• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Status Report

Turning back to the others as the warm sun rests on him, Arc sighs and nods.

“It looks like you were right, Luna.”

“Yes. We all know what you’re capable of.”

“Thank you. But… I need to know something.”

Cadance appears confused. “What is it?”

“You two just willingly surrendered your thrones to me in a manner that just seemed so… simple and clean. How could you just give it all up like that?”

Luna turns toward the mare lying on the bed. “Some things are just more important. Both to us and Equestria.”

Cadance moves to join Luna at the bedside. “Agreed. That and we know you’ll return us to our positions when the time is right as you did before.”

Luna nods. “Twice, actually. It’s of great comfort to us knowing that there’s somepony we can entrust our duties to.”

“I’ll do my very best. But I guess now we need to figure out where to go from here.”

Cadance giggles. “Whatever you desire to do is up to you, Arc.”

“Yes. You’re the Lord Regent now.”

Twilight looks to her friend. “What will it be, Arc?”

Arc takes a deep breath and turns to Shining Armor and Trixie. “First of all… Trixie, call for Sunburst and Kibitz. I’ll need their counsel on a few matters. Have them meet me in the Audience Chamber as soon as possible. Shining Armor, notify Flash Sentry at Light’s Hope that he is to send soldiers to gather the Element Bearers, my squad, Ember, and Sereb. They are to then go to my base’s War Room and wait for a transmission from me. When that is done meet me in the Audience Chamber and we’ll continue.”

Shining Armor salutes along with Trixie. “Yes sire.”

“It will be done.”


The pair bow and leave the room as Arc turns to Luna, Cadance, and Twilight.

“I want the three of you to stay with Princess Celestia as much as possible. Care for her as best you can with Doctor Whooves and Emerald Dream’s help. I’ll check in on you as I’m able. But feel free to either come to me or send word if you need something.”

Luna nods. “We will, Arc.”

Cadance smiles. “Don’t worry about us. We’ll take good care of Aunt Celestia.”

Twilight looks to Arc, nervously. “Um… I…”


“Sorry, I know you’re busy, but… can I talk to you later?”

“Why not right now?”

“Because I’m… I’m still thinking about what to say.”

“Oh… okay then. Just let me know when you’re ready.”

“Thank you.”

Smiling at them, Arc opens a portal and steps through. As it closes they turn back to Celestia. Cadance looks to Luna.

“What do we do now?”

“Our very best. Just like Arc will.”

Meanwhile, Arc reappears in his quarters in Canterlot Castle. He frowns and turns to look at himself in the mirror.

“That was certainly a surprise. I didn’t expect them to ask such a thing of me.”

Cherry calls out to him. “Neither did I.”

Arc removes his crown and looks at it for a long moment before setting it down and walking over to a large wardrobe in the corner.

“I guess I’d better look the part for this, huh?”

Cherry giggles. “Well you ARE the ruling monarch.”

Opening the wardrobe door, Arc reaches inside and pulls out his royal raiments. Sighing, he quickly undresses.

“While I’m thankful for the new bits of armor, it’s a bit disconcerting that Luna and Cadance had them AND a crown made for me ahead of time. Almost like they knew it would be needed.”

“Well, I see it as them planning for the future, Arc.”


Cherry sighs. “If something more… permanent had happened, you’d become the official ruler of Equestria.”


“Probably more like King Arc.”

“I don’t think I could ever do that.”

“Why not? You’re pretty good at it.”

Arc groans. “Being a king would make me a slave to my position. And unlike my role as the Hero of Light, that one isn’t something I could just walk away from.”

He finishes dressing and looks himself over again in the mirror.

“What do you think, Cherry?”

“Very regal! I’m nearly speechless!”

“Thanks. But I think I should get to the Audience Chamber.”

“Of course. I’m sure everypony is waiting for you by now.”

Nodding, Arc pulls a magic cloak from his ring and quickly puts it on. Cherry sounds surprised.

“Arc, what are you doing?”

“I don’t want anyone seeing me like this yet.”

“Why not?”

“Rumors will fly if this isn’t handled delicately. Trust me, I’m not going to keep this under wraps for long.”

Arc grabs his new crown and scepter off the vanity and cloaks before he carefully leaves his room. Making his way to the Audience Chamber he spots innumerable ponies outside waiting. As Kibitz opens the door Arc Blinks through and sees the others assembled. Decloaking, he walks over to them.

“Sorry for the wait.”

Arc turns to Shining Armor.

“Captain, go out there and tell everyone that audience for today are cancelled.”

“Begging your pardon, but the princesses didn’t hold audiences yesterday either.”

“Trixie doesn’t think they’ll be too pleased to hear that.”

Arc sighs. “Inform them that we’re very sorry for the inconvenience, and that audiences will recommence again tomorrow morning. Carry out your orders and return immediately.”

“Yes sir.”

Shining Armor opens the door to deliver the message to the officer on duty before closing it again and returning to stand before Arc. Sunburst turns and speaks.

“Sir, if I may, where are the princesses?”

Kibitz nods as he looks at his pocket watch. “Indeed. We can’t really start a meeting without them.”

Shining Armor sighs. “They’re… not coming.”


Arc holds up the crown in his hand and sighs.

“Luna… gave me this. As well as these…”

Reaching up, Arc unlocks the clasp holding his robe on and allows it to fall to the floor. As it does his royal raiments come into view. Sunburst gasps.

“S-sir! Are you saying…?!”

Arc nods as he deftly puts the crown on his head.

“Yes, Sunburst. Both Luna and Cadance have temporarily stepped down as princesses.

Kibitz appears nervous. “Are they alright, sire?!”

“Oh yes. Right now their place is by Princess Celestia’s side along with Twilight. As of a short time ago I again took up the mantle of Lord Regent.”

Sunburst bows. “Yes sire. We’ll do our very best to aid you and them in these troubling times.”

Kibitz does the same. “That we will. What can we do?”

“My first order of business as Lord Regent will be very important.”

Trixie appears expectant. “What should we do, sire?”

“The general public must be informed of this change of power as soon as possible.”

Kibitz looks at his clipboard. “I can have a speech announced and written in an hour, sire.”

Shining Armor looks to Arc. “Just like last time, right?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Truth be told, I don’t think we handled that as well as we could have.”

Sunburst sighs. “I’m inclined to agree with you, sire. Your speech, while honest and straight to the point, led to uncertainty amongst the citizens of Canterlot.”

Kibitz shudders. “To say nothing about the trickle-down effect to the rest of the land.”

“Trixie would like to know if you’re looking for a more scripted speech or a wider audience, sire.”

“Both actually.”

Kibitz begins writing. “That will take time.”

“Can it be done by this evening?”

“Yes sire. I’ll see to it personally.”

“Good. But it has to be broadcast to the entire country.”

Sunburst puts a hoof to his chin, thoughtfully. “Like your speech announcing the princesses’ recovery the last time you ruled?”

“No, everyone needs to hear it. I want phone calls made to the leaders of every town. They’re to spread the word of tonight’s speech and its importance.”

Kibitz pulls up a blank piece of paper. “What exactly shall the message be, sire?”

“Tell them… that the Hero of Light will be addressing the nation regarding Princess Celestia’s mission.”

Shining Armor grins. “That should get everypony’s attention.”

“Trixie agrees.”

“Kibitz, I want you to get this public appearance rolling right away. Conscript as many helpers as you need and make sure everything is ready for tonight before the sun goes down.”

“Yes, sire.”

“Shining Armor, organize security for the event. I don’t want things getting out of hand if the message is taken poorly by the audience.”

“I wouldn’t worry too much about that, sire. You’re very well respected among the citizenry as it stands.”

“Call it an overabundance of caution then. Trixie, you’ll aid Shining Armor is getting a game plan for security. After that I want you to help Kibitz with his preparations by seeing to it the proper transmitters are set up.”

“Transmitters, sire?”

“So the speech will be broadcasted across the country. I want the clarity to be perfect so everyone hears the message in its entirety. Sunburst, I know this may sound a bit beneath you, but from now on I want you to personally take every meal to Princess Celestia’s room. Stay a few minutes to talk to them during that time if possible and see to it all their needs are met.”


“I’m worried they won’t take proper care of themselves during this time. Make sure they’re eating properly.”

“While I certainly don’t mind such a task, this sounds an awful lot like spying on them, sire.”

“It is, yes. But I feel that it’s necessary due to… past experiences.”

“It shall be done, sire.”

“Good. Does anyone have any questions?”

Kibitz raises a hoof. “Sire?”


“Are the… is Princess Celestia… alright?”

Arc sighs. “Yes and no. She’s back and resting comfortably in her own bed. However, her body and mind were in quite a state when I found her.”

“Good heavens! Will she be alright?!”

“I think so. But I’m guessing it’s going to take quite a while before she’s back to the way you remember her.”

Sunburst nods soberly. “We won’t give up on her though.”

Shining Armor salutes with Trixie. “That we won’t.”

“Right! Trixie will do her part to see to it Equestria is kept safe in the meantime.”

“Thank you everyone. We all need to do our parts right now. Now then, all of you have your assignments. Carry them out. Shining Armor, you will remain here with me.”

Bowing, the others leave the room. Arc walks over to Luna’s throne and sits down. Sighing, he turns to Shining Armor as he removes his crown and sets it in his lap.

“I need to be connected to the War Room in Light’s Hope.”


“This needs to be announced to them before the formal speech tonight.”

“Very well, sire.”

Shining Armor walks over to a panel behind a curtain. Pressing a few buttons, he turns and wheels a strange device to a spot at the base of the throne.

“We’re just waiting for them to accept the call now.”

“Good. Come stand by my side. You should be involved in this too.”

A few moments pass before a hologram pops up above the device. Ember, Sereb, the squad, Flash Sentry, and Twilight’s friends appear. The lieutenant is the first to speak.

“I’ve followed your orders to the letter, sir.”

Ember checks him out. “Nice attire you have there, Arc.”

Sereb frowns. “Indeed. But might I ask what you’re doing on Princess Luna’s throne?”

Rainbow Dash grins slyly. “Yeah! That’s a totally ballsy move there!”

Applejack chuckles. “Sure is. You might want to move before she comes back and sees you.”

Fluttershy looks to the others. “I’m sure he has a good reason. Maybe the transmitter was focused on that spot.”

Rarity eyes Arc’s outfit. “Well, either way, I’m simple in awe of whomever made that outfit for you, Arc.”

Pinkie giggles. “Yeah! Looking snazzy!”

“Thanks. But I… um… need to tell everyone something really important.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Uh… okay. So just open a portal and come on back then.”

Shining Armor sighs. “He can’t right now.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Oh? Was your sigil making gauntlet perhaps damaged, Arc?”

“Fortunately not. In fact, it along with my helmet were pretty much the last parts still usable. But we should probably move this conversation along. Tell me, have you explained everything to the others, Ember?”

Ember shakes her head. “I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to or not. State secrets, and all that.”

“Very well. Here’s how the mission went…”

Arc recounts the details as the others listen intently. As he concludes Rainbow Dash is the first to speak.

“That’s sounds like an adventure and a half!”

Ember grins. “Well, it certainly wasn’t boring.”

Sereb groans. “But it was rather painful.”

Fluttershy appears nervous. “Everypony’s okay though, right?!”

Max nods. “Yes, we’re fine.”

Xenos chuckles. “Yeah. It was kinda touch and go for a bit though.”

Viktor sighs. “Hugh took the worst of it. But Doctor Whooves says he’ll be okay soon.”

Arc nods. “Right.”

Applejack bows her head. “That’s a relief. Is Twilight there by any chance? I’d really like to hear her thoughts on this.”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “She’s with Princess Celestia right now.”

“Right. And I’m sure that’s where she’s going to stay until she’s recovered.”

Pinkie grins. “I know! I’ll bring her a ‘get well soon’ cake!”

Applejack smiles. “That’s not a bad idea, Pinkie.”

Rainbow Dash takes flight. “Yeah! I’d even be willing to run it over there!”

Rarity giggles. “Why don’t we make it an outing?”

Fluttershy gestures to the projector with a hoof. “We could surprise Twilight and Princess Celestia at the same time.”

Arc sighs. “That’s not a very good idea right now.”

Flash Sentry nods soberly. “Yes, I would assume she’s still very weak from her ordeal.”

Shining Armor clears his throat and speaks. “She is, yes. But her sister and niece will be looking after her personally along with Twilight.”

Max tilts his head to one side, confused. “But… they’re already so busy with ruling the country.”

Xenos frowns. “Yeah. How can they do both?”

Arc sighs. “They… temporarily gave up their crowns.”

Everyone cries out at once.


Rarity gasps. “Does that mean that you’re…!”

Arc nods sadly as he pulls out his own crown and puts it on his head.

“Yes. I’m once again the Lord Regent of Equestria.”

Shining Armor turns to the camera. “However, for the moment that’s a secret.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Trying to keep the workload down, eh Arc?”

“Nah. Kibitz is currently setting up a speaking appearance for tonight. I’ll personally address the nation at that time.”

Rarity gasps. “What will you say?”

“The truth about Princess Celestia’s condition, my new role as the head of the nation, and our commitment to return all three princesses to their proper places on the thrones.”

Fluttershy looks hopeful. “Can we help in any way?”

“Not at this time, no. Doctor Whooves and Emerald Dream will see to it everything that can be done will be done.”

Applejack frowns. “But if that changes, we’d really like to be able to lend a hoof.”

“Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.”

Rarity puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Have you decided what you’re going to say tonight?”

Viktor grins. “Kibitz could write you a speech.”

Xenos nods. “Yeah. He always did that for Princess Celestia.”

Arc shakes his head. “Well, he’s a bit too busy for more work right now. That and I think I want to do it myself.”

Applejack chuckles. “You always did a good job of making speeches before, Arc.”

Pinkie bounces around. “Right! You’ll make everypony think everything is A-O-K!”

“At the moment I really have to. After all, as soon as I announce that Princess Celestia is back, but say I’m not letting her be seen, well… it’s going to cause quite a few ponies to get real nervous, real fast.”

Rarity appears confused. “It will?”

Applejack grimaces. “Darn tootin’! Everypony would expect her to make a public appearance right away!”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Could she? I mean… it would help everypony feel better knowing she’s really back.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Rainbow Dash. Both Luna and Cadance were very adamant about her recovery coming before anything else.”

Flash Sentry nods soberly. “Sir, if I may, your friends do raise a valid point. After all, Princess Celestia staying under wraps would certainly fuel uncertainty.”

Shining Armor counters. “Of course. But she needs to rest.”

Max pipes up. “What about a photograph showing her in bed? That would help, right?”

Xenos grimaces. “Maybe. But I don’t think the other two princesses would agree to such a thing.”

Pinkie grins. “Take it when they aren’t looking then!”

Rarity looks to Arc. “Or, as the Lord Regent, you could simply order a picture be taken.”

Viktor looks to Shining Armor. “Can he… do that?”

Shining Armor puts a hoof to his chin thoughtfully. “I suppose so. As it stands, he’s currently over everypony in the land. Them included.”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I’ll leave the decision when to allow others to see Princess Celestia to Luna and Cadance.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “Is that really for the best though, sir? I mean… they put you in charge for a reason, after all.”

Arc sighs. “Trust me. I don’t want anyone seeing her in that condition.”

Ember nods. “Agreed. After all, she was pretty messed up when we found her.”

Sereb groans. “Indeed.”

“In any case, if all of you could please keep this matter to yourselves until after the official announcement later today, I’d appreciate it.”

Applejack smiles. “Sure thing. And thanks for telling us, Arc.”

Rainbow Dash flies over to stand in front of the holographic projector. “Yeah! We’ll come visit you one of these days too!”

Rarity waves a hoof bashfully. “Oh, I think Arc’s far too busy to see us right now.”

“No, no! I’d like that. Just let Flash Sentry know when you’re coming and he’ll contact me.”

Flash Sentry nods. “I’ll see to it, sir.”

“In any case, I need to get to work. Take care everyone.”

Ember gasps. “Wait a minute! What about us?!”

Max nods. “Yes sir. We’d like to guard you during your tenure as Lord Regent.”

Sereb grins “As would I.”

“I appreciate that. But I want all of you to rest now. Everyone was injured the other day if you recall.”

Ember frowns. “Well I’M FINE, if you recall!”

“I suppose that’s right. Head to my quarters and I’ll bring you over via portal, Ember.”


Ember leaves the War Room as Arc turns to Max..

“I’ll come for you, Hugh, Xenos, and Sereb tomorrow morning.”

“Yes sir.”

“Take it easy until them.”

Flash Sentry steps forward. “What about us, sire?”

“You and all base personnel will be relocated to Canterlot Castle tomorrow morning as well.”

“All, sire?”

“Yes, lieutenant. I want Light’s Hope empty.”

“I’ll see to it, sire.”

“Good. See you all tomorrow.”

He looks directly to Rarity and smiles before Shining Armor cuts the feed. Rainbow Dash gives her friend a sly grin..

“You’ve really got him hooked!”

“I’m sorry, what?”

Applejack chuckles. “She means you’ve caught Arc’s attention.”

Fluttershy giggles. “Yes you have. It’s very nice to see him finally getting past what happened to Cherry and seeing others.”

Pinkie throws her hooves around everyone assembled cartoon style. “Yeah! He’s really special after all! I bet you can’t WAIT to go see him in Canterlot!”

Rarity sighs. “I suppose not. But he’s going to be pretty busy for a while. After all, running the country can’t be a simple task.”

Flash Sentry nods in agreement. “That it isn’t, I’m sure. But the commander will certainly do his very best.”

Sereb turns to the squad. “We should do as Arc told us and rest well for tomorrow.”

Max nods. “Agreed. Let’s go, everypony.”

They leave the room and walk down the corridor toward their shared semi-private quarters. Meanwhile, Arc holds up a gauntlet and opens a portal. A few moments later Ember walks through. She looks him up and down, smiling.

“Looking good, Arc!”

Shining Armor nods. “I agree with Ember, Arc. You’re filling out your raiments nicely.”

Ember licks her lips. “The crowd tonight will eat you up!”

“Um… thanks?”

“I meant that in a good way.”

Arc chuckles. “Ah!”

He turns to Shining Armor.

“I’ll be in my quarters until the speech tonight thinking about what to say with Ember.”

“Yes sir. I’ll try not to bother you needlessly.”

“Thanks. But feel free to call on me if something comes up.”

“Yes sir.”


Shining Armor leaves the Audience Chamber as Arc and Ember take a portal back to his quarters. As they step out she turns to him.

“I’m going to enjoy this.”

“Uh… which part?”

“Spending all day with you. Sereb and I are going to be your Honor Guards again, after all.”

Arc looks away nervously. “Yeah… I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to do that.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Why not? We kept you safe back then.”

“Yes, you did. But you’re the future Dragon Lord. It doesn’t look right for you to be pulling guard duty.”

“What are you talking about?!”

“Your international image. The Dragon Lord is a big name, after all.”

“So you don’t want me here?!”

“No, no! I do! Just not as a guard! That would give the nobles and the other nations something to gossip about!”

Ember looks as though she may explode, but calms herself.

“You know what? You’re right, Arc.”

Arc looks at her warily. “Why does that make me nervous?”

“I’m the future Dragon Lord, and worthy of respect.”

“Agreed. But you’re kinda starting to freak me out. Now what are you getting at?”

“During the peace summit I pledged the Dragon Lands would join with Equestria in a treaty. I think now’s the best time to make good on that.”

“But the princesses are otherwise preoccupied with…”

Ember grins wickedly. “Then I guess you’ll have to negotiate this thing yourself.”

“Kinda busy right now, Ember.”

“Yeah, I know. Your speech.”

“And ruling the country too.”

Ember sighs. “So you don’t have time?”

“You know how this job works.”

“In that case, I’ll stay by your side as the Dragon Land’s emissary.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Shouldn’t you run that by Brightwing first?”

Ember shrugs. “Fine.”

Putting two claws in her mouth, Ember whistles loudly. A strange magical aura surrounds her for a few seconds before Brightwing materializes in a flash of light.

“You called, Dragon Lord?!”

Ember nods. “Yes. Tell me, do you mind if I take over as the Dragon Land’s ambassador for a bit?”

Brightwing nods fervently. “Okay, friend!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “And now I’m worried.”

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