• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Mind Over Matter

Arc leaves the Golden Oaks Library. The air is cold, but he hardly notices. Cherry sighs.

“I hope Pinkie will recover from that shock.”

Arc nods. “She will. Of that I am certain.”

“Pinkie strikes me as a strong mare. But knowing what you want and being unable to have it… let’s just say I know how she feels.”

“I… I wish I could have… but… I’m just not ready to get to know someone new.”

“She’s a nice mare. Thank you for letting her down nicely.”

Arc sighs. “Pinkie is very nice! Who knows… maybe someday…”

They return to Light’s Hope. Raven is just making her way over to her desk.

“Good morning, commander.”

“Hi Raven. How are you today?”

“Doing just fine!”

She leans over her desk, careful to look left and right before whispering to Arc. “Better now that Flash Sentry is back.”

Arc leans forward and lowers his own voice. “Has he brought you up to speed on what we’ve been up to?”

“Yes! It sounds like you’ve been busy over there!”

“That we have. I’m looking forward to getting an audience with the Council of Lords. Hopefully we can finally make some headway on this.”

Raven nods. “If you don’t mind me asking, how are you planning on doing this, commander?”

“I’m not actually sure yet. When I meet the Council, hopefully I can sort of feel them out. Get a bead on how they operate.”

He lowers his voice further.

“Sadly, I can’t just storm in there and accuse Lord Goldstone. First I need to gain their trust. Play the political game.”

Raven sighs and looks down. “I understand, sir.”

Arc puts a hand under her chin and raising it to look her in the eye. “Hey. We’re not giving up on this. It might take some time, but I’m going to find a way! Okay?”

“Thank you, sir! I know you and Flash Sentry won’t let me down!”

She again lowers her voice.

“It’s just… I worry that the longer this takes, the more victims he’ll make!”

Arc nods. “I wish there was a way to speed things up. Sorry.”

“No need to apologize, commander. I’m sure you’re doing everything you can.”

“We all are. Now if Griffonstone will call and tell me when I can see the Council, we can get the ball rolling again.”

“Any idea how long that will take?”

“It should be soon. Now I should let you get back to work. Don’t you worry about a thing.”

Raven smiles at him. “Yes commander! Thank you!”

Arc walks down the hall. Cherry speaks to him telepathically.

“She’s taking this so well!”

“Better than most, that’s for sure.”

They pass the Training Room. The sounds of blows can be heard through the door.

“Sounds like somepony is really getting into their workout in there.”

Arc nods. “Let’s see.”

He opens the door to see Flash Sentry sparring with a Training Dummy. As Arc closes the door Flash Sentry dispatches the dummy. It collapses to the floor in a pile of cloth and splinters. The lieutenant kicks the mess out of the way and sets up another. Arc walks over to him.

“Hitting it pretty hard, aren’t you?”

Flash Sentry does not look up as he continues his training regime. “I have to be ready, sir!”

“What for?”


He smashes yet another Training Dummy. Arc crosses his arms over his chest.

“Somehow I get the feeling there’s more to it than that.”

Flash Sentry breathes heavily. “Kinda.”


Flash Sentry nods as he sheathes his weapons. “Yes sir.”

Arc gestures to a bench nearby. “Tell me, what you think about her?”

Flash Sentry sighs and smiles as the pair sit down. “Well, she’s kind. Compassionate really!”

“Can’t argue with that.”

“She kinda reminds me of… somepony.”

Arc nods. “Coco Pommel?”

“Y-yeah! How did you…?”

“Ponies and humans aren’t all that different when you get right down to the core. I’ve seen that most guys are looking for a girl with a similar personality to their mother.”

“Really?! Why’s that sir?”

“No idea.”

They are silent for a time.

“Sir? Can I ask you something… personal?”

“Is it about Cherry?”


Arc nods. “You want to know if she reminded me of my own mother, don’t you?”

“Was it that obvious?”

“She did, or still does actually.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Ember brought me up to speed on her return. Can… can she hear us?”

Cherry giggles. “I can.”

“What about you, ma’am?”

“My own father was a hard worker, trustworthy, honest and always loyal to my mother. So I guess Arc does share many traits with him. Even though I never really thought about it before, I suppose I was always looking for a stallion who reminded me of my father.”

Arc chuckles. “I’ll try to live up to that.”

Flash Sentry thinks for a moment. “Miss Pommel… Raven… they really are very similar. I guess I’ve been comparing her to Miss Pommel for a while now without even knowing it.”

Cherry giggles. “How does she stack up?”

“Well ma’am… she’s LIKE Miss Pommel, but… is that a good thing for us?”

Arc nods. “You mean, is she good enough?”

“I know I shouldn’t doubt her, but I can’t help it! She’s always on my mind! Sir, I… I think… I think she might just be the one!”

“Have you spoken to her about it?”

“No, sir. I… what if we’re on completely different pages! That could put her off! She’s so… emotionally fragile right now! I’m afraid of saying anything that might hurt or startle her!”

He sighs and looks down at his hooves.

“Sir? How did you know Miss Cherry was the one?”

Arc looks up at the ceiling and takes a deep breath. “That’s a difficult thing to explain. Some days I wanted to open a portal to her place and ask her to marry me! But other days I questioned whether or not I was ready. Whether I was… good enough for her.”

Flash Sentry looks confused. “You sir?! But… you’re the Hero of Light! Former Lord Regent of Equestria! Maybe even the greatest hero of our generation! How in Celestia’s name could YOU not be good enough for somepony?!”

He chuckles. “Fancy titles and mighty deeds do not a spouse make. Tell me something, Cherry. Would you marry me if I was different?”

“Define ‘different’.”

“Let’s say I had accomplished everything Flash Sentry listed and then some. But, let’s also say I was an arrogant jerk about it. Always reminding everyone how strong I was. Or how many times I’d saved the day. A real show off.”

“I have to be honest with you Arc. That would have turned me away from you in a heartbeat!”

Arc nods. “Why is that?”

“Because I fell in love with you for YOU! Not because of your strength, intelligence or rank.”

Arc turns to Flash Sentry. “You see? Even after all I’ve done, Cherry wouldn’t have given me a second glance if my personality was that of an arrogant sleezebag.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “I guess I have a lot to think about.”

“Think long and hard on that. I’m confident you’ll make the right choice.”

Arc stands up and looks at his pocket watch.

“When this mission is over, I hope you two can spend some quality time together.”

“Like… a date?!”

“Why not? You want to, don’t you?”

“I… I do! But… I don’t know how!”

Cherry giggles! “Just ask her to have dinner with you! It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant!”

Arc nods. “Cherry’s right. Raven would be happy just spending time with you. Take her to that new place in town.

Flash Sentry nods. “Paneighra Bread?”

“That’s the one!”

“Is it any good?”

Arc shrugs. “No idea. I’m not much for hay fries after all. The point is to enjoy each other’s company and get better acquainted.”

“Okay. What about after dinner?”

Arc nods. “A movie? Do they have those here?”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “Not in Ponyville, sir. Only larger cities like Baltimare and Canterlot have theaters.”

Cherry speaks up! “How about a walk through the park? The moonlight and stars would certainly be romantic.”

“Good idea! What do you think, Flash Sentry?”

“I think she would like that, yes! Anything I should bring?”

Arc nods. “Flowers and a small gift. What does she like?”


Cherry sighs. “Okay. How about something for her desk then? A new paperweight?”

“She already has several.”

Arc frowns. “She doesn’t have ANY other interests?!”

Flash Sentry blushes. “Just one that she told me about, sir.”

“Which is…”

“Me. Apparently I’m the first thing she’s taken an interest in other than clerical work.”

Arc’s eyes grow wide. “Wow… I knew she was dedicated to her job, but not THAT dedicated!”

“A new quill, perhaps?”

Cherry Jubilee sighs. “That’s not very romantic.”

“This is harder than I thought it would be, sir.”

“Do ponies wear jewelry?”

“Sometimes. Why?”

Arc grins. “How about a necklace? Something to accent her tie… thingy. What is that anyways?”

Flash Sentry stands up quickly. “I’m not sure! But it would look very nice with a gold chain on it! I’ll head over to the Blacksmith’s Shop and see if Silver Hammer has any ideas!”

“Go ahead. Oh, and on your way back stop by the spa and see if you can get a touch up on your coat’s dye.”

Flash Sentry gallops out the door. “Yes sir!”

Cherry giggles. “That was a nice thing you did, Arc. Mentoring him for his first date.”

“Yes, well… it kinda makes me wish I’d gone on one with you.”

“I was hoping we could have as well. But I understood that you were always very busy saving the land. But I’m sure you’ve been on plenty of them in the past.”

Arc shakes his head. “Actually, no.”

“What?! But… but you gave him such good advice! How did you…?”

“I just advised Flash Sentry to treat her with the respect she deserves. Think of her needs before his own. That sort of thing. If both parties in a relationship try to make the other feel wanted and loved, they both win. It’s only when they only worry about themselves that cracks form in a relationship.”

“Never looked at it that way before. I was always worried about your happiness.”

Arc laughs! “And I yours. Hopefully I did a good job.”

“You did! And me?”

Arc stands up and heads for the door. “Very much so! I’ve never felt so cared for!”

As he opens the door to the corridor, Arc is greeted by Ember and Natalya.

“Oh! I… my apologies, Lord Arc!”

“Getting a little training in, huh?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not exactly. Flash Sentry and I were just having a little chat about some personal matters he’s going through right now.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Is he okay?!”

“Oh, yes. In fact, he ran out of here a few minutes ago to act on my advice.”

Natalya smiles. “Good! I think…”

Ember sighs. “I’m a bit skeptical right now as well.”

“Very funny, Ember.”

Ember laughs. “I try. In any case, we came here looking for a bit of a sparring match. Care to join us?”

“Maybe next time. Lots to do today, as always. Feel free to use the facilities though.”

Ember nods. “All right. We’ll catch up with you later.”

Arc nods and leaves the room. Ember and Natalya walk to the center of the ring and take up their positions. The pair chat as they trade blows.

“What do you suppose Lord Arc is doing today?”

“No idea. But he’ll let us know when he’s ready.”

Meanwhile, Arc makes his way down the corridor to his squad’s quarters. They are sitting on the couches talking amongst themselves. Upon seeing him enter they quickly stand and come to attention. Max is the first to speak as he salutes.


“At ease, all of you. Please, sit back down.”

They do so. Arc sits down on the couch across from them.

“I just wanted to stop by and see how the four of you were doing in your therapy sessions.”

Xenos looks nervous. “We… um…”

Hugh sighs. “It’s… not exactly going well, sir.”

Viktor nods. “We’re doing our best, but…”

Max turns to Arc. “I think what the others are trying to say is this has turned out to be much more of a process than any of us realized!”

“Old wounds?”

Xenos sighs. “Yes sir.”

Viktor nods. “I… we all knew what was going on at the New Beginnings Orphanage when we were growing up. But until we were forced to talk about it, I don’t think any of us truly understood just how deep these experiences hurt us.”

Hugh frowns. “Although it did make us into the soldiers we are today.”

Max turns to Hugh. “True. But… was it worth it?”

Arc shakes his head. “No ‘super soldier’ training is worth your lost childhood.”

Xenos nods. “Agreed, but… ultimately, what’s done is done.”

Hugh looks to Arc. “What Matron Tempest did to us… to everypony, was truly horrible! But we are what we are now.”

The four stallions look nervously at each other.

“But there’s more to it than that, isn’t there boys?

Max nods. “Yes sir. Emerald Dream put us through numerous tests to determine how deep our pain went. What she found was truly frightening!”

Viktor puts a hoof to his forehead. “Apparently all of us show signs of… brainwashing.”

Arc frowns. “What?! So Matron Tempest was PROGRAMMING you?!”

Xenos nods. “It would appear so.”

“Any idea what for?!”

Hugh shakes his head. “Not the slightest. Whomever came up with that system did so masterfully! Nopony even knew they were being influenced.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Because you were foals, perhaps?”

Max nods. “It’s possible. Or maybe it’s still going on.”

“How so?!”

“If Matron Tempest really was trying to ‘program’ us for something, it would stand to reason that she didn’t act alone in this matter.”

Viktor furrows his brow. “A warrior and a tactician she may be. But psychology is a bit outside of her skill set.”

Xenos stomps a hoof. “Maybe that weird looking creature helped her! The Dark One you told us about!”

Arc nods. “It’s possible. Or it could have been done by another member of her organization.”

Hugh suddenly look worried again! “Organization?!”

Arc nods. “When Tempest was here during the quarantine, she told me that she was part of something called the Council of Shadows. How big this group is, or what its goals are eludes me.”

Max nods. “One would think it would have to be a small inner circle, sir.”

Hugh smiles nervously. “Yes. A large organization would be hard to keep hidden.”

Viktor frowns. “Or secret.”

Xenos looks to Arc. “Sir? Do you remember when we were investigating Matron Tempest a while back?

“I do. What about it?”

“When we were going through the files you took from the New Beginnings Orphanage, Miss Derpy found several requisitions for building materials.”

Hugh looks up. “Could she have wanted to use them to build her cohorts a base of some kind?”

Viktor nods. “That does make sense.”

Arc sighs. “Well, at least now we know where those building materials went. Also, back when this base was constructed, Canterlot sent over a large quantity of weapons and armor.”

Max sighs. “The ones that were rotten?”

“Right. But the forms claimed they were in good condition.”

Xenos’ eyes grow wide as he puts two and two together. “Do you suppose our supplies were switched with that garbage at some point?!”

Arc nods. “If they were responsible for the theft, the Council of Shadows must have been trying to outfit a large number of soldiers.”

Max shudders. “That’s a scary thought. Having to fight an army that was outfitted by US!”

Viktor puts a hoof to his head. “This level of organization is astounding! Who knows what else they’re responsible for, or who else is involved!”

“The only members I know of are The Dark One, Tempest and Captain Decimus.”

Xenos nods. “But he’s dead!”

“She says he’s alive.”


Arc shrugs. “No idea. But the last time he was supposedly killed, he came back.”

Hugh looks to Arc. “Are you completely sure he was dead?”

“Positive! No one survives a head wound that caves in their skull like that.”

Xenos nods. “So, what do we do about this Council of Shadows?”

“Just keep our ears to the ground and keep listening. Nothing more we CAN do for the time being. Has Canterlot been told of this?”

Max shakes his head. “No sir. The findings from our sessions are generally kept secret. Doctor/patient confidentiality. But as our commanding officer you have the right to know the mental state of your troops.”

Arc sighs. “I think the princesses need to know. Would it bother you four if I spoke to them about this?”

Viktor shakes his head. “No sir. If it helps somepony, we’re all for it.

The others nod in agreement.

Hugh smiles at Arc. “You’ve always looked out for our best interests, sir. We trust you.”

“Thank you. I think I’m going to order a full psychological evaluation of everyone stationed here though.”


“It’s important to know if the four of you were the only victims of this process, or if it’s more widespread.”

Max nods. “If there were others, the princesses themselves could be in danger!”

Arc stands up and heads for the door. “Right! I’m going to head over to Canterlot and talk this over with the princesses right now. You four keep going with your normal therapy sessions.”

They salute.

“Yes sir!”

Arc leaves the room. Xenos turns to the others.

“I’m not too keen on learning that Matron Tempest got in our heads!”

Hugh sighs. “Well, I for one am not terribly surprised. She was a terrible caretaker, after all.”

Viktor nods in agreement. “Do you think the commander can help?”

Max shrugs. “Who knows. But that won’t stop him from trying.”

Arc quickly makes his way to Emerald Dream’s office. He picks up copies of his squad’s test results before opening a portal to his private quarters in Canterlot Castle. He mutters to himself as he quickly walks down the corridor with the files.

“I hope my guys will be able to rise above this. Damn you Tempest!”

Cherry speaks to Arc’s mind. “They seem to be very strong-willed and loyal to you, Arc.”

“That may be, but messing around with someone’s mind is dangerous!”

He makes his way to the Audience Chamber. There are quite a few ponies seeking an audience, as usual. Arc spots Kibitz making his way toward the large double doors with a stack of papers on his back.

“Good day to you sir! Here to see the princesses?!”

“That I am, Kibitz. I have urgent business to discuss with them.”

Kibitz turns around and look at the crowd. “You and half of Canterlot it seems.”

“Something up?”

“No sir. Just a very busy day around here. It happens on occasion. If you’d like to follow me, I’ll escort you inside.”

Arc nods as the pair walk toward the doors together. “What about the current audience?”

“They’re just here for a civil matter. These forms will complete their audience.”

Kibitz opens the door and they step inside. He levitates the papers over to a familiar stallion. Filthy Rich quickly looks over the papers before turning to walk toward the door.

“Thank you for your time.”

He glances over at Arc with a smirk and a curt nod.

“By your leave, Hero of Light.”

Arc frowns at him but says nothing. Filthy Rich wastes no time leaving the Audience Chamber. Cadance and Luna step down from their thrones to greet Arc.

Cadance frowns at the doors. “Oh, I hate that stallion!”

Arc nods. “You’ve got company.”

Luna sighs. “He comes to see us once a month.”

“What about?”

Cadance puts a hoof to her forehead. “Foreclosure notices.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “That was a fair amount of papers.”

Luna nods. “It’s a rather complicated matter to foreclose on somepony in Equestria.”

Cadance sighs as she looks down at her hooves. “Those were only the forms for three separate matters. It may not be much for us, but…”

Kibitz frowns. “But I’m sure it is EVERYTHING for those involved!”

Arc looks at them nervously. “There wasn’t anything in there about foreclosing on a farm, was there?”

Luna shakes her head. “No. Only private residences.”

“Not that it’s any consolation for us, mind you.”

Kibitz nods. “Mr. Rich has never foreclosed on a business. The two parties are always able to come to some kind of agreement on their own.”

Arc frowns. “Yes. I’m aware of his… agreements.”

He tells the princesses of the deals Filthy Rich has made with the Hammers, Sweet Apple Acres and Cherry Hill Ranch. Cadance appears angry!

“I knew he was a shrewd businesspony, but this is terrible!”

“I was able to help the Hammers out of their contractual obligations with him. However, the other two are a bit beyond me.”

Cadance grits her teeth. “From what I’ve been told, he always operates completely within the law. As it stands, there’s not much we can do to him.”

Luna narrows her eyes, angrily. “Filthy Rich… I don’t know how yet, but I will make you pay for hurting my friends!”

Arc nods. “Let me know if you need help with that. He’s been collecting off an old debt from Cherry Hill Ranch for three generations now.”

Cadance looks to Arc, wide-eyed. “Cherry Hill Ranch? Isn’t that…?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. Cherry’s family farm. He’s been accepting some of their inventory as partial payment for the interest, then turning around and using his free inventory to undercut her. If this keeps up, it could bankrupt Cherry’s sister!”

Cherry sighs. “Please! If there’s any way to help my sister…”

Cadance gasps! “Miss Cherry! Forgive me, but I forgot you were in there!”

“Sorry for scaring you, your highness.”

“It’s alright.”

Luna turns to their assistant. “Kibitz, can you think of any legal loopholes?”

“None spring readily to mind, Princess Luna. Shall I delve deeper into this manner?”

“Please do. Let me know if you come up with anything that could help resolve this situation.”

Kibitz bows. “Yes, Princess Luna.”

He heads for the door to carry out his instructions as Cadance smiles.

“Don’t worry, you two. If there is anything to find, Kibitz will do so.”

Luna nods. “Yes. We can always count on him. Now as important as this matter may be Arc, I get the feeling you had another reason for coming here today.”

“I did. But might we speak in private?”

“Very well. This way.”

Luna leads them into the adjoining office and gestures to the posh looking couches on one end of the room.

“Why don’t we sit down?”

Arc nods. “That’s probably a good idea.”

The three do so as Cadance looks to Arc.

“So what have you come to see us about today?”

Luna looks hopeful. “Headway on the Griffon Empire mission?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I’m still waiting for an audience with the Council of Lords. The truth is, I just had a very interesting conversation with my squad.”

Cadance smiles. “Ah, yes! Your Lunar Defenders! How are they performing?”

“Very well. They’ve been a great help several times now. But… it came to my attention that one of them was having some… problems.”

Luna frowns. “Oh?”

“He was very close to Coco Pommel growing up. I found out that he’s been sneaking over there to check on her at night.”

Cadance looks confused. “For what purpose?”

“To make sure she’s really there.”

Luna frowns. “What?”

Arc sighs and nods. “I was aware that Matron Tempest was abusive and cruel. But I didn’t know the scars of the past ran so deep in him.”

Cadance nods. “Should we send him in for psychoanalysis?”

Arc holds up the reports. “I already have. In fact, I took the liberty of having all four of them undergo therapy.”

Luna nods. “Are they going to be alright?”

“That’s… complicated.”

Cadance looks confused. “How so?”

He opens the reports. “According to Emerald Dream, all four of them are showing signs of not only mental scaring, but some kind of brainwashing.”

Luna appears horrified! “WHAT?!”

Cadance shakes her head. “How did this happen?!”

“According to these reports, it’s buried deep in their subconscious. The notes say such mental conditioning would have taken YEARS to plant. All four of them grew up at the New Beginnings Orphanage under Matron Tempest’s ‘care’.”

Luna sighs. “So she was conditioning them for what?!”

“She doesn’t know. It could have been to make them better soldiers. Or… maybe some kind of failsafe. I know this might sound a bit out there, but imagine if you could turn a soldier into a slave just by saying a keyword.”

Cadance shudders. “A frightening thought!”

Arc closes the reports and lays they on a nearby table. “She’ll need time to learn more. I thought you should be aware of this.”

Luna nods. “Thank you for bringing this to our attention.”

Cadance thinks for a moment. “We’ll see about having our own guards who grew up in that place evaluated as well.”

Arc nods. “We should probably keep this to ourselves for now. Wouldn’t want Tempest and her ilk knowing that we know about this.”

Luna stands. “I’ll send a couple guards in for study under the guise of being randomly selected.”

“Sounds like a plan. That reminds me! The last time Tempest was in Ponyville she told me that she was part of something known as the Council of Shadows. Does that mean anything to you two?”

Luna shakes her head. “It does not. But when was this?”

“During the recent illness in Ponyville. Sadly I couldn’t get any more out of her. She also said that Captain Decimus is alive again.”

Luna frowns. “I’m… not quite sure how I feel about that.”

Cadance sighs. “Nor I. While that news should fill me with joy, it only makes me nervous! Luna, what happened to our oldest and closest friend?!”

Luna shakes her head sadly. “I wish I knew, Cadance. He was the last stallion I ever expected to betray us! While this is hardly the first time something like this has happened, for someone so close to us to try and kill us… I just don’t know what to think!”

Cadance bows her head sadly. “I wish Auntie Celestia were here.”

Luna nods. “As do I. From audiences to emissaries, she always had it together.”

Arc smiles at them. “Don’t you two worry. I’ll find her and bring her back.”

“Thank you Arc. We know you will.”

They are silent for a time.

“Speaking of emissaries, do you happen to know anything about Brightwing?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not much, Princess Luna. She was considered something of an oddity in the Dragon Lands.”

“Can you tell us any more about her though?”

“According to Ember, Brightwing arrived in the Dragon Lands quite a few years ago. “

Luna looks confused. “Alone?”

“Yes. But she said that isn’t so uncommon. The really odd thing about her is the fact that she doesn’t appear to be growing physically or mentally.”

Cadance nods. “That would explain her lack of teeth.”

“Come again?”

Luna nods as she looks to Arc. “Dragons grow their first set of teeth only a few weeks after being born. Brightwing shows no sign of doing so.”

Cadance frowns. “There’s also her vocabulary. We’re assuming she can understand us, but has a hard time getting her own message across to us.”

Luna sighs. “One would think that a dragon would be a bit more advanced at that age. Any ideas how old Brightwing is?”

Arc shrugs. “Supposedly she arrived when Ember herself was a baby.”

Cadance’s eyes grow wide. “So Brightwing is OLDER than Ember?!”

“That’s what I was told.”

“This isn’t answering our questions.”

Arc shakes his head. “Sorry, Princess Luna. I wish I knew more. Is she causing any trouble?”

Cadance shakes her head. “Other than being quite a mystery, no. In fact, she spent a solid week exploring!”

“The castle?”

Luna sighs. “Her room.”

“One room?!”

Cadance nods. “And the adjoining bath.”

Luna rolls her eyes. “She’s since ventured out to explore that rest of the castle. But we don’t really know what she’s up to.”

“Perhaps she should have some guards assigned to her.”

Cadance chuckles. “We tried that. They couldn’t keep up with her!”

Luna sighs. “I couldn’t believe it myself until I witnessed her short-range teleporting.”

Arc nods. “She has a longer range than you realize.”

Cadance groans. “She does?!”

“Dragon Lord Torch ordered her to escort us to the Hydra’s secret village. After she did so, she performed some kind of teleport. Ember believes she teleported back to her father’s side.”

Luna thinks for a moment. “The estimated distance?”

“We were a couple hours walk from Pyreston, so I would say several miles away.”

Cadance appears exasperated. “So we have a baby dragon with no teeth who doesn’t grow and has mysterious and very powerful magic just hanging around?!”

Luna shrugs. “So it would seem. At least this gives us a chance to learn about their kind.”

Cadance turns back to Arc. “Why do you suppose the Dragon Lord wanted an emissary all of a sudden?”

“Your guess is as good as mine right now, Princess Cadance. When I asked him about it, he just told me that was the offer. Take it or leave it.”

“Perhaps he only wanted to learn more about our kind.”

“I hope so. Ponies and dragons CAN be friends! Ember and I are living proof of this.”

Cadance sighs. “Perhaps one day. But that will be rather difficult if the Dragon Lord continues to make these strange demands. While we don’t believe Brightwing is dangerous, the circumstances surrounding her arrival are rather unnerving!”

“I understand. She’s a lot smarter than she looks though! When we were attacked en route to the Hydra Village, she was fully able to defend herself with trickery and strategy!”

Luna frowns. “That doesn’t make us feel any better, Arc.”

“Just thought you should know the truth.”

Cadance nods. “We appreciate that. Thank you.”

Arc stands up. “Well, I should probably let you get back to audiences. It’s rather busy out there.”

Luna nods and sighs. “They never end.”

“In all seriousness, if you two need a vacation, I’d be willing to take over for a while.”

Luna shakes her head. “That is very Generous of you, Arc. However, this is our lot in life.”

“Even professionals take time off once in a while. Believe me, it helps tremendously.”

Cadance smiles. “Maybe one day. But there’s just so much to be done right now.”

Arc nods and heads for the door. “I understand all too well. Do keep my offer in mind though. We all need to rest.”

Arc leaves. Cadance turns to Luna.

“We should take him up on this.”

Luna nods. “Indeed. I will ask him to take care of Equestria when my sister is found. We… the three of us should spend some quality time together after this ordeal.”

Cadance smiles. “It is good to have somepony around whom we can entrust with such a task as watching over this land while we rest.”

Luna smiles. “That it is.”

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