• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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102 - Strength in Unity

It was a swirling maelstrom of writhing spirit energy. Lily pads were drawn in from all directions before they began to bond together in one huge platform. Celestia's pad quietly drifted away, untouched and unharmed by the process that bound so many others together as if they were always one big pad instead of many smaller ones.

Silver tilted his head one way and the other before he took a slow step. The resistance was much fainter, as if spread out and thinned with the gained mass of Luna's bloated lily pad. He tried to enter, and he did, slipping through the membrane that gave only a token effort to hold him back.

Ponyville. He had landed in Ponyville, and it was utterly filled with confused ponies. A loud shriek filled his ears and he spun to see a pony pointing at him with shock. "W-who is that?!"

Well, better than being asked what is that, or so thought Silver as he nodded at the scared pony. "I'm not--"

His voice was overcome by Luna's booming shout, announcing that this was a shared dream made to fight a terrible foe.

"Like you?" The pony had approached. She had white fur, and a green and red mane. She was vaguely familiar, but Silver couldn't place her.

"I'm not here to attack anypony, promise." Silver did a slow circle. "What did she want to attack?"

"Maybe... that?" She pointed a hoof up into the sky where a strange spectral pony was getting into a one-sided battle with ponies. It was swatting them aside easily, sending them flying, but they weren't giving up easily.

"Remember it's just a dream!" came a rallying cry.

Silver expanded his wings. "Right, just a dream. Let's join, uh, what's your name?"

"Blossomforth. You?" She offered a hoof.

Silver clopped his hoof to hers. "Silver Wa--Stars. Let's teach that thing a lesson."

Together they spread their wings and took to the sky as the battle become less uneven and more fantastic. Ponies were starting to use the powers they only had in their dreams, and Silver was no exception. He battered the glowing thing with the full weight of his alicorn magic, revelling in his regained flight.

But it was a dream. He knew that. No harm in enjoying it while it lasted, however. So far as he was concerned, he would do his part and have a good time doing it at the same time.

Despite being a restored alicorn with power over dreams, he could not simply subdue the beast. It was being powered by something greater than him, and continued its attempts to escape despite their frantic beatings and dissuasion.

"Don't... let it go. It'll escape to the real world!"

Could it do that? Silver raised a brow, wondering what a figment of imagination could do in the physical world. Then he remembered Surprise. Wasn't that what she was, by many definitions? She was as solid as any other pony, with dreams and fears. If she could be real, why not this abomination?

A large red form zoomed past him, catching Silver by surprise as he looked towards it. Was that Big Mac? Why was he dressed like a princess? Big Mac had a big horn, as befitting a princess, and was blasting things left and right with it.

Silver shook his head. Let ponies have their dreams. He wasn't going to throw stones out of his glass house.

Night arrived in the infirmary to the alarmed sounds of the doctor present. Samantha wasn't on duty, and Night saw no reason to complain about that.

"Stop," ordered the doctor. "Not one more step." His magic wrapped around Silver's limp form and with meticulous slowness, the injured pony was hefted up carefully and moved to an operating table. "It'll be a miracle if he wasn't hurt in the transport."

Celestia stepped in behind Night, looming over the proceeding. The doctor came to erect attention, offering a quick bow. "Your Highness!"

"Please, proceed."

"Of course. Nurse!" He began barking commands as he returned to Silver's side.

Celestia spread a wing, barring the view of the proceeding to Night. "He's in good hooves, but we should give them room to work."

Night's wings fidgeting. "He's... I don't want to leave his side. I won't get in the way."

Celestia nodded quietly. "Then let's stand over here." She led Night away to the far side of the room. "Did he pass out? I can only apologize so much for my sister's actions."

Night shook her head. "At first, but he woke up. This time, he went to sleep, real sleep."

Celestia perked her ears. "Did he mention any purpose behind it?"

Night blinked up at Celestia's strangely phrased question. "He wanted to reach your sister."

Celestia drew a little breath. "That's a dangerous proposition. She's in an unstable place..."

Night raised a hoof. "Can you be more specific? No offense, Princess, but the way I see it, your sister... is kind of a jerk." She frowned deeply. "Make that a huge jerk."

Celestia brushed Night's back and side with a soft wing. "I trust you and your foals were not harmed in this?"

Night's attention slid back to her belly. "We're fine... They just pinned me down and dragged me away." She sat. "At least the guards didn't forget they were handling a heavy mare, but I didn't get the idea Luna cared at all." She thrust a hoof at Silver's prone form. "Who has he ever hurt?! When has he had anything but adoration for Luna? Where does she get off lashing out at him like that?!"

Celestia shook her head. "It's not my place to speak for my sister, but I intend to discover this, and many other things. I've let this situation escalate under my nose, and I intend that it stops." She looked down at Night pointedly. "Do you want me to separate them? Perhaps it would be for the best."

Night felt the urge to scream yes at the day princess, but she managed to stifle that and think instead. What would Silver think? What would she think once the rage had run through her? Momentary satisfaction, longterm resentment... "I think she needs to be brought in line and only you can do that, Princess. What she did was wrong. She could have fought him off with a feather, and you both know that."

Celestia smiled a little. "I would like to see that, my ambassador subdued by the ticklish presence of a feather." She spread a wing and curled it around Night. "But let's not think of him, just for a moment. How are you feeling?"

Night glanced away, then back up at the towering figure of Celestia. She felt a thousand things, but disgorging them to the princess of the land like that...

"Go on..." When Night was still silent, Celestia leaned in and nudged her with her snout. "This is just between two mares. Pretend I'm nopony special at all."

"Nopony special?!" Night clapped a hoof over her mouth at her outburst. "You're about the most special mare in the country. Fine, you want to know, I'll say it." She gathered herself upright. "This is my fault. Silver was ready to let your sister go and just be happy with me. He was ready to grow old and die at my side without regrets."

"And then?"

Night looked up at her before looking away. "Then I got greedy... When he came with a symbol of our single bond, I broke it. I left it open... Just in case..." She laughed, a little timid noise full of hysteria. "It's funny... I never even heard of... herding until Celine tried to get me to join hers."


Night looked up sharply. "Luna's split off little homunculus." She frowned sharply. "She introduced Silver to romantic love, hooked him up with me, then threw her life away as if she wouldn't be missed. Silver still misses her." She clopped a hoof on the ground. "And why shouldn't he? She was his first, and they never even said goodbye."

She turned away from Celestia. "She broke her promise."

"What promise?" Celestia spoke in gentle tones, prying without being aggressive.

Night threw a hoof up in the air. "Luna said she'd give herself to Silver until he died. Do you see Luna with him?"

Celestia barely restrained her own immediate reaction. Her sister had promised what?! "I see..." She rose to her hooves. "There are matters I must attend, but I can at least know that Silver is in good hooves." She smiled at Night. "Watch over him. You know he loves you terribly."

They shared a smile, both burdened, but shared none-the-less, and Celestia strode from the room. She had things to do.

Surprise kicked the door open. "Surprise!" But there was nopony present at all. She looked left and right at the empty bedroom before she strode in curiously, a large cake balanced on her head. "Night? Silver?" She let the cake slide off her head onto the countertop and noticed a book up there as well. She took it and tilted her head at it as she began flipping through it curiously. It became quickly clear what it was, and she clutched the book to her chest. "Oh..."

It was all that was left of her old life.

But it was also an idea, a good one! She smiled a little as she put the book down with trembling hooves. "I'll make my own... Then there'll be two ways to look at it." Fortunately, Silver's room was a good place to find a book and a quill. She had come intending to host a party, but instead she wrote. She wrote of her friends, and her family, and anything else that came to mind. She lost track of time completely as she became wholly consumed with the desire, no, the absolute need to record her lost life, so that it wouldn't be forgotten.

Her family was gone, but certainly not forgotten.

Her world was destroyed, but it could never be entirely removed so long as she was there to remember it.

She got to the part where Silver would enter her life again and she smiled a little. "At least this part's still true." She wrote of how they became friends. She wrote of her own thoughts about how he got involved with Twilight eventually. She thought it was kind of neat. Twilight deserved a special somepony. That it had become so many special someponies was a bit confusing, but still nice.

Certainly nicer than... simply being gone. Surprise gently dabbed away the tears that had fallen to the page and set the book aside to regather herself. Leaving the pages a tearstained mess certainly wouldn't help her complete her task.

Surprise took a slow breath, stretching tall as she reared up on two legs. "I'll get this done... At least until Silver gets back." She giggled a little. "Won't they be surprised when they come back to a treat!" She smiled over at the cake, then hopped back onto the bed to resume her writing.

She had a lot to get through.

Author's Note:

Everyone forgot about Surprise during this mess. That's alright. I didn't forget you, Surprise. Stay strong!

What's it like to have your entire past declared a typo?

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