• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - A Royal Problem

Arc looks at Cadance, confused.

“Um… okay.”

The Princess of Love pats the seat next to her. “Please sit down. This is a difficult matter for me to discuss aloud.”

Arc does as she asks as Cadance casts a spell before speaking again.

“Now we can talk in absolute secrecy.”

“But my walls are already soundproof.”

Cadance nods soberly. “I know that. However this matter has me very much on edge.”

“It must be very important to see you this upset over it. I’m told you’re known as the most approachable princess, after all. But I guess that comes with the title of Princess of Love, eh?”

Cadance sighs. “I suppose so.”

“Forgive me, Princess Cadance. Please tell me what’s on your mind.”

“Thank you. I’m certain this goes without saying, but… I’d appreciate if what I said here was kept to yourself.”

“Of course. Go ahead.”

“It’s about my relationship with Shining Armor.”

“Uh oh. Did you have a fight?”

Cadance shakes her head. “No. He’s been nothing but kind and understanding of my situation and position.”

“Yes, as long as I’ve known him Shining Armor has been very hard working and loyal.”

Cadance forces a small smile. “He showed that in his willingness to accompany Trixie to Tartarus. But it isn’t a relationship problem as much as it’s a relationship… um… issue.”


“Sorry. I know I’m not making much sense. Perhaps if Shining Armor was here it would be easier to explain. By the way, where is he?”

“Oh, um… sorry but I sent him off on a bit of a… personal mission.”

“But what could be more important than…?”

“I’m sorry. It was a very delicate and urgent matter. Lieutenant Trixie is helping him so he should be back any time now.”


“My apologies, Princess Cadance.”

“No, no! It’s just… I’m happiest when he’s around.”

“So it’s going well then?”

Cadance blushes slightly and nods. “Yes. To be honest with you, this is the first real relationship I’ve been in.”

Arc sighs. “Cherry was my first girlfriend as well.”


Cherry calls out. “Yes, your highness. Arc was also my first love.”

Arc smiles weakly. “A lot of firsts in here today.”

“Can I ask you two something?”

“Of course, your highness.”

“How do you deal with separation?”

Arc looks confused. “You mean since Shining Armor came here?”

Cadance nods. “Yes. I’ve had trouble sleeping all week knowing he wasn’t in the castle. Is this normal?!”


The door bursts open and Shining Armor rushes inside. Cadance is so surprised she falls off the couch. Arc gets up quickly.

“Princess Cadance! Are you alright?!”

Shining Armor hurries over. “Cadance! What happened?!”

Cadance looks to him as Arc helps her up. “N-nothing. I was just surprised.”

Arc sighs. “All that Silence Spell security and we forgot to lock the door.”

Shining Armor looks confused. “Lock the door? Arc, the base is completely secure. Why would you feel the need to…?”

Cadance interrupts. “We were just talking about something very… difficult for me.”

“Difficult? Cadance, is something wrong?!”

“No, nothing like that! I just…! Look, why don’t we all sit down and talk it over?”

“Um… okay.”

Shining Armor sits down next to Cadance as Arc takes his spot on the other end of the couch.

“Have you been having trouble sleeping?”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “Not really. Truthfully, staying awake is my problem right now. I’ve been having quite a few late nights.”

Arc sighs. “The princess has been having bouts of insomnia.”

“Yes. Ever since you left the castle.”

Shining Armor looks concerned. “Are you worried about security? The stallion I left in charge is certainly capable of protecting you and Princess Luna.”

“I’m certain he is. But… I um…”

Cherry calls out. “She misses you.”

“Yes. Very much so.”

“Really? I… I’m sorry for making you feel this way. But I really can’t come back to Canterlot right now. We need to get everything squared away here and KEEP it in order for the summit.”

Cadance looks down at her hooves. “Yes, I know. But I miss our time together.”

Arc turns to her. “Can’t you just stay here, Princess Cadance?”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “That isn’t the best idea, I’m afraid. We’re not fully secure here yet.”

“I don’t mind!”

Arc points out the window as a squad walks by on patrol. “That and we have a sizable force stationed here at the moment. It would probably take a literal invasion force to assault Light’s Hope at our current strength.”

“I suppose that’s true. But what about Princess Luna?”

Cadance looks confused. “What about her?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “She has the final say on this, doesn’t she?”

“You forget I’m a princess too, Arc. I’m able to go anywhere I want.”

Shining Armor nods. “Very well. I’ll contact Princess Luna to advise her of the change.”

Cadance’s pupils shrink as she gulps. “Wait, what?!”

Arc nods. “He’s right, you know. Luna’s going to worry if you don’t come back today.”

Shining Armor shudders. “And then she’ll call. Very angrily I might add.”

Cadance shrinks back. “M-maybe I shouldn’t stay after all.”

Arc turns to her. “Do you want me to call her?”

“Oh, would you Arc? She really respects you.”

“I can, yes.”

“Thank you.”

“Just one question.”

Cadance looks over to him. “What is it?”

“Are you scared of Luna, or something?”

“Kinda. But pretty much everypony is.”


Shining Armor frowns. “Well, there is her past.”

“I suppose there’s that. But just a piece of advice for you two. If you want Luna to respect you, first you have to give her something to respect.”

Cadance tilts her head to one side, confused. “What do you mean?”

“Do you remember when she found out about you and Shining Armor?”

Shining Armor shudders. “Not my favorite day.”

“She was most insistent that you two not see each other anymore.”

Cadance nods. “Yes. But you convinced her otherwise.”

“That’s right. How do you suppose I did that?”

Shining Armor puts a hoof to his chin. “By having her respect?”

“Right. But how did I earn that?”

Cadance shrugs. “By doing your job efficiently?”

“That’s part of it.”

“Was it because you’re our nation’s greatest living hero, sir?”

“I suppose that helped. But I believe what really showed her was my ability to make hard decisions, stand resolute, and be willing to fight for what I believe in.”

Cadance sighs. “Such as that night you discovered our secret rendezvous?”

Arc nods. “I merely stated my case to Luna, supported it with facts, and stood behind it. There was no yelling, no threats, and no violence.”

Cadance frowns. “There has to be more to it than that.”

Shining Armor nods. “Yes. Princess Luna really did a 180 on that decision based on your word alone, Arc.”

“Because she realized I had rationally made my decision based on logic and the information I gathered following you, Princess Cadance.”

Cadance looks to Arc. “What should I do? I want her to look at me the same way. To have her trust and respect.”

“For starters, show that you respect her first.”

Shining Armor appears surprised. “Cadance already does that.”

“Yes. But she still treats me like a filly sometimes.”

Arc nods. “Then you should show her you’re an adult.”

Shining Armor looks confused. “I don’t understand, Arc.

He points at Cadance.

“Look at her. Cadance is a fully grown mare.”

“Yes. How can I do what you’ve suggested, Arc?”

Arc sighs. “You should call her yourself.”

Cadance shrinks back. “Anything else?”

“Not really.”

Shining Armor looks nervous. “But what’s she supposed to say?”

Arc shrugs. “That’s really up to her. But two things she SHOULDN’T do. Don’t make something up, and don’t get angry. Be calm, honest, and straightforward.”

“I think I can do that. But what if she says no?”

Shining Armor takes her hoof. “Remember, you ARE a princess. She can’t actually force you to do anything, Cadance.”

Cadance nods as she stands slowly. “Yes, well… that doesn’t make this any easier.”

She heads for the door. Shining Armor stands and walks after her.

“I should go with you.”

“No, Shining Armor. I need to do this myself.”

Cherry calls out. “Princess?”

“Yes, miss?”

“Part of being a couple is sharing the good times, as well as the bad. Being there for the other when they need you. I wasn’t able to stand by Arc’s side as he struggled to lead the country. But Shining Armor is here with you now. There’s no reason to go alone.”

Arc nods. “That and you should be accompanied either way.”

Cadance nods. “I understand.”

Shining Armor gestures to the door. “Let’s go.”

The pair leave the room together. Arc smiles and shakes his head.

“I am so jealous of Shining Armor right now.”

Cherry sounds surprised. “Really? I wasn’t aware you had your eyes on Princess Cadance. But I must admit, she would certainly make you a lovely wife.”

“Wait, what?!”

“I’m sure Shining Armor would find somepony else. Maybe he and Trixie could…”

Arc chuckles. “Okay, enough of that.”

Cherry giggles. “I just wanted to see how far you would let me take that.”

“Further than I should have probably.”

A short time later Cadance and Shining Armor return. They soberly enter the room silently and sit down.

“How did it go?”

Cadance shudders. “That… was one of the most nerve-wracking experiences of my life.”

Shining Armor frowns. “Mine too. Mostly because I could only hear one side of the conversation.”

“In all honesty, she took my request rather well.”

Shining Armor puts a hoof on Cadance’s fetlock. “You carried yourself very well back there.”

“Glad to hear it. I do hope Luna wasn’t too upset though.”

Cadance sighs. “Not really. She merely asked why I wanted to stay.”

“And what did you tell her?”

“That I wanted to see first-hoof how security for a princess is undertaken and fully immerse myself in watching how a peace summit is undertaken.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Is that so?”


Shining Armor chuckles. “I think Princess Luna knew what you were really up to.”

“Yes. Around then was when she asked that very question. If there was any other reason.”

Arc nods. “And what did you say?”

Cadance takes a deep breath. “That I missed my normal protector Shining Armor. Then she asked where he was.”


“I’m not really sure. Maybe to make sure you were doing your job and watching over me.”

Arc looks surprised. “Really? That seems a bit overprotective.”

“Maybe I’ll work up the courage to ask her when I get back to the castle.”

Shining Armor appears apprehensive. “What did she say about you staying here?”

“That I was welcome to do so as long as I promised to learn all I could about the entire process.”

“Great! You and I can spend every day together!”

Arc clears his throat. “Yes, well… I just realized a small problem with this plan.”

Cadance appears nervous again. “What’s that?”

The door opens and Twilight walks in with Rose. She is pushing a food cart as Twilight looks over her clipboard. Cadance nervously turns to her young friend as she and the others stand.

“Twilight! How is everything looking out there?”

“Everything is right on schedule. But when did you get up, Cadance?”

“Oh! I couldn’t sleep. Too much running through my head.”

Twilight walks over to the table next to the cart, smiling. “Well, that much I can understand. My own sleep schedule hasn’t been regular in years.”

Arc heads over to the table as Rose helps Twilight set the dishes out. “Let’s sit down before it gets cold, shall we?”

They gather around the table together. Rose looks to Twilight.

“Would it be alright if I continued working, mother?”

“If you would like that, certainly.”

Arc nods. “Yes. But you are very welcome to join us, Rose.”

“Thank you. But there’s so much left to do.”

She turns to Cadance and bows at the waist.

“By your leave, your highness.”

Cadance nods as Rose leaves the room. They sit down together as Cadance turns to her friend.

“So how have you been, Twilight?”

“Very busy. Auriel and I have been working on our artificial sun idea.”

“I remember you mentioning that a while back. How are things coming along with your project?”

“Very well actually. It’s going to take a bit longer than I originally thought. But we’ll have enough extract to make this a reality soon.”

Shining Armor raises an eyebrow. “Say what now?”

“Twilight and Auriel want to make an artificial sun for Tartarus.”


“So plants can grow, brother.”

Cadance nods. “Twilight and Auriel recently admitted to accidently possessing Dragon Fruit for this very purpose.”


Arc smiles. “Easy there, Shining Armor. You’ll burst a blood vessel.”

“We have to get rid of it right away! If word of this gets back to the Dragon Lands…!”

Cadance puts a hoof on her fetlock. “Calm down, Shining Armor. Arc and his friends have already resolved the problem.”


Arc nods. “Yes. And I’ve received special permission from the Dragon Lord himself that allows your sister to keep her plants and do with the fruit as she wishes.”

“That’s… very impressive!”

Arc sighs. “It wasn’t easy.”

Cadance nods. “Yes, well… that’s in the past.”

Shining Armor turns back to his sister. “But I don’t understand why Tartarus needs plants.”

“Auriel and I believe part of the reason the demons there are so angry and violent is not having any real outlet for their energy. At least nothing appropriate.”

Cadance sighs. “Apparently I sent her a Dragon Fruit when I was mentally unfit.”

Arc nods. “That was shortly before I took the throne.”

Twilight continues. “So we plan to deploy an artificial sun by which plants can be grown. That will give them fruits and vegetables to grow and perhaps even flowers if all goes well.”

Shining Armor thinks for a moment. “Isn’t this risky? I mean, giving the demons anything at all!”

Cadance looks him in the eye. “Shining Armor, I believe what Twilight is trying to do is nothing short of wondrous. First the design and construction of Rose, and now this.”

She looks to her friend and smiles.

“You have a bright future ahead, Twilight.”

“Thank you, Cadance. But none of this would have been possible if not for Auriel. Her knack for innovation is nothing short of miraculous.”

Shining Armor looks to Arc. “Perhaps it’s for the best you took her out of Tartarus, sir.”

Arc nods soberly. “You were there, Shining Armor. I didn’t really have a choice at the time.”

Sometime later they finish their meal. Twilight stands and turns to Arc.

“Your chef certainly knows how to cook.”

Cadance sighs. “That she does. But I still wish she hadn’t gone to all the trouble of making me something special.”

Arc nods. “Well, that’s kinda my fault. I shouldn’t have told her who the extra guest was.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “I thought it strange you were telling the chef somepony was coming when she already cooks for the entire staff.”

Shining Armor turns to his sister. “Perhaps he just wanted to be responsible.”

Twilight giggles with Cadance. “Yes well, why don’t I bring these dishes back and see about getting us some dessert.”

Cherry calls out. “That should make Arc very happy!”

Arc chuckles. “We all have our weaknesses.”

Twilight leaves the room with the cart closing the door behind her. Cadance turns to Arc and lowers her voice.

“I must apologize to you. There was another reason for my extended visit.”


“Yes. Shining Armor and I wanted to be together for something else.”

Shining Armor sighs. “You see, Twilight doesn’t know about Cadance and I yet.”

Arc frowns. “Really? As close as you three are to one another I just assumed at least one of you called her, or something.”

Cadance’s ears droop as she continues. “Believe me, I tried to many times. But she just gets so excited whenever I call. It’s sometimes hard to get a word in edgewise.”

Shining Armor nods. “Same here. She always wants to know what I’m up to. But as soon as I start talking, Twily suddenly has a million questions.”

Arc sighs. “And you want me to tell her?”

Cadance shakes her head. “No. Shining Armor and I need to do that ourselves.”

“We’re both going to be here for a week or so. In that time we should be able to take Twilight aside and tell her.”

“I sure hope so.”

Cadance appears surprised. “What do you mean, Arc?”

“Well, Twilight is going to be pretty busy the next couple of days making sure everything on her list is done and done right. That and Shining Armor and I will need to take care of security.”

Cadance nods. “I’m planning on observing too. What I told Luna was the truth, after all. I really do want to know what goes into making a facility safe for a princess.”

Shining Armor turns to Arc. “There’s going to be quite a bit of work for all of us this week. But I’m sure we can find the time.”

Arc lowers his voice as Twilight opens the door with a tray of cupcakes. “I do hope you’re right, Shining Armor.”

Arc, Shining Armor, and Cadance spend the remainder of the day going over blueprints of the facility, writing up duty rosters, and inspecting the troops. As the sun begins to set they return to Arc’s quarters for supper. Shining Armor turns to Cadance as they begin to eat.

“Looks like we’re on schedule to fully secure the outside of the building by tomorrow afternoon.”

“Good. Truth be told I feel safer already.”

“So what comes next, big brother?”

“I think we should all get a good night’s sleep.”

Arc chuckles. “Good idea. Sleep is going to be a precious commodity in the near future.”

Suddenly Twilight’s pupils shrink and she gasps. Cadance looks to her friend.

“Twilight! What’s wrong?!”

“We’ve overlooked something very important!”

Shining Armor sounds nervous. “What is it”?

“Where is Cadance supposed to sleep tonight?!”

Arc facepalms. “She’s right. All the guest rooms are still under modification.”

“She could stay at my library.”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “Sorry Twily, but it’s less secure than Light’s Hope is right now.”

He blushes slightly.

“If it pleases you, princess, I would be willing to place guards outside these quarter’s windows and personally stay by your side until morning. With Arc’s permission, of course.”

Arc nods. “If you need my quarters I understand.”

Cadance shakes her head. “That would be a lot of trouble for our guards. What about the Lunar Destiny?”

Arc shakes his head. “I told them they could return to Canterlot, remember?”

Twilight sighs. “We needed the space for staging building supplies.”

Shining Armor nods soberly. “The only other option is to return you to Canterlot Castle for the night.”

Arc clears his throat. “Well, there is one other thing we could do.”

Cherry calls out. “Derpy’s house?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Cherry. Would everyone please follow me?”

They stand and walk over to the sigil in the corner of the room. Arc calls forth his gauntlet and activates the sigil. In a moment they find themselves in a beautifully decorated room. Twilight looks around.

“Where are we?”

Shining Armor turns to her. “Arc’s personal quarters aboard The Equinox.”

Cadance gasps. “Your ship, Arc?!”

“Yes. After all, it’s fully secure, has a full detail of troops aboard, and has been certified secure by Shining Armor, Captain Tight Ship, Lieutenant Trixie, and myself.”

Arc turns to Shining Armor. “What do you think? Is this enough?”

“Yes. But… I don’t like the idea of the princess being alone.”

Twilight raises a hoof. “I could stay with her.”

Cadance smiles. “Yes, I’d like that.”

“You could stay aboard too, Shining Armor. In a VIP suite, that is.”

Shining Armor nods. “That would make me feel much better, yes.”

Twilight smiles at Arc and her brother. “Thank you for taking my friend’s safety so seriously you two.”

“It’s no trouble at all. Shining Armor and I will head to the Bridge to inform the captain while you two get settled. “

“Yes. Do you need anything?”

Cadance shakes her head. “No. I think we’ll be fine.”

Arc gestures for Shining Armor to follow him. “Let’s allow them to have some time together.”


Shining Armor looks to Twilight. “Arc’s right. You two have a lot of catching up to do. Just don’t stay up too late. Tomorrow will be a busy day.”

Cadance smiles. “We won’t.”

Arc looks back as the pair step out into the corridor. “Good night you two.”

Twilight waves a hoof. “See you two in the morning BBBFF.”

Shining Armor closes the door with his magic and turns to Arc as the pair make their way to the Bridge.

“Thanks for doing this, sir. It makes me feel a lot better knowing Cadance is safe.”

“Me too. I know she can’t be killed, but I do worry that someone could try to kidnap her.”

Shining Armor sighs. “As do I.”

The pair head for the Bridge. After informing the Captain Tight Ship of the situation, Arc disembarks and walks back toward the building. The sun hangs low in the sky but the spotlights make the grounds bright as day. As he nears Light’s Hope the doors open and his friends depart. Applejack is the first to speak.

“Oh, hey Arc. Taking a little after supper walk?”

“Kinda. Just taking care of something aboard my ship.”

Rainbow Dash grins as she looks over at The Equinox. “That sure is a cool looking ship you have there, Arc!”

Fluttershy smiles. “Yes, it is. The princesses were very generous.”

“That they were. So I guess you five are done for the day, huh?”

Pinkie hops over. “Yup! But we’ll be back bright and early tomorrow! Your kitchen is a dream, Arc! It’s bigger than the one at Sugar Cube Corner!”

Applejack chuckles. “That it is. And Saffron probably needs every bit of it to feed the army in there.”

“That she does. Especially now with the extra guards.”

Rarity smiles. “Well, you should be very proud of Twilight, Arc. She’s keeping this whole project running smooth as silk.”

Rainbow Dash grins as she hovers nearby. “Yeah! I can’t imagine anypony doing all this anywhere near as fast!”

“That may be. But only because she has a top notch crew to carry out her instructions. All of you are doing well.”

“Thanks, sugarcube. But we should be getting home soon. Another day is waiting for us with the sunrise.”

Fluttershy turns to the others nervously. “Yes. And I need to get home right away! A-Angel worries if I’m out after dark! Good night everypony!”

She flies away quickly. Rainbow Dash shakes her head and sighs.

“I wish she would just grow up sometimes.”

Applejack frowns. “We all have fears, Rainbow Dash.”


Arc sighs. “The moon?”

Pinkie turns to Arc. “You know about that?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. It came up after all of you broke me out of Tartarus. She was hiding all night if I recall.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Yeah. She was my tent buddy. When I went to bed she was completely engulfed by her sleeping bag.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “You didn’t mention that before!”

“Like I said back then, she’s done that since we were fillies.”

Arc nods. “Well, like Applejack said, we all have fears.”

Rainbow Dash laughs. “Not me!”

Pinkie hops over to Rainbow Dash. “Yes you do!”

“Oh yeah?! What?!”

“How about… stripes with a plaid mane?!”

Rainbow Dash takes a step back nervously as Pinkie walks toward her. A malevolent look in her eyes.

“From head… to TAIL!”

Rainbow Dash screams and flies away at top speed. Rarity looks to Pinkie, confused.

“What was that all about?”

“A bad dream she had years ago! No idea why, but Rainbow Dash always gets like that when I bring it up! Well, see everypony tomorrow!”

Applejack falls into step behind Pinkie. “Bye, Arc.”

“See you.”

Rarity walks over to Arc and looks around briefly before she speaks. “Um, Arc? I was just wondering if you had plans for this Friday evening?”

“No. That is assuming we can get everything done tomorrow on Twilight’s list.”

“Well… that looks doable from our current progress. Would you like to have dinner with me like we talked about?”

“Sure. Do you want me to bring anything?”

“Oh no, no, no! This is going to be my treat! Tell me, have you ever tasted fine dining since coming to Equestria?”

Arc grins. “Yes. In the castle as Lord Regent.”

Rarity smiles nervously. “Oh, that’s right! Well, why don’t you wear that suit I made you and we’ll make an evening out of it?”

“Um, okay. That sounds nice.”

Rarity smiles. “Shall we say around eight?”

Arc nods. “I’ll be there.”

Rarity turns to leave. “Wonderful! I look forward to showing you the finer things in Equestrian culture!”

“Alright. Do you want me to walk you home?”

“I’ll be fine. But shouldn’t you be getting home to your family?”

Arc looks at his pocket watch. “I suppose you’re right. Good night, Rarity.”

Rarity waves a hoof as Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal. “Rest well.”

Arc steps through and disappears as Rarity begins walking back towards town with a huge smile on her face.

“I can’t believe he said yes! Oh happy days! I’ll show Arc an evening neither of us will ever forget!”

She unconsciously begins to trot, then skip, and finally bounce like Pinkie Pie down the path as a full moon comes out to light her way home.

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