• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - Intercontinental Intervention (Part 3)

Returning from the Bridge, Arc looks around his quarters at those assembled.

“The course is set. We’ll be there at dusk.”

Ember scoffs. “Assuming lazy bones Princess Celestia decides to do her job and actually lower the sun on time, you mean.”

Arc nods soberly. “That was part of the trap she put us in. The griffon forces hid in misty darkness while we approached.”

Applejack appears relieved. “Good thing you raised the sun when you did.”

Pinkie bounces happily. “Yeah! We’d be sitting ducks otherwise!”

Fluttershy gasps. “Ducks?!”

Hammer shrugs. “Just an expression, Fluttershy.”

Auriel turns to Arc. “So what do we do until tomorrow?”

“Not much we can do. Other than rest and relax, that is.”

He looks out the window at the midday sun before continuing.

“I’m not much for either though.”

Ember steps forward. “Arc? Can I speak to you privately please?”

“Of course. Would everyone please excuse us?”

Hammer nods. “Sure thing.”

Applejack motions with a hoof. “Come on, Hammer. I’ll show you to the Game Room.”

Pinkie giggles. “Oh! I LOVE games! Can I come too?!”

Hammer grins. “Sure! The more the merrier!”

Auriel points a claw. “Rose and I will head down to engineering then. See if we can help out down there.”

Fluttershy smiles shyly. “And I’d like to see the countryside from the Observation Deck.”

Sereb turns to her. “I will join you.”

Everyone laughs as they leave the room, closing the door behind them. Ember walks over to it and turns the latch to engage the lock. Arc frowns.

“Ember, now isn’t the time for…”

“Arc, stop.”


She turns and walks over to him. Looking up into his eyes, Ember appears sober and collected.

“Arc, I need you to do something for me.”


“Let me see your body.”


“Remove your clothing for me.”

Arc frowns. “We’re not making eggs, Ember!”

“I understand that. But I want to see that your wounds from the mission to save Celestia have fully headed.”

Arc sighs. “Fine. But you won’t like what you see.”

Pulling off his shirt, Arc tosses it onto the bed and turns to her. She gasps, clearly shocked. Stepping forward she runs a claw along a nasty looking scar that lies almost center of his belly.

“Is this… where she did it to you?”

Arc nods. “Yes. That’s where Celestia’s horn blew through.”

He turns around to show her the entry point. Ember traces it with a claw as he speaks.

“I was fortunate that she didn’t hit my spine. Had she, I don’t think I’d be standing here.”

“Let me see the front again.”

Doing as she asks, Arc sighs as she looks over the scars on his chest.

“Where did these come from?”

“A very angry stallion with an extremely sharp knife.”

Ember grits her teeth. “What’s his name and where is he?!”

Arc removes Shadow’s knife from his ring and holds it up.

“Shadow. And he’s a pile of ashes in his cottage.”

“Anyone else we should take vengeance on?!”

“No, Ember. But do you remember that filly I had traveling with me?”

“Yeah. Where is she?”


Ember raises an eyebrow. “Come again?”

“She’s on a recon mission to work with Decimus and report back what he does.”

“That sounds very unlike you, Arc. But what does she have to do with anything?”

“She’s Shadow’s daughter.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “Can she be trusted?”

Arc frowns. “Lay off. She’s as much a victim here as I am.”

“That wasn’t my question.”

Arc sighs. “Yes, Scootaloo can be trusted.”

“How sure are you?”


Ember looks up at Arc with sober eyes as she speaks. “Arc… I’ve nearly lost you a few times now. This isn’t something I’m willing to leave up to fate.”

Putting a claw on his scars she continues speaking.

“I love you. I want you. And I still desire to make eggs with you. That much will never change.”

Arc nods and puts his hand on her shoulder.

“Ember… I care about you too. But at the same time, I don’t have… those kinds of feelings for you.”

Ember nods sadly. “Yes, I know. However that doesn’t change my wants and desires in the least.”

“Do you want to help?”

“But I am.”

“I mean to help out around here.”

“Doing what?”

Arc shrugs. “No idea. Helping in the kitchen. Tutoring the younglings and foals that need it. Things like that.”

“Sure. But don’t we have other things to do?”

“I do, yes. Head to the Infirmary and…”

Ember gasps. “Are you hurt?!”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m fine. But Rarity and Rainbow Dash are laid up in bed. Decimus’ forces hurt them.”

“I… I’m sorry to hear that. How are they?”

“Do you want to see them yourself?”

“Yes, I would.”

“This way.”

Grabbing his shirt, Arc and Ember leave the room and head for the Infirmary. Ember says ‘hello’ and quickly excuses herself to give them and Arc some time alone. As evening falls, the sandy shores come into view. Arc stands on the Bridge with Soarin and the rest of the Bridge Crew. Wrangler sighs.

“Never thought we’d come back here again.”

Moon Dancer turns to her. “Why’s that?”

“The inhabitants aren’t exactly the best friends with Equestria.”

Lemon Hearts raises an eyebrow. “In the past, you mean.”

Thunderlane shrugs. “Right. Lots has changed in the past year or so.”

Soarin turns to Arc. “Sir, we’ll be leaving international waters soon. Now would be a good time to send a message to the capital announcing our presence and intent.”

“Good idea. Lemon Hearts, open a channel to…”

Moon Dancer calls out. “Incoming hostile projectiles!”

Wrangler presses several buttons. “Raising shields!”

Soarin sits back in his seat. “Go to red alert! Announce battle stations and order all passengers to the Mid-Deck!”

Lemon Hearts nods. “Aye, sir!”

A series of dull ‘thuds’ is heard as the projectiles detonate on the ship’s shields. Arc turns to Thunderlane.

“Hard left! Follow the coast, but don’t get any closer to it!”

“Aye, sir!”

“Lemon Hearts, I need a channel!”

“I’m reaching out on all frequencies, sir!”

Soarin grits his teeth. “Where are they coming from?!”

Thunderlane scans the horizon. “No idea! Skies are clear!”

Moon Dancer frowns. “Scanners report the projectiles are being fired from below us, sir!”

Soarin gasps. “That’s impossible! Nopony was there a few moments ago!”

Arc looks to the captain. “Let me check!”

Calling forth his armor, he Blinks through the hull but close to the ship. Arc looks through the shields as he falls. Channeling his magic again he Blinks back onto the Bridge and turns to Soarin.

“Submarines of some kind! Any luck hailing them, Lemon Hearts?!”

“No sir! Not a word!”

“Are you sure they hearing you?!”

“Yes! But nopony’s responding!”

“Let me try!”

She gives him the microphone and motions for him to talk.

“Attention hostile vessels! This is the Equestrian airship ‘Equinox’! We have mares and fillies aboard! Please cease your attack!”

Another round of explosions ring out in response as Arc continues his pleas.

“Repeat, this is the Equestrian airship ‘Equinox’! This is Lord Arc requesting that you stop firing!”

Wrangler calls out from her station. “Sir, they don’t believe you! That and our shields can’t keep taking hits like this forever!”

Moon Dancer grimaces. “Recommend firing back or retreating, sir!”

Arc frowns. “We can’t do either! It’ll cause in international incident!”

Thunderlane points a hoof down. “Well, what do you call what they’re doing, sir?!”

“Defending their shores.”

Soarin turns to Arc. “Orders, sir?!”

“Take us in close to the water, Thunderlane! Then full stop!”

Thunderlane gasps. “What?!”

Wrangler grits her teeth. “We can’t surrender, sir!”

Arc runs for the door. “I’m not giving up! Just making a statement!”

Doing as he is told, Thunderlane lowers their altitude to just a handful of feet from the water. Spotting the submarines closing in he touches his earring.

“Arc to Moon Dancer!”

“Yes sir?”

“Are we out of range?!”

“For a few moments, yes.”

“Good! Wrangler!”

“I’m here, sir.”

“Lower the shields for three seconds!”

“Aye, sir.”

Looking at the largest submarine approaching, Arc waits for the shields to fall. As they do so he Blinks through and onto the oncoming vessel’s deck. Spotting a nearby hatch, he runs towards it as the ship begins to dive. Finding it locked he Blinks inside and drops down into a narrow corridor below. Running toward a large door, Arc grins as Cherry calls out.

“Do you suppose that’s the Bridge?!”

“One way to find out!”

Grabbing the handle, he throws the door open and lunges inside. Seeing numerous stations around a single chair, he calls forth the Spear of Righteousness and cries out.


Everyone turns to looks at him as the captain approaches, his own blade at the ready..

“Identify yourself!”

“Lord Arc of Equestria! Like I said on the radio!”

“Can you prove this claim?”

Arc removes his helmet and throws it to the floor, revealing his face.

“Is that a good enough ID for you?! Stop firing NOW or I’ll MAKE you stop!”

The captain turns to his crew. “All weapons hold! Comms, signal the fleet to break off the attack!”

The crew complies as the captain puts away his weapon and slowly walks toward Arc.

“My apologies, sir. But we were under orders to fire on any foreign ship to approach our shores.”

“What?! Why?!”

“No one is allowed to enter the land for any reason on order of the king.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Well, I need to see him.”

The captain turns to the comms. “Hail the capital. Inform them of Lord Arc’s request.”

A few moments later the officer removes their headset and looks to the captain.

“He’s… a bit upset and demanding to speak with you.”

“Very well.”

Taking the headset, the captain winces as he puts it on. Arc can only make out unintelligible screeches as the captain listens with a pained look on his face before sighing and handing back the device.

“The king has agreed to speak with you at once via the communication device in my office. It’s right this way, sir.”

Arc returns his spear to the ring and follows the captain to an adjoining office. “Good.”

Opening a door, he leads Arc into a small office and gestures to a viewscreen.

“The king will be connected in a moment. You’ll have absolute privacy here to state your business, Lord Arc.”



“Close the door and stay.”

“Very well, sir.”

Motioning to the comms officer, the captain closes the door and stands off to one side. Arc motions for him to stand by his side. As the viewscreen comes to life the faces of the king and queen come into view. They appear pained and remorseful. Arc greets them.

“Good morning King Felix. I trust you and Queen Fiona are doing well?”

“Y-yes, Lord Arc. Everything’s… fine here. I… would just like to take this opportunity to… apologize for the treatment you and your ship endured.”

Arc nods. “The captain here tells me that he was under orders not to allow outsiders into your territory. Is this true?”

Fiona sighs. “Yes, Lord Arc. However I believe we should talk more about this matter face to face. You will be allowed to fly to Abyssinia to come sample some of our hospitality.”

“Thank you, your highnesses. I will be there shortly.”

The captain presses a button on the console, cutting the feed. He turns to Arc, mortified.

“Please forgive my earlier transgressions, sir.”

“Yes, well… you were just doing what you were told. No shame in that, I suppose. Do be more careful in the future though, captain…”

“Frost, sir.”

“Keep a close eye out for trouble then, Captain Frost.”

Arc opens a portal, steps through, and vanishes from sight. Captain Frost sits down heavily in his chair and puts a paw to his forehead as he removes his cap.

“The king and queen were clearly unnerved at the very sight of this creature. How can one… whatever he is hold such sway with them?”

Meanwhile, Arc reappears in his quarters and hurries back to the Bridge. Entering, he turns to the Bridge Crew.

“Lemon Hearts, inform everyone that the danger is past and that we’re continuing on to the capital with the blessing of the this land’s rulers.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc turns to the tactical station. “Wrangler, stand down from red alert and power down the weapons.”

“Aye sir.”

“Thunderlane, full speed ahead.”

Thunderlane grins. “Here we go!”

The ship accelerates as Arc leaves the Bridge. Moon Dancer turns to Soarin.

“That was quite impressive!”

“Which part?”

“One moment we’re being shot at. The next we’re being allowed to pass unharmed.”

Wrangler grins. “I was still hoping for some action!”

Thunderlane sighs. “If our luck doesn’t hold out, you might just get your wish.”

Lemon Hearts shudders. “Then let’s hope that it does.”

A short time later the ship lands outside the walls of Abyssinia. Arc, Hammer, Sereb, and Ember step out onto the deck and look around. Hammer frowns.

“Pretty uninviting terrain.”

Sereb nods. “Sand as far as the eye can see.”

Hammer tugs at her shirt as she begins to sweat. “Hot too.”

Ember grins. “Really? I think it’s perfect.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “You would. After all, you’re hot-blooded.”

Ember laughs. “Yeah! And loving it!”

Sereb grins toothily. “Perhaps we should head to Yakyakistan next.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “Please don’t.”

Arc chuckles. “In any case, let’s get a move on.”

Mounting Sereb, Arc looks toward the city gates.


Sereb turns to him. “Aren’t we forgetting something?”

Ember shrugs. “I don’t think so.”

Cherry calls out to him. “Shouldn’t Arc be surrounded by guards?”

Arc shakes his head. “You’re thinking of back when I was the Lord Regent though. That and I don’t want to send the wrong impression here.”

Ember looks toward the city. “Seems hard to do.”

Hammer turns to her. “What do you mean?”

“The king and queen practically eat out of Arc’s hand.”

Sereb nods soberly. “At one point the entire population did that quite literally. But Miss Cherry does raise a good point. You should be better protected, Arc.”

Hammer pulls her gun and steps over to Arc’s left. “I got ya covered!”

Ember calls forth her armor and spear before moving to his right. “Me too!”

Arc shrugs. “Off we go.”

Walking down the gangplank, Sereb carries Arc down the main street and toward the palace. Hammer looks around, clearly surprised as the feline citizenry stop what they are doing as Arc passes and bow respectfully.


Ember frowns. “Something wrong with that?”

“Not really. I just wasn’t expecting it, that’s all.”

Arc smiles and waves. “This world is full of amazing creatures, Hammer. While I’ve seen a good bit of it, there’s still a lot left for me to see.”

Ember looks around. “At least they’re looking healthier.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Oh? Was there some kind of sickness going around before?”

Arc sighs. “An extreme lack of food actually.”

Ember grits her teeth. “Starvation was approaching at the time!”

Sereb growls. “It was not a pretty sight, as the inhabitants lacked the strength to even leave their house back then.”

Hammer gasps. “How did you change that, Arc?”

“I gave out food at the city gates. Everything the ship had aboard was prepared.”

“But that doesn’t seem like it would feed an entire country.”

Ember sighs. “It didn’t. He teleported back to Ponyville to buy apples and other goods to bring back.”

Sereb chuckles. “He didn’t stop there though.”

Arc nods. “I also gave them blueprints and some supplies to build aquaponics systems.”

Hammer appears confused. “Aqua-what?”

“Aquaponics. There’s a system in the palace courtyard that will blow your mind.”

Hammer grins. “This I’ve got to see.”

Arriving at the palace, they find King Felix and Queen Fiona standing just inside the gates waiting for him. They bow respectfully as Arc dismounts Sereb and turns to them.

“Good morning, Lord Arc.”

“Welcome back to Abyssinia.”

Felix holds out a paw in remorse. “Again, I must apologize for your earlier treatment.”

“It’s fine. After all, I’m sure you had a good reason for issuing such orders.”

Fiona sighs. “That we did. But let us head inside for refreshments and a chance to talk.”

Felix gestures to the sun overhead. “Yes, the heat of the day has yet to fully show itself.”

Fiona motions to the palace with a wave of her paw. “May we show you, Lady Ember, and your Honor Guards to a suite to freshen up before breakfast?”

“Yes, please. But I must inform you that my friend here is not actually my guard.”

Hammer shrugs. “Kinda am.”

“In any case… her name is Hammer, and she hails from the same land as I do back on Earth.”

Felix turns to her nervously. “Forgive the mistake, miss.”

“Yes, we meant no disrespect.”

Hammer chuckles. “It’s cool, I guess.”

Felix nods to the guards. They opens the doors.

“This way please.”

The guards part to allow them entrance into the palace’s cool halls. Hammer groans contentedly as the doors close behind them.

“Much better!”

Felix turns to her. “You are not much for the heat, Lady Hammer?”

“Not really, no. And it’s just ‘Hammer’.”

Fiona smiles at her. “Forgive us, but someone of great importance such as yourself is generally referred to by such a title. “

Felix nods. “We will abstain if it bothers you though.”

Hammer chuckles. Fine. You can call me whatever you want, your highnesses.

Arriving at a large door, the guards open it to an exquisite room with a massive pile of pillows, couches, and bowls of fresh fruit. A fountain in one corner of the room feeds water to a large channel that runs along one side of the room. The queen turns to Arc.

“We believe you will be quite comfortable here.”

Felix nods. “Breakfast will be ready in about an hour.”

“We will come and personally escort you and your entourage to the Dining Room at that time.”

“Let the guards outside know if you need anything.”

Arc smiles. “Thank you. We shall.”

As the monarchs leave the room Hammer lets out a high pitched whistle.

“This room is just great!”

Ember grins. “I’ll say. It’s Canterlot Castle level stuff.”

Sereb turns to his friend. “Arc, might I voice a suggestion?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“You may wish to bathe before heading to breakfast.”

“It has been awhile, I suppose.”

Hammer sniffs herself. “Me too, I guess.”

Ember wrinkles her nose. “I wasn’t going to say anything before, but you two stink!”

Arc sighs. “Yes, well… when you’re as busy as we are basic things like hygiene seem to be the first to go.”

Hammer laughs. “Let’s check out this bathroom then.”

Entering, they see numerous showerheads and a massive bathtub. Hammer gasps.

“This place is bigger than the barrack’s showers on most military bases!”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Is that… good?”

Sereb nods. “It is if a party is trying to be expedient.”

Arc looks around. “Or it could be for intentional communal bathing.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “But I always thought cats were solitary creatures.”

Arc chuckles. “Domestic cats can be, yes. But felines in the wild sometimes band together. Or so I’ve read anyways.”

Ember gestures with a claw. “That would explain the extra nozzles.”

Cherry calls out to him. “In any case, I suggest all of you hurry. You don’t want to be late for breakfast.”

“I’ll take a bath if you and Hammer want to take the showers, Ember.”

“Sounds good. My scales could use a good rinse.”

Sereb turns to leave. “I will wait out here for all of you.”

They each go their separate ways. Arc fills up the tub and jumps in. Sitting down he hears the showers start up and the giggling summarily begin. Grabbing a bottle of shampoo, he gets to work washing his hair. Cherry calls out to him telepathically.

“The king and queen seemed a bit nervous to see you this time, Arc.”

“I’m going to assume they heard Celestia’s speech.”

“You don’t suppose they’re planning something, do you?”

“Probably not. But there’s really no way to be sure other than to just let this thing play itself out.”

Dunking his head underwater, Arc washes out the shampoo before grabbing a bar of nearby soap. Lathering up, he chuckles happily as Cherry again speaks to him. This time in a confused tone.


“Sorry, but the bubbles tickle.”

“I’m glad to see you loosening up.”

“It’s not every day I get to do this. Have to take the opportunity when it presents itself.”

After rinsing, he lays back to rest. Closing his eyes, he hears the sound of wet feet and claws on the tile floor leave the bathroom.

“They got done fast.”

A few moments later the bathroom door opens again. The sound of feet on tile again rings out, but this time approaches the tub. Ember calls out to him.



“You okay?”

“I was just trying to relax.”

Hammer grins slyly. “We can help you with that.”

Arc opens his eyes and turn around. He spots both Hammer and Ember (now in her human form) standing there in the nude, dripping wet.

“What are you…?! Ember, how did…?!”

“Hammer acted as the human target to allow Sereb to cast the spell.”

“We wanted to join you in that fancy looking tub.”

Ember grins wickedly as she puts her hands on her breasts. “And it wouldn’t be fair for me to do so without my human female… assets.”

Arc sighs. “Yes, well… get in then.”

Hammer and Ember jump into the massive stone tub together. Ember sits on his right while Hammer takes the left. They each latch onto an arm as Arc rests his head on the tub’s sill and looks up at the ceiling.

“You two planned this, didn’t you?”

“Yup! It didn’t take much to convince Ember!”

Ember grins. “We decided it would be better to work together on this one.”

“That and I haven’t had the chance to bath with you properly yet.”

She looks down into the soapy water and frowns.

“Although it’s a shame the water’s so murky. Otherwise you could see our womanhoods.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Is that even a word?”

Ember shrugs. “I guess it is now.”

Hammer grins. “Yup!”

“Although I get the feeling you were thinking of seeing something else when you mentioned looking into the water.”

Hammer laughs heartily. “Guilty as charged.”

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