• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 12 - Though I Walk Through the Valley...

Hammer continues crying for quite some time. Eventually she is able to compose herself and slowly sits up sheepishly.

“Arc, I… um…”

“It… it’s fine.”

Hammer lowers her voice. “Can we please keep this to ourselves?”

Arc nods. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.”

Hammer appears relieved. “Thanks.”

“It’s not an issue. But would you do something for me?”


“Can we get up please? My desk isn’t the most comfortable place to lie down.”

“Oh! Right!”

Rolling off of him Hammer stands and helps Arc up. As she does so she also pulls him into an embrace.

“Arc. I have something to tell you.”

“What is it?”

Hammer grins as she speaks. “You’re the most handsome, sexiest, wonderful man I’ve ever met. And I did mean what I said back there. Every word was the truth.”

“And I’d like that too.”

“Then let’s do it!”

“Not now, Hammer.”


“After we all get to know each other better.”

Hammer groans and shakes her head. “Really?!”

“I’ve said that before.”

“Yeah? Well, to borrow something Rainbow Dash said about you during a conversation once, I want you to… how did she word that? Oh, right! ‘Tap my flank’!”

Arc facepalms. “That… does sound like something she would say.”

Hammer grins slyly. “While I’m not one-hundred percent sure what it means, if it means having you inside me…”

Arc’s earring chirps.

“Perfect timing.”

Touching it, he speaks.

“Arc here.”

Lemon Hearts’ voice rings out. “Sir, we’re in visual range of Light’s Hope now.”

“Enemy forces?”

“Innumerable. However as you know scouting reports showed that this will not be an easy battle due to the enemy’s numbers and their time to prepare.”

“How long until arrival?”

“Thirty minutes at current speed.”

“Alright. I’ll be on the Bridge in ten. Arc out.”

Touching his earring, Arc severs the connection as he turns back to Hammer.

“Time to move.”

Hammer nods soberly. “I’m with you.”

Arc looks her up and down. “Not like that you aren’t.”


“Come with me.”

Calling forth his gauntlet, Arc opens a portal. Stepping through he and Hammer reappear in his room aboard ship. Walking over to the dresser he pulls out some clothes and tosses them to her. Hammer appears confused.

“What’s this for?”

“Put them on.”

Hammer grins as she pulls down her pants. “Want a bit of a show then, huh?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “I didn’t necessarily mean right here. Remember, I do have an adjoining bathroom right over there.”

Hammer laughs as she whips off her shirt. “Yeah! But I know you like what you see!”

Arc chuckles as he shrugs. “Fine, Hammer. Yes, you’re hot.”

Hammer smiles as she pulls on the pants Arc gave her. “See? Was that really so hard?”


A few moments later Hammer finishes dressing. Looking down at herself, she frowns.

“These clothes aren’t exactly what I would call battle-wear, Arc.”

“Oh, but they are.”

“Are you nuts?!”

Arc shrugs as he heads for the closet. “That depends on whom you ask. But let’s get the rest of your outfit.”

Opening his wardrobe, Arc pulls out a stand. Walking back to Hammer he sets it down and steps back.

“Here’s the rest.”


“You can’t go into battle without something to protect you.”

“I guess not.”

Arc helps the young woman put on her new armor. Standing in front of the full length mirror she grins and puts a hand on her hip.

“Damn, I’m sexy in this!”

“You do look very nice, yes.”

“And it fits perfectly! How’d you know my measurements?!”

“Remember when the royal tailor made you some clothes a while back? I forwarded the measurements he took to the castle armorsmith. This is what he came up with.”

“It’s so light too! What’s it made of?!”

“Pure mithril.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “That ain’t a real metal!”

“On Earth it isn’t.”

“Shoulda known. Is it expensive?”


“Dare I ask how much?”

“One month’s wages for the Hero of Light.”

“I’m going to assume that’s a lot.”

“Yeah. But we need to head to the Bridge now.”

“I promise I’ll pay you back for this!”

Arc chuckles. “Trust me, you couldn’t afford it on a lieutenant’s wages.”

Leaving the room they make their way past numerous soldiers whom line the halls in wait. Hammer turns to him and lowers her voice.

“They look… pretty nervous.”

“That they do.”

“Um… shouldn’t you… I don’t know… say something?”

“I will.”

Arriving at the Bridge, the crew stands and salutes out of respect. Arc makes his way toward the comms as he looks to Thunderlane.


“Twenty minutes, sir.”

“Good. Lemon Hearts, I would like to address the troops now.”

“Yes sir.”

Pressing a few buttons, she gives him a microphone. Clearing his throat Arc begins to speak.

“Attention all crew and military personnel. We are roughly fifteen minutes from our destination. I’m expecting a VERY hot landing zone so I’ll keep this brief. You’ve all been assigned into platoons and given commanders to lead you. Now I know everyone here is scared of what’s going to happen here… myself included. The truth of the matter is… that even I don’t fully know what we’re going to be facing down there when we land.”

He pauses before continuing.

“But this is what I do know. We can’t give up and go home. We can’t just leave this job unfinished. We can’t allow Decimus and Celestia to keep dictating our nation’s future from the shadows. Especially not if they’re going to just keep sticking their heads in the sand and pretending that nothing’s wrong. This has to end HERE! It has to end NOW! And it has to be done by US! No one else can do what I’m planning legally or logistically. However… I can’t do it alone. I need everyone to back me up on this one. For without all of you, there is no retreat… there is no falling back for me and my infiltration team. We’ll stand or fall based on all of you. And that goes for Equestria too. For if we fail to stop our enemies here… soon there will be nothing left. Remember that when you’re fighting. Defeat here… will be the end of this land and its inhabitants. But I have faith that all of you can do this. That you won’t let me… or Princess Twilight down. Listen to your commanders and do what needs to be done. That… is all.”

He puts down the microphone as Lemon Hearts presses a few buttons. Shining Armor walks over to him.

“That was a risky move, sir.”

Auriel frowns. “How so?”

Twilight sighs. “It may make the soldiers even more on edge.”

Hammer clenches a fist. “They needed to know the gravity of the situation.”

Scootaloo stomps a hoof. “And that we can’t fail.”

Sereb growls. “We will not!”

Thunderlane calls out from the helm. “Enemy forces are getting into attack formation, sir!”

Moon Dancer gasps. “A large griffon ship is now taking off from the landing pad, sir!”

Wrangler grimaces. “Weapons online! Shall I fire, sir?!”

Ashe turns to Arc. “We need to at least try talking to them!”

“Agreed. Lemon Hearts, open a channel.”

Lemon Hearts nods. “Aye, sir.”

She does so and points to Arc silently.

“This is Hero of Light Arc of the Equestrian airship ‘Equinox’. To whom am I speaking?”

There is a long silence before a familiar voice rings out.

“You again?!”

“Arbiter Ghaleon, I presume?”

“Yes. I’m here on behalf of the Council of Lords to see to it your land’s princess stays safe and secure in her fallback position.”

“Are you now?”

“I am.”

“And that’s all you’re here to do?”

Ghaleon shakes his head. “No. I knew you would come eventually.”

“So you waited for me?”

“And here you are. Now then, I’ll cut right to the chase. Where is Lady Ashe?”

Ashe steps toward Arc as she speaks. “I’m right here, sir.”

“I figured as much. Are you safe?”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“The Council of Lords was told by Decimus personally that you had been kidnapped by those whom wished Princess Celestia harm. While they didn’t say whom was responsible, I surmised it to be Lord Arc.”

Arc frowns. “Um… thanks?”

Ghaleon narrows his eyes. “It was not a compliment.”

Ashe speaks up in an attempt to diffuse the situation. “So you came here to rescue me?”

“Officially, yes. However as you know I’m not beholden to the council or its whims.”

Arc frowns. “Then what are you doing here?”

“Seeking the truth.”

Ashe sighs. “I have quite the story to tell regarding that, Arbiter. However now is not the time for such things.”

“Agreed. However, there is someone here whom would like to say something to you, Lady Ashe.”

“Oh? Who?”

“I’ll let them speak now.”

The line is silent for a few moments before a new voice calls out.

“It’s good to know you’re safe, my dear.”

Ashe gasps. “Father?!”

“I’ve heard the reports from Lord Adalbert regarding the previous expedition to Equestria along with Princess Celestia’s misrepresentation of the situation here.”

“She’s not to be trusted, father!”

“That is known to us, my dear.”

Arc clears his throat. “Forgive me sir. But if that’s the case, why send your forces to garrison this position?”

“Because the request did not come from her, but from Hero of Light Decimus.”

Ashe clenches a talon angrily. “He’s a traitor as well though!”

“That has yet to be seen, Ashe.”

“But father…!”

“Decimus has been a name well known to the Council of Lords since long before you were born. One does simply throw away such ties so easily. Or without cause.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “In any case, I need to see Celestia at once about ending this madness. Can you contact the base, Lord Gestal?”

“I could, yes. However it’s not likely they will agree to such a demand.”

“Please try, father.”

Gestal sighs. “Very well. Standby.”

The line goes dead for a time. A few minutes later Lord Gestal comes back on the airwaves.

“I’ve personally spoken to Hero of Light Decimus. He warned me to be wary of your honeyed words, Lord Arc.”

Arc chuckles. “Any other time I’d be flattered.”

Ashe appears hopeful. “Did he agree to a cease fire?”

“Quite the opposite. He was in the middle of giving his troops last minute battle instructions.”

Ghaleon shrugs. “There is currently no way to resolve this peacefully.”

Arc looks out the window at the approaching griffon fleet. “Nevertheless, I have to get inside that base.”

Gestal frowns. “What would you have me do though, Lord Arc? Hero of Light Decimus is a legally recognized…”

Arc interrupts him. “He achieved that position through trickery and mental manipulation, sir.”

Ghaleon scoffs. “It doesn’t matter how he got there. Princess Celestia appointed him.”

Ashe sighs. “I don’t believe she was in her right mind at the time.”

Arc nods soberly. “That and a legal expert informed me some time ago that it’s against Equestrian law for a princess to unilaterally appoint a Hero of Light. Princess Luna and Princess Cadance were not notified, consulted, or otherwise made aware of the matter before Decimus was confirmed in front of the public.”

Gestal raises an eyebrow. “Then that would make his power illegitimate.”

Ashe grins. “Right!”

“Can you prove this, Lord Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not before the battle starts, no.”

Ghaleon turns to the lord. “Time to make a decision then, Gestal. What’s it going to be?”

The line is silent for a time as Lord Gestal considers the matter. Eventually he sigh and calls out to his comms officer.

“Send a message to Decimus. Tell him… that the Griffon Kingdom will be following Lord Arc on this matter.”

“Thank you, father!”

“With luck this will be enough for our old friend to give up and come to the negotiating table.”

A few moments later Ghaleon calls out.

“Message from the base, Gestal.”

“What does Decimus have to say?”

“Quote… ‘then you have chosen death alongside the traitors’.”

Arc frowns. “What do you think now, Lord Gestal?”

Gestal puts a talon on the railing. “That we cannot sit idly by any longer. I shall order my forces to join you on the field of battle when you arrive.”

“Thank you, father.”

“Will you be joining me, Ashe?”

“I… would like that very much father. But I need to see to my duties with Lord Arc as the Griffon Kingdom’s ambassador.”

“Understood, my dear. Do be careful.”

“You too, father.”

The connection is severed as Thunderlane calls out.

“The enemy lines are shifting, sir!”

Wrangler gasps. “Looks like they’re moving to defend against the griffon forces!”

Moon Dancer grimaces. “I can confirm that the other ships are moving to create a perimeter around Light’s Hope, sir.”

Lemon Hearts nods. “Orders on the airwaves confirm that.”

Twilight turns to Arc. “It’s almost time.”

Arc clenches a fist. “Yes. Let’s take the battle to the ground. Shining Armor?”

“Yes sir.”

The stallion walks over to the comms station and is given the microphone

“Attention! This is General Shining Armor! The time for our offensive has arrived! All Pegasi and Unicorn forces to the deck! I repeat, all Unicorn and Pegasi forces to the deck!”

He sets down the microphone and looks back to Twilight.

“No turning back now.”

“Yes. I can only hope the price of victory here will not be too high.”

Auriel sighs. “Agreed.”

Hammer bangs her fists together. “We’ll all do our parts to make it work!”

Sereb bares his teeth. “Indeed we will.”

“I only hope my father doesn’t overexert himself out there."

Scootaloo sighs. “Pony or griffon… we all have our parts to play here today.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Let’s get this done swiftly then.”

A short time later Lemon Hearts looks to Shining Armor.

“Forces in position, sir.”

Shining Armor turns to his sister. “Princess?”

Twilight sadly bows her head and whispers. “Please forgive me, Princess Celestia.”

She takes a deep breath before straightening up and composing herself.

“Commence operation!”

Shining Armor nods. “Yes, your highness.”

Grabbing a headset from Lemon Hearts, he puts it on and runs out the door and down the corridor to the Main Hatch. The roar of the engines surrounds them all in the afternoon light. Taking his place at the head of the deck he points a hoof and shouts into his headset.

“Pegasi, latch on to your partners and get down there! Create a perimeter!”

The Pegasi jump onto the Unicorns next to them and wrap all four hooves around their bodies. Taking flight, they dive toward the ground at breakneck speed. Decimus’ soldiers take up their positions and wait for them to approach. Shining Armor watches and calls out.


Streams of magical energy blast the enemy knocking them back as the Pegasi come in for a landing. Dropping their Unicorn counterparts, they double back and take up positions behind their companions as volleys of magical energy hold the enemy at bay. Shining Armor nods approvingly as he speaks into his headset.

“Phase one complete! You’re free to get underway, Bridge!”

Soarin nods soberly. “Affirmative, general.”

He turns to Thunderlane before continuing.

“Begin landing sequence.”

“Aye, sir.”

The Equinox heads for the landing pad while the Unicorns continue their defense. As the ship nears they crouch low to the ground with the Pegasi to remain in position. The Equinox touches down with a bump as Shining Armor calls out new orders.

“Phase two complete! All Earth Ponies to the deck!”

Charging through the hatch, the strong frontliners take up their positions behind Shining Armor and await further orders.

“Pegasi, fall back to the deck and prepare to deploy new forces!”

Returning as ordered, they mount the Earth Ponies and wait. As the ship’s engines die down he calls out.


Taking flight again, they fly hard and fast toward the Unicorns with Arc’s squad following them closely. Passing them overhead they hover and wait a few seconds before Shining Armor calls out new orders.

“Unicorns, cease fire! Pegasi, deploy Earth Ponies!”

The Unicorns stop casting as the Earth Ponies fall to the ground in front of them. Digging in, they engage the enemy hoof to hoof in an effort to defend the ship. Shining Armor continues.

“Pegasi, fly the Unicorns back to the deck and return to back up the vanguard! Listen for orders from your Field Commanders!”

Arc’s squad lands behind the front line and call out to their respective platoons. Max is the first to speak.

“Hold the line!”

Xenos hoofs an enemy soldier in the face. “We have to stop them here!”

Viktor grimaces. “Just keep them back!”

Hugh grits his teeth. “Keep them away from The Equinox!”

As they do so Twilight turns to Lemon Hearts.

“Tell Stellar Flare we’re ready.”

“Yes, your highness.”

She presses a button on her console and speaks. A few moments later she turns back to the princess.

“The Chief Engineer reports all non-essential power has been rediverted to the Bridge and the Magic Dispersion Unit. We’re clear to begin phase three, your highness.”

Twilight nods soberly. “Bring the Magic Dispersion Unit online, Wrangler.”

“Yes, your majesty.”

She begins pressing buttons as Auriel heads over to the O.R.B. console with Twilight. Looking toward a magically locked chest next to it, Twilight disable the lock and swings it open. Reaching inside Auriel removes the Bloodstone which has been set into a pendant. Placing it around her neck the young demon begins channeling as Moon Dancer looks over her own console.

“Power levels rising.”

Arc calls out to her. “Steady, Auriel. Just take it slow.”

“I… I’ll try.”

Scootaloo walks over and puts a hoof on the console to watch. “You can do it.”

Sereb nods approvingly. “We believe in you.”

Twilight grimaces. “Go at your own pace.”

“I’m… not sure I can…”

Arc walks over and puts a hand on her now darkened shoulder before speaking.

“We’re here with you. There’s no need to be afraid.”

Nodding, Auriel continues. The gauges slowly rise as the ship begins to shudder slightly. Wrangler grins.

“Seventy-five percent there!”

Ashe turns to Arc. “We should get moving.”


Ember groans as she calls forth her spear. “Finally!”

Sereb roars. “Let us be off!”

Scootaloo hurries over to Arc’s side. “I’m ready!”

Twilight grins nervously. “Then let’s do this!”

Arc nods as he calls forth his armor. “Follow me!”

Running down the now empty corridor they come to the deck where Shining Armor is overseeing the battle. The Unicorns stand around the perimeter firing their magic at anyone whom gets past the Earth Ponies. Arc, Ember, Ashe, Sereb, Scootaloo, Hammer, and Twilight watch the scene before them unfold. Arc touches his earring.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts!”

“Yes sir?”

“How’s the charge coming?!”

“Ninety percent and rising, sir.”

“Are the griffons ready?!”

Lemon Hearts nods. “They are, sir. Shall they deploy now?”

“Negative! Tell them to hold position aboard their ships until my group and I have entered the base!”

“Yes sir. Ninety-two percent.”

“Keep comms open as long as you can!”

He turns to the others and speaks.

“Almost there.”

Twilight stomps a hoof. “We can do this!”


Arc chuckles as he pulls his spear and shield from his ring. “I’m ready to put this matter to rest once and for all!”

Scootaloo looks to the shield. “Nice paint job.”

“Thanks. It’s a little something the armorsmith did after he was finished cleaning it up.”

Twilight gasps. “Wait a moment! That shield… it looks very similar to the one held long ago by Flash Magnus!

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Say what?”

Twilight looks over the shield. “I thought it looked familiar before, but… this one is certainly a lot bigger.”

Ashe interrupts her. “Some hero from the past, princess?”

“Yes. He was a great warrior whom fought for Equestria hundreds of years ago.”

“I’d like to hear more about this when there’s time.”

Twilight sighs. “So would I.”

Ember appears confused. “What are you talking about Twilight?”

“That shield is too big for a normal pony to use. Why was it created in the first place?”

Arc grips the handle as he looks it over. “A question for another time.”

They are silent for a time. Eventually Sereb growls and turns to Arc.

“Do you think Sunset Shimmer will be waiting for us there?!”

“It’s an even money bet.”

Lemon Hearts again speaks. “Ninety-four.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “Good! We can take her out too!”

Twilight sighs. “Do what you have to, Ember. As much as I’d hate to have to kill one of my old classmates she’s too unstable to be allowed to walk away from all this.”


Scootaloo stomps a hoof angrily. “Then she’ll go down! Along with her traitorous mount!”

Arc frowns. “That’s Sereb’s brother, Scarlet Filly!”


Sereb sighs. “It is fine. Kane knows the ways of our tribe.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Uh… what does that mean exactly?”


Ember grins wickedly. “That he’ll fall on the battlefield as his tribe did in the past!”

Arc nods. “Along with his rider if we can.”


Hammer draws her gun. “Just about time!”

Ember takes up a battle-ready position. “Good! I’m tired of waiting!”


Meanwhile, Auriel strains under the intense magical pressure of her station. Soarin looks over to her.

“Are you alright, miss?”

“I… I…!”

Moon Dancer grimaces. “Levels are… dropping!”

Wrangler turns to the demon. “Keep it up! You’re almost there!”

Auriel gasps. “I… I… can’t… do… it…! Magical pressure… too much…!”

Thunderlane calls out from the helm. “You can!”

Lemon Hearts nods fervently. “We believe in you!”

Soarin grins. “As does the Hero of Light and Princess Twilight!”

Auriel cries out as her sweat drips down her face and onto the console. The orbs her claws rest on are already soaked. She leans heavily on the panel as she speaks.

“I… I’m sorry…”

Suddenly a small swirl of magical energy surrounds Auriel. A few moments later a flash of light bursts forth and a strange creature appears.


Auriel gasps. “B-Brightwing? What are you doing here?”

“Brightwing come to help you face danger!”

She flutters over to the console and lands on it facing Auriel. Putting her small claws on Auriel’s she grins toothlessly.

“Let’s go together!”

Auriel smiles weakly. “Yes… together…”

Redoubling her efforts, Auriel concentrates along with Brightwing. Moon Dancer calls out from her station.

“Levels rising again!”

Wrangler grins. “They’re going to do it!”

Thunderlane clutches his controls. “Keep going! Don’t stop!”

Auriel and Brightwing together raise the levels to one-hundred percent. Wrangler turns to them.

“You did it! We’re fully charged!”

Lemon Hearts grins as she calls out to Arc. “Charge complete, sir!”

“Deploy outriggers!”

Lemon Hearts turns to Thunderlane and nods. As he presses buttons on his console numerous rods shoot out of the bottom of the ship and embed themselves deeply into the concrete below them. As his console lights up he turns to Soarin.

“Green lights all across the board, sir!”

Soarin looks to Moon Dancer. “Extend cannon!”

As Moon Dancer presses some buttons a hatch opens in the nose of the ship. A large barrel extends from it directly under the deck. Arc grabs a guardrail and looks to the others.

“Hold on!”

They do so as Arc motions to Scootaloo. She runs over to him and jumps into his free arm as the cannon finishes extending. Moon Dancer turns to Soarin.

“Cannon deployed and ready, sir!”

Lemon Hearts looks to the captain. “Stellar Flare reports all systems and gauges are reading green! We’re ready to fire!”

Thunderlane grins. “Let’s get this party started then!”

Soarin sits down in his chair and buckles up. “Magical Dispersion Unit… FIRE!”

Pressing a button, a small whine from deep within the ship rings out and grows in intensity. Shining Armor shouts into his headset.

“Everypony get ready!”

Author's Note:

Arc's flagship 'The Equinox' was taken from Skies of Arcadia for the Sega Dreamcast. The method used to deploy the weapon can be found here...


Be sure to tune in tomorrow for 'Chapter 13 - Though I Walk Through the Valley...' for the continuation of this event. :rainbowdetermined2:

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