• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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157 - A Night of Partings

The crowd was dispersing. With Luna's blessings, the holiday was in full swing. Small foals eagerly rushed to doors, singing their merry tune of candy getting. Silver spotted a pony with them dressed... as a pony? Or was that a horse? Surprise had a huge equine disguise with googly eyes on and was accompanying the foals.

Silver had to smile at the sight. He felt sure the foals were in good hooves with Surprise with them, and was likely having a good time. He pointed it out to his companions and most reacted with good-natured snorts or giggles, but not Night. She looked away and seemed to avoid it. Silver frowned a little. "Night, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, hey, you said you wanted to see that haunted house?" She flashed a fanged smile at him, it was forced, but he didn't notice that.

He did spot her obvious distraction ploy. "Is it the costume? Are horse costumes offensive?"

Night blinked at him. "I can forget sometimes just how clueless you can be, but no, there's nothing wrong with her outfit."

"Then why aren't you happy to see a friend having fun?"

Night glanced towards Surprise as the happy mare bounced with the foals towards the next house. "It's... Look, I'm just being silly. We can talk about this later. Tonight is for being happy." She swatted Silver on the shoulder. "Come on."

They got moving through the crowd. Silver heard what sounded like a sudden noise of alarm from Night and spun to face her, only for Night to spring out of the crowd towards him. "Sorry about that, tripped."

Silver relaxed. "You're all wound up tonight. You were right, we should enjoy tonight."

"We should..." Night was staring at him intensely, slowly leaning in towards him. His ears twitched softly with confusion, but he didn't deny her as she pressed in, touching lips to lips. An electric thrill ran through his body and something felt so familiar. Of course it was familiar, it was his wife's lips. No, there was... something else... He couldn't quite put his hoof on it, swept away in the deliriously good smooch he was sharing, even as a small part of his mind screamed at him to remember it.

Night drew away with a sigh. "I missed you so much."

Silver blinked owlishly, and it all became clear. "Fast?"

Night became a dull-red unicorn with a nervous smile. "This is the one night we changelings are allowed to hide fully, just for fun... You're not mad at me, I hope?"

Silver glanced around. "N-no, but where's Night?"

Fast smiled. "I had her whisked away for her own fun times. Right now it's just me and you..." She raised a hoof to Silver's shoulder. "Did you miss me?"

Silver trembled softly, his lips working soundlessly a moment. "I did! How couldn't I... You were... You were the throbbing heart of our herd."

"Not the only thing throbbing around here." She raised a brow as she leaned back from where she could peek under his robes. "I did a bad thing just now. I fed from you." She brushed a hoof over her lips. "It was... delicious, but I more wanted to feel those lips, one last time."

Silver suddenly darted forward and kissed her, on the cheek. He nuzzled gently. "Are you alright?"

Fast's expression softened into a gentle smile. "You really do love me." She wrapped her forelegs around him, hugging him.

"You doubted it?" Silver perked an ear. "We can't, I mean, it's not safe, but I can't just... stop loving someone. Fast, you're a part of me." He put a hoof over his chest. "I hope we're still friends."

Fast prodded him suddenly. "I would hope so too! I'm not the one that hasn't visited."

Silver rolled his eyes. "Visiting is a two-way street. We both have busy lives, but let's make time to not let precious friendships fade."

Fast grinned. "You know, I almost bagged Twilight."

Silver blinked owlishly. "How... did that go?"

"She's not into mares, go figure." Fast stuck out her tongue a little. "Even mares that can be stallions on demand."

Silver shook his head. "I guess a princess would have enough energy to court you without immediate issues?"

Fast licked her lips. "Stop talking about that, you're making me a little hungry... She's the princess of fricken friendship! Only Cadance smells better. It's still beyond me why Chrysalis didn't try to tap that flank instead of her goofy husband." She leaned in. "So, back to being an Ambassador huh? It suits you. You don't keep grudges, and you like ponies working together."

"Who is this?" Nefertari appears abruptly at Fast's side. "Are they bothering you?"

Silver thrust up a hoof quickly. "No! No. Nefertari, this is Fast. Fast, Nefertari. Fast was a part of our herd, before she became a changeling queen."

Nefer raised a brow. "What was she before that?"

"Just as you see." Fast turned, looking up at the jackal. "Your tastes are growing interesting, Silver." She leaned towards Nefertari, waving the jackal closer. When Nefer was close enough, she whispered, "Lick him right at the base of the horn, it'll light up his day."

"What was that?" Silver stepped closer.

Nefer held up a hand. "Just two ladies having a conversation. I think I like this old mate of yours, but you are wise to set boundaries. Romances with changeling queens often ends in tragedy."

Fast sighed loudly. "Tell me about it. Anyway, I should get going! I'll return Night, promise." She turned and easily pressed into the crowd, soon lost to sight.

Rough suddenly bumped into Silver, jostled by the crowd and swaying with his own intoxication. "Ya shure do have lotsa marefriends." He leaned on Silver heavily, making him sink under the weight. "What'sh yer se-ker-ret?"

Silver's horn lit up as he set Rough upright. "Take it easy on those drinks. You want to remember tonight, don't you?"

"Maybe." He swayed dangerously. "I can handle it..."

Samantha put a hoof on his shoulder, then his back, making soft tsking noises mostly lost to the crowd. "You should lay down, and that's my professional advice."

"Aw whaddaya know?" Rough waved off the advice, then thrust a hoof forward. "We got more t'do!" He advanced boldly through the crowd, leading the way.

Everypony fell in line with the motion, but Silver slipped in beside Samantha. "Do you know?"

"Know what?" Samantha perked an ear at Silver. "Having fun?"

He smiled. "I am. This is the best halloween I've had in years."

"What's halloween?"

Silver blinked and bonked himself on his pointed hat. "Sorry, Nightmare Night. Samantha..." He leaned in close. "You've been nominated to join the herd."

Samantha almost tripped over herself on hearing the news, but managed to stay upright. "R-really? Um..." She glanced left and right. "That means it's up to you to accept or reject the nomination." A book appeared beside her head. "I read about it. If you decline, the head mare chases me away."

Silver imagined Night chasing Samantha around and smiled at the silly image. "That won't be necessary."

Her face brightened as the book on romance fell to the road. "You mean?"

"Samantha, will you jo--" He didn't get to finish the proposal as Samantha flung herself at him in a fierce embrace and they both crashed to the ground.

"Yes yes yes!" Samantha peppered his face with kisses even as little giggles escaped her. "Ohhh, this is going to be so exciting! I've never been married before." She tapped her chin with sudden thought. "I've never been on a date before. Oh no! We did this in the wrong order!" She brought a hoof down with a clop. "We have to date before we get married."

Silver sat up while Samantha was busy with scheduling. "We have been on several dates."

"We have?" Samantha scowled a little. "When?"

"Well there was that time you helped deliver our foals."

"That was an appointment and a medically urgent moment!"

Silver put a hoof at his chest. "When you're around, I feel as if I may have another medical emergency coming. My heart starts to race--"

She missed the romance in the words and had a stethoscope in her ears and the business end pressed to his chest, listening for his heart. "When did these symptoms begin?"

Silver gently pulled the stethoscope free of Samantha and draped it around her neck. "Samantha, you are too adorable. I'm fine." He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "We'll have a date, promise. Come on, we've fallen behind the others."

Ahead of them, Nefertari walked with Tumble. "What is your relation to Silver?" she asked. "You give the impression of familiarity."

Tumble glanced at the biped walking alongside him. "It weren't no big deal... I used to be his bully."

Nefertari snorted softly. "He treats his enemies well."

Tumble waved it off. "I apologized, and we became friends, I guess..."

"You aren't sure?"

Tumble shrugged a little. "Look, uh... do Anubians... are they alright with..." He leaned in closer, voice lowering to a harsh whisper, "Colt cuddlers?"

Nefer raised a brow, quiet a moment before she pieced together what the phrase might mean. "There are those who prefer the company of those like themselves. Some would call it foolish. The forces of the world shaped us into different things so that we may find strength in overcoming this challenge, and forge the next generation on that anvil." She clucked her tongue. "That is why two ladies or two gentle...colts as you call them will not create progeny, but it is their choice. If they find happiness, it does not weaken me. If they will attend their duties, fine. Their parents will likely disown them for endangering their family line, but such is life."

"Yeah..." Tumble's head hung low. "Mine did that..."

Nefertari placed a hand on his broad back. All ponies just seemed so pettable in her eyes. Pettable and, perhaps, beneath her. "Then it is done. You are your own stallion. You have been cast out of their house, so construct your own. Make it grand and successful. That will show them the folly of their decision."

Tumble blinked softly, processing that idea. "Really?"

"Of course." Nefertari smiled her predatory smile. "Success is the most sublime of revenges. It profits yourself and causes your enemies to gnash their teeth. They think they have cast you low, kicked you into the dirt I'm sure they'd say you deserve. What will they think when they find you have taken that firm surface and forged yourself into something better for it?"

Author's Note:

Nefertari becomes a source of some wisdom.

Hello Fast! We missed you!

Welcome to the herd, Samantha. Mind the typos...

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