• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,571 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Military Manipulation (Part 1)

Later that afternoon Arc sits at the basement table with the squad. Auriel, whom is wearing one of the military outfits taken by Arc and his team previously, and Hammer walk down the stairs to join them. Auriel is the first one to speak.

“Sorry for making everyone wait.”

“Yeah. I was just giving Auriel here some pointers.”

Arc smiles at them. “It’s fine. Anything that helps this plan succeed is fine with me.”

“I do feel very… Diva-like now.”

Max appears hopeful. “So you can more accurately depict her?”

Auriel rolls her eyes and scoffs. “Obviously, private.”

Hammer grins. “Perfect!”

Hugh nods approvingly. “That does sound like something Diva would say.”

Hammer turns to Auriel. “Remember... if in doubt, just act better than everyone else.”

Auriel waves a hand dismissively. “A simple task clearly meant for someone beneath me.”

Viktor looks to Xenos. “I’m convinced.”

“Yeah. She’s even got the voice down too.”

Arc shrugs. “Honestly the tone between them is pretty similar. It’s more the attitude and facial features that make Auriel’s performance believable.”

Auriel giggles and blushes at the compliment. “Thank you.”

Hammer frowns. “Hey now, none of that! Diva doesn’t smile!”


“Well… not unless General Mustang is talking to her. And she believes everyone else to be out of earshot.”

“I’ll try to stay in character then.”

Arc smiles. “Good idea.”

He looks to the others before continuing.

“Alright. Hammer has provided Hugh, Max, and Xenos with military fatigues from one of her safehouses.”

Hammer grins. “Max and Hugh were close enough to my size that they were easy. Xenos… not so much.”

Xenos sighs. “At least the tailor back in Canterlot was able to let it out a bit so I’ll at least be able to breath.”

Max chuckles. “You’ll have to suck it in if you don’t want to start bursting seams though.”

Xenos frowns. “That’s good advice. For someone with a lot of fat, that is.”

Auriel scoffs. “Which you certainly have very little of. Like brains, muscle-head.”

Arc looks to her. “Auriel?”

“Too far?”

“Just save that for the mission.”

“Yes sir. Sorry, Xenos.”

“It’s all good.”

Viktor speaks up. “I’ll be here to coordinate everything up until the group goes underground. After that it’s up to all of you.”

Arc nods. “That it will be.”

Hammer looks around the table. “Now then, does everyone have everything they need?”

Xenos looks at the fatigues lying on a bunk nearby. “I could use a bigger belt.”

Hugh groans. “That was the biggest one the store had in stock though.”

Max smirks. “Other than Xenos’ wardrobe I think we’re set.”

Viktor turns to Arc. “And we’ve all been briefed on the plan from start to finish.”

“Then all that’s left is to get started. That is, unless someone has anything else to add.”

Auriel raises a hand as she speaks. “Sticking together will be our best bet.”

She looks at Hammer before continuing.

“Well, as best we can anyways.”

“I’ll get my part done. You all just worry about the rest.”

Arc grimaces. “You sure you’re up to this, Hammer?”

Hammer gives him a ‘thumbs up’. “Ha! I’ve got the easy job. It’s you guys that are taking the really big risks here.”

Viktor gestures to the uniforms “Then everyone should probably get dressed.”

Arc motions to Hammer and Auriel to follow him. “We’ll see you guys upstairs in a bit.”

Heading up the steps the trio heads for the Living Room together. Auriel sighs.

“This plan is pretty intense.”

Hammer shrugs. “Right. But it’s also the best thing we could come up with on such short notice.”

Arc sighs. “Admittedly I don’t think having more time would really help right now.”

Auriel groans. “Well it wouldn’t hurt.”

Hammer puts a hand on Auriel’s shoulder. “I think what Arc is saying is that given the amount of information and resources we have, this is probably our best shot.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. Granted it’s not what I wanted to do, but…”

Auriel interrupts him. “We’re with you on this, Arc.”

Hammer grins. “That we are.”

Arc smiles at them. “Thanks, you two. I really appreciate it.”

A short time later the squad comes up the stairs dressed in their fatigues. They line up in front of Arc for inspection. He looks them over for a few moments before turning to Hammer.

“They look good to me. What do you think?”

“Passable, yes.”

Auriel giggles. “I didn’t hardly recognize them.”

Viktor motions to Xenos. “Well, we did do the best we could with him.”

“This thing is still REALLY tight!”

Max groans. “Anyone that sees him like that is going to question it.”

Hugh shrugs. “What else could we do though? Any other clothes we have will draw even more suspicion.”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest. “Don’t worry. As the driver he won’t be leaving the vehicle. At least not unless all hell breaks loose, that is.”

Auriel sighs. “I wish you hadn’t put it that way.”

Arc smirks. “Then we’ll have to make sure this goes smoothly. So is everyone ready?”

They nod soberly as Arc looks around the room. Smiling he sighs.

“Alright. Let’s give it our best shot.”

Auriel turns to the others. “Max, Hugh, Xenos, and I will take up our positions in the bushes across the street now.”

Arc nods. “Okay. The call will be made shortly.”

The squad nods and heads out the front door. Arc turns to Hammer and Viktor.

“Let’s go see about our side of the mission.”

Following him out the back they come to the garage’s side door. Arc motions to it as he looks to Hammer.

“You have the key?”

Hammer nods. “Sure do.”

Stepping forward, she rubs her boot in a nearby mud puddle before turning back to the door. Raising her foot, Hammer deftly kicks the door in. The lock is ripped from the door frame as the door itself slams against the wall. Walking into the garage Arc looks at the doorknob partially embedded in the drywall.

“Guess I should have put in a doorstop, or something.”

Hammer grimaces. “Sorry about that. Guess I don’t know my own strength.”

Arc shrugs. “What’s done is done.”

Viktor nods. “That and it’ll makes this all the more convincing.”

Walking over to his Jeep with the pair behind him, Arc looks into the vehicle at the tools on the seat.

“I see you and Viktor got your part done, Hammer.”

Hammer shrugs. “It wasn’t hard.”

Viktor points. “Right. We just pulled off the lower steering column cover to expose the inner mechanism.”

“Then I pulled out the wires and let them dangle there.”

Arc grins. “So if you were to cross them the engine would start?”

Hammer nods “Yup.”

“Perfect. Um… are you sure you’re okay with this plan, Hammer?”

“Sure. Why wouldn’t I be?”

Viktor sighs. “Because if it fails you’ll be up the creek without a paddle.”

Hammer shrugs. “I said I was willing to do what it took to make this work, and I meant it.”

Arc nods. “Good. Now then, I’ll go meet up with Auriel and the others. Give me a five minute head start before you make that call, Viktor.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc heads down the driveway and across the street as Viktor re-enters the house. Hammer looks at her watch as she sits in the driver’s seat.

“Stingray’s never going to let me hear the end of this if she finds out.”

Meanwhile, Viktor turns off the lights on the main level before making sure both the front and back doors are locked. Competing that he heads down to the basement and shuts the lights off there too. Following the glow of his computer screen to the desk he sits down and picks up the basement phone. Dialing a number written on a note next to him he waits patiently as it rings. A few moments later a voice rings out on the other end.

“Angel Grove Police Department.”

“Hi. I was just taking a walk and saw something I thought should be looked into. There was a really nervous looking woman fiddling around with a vehicle in a garage. I could be wrong, but it looked like she was trying to hotwire it.”

“What’s the address?”

Viktor gives their home address along with a physical description of Hammer and what she was wearing as the operator takes the report.

“We’ll send someone over there right away to investigate.”

“Thank you. Goodbye.”

Hanging up the phone he picks up his headset and puts it on.

“The call is made and the police are on their way.”

Auriel nods. “We’re ready on this end.”

Hammer grins. “Me too.”

Max looks toward the end of the street. “We’ll let you know when the car turns onto the street, Hammer.”

Hugh chuckles. “Try to make it look convincing.”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “You act like this is my first time hotwiring something.”

Xenos frowns. “You mean it’s not?”

“Nah. I forget my keys more often than most folks do.”

Viktor sighs. “I should have known.”

A short time later an official looking vehicle turns onto the street. Auriel speaks into her headset.

“Looks like they police are here, Hammer.”



Hammer sighs. “Never mind. I’ll leave my headset transmitting so you’ll know when to move.”

Max nods. “Just make it look good and we’ll be on our way.”

Hammer chuckles. “I will.”

Taking off her headset, she presses a button and tosses it into an open workbench drawer. Hopping out of the Jeep, Hammer kneels down and grabs the wires. Hearing the sound of boots running over to her, she begins touching the wires together intermittently in an ‘attempt’ to get the engine to turn over. A booming voice rings out as she does so.

“Hold it!”

Falling backwards, Hammer lands on the concrete floor and looks up at the newcomer nervously as she stands up.

“Oh! Um… hello again, sir.”

Marshal Raynor frowns as he steps forward.

“Having a bit of car trouble?”

“Y-yeah. But it’s nothing serious.”

“Want a hand?”

Hammer shakes her head. “Nah, I think I just about got it.”

Raynor nods and narrows his eyes. “From the sounds of it, yes.”

Peeking inside the Jeep he spies the removed cover, hanging wires, and several tools lying on the seat.

“So the vehicle won’t start, huh?”

“I just about got it running.”

“Have you now?”

“Yeah. No crime in working on a car, right?”

“I suppose not. However generally when you’re having starter problems you’d look under the hood.”

“Actually I was just about to do that.”

“Right. Look, a blind person could tell you were trying to hotwire this vehicle, miss.”

Hammer gasps. “What?! But I’m Arc’s girlfriend! You know that!”

“Yes, I remember seeing you two together at the steakhouse a while back.”

“So why would I be trying to steal his car?!”

“I don’t know. Why would you be?”

“I’m just borrowing it while he’s gone!”

“Oh really?”


Raynor motions to the smashed door lock, drywall, and the muddy boot print on the door. “Glad to see you got in here with a key instead of breaking in.”

Hammer appears confused. “But I didn’t have a key.”

“Apparently your boot sufficed. Now then, I’m going to have to ask you to come with me.”


“To the station.”


“Look, it’s pretty obvious that you broke in here and are trying to hotwire Arc’s Jeep. Turn around and put your hands behind your back.”

Hammer groans as she complies. “Come on! Arc doesn’t mind me borrowing his stuff while he’s out of town! He isn’t going to need it anyways!”

Raynor shakes his head as he handcuffs her. “Tell you what. You give me the number of the place he’s staying at and I’ll call him up.”

“I… don’t have that.”

“So you can’t get ahold of him?”

“No! He’s out of the country!”

“In a place that doesn’t have phone service?”


Raynor chuckles as he takes her arm and leads her down the driveway. “Sure. Come on, let’s go. You have the right to remain…”

Angrily Hammer calls out.

“You can’t do this to me! I want a lawyer!”

“You’ll get the chance to call one at the station. Now then, you have the right to…”

Auriel, Max, and Hugh suddenly run down the sidewalk and turn into Arc’s driveway. She points to Hammer and grins wickedly.

“There she is!”

Raynor frowns. “Who are…?”

Auriel cuts him off. “Colonel Diva! I’m this Private’s commanding officer!”

Hammer grimaces. “Sergeant, ma’am.”

“Give it time, maggot!”

Auriel turns back to Raynor before continuing.

“But in any case I’ll be taking this boot with me.”

Raynor shakes his head. “I’m sorry, but I caught her red handed breaking into this building and trying to hotwire a vehicle.”

“Well, I’ve been looking for her too!”

“These are serious charges though, Colonel.”

“Mine are more serious, believe me.”


Auriel counts on her fingers as she speaks. “Three counts of grand theft auto, one count desertion, ten counts of espionage, and three counts of treason.”

Raynor raises an eyebrow. “How the heck…?!”

“She’s more dangerous than you know!”

Raynor puts a hand to his forehead. “That’s just… unbelievable. But we can talk it over down at the station when she’s…”

Hammer suddenly throws her body weight backwards against the marshal, knocking him away, and makes a run for it. Auriel turns to Max and Hugh.


The pair run after Hammer and tackle her as she reaches the street. It takes both of them to hold her down as she struggles to get up. Auriel turns to Raynor and grins slyly.

“You still want her?”

Raynor sighs. “Nah, you take her. I’ll fill out a report on what she did here so you can add it to her court martial.”

“How long will that take?”

“It’ll probably go out in tomorrow’s mail.”

“Good. Now then… I will require your vehicle, Marshal.”

Raynor raises an eyebrow. “You’ll… what now?”

Auriel rolls her eyes. “I need something to transport the prisoner back to base.”

“Don’t you have your own?”

“Not anymore.”

“What happened?”

“Remember those three counts of grand theft auto?”


“Mine was the third.”

Raynor gasps. “Are you serious?!”

Auriel nods. “I am! She’s resourceful beyond words!”

“Can’t you just…?”

Auriel interrupts him. “She needs to be put into a cell before something else happens! Now then, are you going to help me or do I have to start making calls!”

Sighing, Raynor holds out his keys. Auriel takes them and smiles slyly.

“Thank you, Marshal. Unlike what I’ve heard, you CAN be reasonable.”

She motions to Max and Hugh. They grab Hammer’s arms and pick her up kicking and screaming.

“You’ll never hold me, Colonel! I’ll be out before you can report me captured!”

Auriel watches as they load her into the back seat and get in with her. Xenos runs by as Auriel throws him the keys. As he gets into the driver’s seat Auriel looks to Raynor.

“Have a nice day.”

Getting into the passenger seat she closes the door. Xenos accelerates and drives out of view. Raynor shakes his head as he turns back to the garage and mutters to himself.

“Arc apparently has terrible taste in women. What a…”

His eyes grow wide as he runs to the end of the driveway and looks after the vehicle which is now long gone.

“Crap! Well… there goes my lunch.”

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