• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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147 - Guarding Bodies

Silver began moving towards his office. Though he tried to move as if nothing had happened, Night could see he had pains that would linger for some time. Despite this, she did not rush to support him. "Go on ahead. You can get some paperwork done today, I have to check on something."

He raised a brow a bit, but he didn't voice his confusion. He wasn't helped by his mother, who gladly nudged him along while still gushing about his display of magical skill and bravery. "You simply must show her a few of these spells. They're much better than your old ones."

Night left at a trot through another door. She prowled the hallways purposefully, seeking her prey.

Nefertari slammed a hand down on top of her desk only to wince at the pain it brought, but the pain it brought was nothing compared to the war in her chest. "Not even just a pony, but one that seeks peace..."

A soft knocking on the door brought her head up. "I'm busy!" she shouted with a fierce scowl.

"Oh this will only be a moment," came the voice of Samantha. "I received some curious readings, are you alright?"

Just how did that doctor keep track of her so easily? Nefer frowned a little before she let out a little sigh. At least that little pony she owned. "Come in."

Samantha nudged the door open with a smile on her snout that turned quickly to abject horror when she saw the condition Nefertari was in. "W-what? Did he catch you with a fireball? He did that once in a school, you know. Instant expulsion. It was much flashier than mine." She hurried towards Nefertari as bandages and little jars of ointment popped into existence around her. "Now you just lay back and let me take care of you. Samantha's here and I'll make everything alright again."

Nefer raised a brow lightly at her minion. She did not lay down, but she did sit. "You also wield fire magic?" She winced as Samantha began carefully clipping at fur around wounds. "Mind yourself..."

Samantha nodded. "Of course. You're a star subject. Your health is very important to me, now what was I saying? Oh yes! No! I don't do fire magic." She tilted her head. "When did I say that?" She began dabbing the burns with soothing gels. "You're a brave girl. This has to hurt. It's burnt just enough to hurt. Was he trying to do that?"

Was he? Nefer frowned. A painful lesson, but also one that would likely heal unlike a deeper burn. She watched as Samantha slowly applied bandages to the open wounds where burns had opened and her many cuts along the injured hand and arm. She would survive, but she wouldn't forget what had happened. "I'm surprised you aren't seeking him out as well."

Samantha perked her ears. "I will, but I can't be in two places at once. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind! He can't treat my subjects like this, even if he's a subject too." She tilted her head a little. "It's just rude."

Nefer held up a finger. "I will thank you to not speak to him about me. I'm fine." She lowered the hand to Samantha's head and gently scratched around her ears. "With such a... skilled... doctor at my side, how can I be anything but fine?"

Samantha practically glowed at the praise. "O-okay, sure. I'd better go see how he's doing though." She smiled a little as she backed away. "Come find me if it bothers you at all. Don't worry about interrupting me. Remember, star subject!" She turned away and trotted off, the door closing quietly behind her.

Nefertari rose to her feet and moved to the mirror in her room. With a wave of her uninjured hand, her vision vanished from it, replaced with a purplish realm of shifting forms and faint murmuring noises. "You have guided me here, spirits. You have warned me he was... interesting... What now?" The dark figures made their faint noises. "I will heal without your advice, but my wounds are only the start."

A figure rose, clear, if darkened. She looked much like Nefertari, and sounded similar as well. "You know the law."

Nefer scowled at the figure. "He doesn't. He is wed besides, and he isn't even one of us."

"Regardless, he has denied you victory three times, once by surprise, second by your misjudgment, and a third by endurance. He has proven a willing warrior that can stand at your side."

Nefer slammed a hand down on either side of the mirror. "Ancestor! What use is the title of Nefertari if it is tainted in this way? What will people say? Our people. They would laugh without end to know."

The figure was unmoved by Nefer's outburst. "We have suffered worse things. We have endured. Will you crumple at this inconvenience?" The figure suddenly had a bright spot, her teeth on display. "Will you not see what he thinks? It is his choice now, or perhaps that is what you fear most, that he will deny you victory a fourth and final time by spurning your hand."

Nefer brought a fist back, ready to smash the mirror and the phantoms within when a clopping knock came from the door. She took a slow breath, calming herself. The visions faded away as she turned to the door. "Who is it?"

"It's me, Night Watch. We need to talk."

Nefer hissed softly through her teeth. The wife, likely there to rebuff her thoroughly and try to keep her away from her husband. The spirits weren't entirely wrong... She had to face her battles. "Come in. We do have things to discuss."

The door swung outwards, knob held by Night's wing before she closed it behind herself. She looked Nefertari up and down. "You were taken care of quickly. Does it hurt?"

Nefer raised a brow. Was that pony sympathy, or was she there to mock and celebrate Nefertari's defeat? "I will survive. What did you wish to discuss?"

Night approached on quiet hooves. "No more challenges. My idiot of a husband doesn't know how to say 'no' sometimes, and this is one of them. You two could seriously hurt, or even kill, one another. Nopony wins then. So I'm making it clear, no more. As his wife and bodyguard, I forbid it."

That was far better a reproach than she had been expecting. Nefertari reached forward and Night shied away. That pony would not submit to her. "It must be trying, to be married to that pony. I am told he has a talent for being at the center of difficulties."

Night raised a brow then. "It's one of his talents, but I love him, which means protecting him, even from himself." She thrust a hoof at Nefertari. "That includes others eager to hurt him."

Nefer smiled and leaned back a little. "He has a powerful destiny. His eyes shine with more years than his body implies. He is special, in the good and bad ways it could be used."

Night advanced, scowling a little. "Good, so stop hurting him. Enough challenges."

Nefer held up a hand. "There is one more to be had." Night's scowl deepened. "Worry not, fair wife. This one involves no combat."

Night's frown eased a little. "It doesn't? What challenge is it?"

Nefer reached up to a dangling bit of jewelry at her neck. "There is a law among our people. If a female challenges a male three times in succession without victory, the male is worthy of her, and she must offer her hand."

Night started a little. "And if a male challenges a female?"

Nefer wagged a finger. "Not the same. Males are larger. If they could just challenge females whenever they wished, it would be chaos. The female issuing the challenge is considered either confident, or seeking him."

Night adjusted her glasses with her wings. "You were confident."

"I was... Three times I challenged him, three times without victory." Nefer snorted softly. "You must think me a fool of the highest order."

Night gave a little smile. "Actually... thank you. Thank you for sharing this with me instead of hiding and trying to get at him around me." She sat on her haunches. "Do you want this, or are you just following tradition? This isn't your home, and that's not a pony law."

Did she? Nefer frowned with thought. "Your husband... Tell me, I'm fairly certain, but pony females, they don't grow these, do they?" She referred to her chest.

Night raised a brow. "Not to my knowledge. What are those for anyway?"

Nefer waved it off. "Your husband reacted to them in the midst of the battle. A curious reaction for a pony, wouldn't you say?"

Night let out a little sigh. "Curious, that's one word for Silver. You didn't answer my question. Is this an obligation?"

"It is." Nefertari pushed to her feet. "But I don't do things casually. If I am to pursue this path, I will do so completely. Which brings us--"

Night held up a hoof. "I'm not accepting any challenges."

Nefer scowled a moment. That would have solved things, though there was another way. "Will you challenge me then?"

Night took a little step back. "Why? You won't steal him away from me..."

Nefer shrugged her shoulders then pointed down at Night's hoof with its wedding shoe. "You both wear one of what is clearly a set of four. Where are the other two?"

Night froze like a deer in headlights. Had she been found out so easily? "Silver has them..."

Nefer smiled. "I read long ago that ponies used to have such family groups much more often, but that it was basically abandoned in the modern era. Still, here you are, giving all the signs of desiring it."

Night took another small step away, only for Nefer to appear at her side in a burst of speed and a wince from muscles that didn't want to move that quickly. Night hopped away with a new fear.

Nefer grabbed for the mare, getting her by the cheeks and holding her. "I am also told that ponies are ruled by the females, which makes you the one in charge of your family."

Night stopped trying to flee and instead frowned at the source of her fear, facing it. "I am. I will protect him and our family."

"Good." Nefertari smiled. "Then I petition you. I would join this family of yours and win the right to wear one of those shoes."

Night snorted which turned into outright laughter.

Nefer's expression turned into fury. "What are you laughing at?!"

"Sorry, sorry... I'm just imagining one of your feet trying to fit into that hoof-sized shoe." Night shook her head. "I don't think that'll work."

Author's Note:

Cliffhanger? We like those.

Almost as much as we like fixing typos.

Nefertari's motives are made much more plain.

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