• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - Servitude

A short time later Lord Gestal returns. He immediately heads to his daughter’s side.

“My apologies, my dear.”

“It’s fine, father.”

“Now then, Ashe. I know it must be hard for you right now, but is there anything you can tell us about your kidnappers?”

“Not much, father. I was blindfolded the whole time. But I did overhear something when they thought I was unconscious.”

“Good! Every bit of information helps, my dear!”

“They were talking about someone named Lieutenant Natalya.”

Gestal frowns. “Natalya?! That traitor?! What did they say?!”

“That’s just it, father! The rebels were talking about how they had made her their patsy!”

Arc feigns surprise. “Wait! So she really isn’t the Rebel Leader?!”

“I guess not, Lord Arc. Their real leader did sound like they were enjoying a good laugh over it though.”

Gestal frowns. “Hmmm… it may also have been part of a larger plan for us to release the lieutenant. She could then disappear without a trace.”

“With all due respect father, I don’t believe so. At one point they quickly came to attention when someone entered the room.”

“Who was it?”

“The real leader.”

“It could still have been part of the ruse, my dear. Or perhaps the griffon who took over for them.”

Arc shrugs. “That is possible. Have you been able to get anything out of Lieutenant Natalya, sir?”

Gestal shakes her head. “No. She still maintains her innocence.”

“I believe she is, father. The lieutenant was General Blackbeak’s aide, was she not?”

“Yes. What does that…?”

“So she had a great number of chances to cause trouble.”

“That she did, I suppose.”

Ashe nods. “What about her record? Anything there?”

Gestal shakes his head. “Clean.”

“She’s a model officer. Why would she turn on us?”

Gestal sighs. “There is wisdom in your words, my dear. But I’m afraid we can’t take the risk. The lieutenant must either be imprisoned until the real leader is found or executed.”

Arc frowns. “That seems a bit extreme a punishment for suspicion, isn’t it Lord Gestal?”

“Security must come first, Lord Arc.”

“But what if they try to free her?”

“Then they will fail.”

“We haven’t had much luck holding rebels thus far, father.”

“What would you suggest I do then, Ashe?”

Arc steps forward. “Lord Gestal, might I be of service?”

“You have an idea, Lord Arc?”

“Equestria would be willing to take Lieutenant Natalya off your hands.”

“You have a secure prison?”

“Probably about as secure as your own. What I’m suggesting is putting an ocean between the Griffon Kingdom and her. I doubt she would be able to fly all the way back here.”

Gestal puts a talon to his chin. “I still believe holding her would be the most prudent action.”

“Father! She’s innocent!”

Gestal sighs. “Very well. If you will take personal responsibility for her, I will transfer the lieutenant to your possession, Lord Arc.”

Arc looks confused. “Possession?”

Ashe nods soberly. “Criminals are sometimes sold into slavery to pay for their crimes, Lord Arc.”

“I’m not completely certain, but I don’t believe the law allows for slavery in Equestria.”

Gestal nods. “Perhaps not. But the Hero of Light is above the law, are they not?”

“Well… I suppose so.”

Ashe turns to him. “Then you are probably the only citizen of your country who could own her.”

“So what will you do, Lord Arc? Will you take Natalya as a slave, or shall I keep her in our dungeons?”

Arc sighs. “I’ll take her.”

“Very well. I will have ownership papers drawn up at once. The prisoner will be delivered to your ship as soon as possible.”


Ashe frowns. “A title of ownership. You’ll need them to legally take her out of the country. They’re very similar to a deed for land.”

Gestal shrugs. “Well, both are property.”

“I’ll see to it she’s cared for until the real leader is found.”

“You do not understand, Lord Arc. She will belong to you, and serve YOU! Just remember her actions will be your responsibility.”


“Very good. Now then, I need to get Ashe home and safely to her bed. If you’d like you may come along and have a light snack with me at my estate while we wait for those papers.”

“Thank you. I accept.”

Gestal walks toward the door, opens it, and motions for a couple medics to enter. They carefully transfer Ashe to a gurney and wheel her out the door. Arc and Gestal follow them.

“I have an armored chariot waiting outside for us along with a large contingent of elite military guards.”

Arc looks to Gestal. “The rebels won’t fight the military?”

“They’re welcome to try. I’d certainly welcome the entertainment, as well as the opportunity to thin their ranks.”

Ashe frowns. “They just might. Remember father, they were very daring to kidnap and beat me. Doesn’t that show you they mean business?”

“All it shows me is that they are a threat that needs to be cut out, Ashe. And I intend to make that a reality.”

Ashe shudders at the thought.

“Are you cold, my dear?”

“I… yes, a bit.”

“You’ll be home in your nice warm bed shortly.”

They leave the Aviary. The medics load Ashe into the oversized chariot as her father and Arc join her. The doors are closed and they begin the short ride to the estate. Gestal takes Ashe’s talon as he sits down next to her gurney.

“I’m so very happy you’re safe, my dear!”

“Thank you father. But you look very tired. Have you been sleeping poorly?”

Gestal shakes his head. “I have been unable to do so since your disappearance, Ashe.”

Ashe gently pushes her father’s back into his seat. “Please father, take a nap.”

“I will when we get home, my dear.”

“You worry about me too much.”

Gestal nods. “Some things are worth losing sleep over, my dear.”

A short time later they arrive at the estate. It has been transformed into a veritable fortress of crossbow wielding heavy soldiers. Ashe raises her head to look out a window.

“How many soldiers are out there father?!”

“As many as it takes to protect you, Ashe.”

The chariot stops behind the house. Several servants approach and remove Ashe’s gurney. They carry her into the mansion as Arc and Gestal follow them to Ashe’s room. Gestal smiles as the servants carefully lower her into bed.

“You will be safe here, my dear.”

Ashe sighs. “I am certain of that, father. Now will you please go to bed?! You’re asleep on your talons!”

Gestal yawns slightly. “I will later, Ashe. First I must send orders to the dungeon regarding Lieutenant Natalya and see to our guest.”

“If you would like to take a nap, I more than understand, Lord Gestal.”

“Thank you Lord Arc, but it shouldn’t take long for my orders to be carried out. Now then, let us leave Ashe to rest.”

“Don’t push yourself too hard, father.”

“I won’t, my dear.”

“Don’t worry, Lady Ashe. I’ll see to it your father goes to bed before I leave.”

“I… thank you, Lord Arc.”

Arc and Gestal leave the room. Ashe smirks and makes herself comfortable.

“All according to plan.”

Meanwhile, Gestal leads Arc down a beautiful hallway toward the Dining Room. Arc looks around.

“You have a beautiful home, sir.”

“Thank you, Lord Arc. My late wife was quite the decorator.”

“I’m sorry.”

Gestal sighs. “It has been many long years since she passed. Yet Ashe and I still miss her. One never truly gets over the loss of one so close to them.”

Arc nods soberly. “That much I can attest to.”

They arrive at the Dining Room to find a full 5-star feast laid out before them. Arc grins as they sit down.

“You certainly don’t do anything halfway, sir!”

“For the savior of my daughter, I spare no expense. Please enjoy it.”

Gestal turns to a servant.

“Notify the Aviary dungeon that I require ownership papers for my prisoner, Lieutenant Natalya. Have them sent over immediately.”

They begin to eat as the servant steps back to carry out their orders.

“I hope my daughter wasn’t too much for you to handle, Lord Arc. She can be quite stubborn at times.”

“Everything was fine, sir.”

Gestal chuckles. “I doubt that. But thank you for putting up with my daughter nonetheless.”

“Yes, well… me made it here somehow.”

“Ashe… doesn’t have many friends, you see.”

Arc sighs. “That I can understand.”

“Yes, well… my position doesn’t allow her much freedom.”

Gestal sighs.

“I do wish she could have had more of a younglinghood. As it stands, I’m not sure what her future holds.”

Arc sighs as he looks down at his plate. “Now I’m wondering about my own daughter.”

“You have a family, Lord Arc?”

“A daughter and many good friends, yes.”

“Tell me, how do you balance your work and family life?”

Arc sighs, a tinge of guilt in his voice. “Not very well.”

“It seems we have that in common.”

“That we do.”

“It bothers you, does it not?”

“I haven’t really had time to think about it lately. So busy with the treaty and my numerous other duties.”

“As have I.”

Arc smiles. “Perhaps now we’ll finally have time to spend on the important things in life.”

Gestal raises his glass to Arc. “Here’s to that!”

They finish their meal as a messenger enters the Dining Room and approaches Lord Gestal.

“Papers from the Aviary, sir.”

Gestal accepts the sealed parcel. “Good. You may go.”

The messenger bows and quickly leaves the room. Gestal looks over the papers as he motions to another servant. They quickly bring him an inkwell. He signs the papers on several lines.


He slides the papers to Arc and points to a line as another servant brings Arc and inkwell.

“Just sign here and here, Lord Arc.”

Arc sighs and does so. Gestal takes one of the papers and hands it off to a servant before pushing the other toward Arc.

“This copy will be filed in the Archives. The other copy is yours.”

“I, uh… thank you, sir.”

“The former lieutenant is now legally your property.”

“Can you explain to me what that means exactly?”

“It means just what I said. Her life and body are now owned by you. Berate her, beat her, violate her, or even kill her if the thought crosses your mind.”

“Not sure I like that idea.”

“Well, do with her what you will. She will be brought to your ship in about an hour.”

Arc nods and puts the paper in his ring as he stands up.

“Thank you… I guess. Um… why don’t I help you to bed though, sir? You look like you’re about to fall asleep in your chair.”

Gestal stands up slowly. “Yes, I do think I’ll take a nap.”

A servant leads them to the lord’s spacious quarters. Gestal turns to Arc wearily and gestures to his door.

“Would you come with me? There’s something I want to show you.”

Arc nods and follows Gestal. The room is luxurious even by griffon’s standards. Arc helps Gestal over to the bed.

“I know griffons aren’t much for help and all. But you kinda look like you need it right now.”

“Th-thank you.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.”

Gestal sits down wearily. He points a talon to the mantle.

“There’s a box over there. Would you bring it here?”


Arc does so. Gestal takes the ornate wooden box and looks it over for a long moment.

“This has been passed down through my family over many generations. My father was given this by his father many years ago when he took over the Council of Lords. And I received it from him.”

Gestal opens the box to reveal a ceremonial knife of exquisite design. Its edge appears sharp enough to cut through anything.

“It’s quite the marvelous weapon!”

Gestal picks the knife up and unsheathes it. “The blade itself is pure Guardanium. A metal exclusive to our mountains.”

“Yes. You daughter was actually telling me about it on the way here.”

Gestal looks at the blade in his talons. “I… had hoped to pass it on to my heir to the council.”


“It does not appear Ashe will be following the family tradition of politics. She’s content to just sit in her room and rummage through the attic.”

“I don’t understand, Lord Gestal. Why are you telling me all this?”

“From the first day this blade was forged, it has been owned by a strong leader. Those who would lead the land to prosperity.”

They walk over to the window overlooking Griffonstone. Gestal looks over the city for a few moments before turning back to Arc.

“This land’s future has always been in my family’s talons. But… no matter what we do… nothing seems to help.”


“Heal the country. My grandfather told me that our land was one of peace and prosperity many long years ago. But now…”

He looks back out the window.

“…now we have nothing but turmoil and poverty.”

“The rebels?”

“Their ideals aren’t completely wrong, you know. Something new needs to happen to regain what was lost.”

“But you don’t think they’re what the country needs, do you?”

“I do not. Victory at any cost. Strike and retreat. Stealth and subterfuge. This is not the griffon way! In the old days…”

Arc interrupts him. “Forgive me sir, but just because something’s always been done a certain way doesn’t mean it’s the best or only way.”

Gestal sighs. “I am aware of that. But am at a loss on what to do. How to protect my land.”

He looks again at the knife in his talon as he sheathes it.

“This grand weapon… with Ashe’s unwillingness to lead… I had intended to give it to her future husband. A griffon of grand breeding and intelligence.”

“She’ll find someone someday, sir.”

Gestal nods. “I am certain she will but…”

He holds the knife in his talons another moment before slowly holding it out to Arc.

“…but I want you to have this, Lord Arc.”


“You may not be a griffon or of interest to my daughter, but… you’ve shown yourself to be a capable and shrewd leader. One who can protect his land and provide for its inhabitants.”

Arc respectfully takes the knife.

“I… thank you, sir. I’ll take good care of it.”

“I’m sure you will, Lord Arc. My ancestors fought through countless wars with this very blade on their side.”

“Well, I don’t know about taking it into battle or anything. But isn’t this a treasure to you?”

Gestal nods. “It was. Now it is just a painful reminder to me of what we’ve lost as a nation. Please accept it from one generation of leaders to the next.”

Arc nods.

“Just do me one favor, would you?”

“A favor?”

“If you should ever encounter the vile creature that did so much harm to my daughter and my land… use that knife to cut them down.”

Arc soberly nods and gestures toward the bed.

“Yes sir. But please take your daughter’s advice and get some rest.”

Gestal walks slowly to the bed. “Yes. I can sleep now knowing Ashe is safe.”

He lies down as Arc heads for the door.

“Thank you for the gift. I’ll see myself out so you can rest.”

“Lord Arc?”

Arc turns. “Yes?”

“Do not let the same fate befall your own land.”

“I’ll never let that happen, sir.”

“I’m certain you will do your best. But… your best isn’t always enough.”

Arc nods and leaves the room. Gestal sighs.

“Lieutenant Natalya. You’ll be safe with Lord Arc. Of this I am certain. If you only knew the truth about…”

Arc closes the door behind him. He looks down the hallway and at the knife in his hand as he walks toward the stairs. On the way he passes Ashe’s room.

“If Lord Gestal only knew what he really asked me to do.”

He stands before the double doors to Ashe’s room, knife in hand.

“No. Monstrous as she is, I can’t do that. Even to her.”

Turning around Arc heads down the hallway toward the main entrance. Meanwhile a secret passage behind a wardrobe in Ashe’s room opens. She looks over to it as the a griffon in a rebel cloak emerges.

“Glad to see you made it out of there, my friend.”

“Never mind me! How are YOU!”

“I have a few extra holes in me, but I’ll be fine. How did I get out of there?”

“By means of another item from our new sponsor.”

Ashe looks confused. “Some kind of weapon?”

The commander shakes his head. “No. Teleportation Magic.”


“Not sure how it works. But their device certainly saved you from getting captured.”

As he walks over the bed the commander doubles over in pain.

“You’re wounded!”

The commander straightens up.

“Its fine. Truth be told its almost healed up.”

“That isn’t possible. Let me see.”

The commander pushes their cloak aside to reveal a nicely healing wound.


“Our new sponsor gave me some kind of strange power.”

Ashe narrows her eyes. “What kind of power?”

“The kind that can give us certain… advantages.”

Meanwhile, Arc leaves the manor and steps back out into the noonday sun. A griffon guard approaches him and salutes.

“Can we offer you secure transport back to the Aviary, sir?”

Arc nods. “Yes, I’d like that.”

He steps into the armored chariot. A short time later they stop in front of the Lunar Destiny. Arc gets out and turns to the griffons pulling the vehicle.

“Thanks for the ride.”

They nod and hurry away wordlessly. Arc sighs as he walks up the gangplank.

“I get the feeling they were too afraid to say anything back.”

Arc stands on the deck for a few minutes looking out over the city. A short time later he hears the sound of the main hatch opening and hoofsteps approaching. Turning Arc sees two Griffon Guards exiting the ship with Commander Soarin. He quickly walks over to Arc and salutes as the griffon’s fly away.

“S-sir? The guards just delivered a large bag to your room.”

Arc sighs nervously. “Oh. I…”

“It… um… sounded like it was moaning slightly.”

Arc quickly heads for the hatch. “Commander, tell the captain I want to get into the air as soon as possible!”

Soarin follows him into the ship. “Yes sir!”

“And have Nurse Redheart report to my quarters at once!”

Arc quickly heads for his room. Opening the door to his quarters he sees a burlap sack sitting in the middle of the floor. Rushing over to it Arc quickly opens the drawstring. Inside he finds a tied up griffon. Pulling her out as gently as he can Arc quickly cuts the ropes with his new knife and removes the blindfold and gag before putting two fingers to her throat to check for a pulse.

“Natalya? Can you hear me?”

Natalya slowly opens her swollen eyes and looks around the room before her gaze settles on him.

“L-Lord Arc… where… what…?”

“It’s okay! You’re safe here!”

She attempts to move. Natalya’s eyes are unfocused and she speaks weakly.

“I… everything hurts… so… much…”

“It’s okay now. The nurse is on her way.”

A moment later there is a knock at the door. Arc opens it with his magic and beckons Nurse Redheart over to him.

“Over here! Hurry!”

The nurse runs over to Natalya and begins her physical examination.

“What happened?!”

“She’s been severely beaten. They were probably trying to get her to confess.”

Redheart looks in Natalya’s eyes with a flashlight.

“Pupils aren’t responding to light. Her respiration is shallow, pulse weak. Let’s get her to the Infirmary.”

Arc nods and picks Natalya up. “Lead the way!”

They rush to the Infirmary as the ship takes off. Arc lays the injured griffon on a bed and steps back as Redheart sets up an IV bottle and a heart monitor.

“She’s dehydrated. Probably hasn’t eaten in a couple days either.”

Arc sighs. “Natalya…”

Redheart looks over the heart monitor.

“She has heart palpitations as well. The IV should rehydrate her quickly though.”

The nurse continues her examination, occasionally looking over at the heart monitor.

“Her heart sounds better now that there’s some water in her. I’m also giving her a nutrient solution to help recover her strength.”

“Will she be okay?”

“Yes, she’ll be fine. I don’t feel any broken bones, but I’ll x-ray her just to be sure.”

“Whatever you feel is necessary.”

Arc watches as the portable x-ray machine is set up. They head into her office as it does its job. A short time later they look over the pictures. Redheart nods.

“No broken bones. However she’s sustained significant tissue damage.”

“What from?”

“I’d say repeated blows from a blunt object. Most likely a club of some kind.”

“How do we help her?”

“She mostly just needs to rest and allow her body to heal on its own. A good night’s sleep will do wonders for her.”

Arc looks to Natalya. “So you think she’ll be up and around by tomorrow?”

“Moving around, yes. But very stiff and sore. She needs to walk around to help the healing process though.”

“Anything else I can do?”

“She’s probably traumatized after what happened. Try to keep her calm and convince her she’s safe here.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“One more thing. I know you’re probably busy, but it would be best if she didn’t wake up here.”


“She’s better off in normal quarters with a friendly face to greet her when she opens her eyes.”

“I’ll take care of her. Is she cleared to leave the Infirmary?”

Redheart nods. “Yes. She should have quite a bit of dull pain. Let me know if she feels any sharp pain, as that could indicate complications.”

Arc turns to the bed. “I understand. Thank you again, Nurse Redheart.”

Redheart sighs as Arc picks Natalya up. “It looks like she’s had a rough time of it. Hopefully that’s behind her now.”

“I hope so too. Will she be out long?”

“She should awaken soon. Now that her body is properly hydrated, that is.”

Arc leaves the Infirmary and returns to his room. Entering he walks over to the bed and lies Natalya down. Grabbing a chair from the table with his magic he pulls it to the bedside, takes her talon in his hand, and sits down.

“Natalya, I… I’m sorry.”

Arc feels the talon quivering in his hand as its grip tightens. A single tear courses down Natalya’s cheek. He sits with her for an hour or so before she slowly opens her eyes.

“W-what…? Where… am I…?”

Arc gives her talon a squeeze. “You’re safe aboard the Lunar Destiny, Natalya.”

She slowly turns her head to look at him as her eyes focus on his face.

“Lord… Arc…? I… I thought I was… to be… sold into…”

“How do you feel?”

“Sore… and so… so tired.”

“I had our ship’s Chief Medical Officer look you over already. Nothing was broken fortunately.”

Natalya puts a talon to her face but quickly draws it back. “Yuck! I’m… filthy!”

She looks around at her surroundings again before her gaze falls on the bed. Natalya jumps off the as quickly as she is able.

“Lord Arc, I…!”

Her legs give out and she falls forward off the side of the bed. Arc catches her and wraps his arms around her. Together they drop to the floor as Natalya’s head hits Arc’s chest. She scrambles to get up, clearly mortified.

“Sir, I… please forgive my clumsiness! I…!”

She falls to the floor again.

“Forgive me, but I’m having trouble standing, sir.”

Arc nods as he gets up. “Considering your condition, that’s understandable. How about we get you cleaned up though?”

“Yes sir.”

She attempts to rise, but cannot. Arc walks over and takes her talon.

“Let me help you.”

“Th-thank you, sir.”

Arc leads her to the Bathroom and helps her into the tub. He adjusts the water and picks up the nozzle. Natalya reaches up to him.

“Thank you, sir. I can take it from here.”

Arc hands her the nozzle. As she attempts to take it, it falls to the shower floor. Natalya attempts to pick it back up but is unable to hold it for more than a moment. Arc leans down and takes it. He begins spraying her down.

“I’ll do it.”

Natalya nods.

Arc looks at the stream of black water snaking its way to the drain. “You weren’t kidding about being dirty!”

“I… I’m sorry, sir.”

“What for?”

“For my hygiene. I don’t believe the cell I was in had ever been cleaned.”

She looks away and lowers her voice.

“That and it didn’t have a… toilet.”

“That explains the other smell.”

Natalya blushes feverishly. “Sorry!”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll get you cleaned up. This doesn’t hurt, does it?”

“No, sir. I… it actually feels good on my bruises.”

Arc picks up a bar of soap and gets a good lather going. “Let’s start with your head. Close your eyes.”

Natalya does so. Arc washes her head with the heavy lathering soap before carefully rinsing it out. He then moves on to her back.

“That looks much better. Just let me know if what I’m doing hurts you, okay?”

Natalya nods as Arc lathers her back.

“Any sharp pain?”

“No sir. But I don’t think I’ve ever been this sore in my life.”

Arc rinses her off. “Good.”


“I was told sharp pain would indicate something was wrong. Sounds like you’re on your way to recovery.”

Natalya shudders. “I don’t know about that. The things they did to me…”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“I… they asked me so many questions. I can’t remember just how many, but… I didn’t have answers for any of them, save for one.”

“Which was that?”

“They asked over and over again if I was the leader of the rebels.”

“What did you tell them?”

“The truth! I’m not with the rebels! Much less the leader!”

Arc nods. “I believe you.”

“You do?”

“Yes. Now roll over and let me take a look at your underside.”

“Yes sir.”

She does so. Her matted coat and feathers are black with filth and grim.

“I know it’s not a pretty sight down there, sir. Forgive my appearance.”

“We’ll fix that.”

It takes several attempts but eventually the water snaking away from Natalya runs clear.

“Sorry for being such a bother, Lord Arc.”

Arc shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it.”

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