• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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8 - He Comes

Time passed dully, livened up with time well-spent with his friends. Silver wasn't permitted to leave the room often, a fact that began to drive him a little crazy. The books they brought helped a little, and he read about magic he couldn't use or places he couldn't see.

One evening, while waiting for Night or Fast to return, a soft thump came from the door. Silver slipped to the floor and approached slowly. His legs refused to carry him quickly, and the chill of the air bit at him readily without the fur coat he had grown so used to. On the plus side, he got itchy a lot less often. He stared at the door a moment, but no magic hands would appear to throw it open. He grumbled as he reached for the knob with his mouth and pulled the door open. The moment the latch was free, the door fell inwards, shoving Silver back as the greyish form of Fast Change fell over into the room.

Silver squeaked loudly and rushed around the door to get to Fast, "What's wrong?"

"Found him," she said weakly.

Silver tried to haul her towards her bed. With their combined muted strength, they made slow progress. By the time Silver heaved her up onto the bed, he ended up collapsed against it. A quick glance confirmed that Fast's cutie mark was gone. "Are you OK?"

Fast snorted softly, "No, but I could be worse I guess."

Silver climbed up on the bed just to flop over onto it. His own bed felt like it was a thousand miles away. "How did you run into him? I didn't even think he'd be around yet."

Fast shrugged softly, "He was creeping around, uh... It's hard to remember much."

Silver flopped over to face Fast, "I'm glad you made it back."

Fast smiled at Silver, "As if I'd be pathetically weak without company?" Silver held out a hoof, and Fast met it, though they struck with insufficient force to make the clop sound.

Night arrived an hour later to find them napping. She quickly noticed Fast's drained colors, and the fact that they were sleeping on the covers instead of under them, and where did Fast's cutie mark go? She set the meal she had brought aside and approached the two, nudging them awake, "What's going on? Did you try giving Silver his magic back?"

Silver blinked, "Does that work?"

Fast snorted softly, "Doubt it. I ran into whatever it was." Fast made an uncertain gesture as she looked without moving her head up at Night, "When'd you get back?"

Night smiled nervously, "Just now... I should report this..." She stepped back, then paused, "Want some food?" She fed them first, tucking them into the sheets carefully afterwards before she quietly scurried off to find a princess.

Fast flashed a brief smile at Silver, "Got you under the blanket, and we're not doing anything."

Silver snorted softly. With concentrated effort he wiggled closer to Fast until their snouts touched, "There, how's that?" He shared her breath and could feel her warmth. It was good enough.

Night returned several hours later and stayed. She left only long enough to get food or water or take care of her other needs. She was their nurse and played the part diligently. They became cocooned in the room, hiding as time drifted by in the outside world. Their seclusion was interrupted one day when a wide-eyed mare shoved open the door, "The castle! The guards have been dispatched, the princesses taken! It's the end of Equestria!" The door slammed after her and her clopping steps retreated down the hall, likely to share the news onwards.

Night fidgeted in place before nudging Silver, "How confident are you in all this? Will it really work out?"

Silver smiled a moment before he replied, "Eighty percent chance."

Night seemed to relax, "Those are good odds... I still wish there was something I could be doing though. Not that I mind watching you two, but..."

Silver shook his head, "It's up to Twilight." He nudged his dangling lavender sphere, drawing comfort from the idea that some small part of Twilight was there with them in the room. "I should have made it a point to meet her again."

Night perked an ear at Silver, "I doubt she had that much time for foalsitting, but you could meet her now, after this is over?"

Silver sifted through his memories, "She did, for a while. That would have been fun, if I'd shown up in time for Twilight Time."

Night looked perplexed. She adjusted her glasses nervously, "So, what do you know about... after all this?"

Silver shook his head, "Nothing. Twilight gets a big ugly tower over the smoldering remains of her library, and that's the last episode I saw. I'll be flying blind, like everypony else."

Night frowned, "That can't make her happy. I never met her myself, but even I know she adores her books. So how long until that?"

Silver shrugged gently, "Dunno... Time scale is fuzzy at best. When I watched it, it all seemed instant, one event after the other, but there could be days or weeks between each thing.

They went quiet until Night went to slip out, "Be right back." She returned in record time, breathing heavily.

Fast perked an ear, "Huh?"

"Everypony!" exclaimed Night, "They're all drained."

Fast blinked slowly, "Everypony? What kind of monster is this? The academy has crazy good enhancers."

Silver shrugged softly, "More magic for him to devour." Silver looked towards the door, "Wonder why he didn't come in here?"

Night shook her head quickly, "Don't even say that! He might come back and get me." She folded her wings around herself as she flopped down. "This isn't right at all."

It wasn't until all their throats were parched and raspy that Night built up the courage to step out. She peered cautiously both ways in the hallway before she pulled the door shut. Her steps quickly retreated in a hurried gallop. She returned minutes later with a large pitcher of water and a tray of food balanced carefully on her wings. She set it all down on a dresser before moving back to the bed, "Enjoy it while it's here. With nopony preparing anything, things are going to start going bad after a while."

Silver frowned softly, "We should... help the others? They're just laying around, not being fed or watered." Silver slipped from the bed in a tumble of limbs before he fought his way to his hooves, "I'm weak but not drained like Fast. I can help. We can't, shouldn't, just hide in here."

Fast gave a thin smile, "Go get 'em. Just don't forget about me."

Silver smiled gently back at Fast, "I won't." He looked to Night, "You with me?"

Night bobbed her head, "I don't... think he'll come back. You're right, we should make sure the others aren't slowly dying out there."

Silver wobbled to the door. Night had it open with a twist of a wing and they were out into the hallway. Ponies were scattered around, grey and listless. Silver approached the first one, a young looking stallion, and rolled him over with some effort. "Hey, you OK?"

The stallion shook his head slowly. Silver nodded in return, "We have water. Drink." This was how the rest of the day went. Slowly they went through the academy, getting water into each pony they found. After they were hydrated, they started gathering them together, placing them side-by-side in the cafeteria. Silver ambled along slowly, feeling like he was being crushed under the weight of the pony he carried, but who else would do it? Well, there was Night. Undrained, she worked fast and diligently. Soon they had the entire population of the school in one miserable place. Night arrived with Fast on her back, setting her with the others, "Last one."

Silver nodded, looking thoughtful as he looked up and down the cafeteria, "There's room for more. We should check the city?"

Night shuddered and shook her head, "No! He's... probably still out there. Besides, if he sucks me dry, I won't be much help." She waved her wings lightly, "I'll take care of everypony here, but I'm not going outside. No way."

Silver turned to the exit, "I don't have much he could take. I'll go."

Silver walked, lacking the energy for a proper trot. He descended the stairs of the academy and gaped. Ponies littered the streets lifelessly in unorganized clumps. With a soft grunt, he fetched as large a mug as he could hold confidently with water, and began making the rounds. There was no way he could get these all back to the cafeteria, but he could water the city, as it were. It was long and difficult work. Silver's bones ached in a way he had forgotten since he used to be older, with some new pains thrown in to keep him on his toes, if he had toes.

If he didn't keep going, who would? He thrust the pain aside, accepting it as a price of living, and continued his meandering route through the city, bringing water and life to the ponies he found, at least until a loud thud stopped him. "Look, you missed one," came Discord's voice as a familiar lion's paw pointed at him. His eyes met Discord's a moment, pleading silently, though that proved to work about as well as it ever did as Tirek stepped into view.

Tirek moved forward, approaching Silver as he fell over himself trying to scramble away. "Easily fixed," said Tirek, grabbing the weakened Silver by the scruff of the neck and hefting him up. Silver felt a powerful suction that ran through his body, but Luna had left him with almost nothing. Tirek frowned, "This one had nothing." He tossed Silver aside and marched on, forgetting he was even there.

Silver crashed into the cobblestone and pain exploded through him. His weakened bones wailed in torment at the treatment and he could do little but cry quietly for a time. The pain faded to an angry but constant rumble, and he slowly fought his way to his hooves. He wanted to go back, find Night, hide with her and wait for it to all go past, but he could still see ponies laying in the street. He couldn't live with himself just ignoring them.

He recovered the mug he had dropped and filled it with water before approaching the next pony, wobbling dangerously with each step. The pony lapped gently at the water a moment before Silver moved on. There were so many of them...

Day turned to evening, then to night. With nopony around, the lights were dark. Silver tried to find more ponies, but fatigue, pain, and lack of vision conspired against him. He finally gave up and turned to head home, but he didn't know where home was. Overcome with fatigue, he sank to the ground and drank the rest of his water. Flopping over slowly onto the road, he closed his eyes. Tomorrow was another day.

Author's Note:

This episode felt a little dark, but Silver's doing what he can.

All the English teachers have been drained by Tirek! Who will hunt typos now?

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