The door closes behind him as Natalya turns to Ember and Flash Sentry.

“I don’t understand why Lord Arc wanted to…”

Flash Sentry chuckles. “You’ll see.”

A few moments later Arc enters the kitchen. A Royal Chef is busy at the stove. Hearing what he assumes is Natalya, he chucks an iron skillet behind him and curses the ‘intruder’. A moment later the pan flies past his head as it embeds itself firmly into the wall! He whirls around to see a VERY angry human storming towards him! Arc grabs the chef by the front of the apron and picks him up to look him in the eye.

“I think you and I need to have a talk!"

Natalya, Sereb, Flash Sentry and Ember wait outside the kitchen as the sounds of pans banging and dishes breaking can be heard. Natalya looks toward the swinging doors.

“Should we… do something?”

Ember leans against the wall. “Nah!”

Flash Sentry nods. “The commander’s got this.”

A few minutes later Arc emerges from the kitchen with the food cart. Natalya looks to him as they make their way down the corridor.

“What was that all about, sir?!”

“He threw a pan at me.”

Ember smiles. “And…?”

Arc laughs! “And I threw it back! After that he and I had a little chat. I don’t think he’ll be giving you any more trouble, Natalya.”

Natalya nods confidently. “If he does, I can handle it.”

“Don’t let him or anyone else walk all over you.”

“I won’t, sir!”

Arc nods. “Good! Now let’s hurry back to the room! I’m starving!”

Ember facepalms. “Some things never change.”

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