• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,571 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 12 - Longshot Plans

Three days go by. Arc and Ashe sit at a table in her quarters eating breakfast as they go over current events. Ashe is the first to speak as she looks at the empty chair next to him.

“Twilight declined to join us again?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. She’s down in the dungeon’s interview room with Galena.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Still?”

“Twilight asked for a couple of cots after our initial interview, remember?”

“That I do. But I figured she would have come back by now. At least for a little while. Or to eat.”

Arc too looks to the empty seat next to him. “She’s taking her meals down there as well.”

“What are they doing anyways?”

“Mostly just talking.”

“About what?”

“Everything under the sun from what I heard. Twilight and Galena are really getting along well.”

Ashe sighs. “While I’m happy to hear that, it doesn’t help her situation.”

“Yes, well... Galena’s infinitely safer with Twilight by her side at the moment.”

“And the multitude of guards whom I’m assuming were transferred from outside your quarters.”

Arc nods. “Yes, I didn’t see the need for so much security with just me in the room.”

Ashe lowers her voice instinctively. “You might want to have a talk with her.”

“About what?”

“Getting too close.”

“To Galena?”

Ashe sighs. “Either way, things don’t look good for her.”

Arc groans. “Part of me wants to get her out of there. Take her back with us to Equestria and not look back.”

“And the other part?”

“That she needs to pay for her crimes, be they many.”

Ashe folds her talons soberly. “Not a good place to be right now. Either way this trial goes, she’ll be in extremely hot water.”

“Damned if she’s innocent, damned if she’s guilty.”

Standing, Arc picks up his empty plate and sets it on the nearby cart. Turning back to Ashe, he motions to a satchel next to her chair.

“Did you get them all?”

Ashe nods as she stands and picks up the satchel with a talon. “Exactly what Twilight asked for, yes.”

“Good. And thanks for doing this.”

“It was my pleasure. Please say ‘hello’ to Twilight for me.”

Arc appears confused as he takes the satchel. “You’re not coming?”

Ashe shakes her head. “I’m going to be spending some time with my father. After all, it’s not every day that I have the chance to learn from him directly.”

“Alright. Have a nice time.”

They head for the door together but part ways once entering the corridor. Coming to the stairs going down, Arc sees his pony guards stationed outside the entrance to the dungeon. As he approaches they come to attention and salute respectfully. Passing them, and innumerable other guards along the way, he comes to the officer’s desk at the bottom. Walking over to it Arc clears his throat loudly to get the griffon’s attention. He looks up from his paperwork and stands respectfully.

“Hello again, Lord Arc.”

“I’m here to see Princess Twilight.”

He holds up the satchel before continuing.

“She requested some more reading material.”

The officer nods as he walks around the desk and holds out a talon.

“Very well, sir. However we’ll still need to x-ray them before allowing you and your parcel to pass.”

“I understand.”

Holding out the satchel Arc turns it over to the officer. Accepting it, the griffon enters a nearby room. Shortly thereafter he returns and gives the satchel back as he speaks.

“Everything is in order, sir.”


“I’ll escort you inside.”

Motioning to the door with a wave of his talon, the griffon beckons Arc to follow him. Unlocking the steel door, the officer leads Arc down several corridors which are all lined with Equestrian guards. Coming to the interview room, he unlocks it and turns to Arc.

“Here you are, sir.”

“Thanks for the escort.”

Nodding, the griffon watches as Arc enters the room before returning from whence he came. Spotting Twilight and Galena at the table eating, he walks over to them and sets the satchel down.

“Good morning, you two.”

Galena smiles at him. “Hello again, sir.”

Twilight smirks sheepishly as she tries to straighten her mane with a hoof. “Sorry I’m such a mess.”

Arc chuckles. “I still think you look very nice, Twilight.”

He motions to the satchel before continuing.

“As luck would have it, Ashe was able to find some more reading material for you.

Twilight grins as she begins pulling books out. “Please thank her for me.”

“I already did.”

Galena takes each book as Twilight pulls them out. “Will Ambassador Ashe be joining us later, sir?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not today. She’s spending time with her father.”

Twilight cracks open a book as she speaks. “That’s fine. After all, Galena can explain to me the nuances of anything in here that I don’t understand.”

Galena smiles nervously. “I’ll certainly try, Lady Twilight. But please understand that I’m no legal expert.”

Twilight smiles at her. “Don’t sell yourself short. After all, you’ve impressed me a time or two already with your knowledge of legal jargon.”

Galena giggles. It’s comes with the job.

Arc clears his throat before speaking again. “Well, I hope these books help. Um... was there anything else you needed, Twilight?”

Twilight shakes her head as she opens another book and begins reading. “I don’t think so, no.”

Galena appears hopeful. “With any luck, one of these older law books will give me some kind of legal ‘out’ for my situation.”

Twilight nods but does not look up. “Then we can take her back to Equestria for help legally.”

Arc smiles as he puts a hand on the table and leans on it. “Need some help with that, Twilight?”

“Sure. Just grab a book and start reading.”

Meanwhile, Ashe approaches the familiar armored carriage bearing her family’s crest. Stepping into it, the vehicle begins its trip away from the Aviary and toward her father’s estate. Ashe leans back in the posh seat as she looks out the window and muses to herself silently.

“The king is taking quite a long time deciding on what to do about the case. Not sure if that’s a good thing or not though.”

She taps the side of her head before continuing.

“At the very least, it’s giving Twilight and Galena more time to...”

Something catches her eye and she calls out into the intercom to the driver.

“Stop the carriage!”

As the vehicle comes to a halt, Ashe opens the door and hops out. Walking over to a nearby cart parked next to the side of the road she calls out.

“I saw what you did.”

There is no response. Ashe continues.

“You’re hiding under those sacks of cotton. Now please come out and talk to me.”

A few moments later the sound of rustling can be heard as a youngling pokes their head out. He gasps as he sees whom is talking to him.

“L-Lady Ashe!”

Ashe smiles at him. “Yes. Now please come over here.”

Doing as he is told, the youngling walks slowly over to her with his head bowed. She looks him up and down for a few moments before speaking.

“I saw you leave that store a few moments ago.”

“Y-yes, ma’am. Something wrong with that?”

“Not inherently, no. However, it did appear that you had something stuffed under your wing.”

Sighing, the youngling raises his right wing. A small toy falls out and clatters to the ground. Ashe picks it up and frowns.

“You didn’t pay for this, did you?”

“How did you know?!”

Ashe sighs. “A few ways actually. You walked past the cashier and straight out the door. That and if you had paid, the toy would have been in your talon instead of under your wing.”

The youngling bows his head. “Am I going to jail?”

“No. But you can’t go around stealing toys. “

“It was only a few bits!”

“Why don’t you tell me why you took it then instead of paying for it.”

“Because my parents... don’t have the money.”

“So you just took it?”

“Why shouldn’t I?! The store has lots of them!”

“Because it doesn’t belong to you. Imagine this... let’s say everyone just took whatever they saw that they wanted. What would happen?”

“Everyone would be happier.”

“Some would be, yes. In the short term anyways.”

“Short term, Lady Ashe?”

Ashe nods. “Stores make money by selling goods that they either make themselves or purchase from wholesalers. In this case the toy was bought with the intention to be resold. But let’s say that everyone did what you said and just took what they wanted. The store would soon be empty.”

“But wouldn’t they just order more from their... what did you call them again?”



“I suppose they could, yes. However, they have to pay for what is shipped to them first.”

“So what? They have the money.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. A big store probably would. But a smaller one might just be getting by from sales. With no income from their past sales, they can’t buy more product to replace what was lost.”

“What if they could though?”

“A big store?”


“If too much is stolen, why stay in business? They’d eventually close that shop and ship whatever was left to other stores.”

“So then the other stores would sell what was needed. It’s not like we wouldn’t have anywhere else to get things from.”

“True. Now then imagine the same happening to those stores. They close and ship out to further away.”

The youngling gasps. “What would happen? Would all the stores close?”

Ashe shakes her head. “No. But with less competition they could ask for a much higher price for goods to pay for having heightened security. And that’s in addition to customers having to travel a lot further to shop there.”

“And back home again with their purchases.”

“Which someone else could steal on the way, since it’s supposedly okay to take that which you want.”

“But what else could I do?! It’s not like my family or I could ever afford their stuff!”

“What you’re supposed to do is respect other’s property. Don’t take what doesn’t belong to you, as I don’t think you’d like others doing the same to you.”

The youngling sighs and nods as he speaks.

“Yes, Lady Ashe.”

Ashe smiles at him as she motions to the shop. “Very good. Now then, why don’t you and I head inside so you can...?”

A slight hiss rings out behind her. Ashe turns and looks back to her carriage to see the driver and those pulling it looking around, confused. The hiss intensifies quickly and the youngling looks to Ashe as he speaks.

“Lady Ashe?! What’s...?!”

Ashe’s eyes grow wide. “LOOK OUT!!!”

Shoving the youngling to the ground, Ashe dives on top of him just as the carriage behind her explodes. The blast is deafening and rings in his ears as he tries to regain his faculties. Groaning he calls out.

“L-Lady Ashe?”

He crawls out from under her to see numerous griffons lying on the ground around them. Hearing a moan, the youngling looks down to see several pieces of jagged metal jutting out of Ashe’s back sickeningly and blood flowing freely from around them. Gasping, he cries out.

“S-s-someone help! HELP!!!

A short time later Arc and Twilight hurry into a nearby hospital. The Waiting Room is filled with griffons whom appear to have been taken straight out of a war zone. Walking quickly up to the desk, they flag down a haggard looking nurse for answers. Arc is the first to speak.

“Miss, we’re looking for Lady Ashe!”

“The doctor is currently operating on her. We’ll know more shortly though.”

Twilight gestures to the injured in the room with a wave of her hoof. “Can we help?!”

The nurse nods fervently. “We’ll take all the help we can get at this point!”

Arc nods soberly. “I’ll call for Redheart to bring medical supplies and the crew to help as best they can!”

Touching his earring, he relays the orders. A short time later the crew emerges from a portal pushing carts with Redheart in the lead. She quickly gets to work coordinating the others on what to do as Arc calls for more medical aid from Canterlot. They spend the next hour applying bandages and gauze to oozing wounds from the very old to the very young. As Arc looks up from bandaging an elderly griffon’s back he spies Lord Gestal running into the building surrounded by guards. Hurrying up to the desk he cries out loudly.


A nurse hurries over to him along with Arc and Twilight. Reaching the lord first the nurse speaks.

“Lord Gestal, the doctor is still operating on her.”

Gestal glares at her. “I want to speak to him IMMEDIATELY!”

“But sir...!”

Twilight interrupts her. “Please, Lord Gestal. He has his hooves, er... talons full at the moment.”

“But I need to be sure that she’s alright!””

Arc puts a hand on Gestal’s shoulder. “And the best way to do that now would be to take a step back and let the hospital staff do their jobs, sir.”

Gestal looks around at the injured. “There... there are so many here!”

The nurse nods. “Yes sir. We’re doing all we can to save everyone, but we don’t have the staff to manage that.”

Arc motions with a wave of his hand. “I’ve ordered my own crew to join the effort here and help the hospital deal with this.”

Twilight gestures to the ponies nearby helping the injured. “And that’s in addition to calling for medics from Canterlot.”

The nurse shudders as she speaks. “They’re making a big difference too, sir. Without their help, I’m afraid that we would be standing in a room full of corpses by now.”

Gestal looks around at the innumerable pony medical staff before glaring at the nurse. “Where are all our own doctors?! All I’m seeing are Equestrians rendering aid!”

“In surgery mostly, sir. So many were critically injured and we’re understaffed due to budget cuts.”

The nurse from earlier hurries over to Arc speaks.

“Lord Arc! I have news for...!”

Gestal interrupts her. “Is it about Ashe?!”

“Yes sir. The doctor has finished surgery and transferred her to a recovery ward.”

Gestal appears indignant. “A WARD?!”

“All of our rooms are currently filled with the critically injured, sir.”

“I want her out of there immediately!”

Twilight steps forward. “Can she be transferred, nurse?”

“Yes, your highness. Her condition is indeed stable.”

Arc points toward the door. “We’ll take her back to The Equinox to rest then.”

Gestal nods angrily. “And I want an immediate appraisal of her condition from the one whom treated her!”

The nurse grimaces. “Forgive me, sir, but the doctor had to immediately begin surgery on another badly injured griffon.”

She holds out a clipboard as she continues.

“All I have are his notes.”

Twilight looks down at them. “May we have them?”

“Very well, Princess Twilight.”

The nurse hands over the documents as she motions for them to follow her.

“I’ll take you to see Lady Ashe now as well.”

Hurrying down the corridor, they come to a large room filled with rows of beds and innumerable moaning and groaning griffons. She leads them up to a curtained off bed and pulls it back. They spot Ashe lying on her side unconscious with numerous IV bags hooked up to her. Gestal hurries over to her and takes his daughter’s talon in his as he speaks softly.

“I’m right here, Ashe! Your father is here for you!”

Arc turns to the nurse. “We’ll take her back to my ship in order to free up this bed.”

“Thank you, sir. Now then, I need to get back to work.”

Arc nods as the nurse hurries away. Opening a portal to his personal quarters, he pushes the bed through. With the help of Twilight’s magic, Ashe is quickly lifted from the gurney to the bed. Gestal covers his daughter with blankets carefully as Arc returns the gurney to the hospital. Walking back through his own portal, Arc joins Twilight and Gestal at the bedside. Gestal looks over his daughter’s battered form and brushes a talon over her face as he mutters to himself.

“I don’t understand how this could have happened.”

Twilight bows her head. “Nopony does, sir.”

Arc nods. “Right. The investigation is still ongoing.”

Gestal looks to Arc. “What... happened?”

“Ashe and I parted ways this morning after breakfast. She gave me some books to pass on to Princess Twilight before saying that she was going home in order to take some lessons from you.”

Gestal sighs. “I was surprised when she didn’t show up. Ashe has always been very punctual, after all. A short time later I was informed of an explosion some distance away.”

He looks to his daughter again before continuing.

“That’s when I knew something was very wrong.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “All the patients I talked to said that there was a very loud bang before everything went crazy. Many of them had shrapnel in their wounds which would corroborate an explosion of some kind.”

She holds up the chart with her magic before continuing.

“But this could give us more answers.”

Arc looks it over quickly. “True. However we can’t really read it.”

Twilight steps forward. “I might be able to.”

Gestal raises an eyebrow, surprised. “Princess Twilight?”

“My education was quite broad in terms of the subjects it encompassed. I should be able to read off a general synopsis of Ashe’s condition. Should I try?”

“By all means, yes!”

Twilight looks over the papers before speaking.

“It appears that there was some kind of explosion behind her, as the shrapnel was all in her back and flank.”

“Any indication on what the shrapnel was from?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, sir. It just lists a dozen pieces of metal as being removed from her. Three from her back, one from her neck, three from her flank, a small one lodged in her tail, two in her back legs, and two around her... ah... genitals.”

Gestal gasps. “Good heavens! She must be in agony!”

Arc looks to the IVs next to her. “I don’t thinks she’s feeling much of anything right now.”

Twilight nods. “Right. She’s very heavily sedated and will be for the next few hours. That is, until those IVs run dry.”

Arc turns and looks out the window toward the city. “Hopefully by then the hospital will have caught up with the more critically injured and be able to look in on her again.”

Gestal pats his daughter’s head. “I’ll order someone here when that time comes.”

Arc looks to Gestal. “My own Chief Medical Officer would be the best bet. If things are looking up over there I’ll recall her at that time.”

Twilight continues reading the chart. “This also says that the bottoms of Ashe’s talons and paws showed a lot of scratches and cuts.”

Gestal appears confused. “Why there though?”

“We’ll have to ask her that one when she wakes up.”

Arc frowns. “Anything else in there, Twilight?”

“Just that she was unconscious when the medical staff found her.”

Gestal gasps. “And the cause?!”

Twilight shakes her head. “Nothing here. But crime scene investigation isn’t really their job.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Right. Their task is to save lives. Not try to figure out what happened.”

Gestal grimaces. “I’ll order an investigation into the matter personally.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “The guards won’t automatically do that?”

Gestal nods as he picks up the bedside phone. “They will. But it’ll be more thorough if they hear that their reports will be read by me personally.”

Lord Gestal gives the orders to be relayed by Lemon Hearts before he, Arc, and Twilight sit down in chairs next to Ashe’s side. Sometime later she groans slightly and opens her eyes a crack.

“Where... where am I?”

Gestal takes her talon. “Shh... don’t try to talk, my dear.”


Arc steps forward. “You’re safe aboard The Equinox, Ashe.”

Twilight smiles at her. “Do you remember what happened?”

Ashe slowly shakes her head. “Not... really. It’s all... kind of a blur.”

Gestal grimaces. “Try though, Ashe. It’s very important.”

“Well... I had stopped to talk to a youngling.”

Arc frowns. “What about?”

“As I rode by a shop I saw him take something without paying. So I ordered the carriage to stop so I could confront him about it.”

Twilight looks to Ashe. “Anything special about this youngling?”

Ashe shakes her head. “No. He was just a bit...”

Her eyes grow wide as she suddenly cries out.

“Where is he?!”

Gestal gasps. “The youngling?”

Ashe nods fervently. “Was he hurt?!”

Arc shrugs. “We don’t know. There were a lot of injuries from whatever happened there.”

Twilight attempts to move things along. “What happened next, Ashe.”

“Well... I was scolding him for stealing when I heard something from the carriage behind me.”

Gestal raises an eyebrow. “Something?”

“A weird hissing sound. Something told me it was bad, so I jumped on top of that youngling to push him down. For a split second I heard a loud bang. Then everything went dark. Next thing I knew I was waking up here.”

Gestal puts a talon to his cheek. “A hissing sound from the carriage...”

Twilight frowns. “It may have been the source of the explosion.”

Arc nods. “That would explain the heavy damage to Ashe’s... backside.”

Ashe appears confused. “My what?”

Gestal looks to his daughter. “Can you tell me where the carriage was in relation to you at the time, my dear?”

“It was behind me.”

She gasps before speaking again.

“You think it was what blew up?!”

Twilight nods. “Possibly, yes.”

Arc turns to Gestal. “Was the carriage equipped with something that could have caused this?”

Gestal shakes his head. “Nothing at all. It’s just a carriage that’s furnished with a communication device. But that couldn’t have been the source of the explosion.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Maybe it was.”

Arc looks to her. “Twilight?”

Twilight turns to Gestal. “That day we went to your house for breakfast. I remember Ashe pressing a button to inform the guards inside and out that we had arrived and to give confirmation that all was secure.”

Gestal nods. “Yes, such a thing is standard procedure for arriving guests lately. What does that have to do with what happened here though?”

“Ashe, did you use the intercom at any point?”

Ashe shrugs. “Just to tell the driver to stop the carriage so that I could talk to that youngling I mentioned earlier.”

“And how long did you talk to him after getting out of the carriage?”

“About five minutes, I guess.”

She gasps before continuing.

“Are you saying that the explosion might have been meant for my father and I?!”

Twilight sighs. “It very well may have been. After all, you would have pressed the intercom button when arriving. However, I don’t think the intention was to necessarily kill either of you.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “After all, five minutes after pressing the button you’d probably have been inside the estate and far from the carriage.”

Gestal frowns. “So what WAS the point of this attack then?!”

Ashe appears sober. “Fear, father.”


“Whomever did this wanted to make a statement. To show that not even a Lord’s estate was out of their reach.”

Twilight gasps. “But who?”

“The rebels.”

Arc’s eyes grow wide. “WHAT?! But... but why would they...?!”

Ashe interrupts him. “Come after me? To hurt my father, of course.”

Gestal bows his head. “Were something to happen to you, my dear, I don’t think I’d be able to work for a long time.”

“And they were counting on that, father.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “But your father is but one lord.”

“True. However with Goldstone removed, and my father unable to carry out his duties, it would have left the nation in a state of disarray.”

Arc snaps his fingers. “A perfect opportunity for the rebels to swoop in, stir up the public, and overthrow the government.”

Gestal sighs. “It would certainly make doing so that much easier. Especially if they did so with other diversions elsewhere. Lord Adalbert would have deployed with his forces at the first sign of trouble, leaving Lord Weller in charge of the defense of the capital. While the latter is a capable leader, his ability to navigate combat is rather lacking.”

Ashe nods. “As is the king himself, father.”

Twilight gestures with a hoof. “They could have even held The Equinox here for additional political leverage.”

Arc leans against the wall. “But all of that hinged on Lord Gestal losing Ashe. And that seems like it would have been rather difficult to do with such a long timer.”

Ashe puts a talon to her chin thoughtfully. “Maybe they didn’t actually plan to kill me then.”

“A diversion, dear?”

“Right, father. Should the carriage have exploded in front of the manor it would have killed or wounded many of our guards out there, leaving us vulnerable.”

Twilight gestures out the window. “That would have potentially enabled the rebels to walk right in and take both Lord Gestal and Ashe prisoner.”

Arc nods soberly. “Living prisoners would certainly make for better leverage.”

Gestal grimaces. “And what better prisoners than myself and Ashe.”

“They could have forced my father to do anything by threatening to harm me if he didn’t cooperate.”

Twilight sighs. “Such as telling them the weak points in the Aviary’s defenses, secret passages, and protocol for various events.”

Arc frowns. “Nice and neat for them.”

Gestal clenches a talon. “Unfortunately for them it didn’t work.”

Ashe appears confused. “Unfortunately?”

“I’ve had it with these malcontents! As soon as I can, I’m ordering our nation’s forces to sweep through the city and drag these cretins out of the shadows!”

Twilight grimaces. “Alive if possible, correct?”

Gestal nods. “Of course.”


“How else could we interrogate them into betraying their comrades?”

Ashe gasps. “But father...!”

Gestal interrupts her. “Yes, yes... I know you don’t view the rebels as being completely wrong, Ashe. However, this act of attempted murder... nay, terrorism... it must be stopped here and now! We need to show them that they cannot just act with impunity! The Griffon Kingdom must hunt down, capture, interrogate, and publicly execute anyone found harboring these monsters!”

Arc steps forward. “Wait a moment, Lord Gestal.”


Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “That might have been their backup plan.”

“Lord Arc?”

“Think about it. If this plan had failed, they knew you would have been very upset at Ashe being allowed to ride around on top of a bomb. You would have acted immediately to go after those responsible.”

Gestal nods soberly. “As I should.”

“I think I see what Lord Arc is getting at, father. The public is already upset by the lack of action by the king to find Lord Goldstone guilty of his crimes. A full-scale military sweep by our nation’s forces to invade their homes and businesses might just push them over the edge into open revolt.”

Twilight gasps. “It would force you to spread your forces thinly across the nation to restore order, sir.”

Arc taps the wall with a finger. “Making them easier to take on group by group versus a large centralized force.”

Gestal frowns. “Guerrilla tactics.”

Ashe shudders. “If they cut off each of our group’s communications prior to attacking, we would never know what happened to them.”

Arc shrugs. “They’d, for all intents and purposes, just vanish. Never to be seen again.”

Twilight frowns. “That would force you write them off, and lower your soldier’s moral, or send more forces looking for them.”

Ashe chimes in. “The latter of which would force you to spread the remaining forces even thinner.”

Gestal sighs. “So we’re helpless to act.”

Arc nods. “At the moment, yes.”

“Let the trial continue, father. If justice is done, than that will be a boon to our citizens. Then you can order a more... clandestine search for the rebels.”

Twilight motions to the window. “Surgical searches and seizures would be seen as less intrusive to the general public at large, after all.”

Gestal bows his head. “Then that is what we will...”

He is cut off as Arc’s earring chirps. Arc touches it and speaks.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Lemon Hearts. I’ve just received word from our crew. They’re requesting permission to board the ship.”

“Where are they now?”

“Approaching the gangplank, sir.”

“Let them aboard immediately and have Redheart report to my quarters to look over Ambassador Ashe.”

“Very well, sir. Will there be anything else?”

“Tell General Shining Armor to double his efforts to keep the ship secure. We don’t want any security breaches at this point.”

“I’ll pass that on to him as well as the rest of the crew, sir.”

“Very good. Arc out.”

Touching his earring, Arc severs the connection as he turns to the others to continue their conversation. A few minutes later there is a knock at the door. Answering it, Arc finds Redheart waiting with her little black bag. Stepping aside he allows her to enter. Twilight gives her the clipboard as she approaches.

“It looks like she’ll be okay from what I can tell.”

Redheart nods as she looks over the papers. “So it would seem.”

Turning to Ashe, Redheart slowly pulls down the covers to expose her body. Looking over the bandages one at a time she eventually steps back and looks to the clipboard to check something.

“It appears all the wounds were treated properly and have been bandaged as needed.”

Gestal appears hopeful. “So she’ll be alright?”

Redheart nods. “With some bedrest, yes.”

Ashe frowns. “No way! I have a job to do!”

Redheart looks to Ashe. “Job, miss?”

“Representing our case against Lord Goldstone!”

Twilight steps forward. “I can take over for you, Ashe.”

Arc nods. “And I’ll help her.”

Gestal puts a talon on his daughter’s shoulder. “At the moment it doesn’t appear that you could really do much. Other than rest and heal, my dear.”


Arc interrupts her. “If anything, this makes Goldstone look even more guilty than he already does.”

Twilight appears confused. “How so, Arc.”

Gestal scoffs. “Indeed. He’s been confined to his residence since his impeachment.”

“True. However he has more to gain than most if something were to happen to Ashe.”

Ashe frowns. “You think he had something to do with this instead of the rebels?”

Arc shrugs. “Could be. Now I’m not officially accusing him of being responsible for this, mind you. I just wanted to point out that he could be a potential suspect.”

Gestal nods. “I’ll look into any phone calls he made recently.”

Twilight clears her throat before speaking. “But getting back to Ashe’s condition, is there anything we should be worried about, Nurse Redheart?”

Redheart shakes her head. “Nothing at the moment, no. According to this chart, a surgeon has already removed all the shrapnel and stitched up the wounds.”

Arc frowns. “What about infection?”

Twilight grimaces. “Is she at risk of further complications?”

Redheart points a hoof at an IV bottle. “Not at this time, no. The hospital saw fit to give her this antibiotic drip along with the generalized painkillers to prevent that very thing.”

Gestal carefully pats Ashe’s talon as he speaks. “Anything we should look for?”

“Any spreading redness, inflammation, excessive bleeding, or pus coming from the wounds. That would be a sign of an infectious complication and would need to be addressed as soon as possible.”

Ashe sighs. “So where do I go from here?”

“At this point I should bring you another bottle of antibiotics from the Infirmary as well as more painkillers.”

“And the side effects?”

“None for the antibiotic. However the painkillers may make you sleepy and dull your senses slightly.”

“I’d like to forgo the pain medicine then.”

Gestal frowns. “Ashe?”

“As I said before, father. I still have a job to do. And even if I have to do it from a wheelchair I intend to do it.”

Redheart shakes her head. “It would have to be from a bed, I’m afraid. The wounds on your flank will prevent you from sitting normally. Especially without painkillers. Believe me when I say that you’ll want to stay lying down, particularly on your side, when what you have left in that IV bottle wears off.”

Twilight sighs. “Would getting up prolong her recovery time, Nurse Redheart?”

“Only if she were to overexert herself and tear those stitches. But that won’t be a problem while in bed or from short walks to the toilet.”

Ashe groans. “Anything else I need to do?”

“Not really. Rest will allow your body to heal and close your wounds naturally.”

Gestal looks to Redheart. “Thank you for your help, miss.”

Ashe nods. “Yes, thank you.”

Redheart smiles. “My pleasure. However I’d best get that fresh bottle of antibiotics made up, as you’re going to be empty in about an hour. Are you certain you wouldn’t like painkillers, ambassador?”

“I am, thank you.”

Arc looks to Ashe as Redheart leaves the room.

“You’re welcome to stay here in my room aboard ship while you’re recovering.”

He turns to Gestal as he continues.

“As are you, sir.”

Gestal nods. “I believe I will, Lord Arc. At least as long as I am able.”

“But you have work to do, father!”

Gestal smiles at his daughter as he gently strokes her cheek. “That I do. And right now I’m doing it.”

“I’ll see to it that you’re added to the authorized personnel list, sir. You may come and go aboard my ship as you please.”

“Thank you, Lord Arc. That is very...”

His earring chirps. Touching it, Arc speaks.

“Go ahead.”

“Sir, this is Lemon Hearts. We’ve just received word from the Aviary that King Guto will be addressing the nation regarding the status of Lord Goldstone’s trial in just a few minutes.”

“Can we tune in with the ship’s systems?”

“Yes sir. It’ll be broadcasted on all frequencies.”

“Good. Put it thorough the ship’s intercom.”

Lemon Hearts sounds confused. “Sir?”

“I want everyone aboard to hear it.”

“Yes sir, I’ll see to it.”

“Very good. Arc out.”

Touching his earring again to cut the feed, he looks to the others soberly before continuing.

“Looks like this is it.”

Twilight grimaces. “We’ve done everything we can.”

Ashe nods soberly. “And then some.”

Gestal as sits down in a chair next to the bed. “Indeed. But now we shall have some answers.”

A short time later an announcer’s voice rings out through a speaker in the ceiling overhead.

“Citizens of the Griffon Kingdom! I present to you his royal majesty... King Guto!”

The line shifts to the king whom cleans his throat and begins to speak.

“Good afternoon faithful and loyal citizens of the Griffon Kingdom. As you all know, a trial was held earlier this week regarding the charges brought forth by Princess Twilight of Equestria against Lord Goldstone of the Council of Lords. While I was duty bound to listen to all the testimony and render a verdict on this matter, it would appear that fate had other plans for our country.”

He pauses for a few moments before continuing.

“As innumerable females breached the Throne Room to call out their own charges against Lord Goldstone, the defense called for the Battle of Truth. It is an ancient rite to trial by combat in order to prove innocence by defending one’s name with the sword and shield versus words. This idea was first coined in the time of King Grover, the first monarch of our nation. He believed whole-heartedly that fate would not allow a guilty party to go unpunished. To hold honor and dignity above all else. And to be allowed to clear one’s name before their accusers and the citizenry.”

The sound of papers rustling rings out for a few moments before the king again speaks.

“I have instructed my archivists and scribes to scour the law thoroughly in an effort to determine if a past king ever removed this option from those whom face justice. They have just finished convening with their results and have appraised me of their findings. According to their best efforts... this rule has NOT been stricken from the books and is still active law. As we speak, my aides are writing up a royal decree that will make this act illegal. Henceforth, it will be stricken from the books and disallowed forevermore. With my signature upon the forthcoming decree it shall be returned to the oldest of history books.”

Clearing his throat, Guto continues.

“However, as per our laws, since the call for the Battle of Truth was made prior to my forthcoming royal decree, it MUST be upheld. There is nothing I, nor anyone else, can do to prevent this particular challenge from being carried out. As such, in three days’ time, we shall all come together at the Gladiator’s Arena to bear witness to the martial prowess of Lord Goldstone and Arbiter Ghaleon. They will face Ambassador Ashe and Princess Twilight, or their chosen champions, in the arena for a battle to the death. In this way the matter Lord Goldstone has been accused of will be settled... one way or another. All are welcome to attend the event as space allows. For those unable to be in attendance, a play-by-play will be broadcast over the airwaves to the whole of our nation. Just as the trial was open for all to hear, so will the Battle of Truth be open to the public free of charge. Details will be announced tomorrow via the national news outlet. Thank you for your time my loyal subjects, and rest assure that this matter will be decided solely on the outcome of the upcoming battle. Long live the Griffon Kingdom, and may justice prevail!”

The line goes dead for a few moments as the announcer returns to the microphone.

“That was King Guto everyone...!”

Arc reaches out a hand and magically turns a nearby knob to mute the speaker. Frowning, he clenches a fist.

“A Battle of Truth?! That’s supposed to be JUSTICE?!”

Gestal nods soberly. “The king was correct in his attribution of such a thing to King Grover. He believed in the spirit of honor and fair-play in all things.”

Twilight grits her teeth. “Well, that might just get Lord Goldstone off the hook for serial rape!”

Ashe scoffs. “Not if I have anything to say about it!”

Gestal frowns. “You, my dear?”

“Yes, father! I have to fight for those whom were victimized by Lord Goldstone!”

“But you’re in no condition to do so!”

Twilight steps forward. “You heard what Nurse Redheart said about your wounds! They’ll split open and get infected!”

Arc nods. “Twilight’s right. I’ll take your place in the Gladiator’s Arena, Ashe.”

He turns to Gestal before continuing.

“Is that allowed?”

Gestal puts a talon to his chin. “I would think so, yes. The old laws regarding the Battle of Truth stated that the accuser and their council could choose to stand and fight or declare a champion to take their places. To the best of my knowledge it says nothing about limitations regarding species. Only that they must declare their intent to act as the champion in place of the named individual before the battle begins.”

Twilight plants her hooves firmly, her horn aglow. “That’s just fine with me. I’m sure Arc and I can take on those two if we work together.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Wait... Twilight did you just say US working together?!”

Twilight nods soberly. “Yes, Arc. Us. Remember, I was the one whom brought Equestria’s complaint against Lord Goldstone with Ashe’s help.”

Gestal chimes in. “That gives both the princess and ambassador the right to fight for their cause in the Gladiator’s Arena, Lord Arc.”

Arc frowns. “But you don’t have any combat training, Twilight!”

“Maybe not. However I can’t just let this go, Arc.”

“It’s a fight to the death though!”

Twilight grins wickedly. “Your forget that an alicorn princess can’t be killed, Arc.”

“I’m guessing it’ll still really hurt though!”

Gestal nods. “And Arbiter Ghaleon has experience fighting opponents whom can’t be killed.”

Twilight suddenly wavers. “He... he does?”

Arc nods. “Yes, Twilight. I brought the griffon whom attacked me during Founder’s Day before them. He was able to easily subdue him without so much as a scratch to himself.”

Ashe grimaces. “Please reconsider, Twilight! Believe me when I say that you can’t beat them!”

“I’ll... think about it.”

Gestal smiles. “Very good, Princess Twilight. Now we only need to...”

He is interrupted by a frantic knocking at the door. Arc reaches out and opens it with a Telekinesis Spell. Natalya and Gallus hurry inside as they help Gabby along. Natalya is the first to speak as she looks to Arc.

“We heard the announcement over the intercom, sir!”

Gallus seethes. “And the charges that were brought forth!”

Twilight appears surprised. “You three didn’t listen to the trial?!”

Natalya shakes her head. “Gabby was trying to rest. That and I didn’t think it had anything to do with us.”

Gestal raises an eyebrow. “Didn’t have anything to do with you? But you’re...”

Gabby interrupts him as she cries out to Arc. “Is it true?! Did... did you and Princess Twilight really come here to bring charges against...!”

Ashe cuts her off. “We came here to get justice for a victim, yes!”

Gallus frowns. “And you’re absolutely sure that he did it?!”

Arc nods. “Yes, Gallus. We knew of two victims at the time the charges were brought before the king. However hundreds of other griffons came forth at the trial to tell of how they too were victimized by Lord Goldstone.”

Gabby’s eyes grow wide. “But... but that’s IMPOSSIBLE!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Believe me when I say that the evidence was overwhelming.”

Natalya turns to Arc nervously. “Sir, I... I need to tell you something.”

“Would you like to speak privately?”

“No, sir. In fact, I think I would like everyone to hear this.”

She takes a deep breath before continuing.

“I... I’m not who you think I am.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“Right. Gallus, Gabby, and I... we... we’re actually...”

Gallus sneers. “I think what my sister is trying to say is that Lord Goldstone is our dad, sir.”

Twilight gasps. “WHAT?!”

Natalya bows her head. “It’s true, sir. My full name is actually ‘Natalya Goldstone’.”

Ashe looks to her father. “Is what they say true?!”

Gestal nods soberly. “Yes. Lord Goldstone had wanted to keep the knowledge of their existence a secret from everyone though.”

Arc frowns. “But why?!”

Gabby cries out. “Because he was afraid someone would try to use us to blackmail him, or something!”

Gallus scoffs. “Yeah right! He just didn’t want to be a parent!”

Natalya sighs. “When I was old enough, our father bought and furnished a mansion for us. He also staffed it with servants and saw to it we had whatever was needed for us to survive.”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “Except for parental guidance.”

Natalya nods sadly. “Yes... he said that I was in charge of raising Gallus and Gabby.”

Gabby grins. “And you were a GREAT mom, Natalya!”

Natalya bows her head. “I question that.”

Gallus puts a hand on her shoulder. “You did your best, sis.

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Tell me, Natalya. If you’re truly the daughter of Lord Goldstone, why didn’t he make any attempt to defend you when the rebels tried their frame-up job?”

“Because that would have forced him to admit that I was his youngling. That wasn’t something he was willing to do.”

Gabby gasps. “Wait! So dad let you be SOLD?!”

“Yes, Gabby.

“But... but that’s so... so MEAN!”

“Don’t be mad at him though. Thanks to that, I was able to find a new home in Equestria along with Gallus.”

Gallus grins. “Yeah! And when this is all over we’ll go back there!”

Natalya smiles at the youngling before her. “Truth be told, I was in the process of buying a house in Ponyville before this mission. We’ll live there.”


“Yes, Gabby. It’s a little smaller than what you’re used to, of course. But I think we’ll manage to fit three beds into the bedroom.”

“I’d like that!”

Gallus smirks. “You’ll like Equestria, Gabby. They have lots of sweets and everyone is really friendly.”

“So we’ll go there when dad’s through clearing his name, right?!”

Arc frowns. “Believe me. He’s guilty.”

Gallus clenches a talon. “Do what you have to do, sir.”

Natalya nods soberly. “Yes. We don’t exactly have any kind of relationship with him.”

Gallus scoffs. “That’s putting it mildly.”

Gabby’s eyes grow wide again. “What’s going to happen to dad?!”

Ashe sighs. “Lord Arc and Princess Twilight are going to challenge him and Arbiter Ghaleon to a fight.”

“My dad will win though!”

Twilight groans. “That has yet to be seen, miss. Now then, I suggest that you stay away from the Gladiator’s Arena on that day. It’s not going to be a pretty spectacle.”

Gestal steps forward. “All ages are allowed to attend though as the king made no limitations on such things.”

Arc shakes his head. “I still think that’s not a good idea though. After all, younglings don’t really need to see such violent combat.”

Gabby looks to Ashe. “Can’t you four just talk things out though?!”

Ashe shakes her head. “That time has passed.”

Twilight sighs. “Right. Now is the time for action.”

“Well... okay. Just don’t hurt him too badly, okay?”

Natalya puts a talon around her sister’s shoulders. “Gabby. It’s a fight to the death.”

“They can stop early though, right?”

Gallus shakes his head. “Probably not.”

Gabby gasps. “But someone could get hurt then!”

Arc clenches a fist. “Yes. However you have my word that we’ll make it as quick and painless as possible for him.”

Gestal clears his throat. “There is another option though, Lord Arc.”

“What is it?”

“The battle continues until one pair or the other can no longer continue. That is usually interpreted to mean death. However, if both of your opponents were to be knocked unconscious, it could be used as an excuse to declare a victor.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Would the king actually go for that though?”

“Unknown your highness.”

Gabby looks to Arc pleadingly. “Please do so, sir! I don’t want to lose my dad to this!”

Gallus frowns. “Not that he ever did anything to earn that title, mind you.”

Natalya glares at him. “Gallus, please! For better or worse, we have but one father!”

Calming herself she turns back to Arc and looks to him imploringly.

“I know that I have no right to ask you for anything, sir. Especially after all you’ve done for me in the past. But... I do hope that you will extend mercy to my fa... to Lord Goldstone.”

Gabby nods fervently. “Please!”

Arc sighs. “I... I can’t promise anything.”

Ashe looks to Natalya. “You do realize that even if he isn’t killed in the Gladiator’s Arena he’ll still be found guilty for the crimes we’ve accused him of?”

“While I’m sure he’ll be properly punished, at least then we wouldn’t lose him.”

Gallus gasps. “Lose him, Natalya? He wasn’t around enough to be classified as...!”

Twilight interrupts. “Please, Gallus. It’s only natural not to want a family member to meet an untimely end.”

Gestal frowns. “Either way, his life and future are now in you and Princess Twilight’s control, Lord Arc.”

Arc nods soberly. “That’s one way to put it.”

Twilight appears confused. “Arc?”

“Should he be found guilty, Galena will most likely be executed with him.”

Ashe grimaces. “But if Lord Goldstone isn’t defeated, he’ll be considered innocent and reinstated to the Council of Lords.”

Gestal sighs. “And all your efforts to advance this matter will be for naught.”

Natalya bows her head. “Quite the dilemma, sir.”

Arc groans as he turns to look out the window. “I see it more as me having to make yet another very... VERY difficult choice.”

As the moon rises over the city, Arc steps out onto the deck of The Equinox. Those patrolling it stop and come to attention. Saluting him, Arc returns the gestures as he looks around. Spotting Shining Armor walking up the gangplank he walks over to him.



“How are things in the city?”

“A bit on edge still. But considering what happened, that’s to be expected.”

“Any word on the total number of casualties from the carriage bombing?”

Shining Armor sighs. “One hundred victims were sent to the hospital. Sixty critically, forty badly. And the number of those whom had minor wounds is unknown.”


“A dozen, sir.”

Arc puts a hand on his forehead as he walks over to the guardrail and leans against it. Shining Armor joins him.

“I can’t believe this happened.”

Shining Armor appears confused. “Sir?”

“A terrorist attack like this.”

“It’s still under investigation though, sir.”

“Either way, it’s at least partially our fault.”

“I don’t see how.”

“The carriage Ashe was riding in blew up. Had she been back in Equestria they wouldn’t have been able to do that.”

“You couldn’t have known that though, sir.”

Arc sighs. “Yes, that is true. However, I can’t help but think of those twelve dead griffons lying in the morgue.”

“It’s hard on the city as a whole. Everypony is on edge from Lord Goldstone’s trial and what occurred during it. Now this happens right on its heels.”

“Where do they go from here though?”

Shining Armor points a hoof. “To the Gladiator’s Arena, sir.”

Arc looks up, confused. “Huh?”

“This whole city has put pretty much everything else on hold because of the upcoming Battle of Truth.”

“Probably because it’s never going to happen again... ever.”

“That too. However, they want to see what kind of historic event will take place.”

“What kind?”

Shining Armor nods. “Will the king uphold the law and allow for a fair and honorable fight? Or will he find some kind of loophole to keep things the way they are? Everypony wants to know. And there are no easy answers to be found.”

“But where does that leave us?”

Shining Armor raises an eyebrow. “Um... defeating your opponents, I would say. You and whomever Ashe will be bringing in to fight for her.”

“That would be Twilight.”

Shining Armor gasps. “WHAT?!”

“Yeah, I’m not happy about it either.”

“But she could get hurt! Or worse!”

“Can she?”


Shining Armor puts a hoof to his chin and thinks for a long moment before continuing.

“I guess not. However that doesn’t change my mind on not waning her to do this!”

Arc nods. “Agreed. But she was pretty insistent on it.”

“Why though?!”

“Because she views it as her duty. Twilight believes that she needs to do this as a princess of Equestria.”

“I could go in her place! After all, I do have actual combat experience!”

Arc shakes his head. “She’ll never go for it.”

Shining Armor grimaces. “Well, we have to try!”

“Agreed. I’ll have a talk with her.”

“So will I! Right now though!”

He runs toward the main hatch and through it as Arc smiles and mutters to himself.

“Dismissed, general.”

Looking out over the city again, Arc sighs.

“Think I need some advice on this. But from who?”

Thinking for a few moments, Arc sighs. Calling forth his gauntlet, he powers up his crystals and opens a portal. Stepping through Arc finds himself back in his room in Canterlot Castle. Leaving it, he walks down the darkened corridors until he comes to a particular door. Taking a deep breath he knocks lightly and waits patiently. A few moments later the door opens and Celestia pokes her head out. She frowns at the sight of him and scowls as she speaks.


Arc looks away nervously. “I... need to talk to you.”


“Something rather... pressing. Might I come in?”

Thinking for a moment, she silently nods and steps back. Arc enters the room as she closes the door behind them. Motioning with a hoof to the nearby table she speaks.


Arc does as he is told as Celestia takes her place across from him.

“I trust this is important.”

Arc nods. “It is.”

Celestia frowns. “Moreso than the safety of Twilight?”

“Believe me, she’s well-guarded. But this matter is about her.”

Celestia puts her front hooves together and looks to Arc evenly. “Do tell.”

“It all started after King Guto’s announcement.”

“To allow the Battle of Truth?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You heard that?”

Celestia nods. “Yes, we have a very powerful receiver here for picking up our forces’ transmissions abroad.”

She gestures to his earring before continuing.

“And beyond.”

Arc frowns. “Guess I should have seen that coming.”

“Indeed. Now then, why not get to the point of your visit before I lose interest?”

“Fine. Like I said, we were listening to the king’s announcement together aboard The Equinox. However it now means that we will have to send two volunteers to fight Lord Goldstone and Arbiter Ghaleon.”

Celestia scoffs. “Getting cold hooves now?”


“I assumed you’d be chomping at the bit to fight them, what with your past.”

“Well, I’m certainly willing to do so, yes.”

“Then what is the problem? It would be you and whomever Ambassador Ashe found to represent her.”

“She wanted to fight as well.”

“Very commendable of her. So then it would be her and you.”

“I’m guessing you haven’t heard the news of the attack.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “Attack?”

“There was a bombing of some kind in Griffonstone.”

“A bombing?!”

“Yes, someone put some kind of explosive device under Ashe’s carriage.”

Celestia gasps. “Is she alright?!”

Arc sighs. “Injured, but nothing permanent, no.”

“So the explosion was small then?”

“Not really, no. There were a hundred victims that were created by the blast. Ashe was lucky that she got out of the carriage unexpectedly to talk to someone.”

“I am glad she will be alright. But what does this have to do with Twilight?”

“I volunteered to take Ashe’s place, naturally. However, Twilight insisted on being the second combatant.”


“Believe me, I’m not happy about this either.”

“Then why are you letting her do it?!”

Arc frowns. “She’s a princess! How would I even begin to...?!”

Celestia interrupts him angrily. “Twilight supposedly has her eyes on you! Use your honeyed words to convince her to let somepony else do this!”

“Not the kind of advice I thought I’d get from you.”

“You think I’d have let her fight in something like this?!”

“No. However, I figured you wouldn’t suggest that I stoop to manipulation.”

“Normally I wouldn’t. But Twilight’s safety must come first though!

“Fine. You tell her then.”

Celestia frowns. “You’re supposed to be the one she’s in love with.”

“And you’re her cherished friend and mentor.”

There is a long silence as the pair stare at one another silently. Eventually Celestia puts a hoof to her forehead and sighs.

“She wouldn’t listen.”

“And why not?”

“Because once Twilight has made up her mind, nothing will change it.”



“Then what are we supposed to do?”

“Believe me, I will think of something.”

Arc groans. “I... guess I don’t have any other recourse than to trust you on this.”

“That is correct. But I do have one question.”


“Why did you come to me with this?”

“Because this is a situation that I felt I couldn’t solve on my own.”

Celestia nods soberly. “That is true, yes. However, you could have chosen to go to Luna or Cadance. To say nothing for Twilight’s friends back in Ponyville. That and we don’t exactly have the best past. So I ask again... why me?”

“Twilight told me in the past, as did many others, of your... wisdom in all things.”

Celestia looks away. “She is... very dedicated to that idea, yes.”

“And you disagree with that?”

“I have done many things in the past to keep this land and its citizens safe. While some were strokes of genius, I do admit that others were... less than successful. In hindsight, obviously.”

“No one is perfect.”

“Agreed. And rest assured that I will think of a solution to this problem.”

“Anything I can do to help?”

Celestia shakes her head. “No. Just keep protecting Twilight and leave the plan to me. I shall contact you with whatever directions you will need to follow.”

Returning to the deck of The Equinox via portal, Arc turns around just in time to see Shining Armor emerge from the main hatch. He walks slowly and with his head bowed as Arc sighs and shakes his head.

“Can I assume you didn’t have any luck dissuading Twilight from fighting?”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “No, sir.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest and looks out over the city. “She’ll do what she’ll do, I suppose.”

Shining Armor gasps. “But there has to be SOMETHING we can do!”

“Oh, there is. And I’ve already done it.”


“I’ve just returned from a quick trip back to Canterlot for a bit of a talk with someone there.”

“Whom sir?”

“Princess Celestia.”

Shining Armor appears hopeful. “And did she have a solution?!”

“I’m... not actually sure.”

“But she’s...!”

“While she didn’t come out and give any particulars, I got the feeling she was putting together a plan in that oversized brain of hers.”

Shining Armor sighs. “I’m not really sure how to take that, sir.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Well, she knows Twilight’s planning to fight in the Gladiator’s Arena. And since she’d probably get hurt due to a lack of combat training, I imagine that it’s not something she’d let go on.”

“What should we do in the meantime, sir?”

“Just carry on as usual.”

Shining Armor raises an eyebrow. “Sir?!”

Arc shrugs. “It’s all we can do at the moment. But I think I’m going to try talking to someone about the situation at hand.”

“Now, sir?”

Arc nods. “No time like the present.”

“I’ll call for your squad, sir.”

“No. I’ll go alone.”

“Sir, I must advise against this! That would be needlessly dangerous!”

Arc calls forth his armor as he turns and walks toward the gangplank. “I know. But this has to be done.”

Reaching the ground, Arc motions for the guards around the perimeter to stand aside. Passing them, he makes his way into the city. Nearly every window is dark save for a few with lights over their doors. Walking the streets for a time, Arc hears the muffled sound of wings flapping overhead. Stopping to look around for a time, he waits and listens. The slight squeak of a door opening nearby rings out. Turning to look, Arc spots a talon beckoning him inside. Stepping forward he enters the dark abode, closing the door behind him. A single candle in the center of a table is the only illumination in the otherwise pitch black room. Seeing a hooded figure sitting at it, Arc walks over to them and speaks.

“Good evening... Admiral Gaston.”

The figure tosses back their cowl and glares up at him.

“Very perceptive of you, filth. What are you doing here?”

“Just accepting your invitation.”

Gaston frowns. “Strange. I don’t recall sending for anyone.”

Arc folds his arms over his chestplate. “Oh, but you did. You see, your calling card was the twisted wreckage of Ashe’s carriage.”

“You assume much then.”

Arc puts his hands on the table palm down and lowers his face to look Gaston in the eye. “I’m just getting started.”

Gaston smirks. “Are you now?”


Gaston motions to the chair across from him. “Then why don’t we sit down like civilized... individuals and talk it over, hm?”

Arc pulls the chair back and sits down. Gaston leans back and chuckles..

“Tell me, was the carriage ploy too obvious?”

“Your dead citizens would probably agree.”

Gaston waves a talon dismissively. “Eggs and omelets... that sort of thing.”

“They were innocent, you fool!”

“There are no innocents here!”

Arc and Gaston stare each other down for a time. Eventually Gaston continues.

“Everyone in the Griffon Kingdom is useful in one way or another.”

“Do tell.”

“Some till the soil. Some work in factories.”

He smirks before speaking again.

“Still others grease the wheels of progress.”

Arc leans forward and narrows his eyes. “You’d make a fine lubricant.”

“Because I’m so refined?”

“Because you’re so slippery!”

Gaston shrugs. “One must do what one must do in order to stay alive.”

“Funny. Because I recall you being mortally wounded during my attack on Light’s Hope with Ashe.”

“You will learn that I am very difficult to kill, Lord Arc.”

Arc clenches a fist. “I’m a slow study.”

Gaston chuckles. “Should you wish to try, I am alone and unarmed. Go ahead. Strike me down.”

Arc shakes his head. “No.”

“What’s the matter? Lost your nerve?”

“I’m guessing it’s part of your plan.”


“You’re unarmed, yes. However certainly not alone.”

He motions with his hand before continuing.

“There are two griffons hiding in the wardrobe. Two more behind the bed in the corner. And three hiding in the closet.”

Gaston chuckles. “Interesting. I had thought they were suitably covered by darkness. Perhaps you have the nose of a bloodhound?”

“More like the eyes of an owl and the hearing of a wolf.”

Arc raises his helmet to expose his glowing red eyes. Gaston gasps and falls backwards in his chair. At this the griffons in hiding leap out and move to attack. However, Arc raises a hand and magically slams them against a wall. Holding them there, he does not take his gaze off of Gaston whom is still visibly shaken.

“And the magic of several Unicorns.”

Turning to look at the rebels pinned to the wall, he speaks a single word.


Releasing them from his magical grip, Arc allows the robed griffons fall to the floor. Landing with soft thuds they do not rise. Gaston gets to his feet and looks over the table at his unconscious comrades.

“What did you...?!”

Arc chuckles as he again lowers his helmet. “They’ll wake up eventually. Nothing permanent.”

“Very impressive!”

“You can learn a lot if you just look around. Observe and take it all in. For example, I saw that you were genuinely frightened of my appearance just now.”

Gaston frowns. “Anyone would be!”

“Not someone immortal.”

They are silent for a time before Arc motions to the chair across from him and speaks.

“Now then, have a seat and we’ll... chat a bit.”

Doing as he is told, Gaston sits. Nodding, Arc smiles.

“Good. Now then... I want to know one thing. Why did you rig Ashe’s carriage to explode?”

“To... make a statement.”

“That the rebels are still relevant?”

“Something like that.”

“And you chose a well populated area so it couldn’t be ignored.”

Gaston looks away nervously. “The politicians would have just covered it up otherwise.”

“But you couldn’t have known that Ashe was going to stop and get out before she reached her father’s house.”

“A slight... miscalculation.”

“You just wanted to blow up Lord Gestal’s guards, didn’t you?”

Gaston nods angrily. “And loot his home, yes.”

“Again, to make a statement.”

“It would have been quite the feather in our proverbial caps. The rebels attacking and stealing the belongings from a lord’s home in broad daylight. Believe me when I say that hurting civilians wasn’t actually in the cards.”

“But you took that opportunity anyways.”

Gaston shrugs. “The device was on a timer. We couldn’t have stopped it without giving away the ruse.”

“Where did you get it from?”

“Some... shadowy friends.”

Arc clenches a fist. “I want names.”

Gaston rolls his eyes. “You’ll have to work pretty hard to do that. After all, our members keep their faces covered for a reason.”

“And you?”

“I do what I have to do.”

Arc points across the table. “You’re not exactly proving your worth at the moment.”

Gaston appears confused. “Worth?”

“To be allowed to leave alive.”

Gaston frowns. “You can’t kill me!”

“Maybe not. But I CAN make you suffer.”

Reaching across the table, Arc grabs Gaston and pulls him forward by his cloak. The griffon instinctively pulls out a dagger, but Arc grabs his talon and squeezes it. Cracking bones rings out as he cries out and drops the weapon to the floor. Lifting Gaston to look him in the eye as he speaks, Arc stands.

“Now then... where did you get the bomb?”

Gaston gasps in pain as he talks. “From... from a hooded figure!”


“I don’t know! I swear!”

“You have to know SOMETHING!”

“It was a noble!”

“How do you know that?!”

“The way he walked!”


“Nobles just walk with an air of elegance! You can tell they’re one from a mile away!”

Arc narrows his eyes. “You expect me to believe that a noble, whom is part of the ruling class, for some reason wanted to help the rebels in their plots?!”

Gaston nods fervently. “It’s the truth! They gave us lots of things!”

“Such as...?!”

“Weapons, supplies, these cloaks even!”

“So the nobility is bankrolling the rebels?!”


“Again, that makes no sense!”

“I didn’t ask where they got the stuff from or why they wanted to help! But you have to understand that not every noble in this country is content to just sit in their mansion and just eat, drink, and be merry!”

“Oh really?! Because all that sounds REALLY nice!”

“Look at Ashe! She’s different!”

“True! But you tried to take her out earlier today!”

“That was a mistake!”


“She was supposed to go straight to her father’s house! Not make any detours!”

“But who’s to say that the bomb wouldn’t have gone off early?! You couldn’t have accurately figured how long to set the timer for!”

“It was started when intercom was used! She would have had to use it to get the all clear from the guards outside her father’s estate!”

“And how many more of those do you have?!”


Arc slams Gaston down on the table. “Really?!”

“Yes! Yes, I swear! They probably didn’t want us using those on them when we won!”

“Very intuitive, Gaston.”

Throwing the griffon across the room, Gaston falls next to the rest of his fellow rebels. Raising his head, he sees Arc standing behind the table. Turning to look at the beaten griffon, Arc mockingly bows.

“Thank you for your time... admiral.”

Gaston seethes as Arc pinches the candle’s flame, extinguishing it. Opening a portal, he steps through and is gone. Gaston mutters to himself in the darkness.

“Fool! You have no idea the powers which you are meddling with!”

Standing, Gaston dusts himself off and smiles wickedly.

“And it appears that I will have to be the one to teach you a lesson in humility.”

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