• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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179 - A Rough Tumble

With time left before the shindig that evening, Silver decided to spend the day productively. "It's not like I stopped being an ambassador." He smiled to himself as he set his desk in remote order, not that his slapdash methodology had ever been defeated. At least it looked neat.

His next appointment should be along…

Stick checked her calendar, sure enough, this was the right place for her to be. She knocked at the door, not sure who the Princess had booked her to interview. “Hello?”

Silver heard a familiar voice and smiled at the door. "Come in, come in. The other half of this meeting will be coming in, hmm, a few minutes, give or take." He spread his hooves as his magic reached to pull the door open.

“Silver?” Stick trotted into the office and smiled. “It has been a little while, I heard about the new wings, congratulations.” The changeling drone had a small saddle bag set on, that she took some notepads from.

Silver looked over the changeling, realizing something. "I guess changelings start this way." He cracked a smile. "Ponies must seem so silly, getting excited about it. Anywho! I didn't bring you here for that. You're heading an investment group, right?"

“Not so much heading anymore, it grew too big too fast for one little drone to manage. I still have some sway with them, but I am mostly just an investor now.” Stick settled on a seat across from the alicorn. “As for growing up with these,” her wings buzzed a few times, “not really, it is a bit confusing when you are that small, but you kind of start with a lot less, even than other ponies.”

Silver waved it away. "You have a lot going for you. Don't short-sell being a changeling. I'd like to think we all get a good shake, really." He squinted. "Except maybe diamond dogs. I haven't figured out what they're good at. I'm getting distracted again, uh, so, I have this--"

A single knock on the open door was all anyone got before Rough Tumble entered, looking a bit confused. "Uh, am I early? Need me to wait outside?"

Stick looked between the newcomer and Silver, expecting a cue from the smaller of the two as to what was going on. “I am not sure, I was told Silver Watch had an opportunity that I needed to investigate, are you an opportunity?”

Silver grinned. "He may be. Tumble, come on in." He gestured to an open chair, leaning back as the sun bathed over him, warming his fur. "Last we talked, we were going over specific vehicles, now it's time to put that to use." He glanced to Stick. "This st--"

"W-what?" He looked between Silver and Stick, somewhat terrified. "I'm not ready, look, I--"

Silver held up a hoof. "If you really feel that way, I'll call this off, but you've been waiting your whole life to move forward. Don't you want to get moving?"

Caught like a deer in headlights, Tumble trembled.

“I am already intrigued, what were your plans?” Stick opened a notepad, her magic picking up a quill and inking it up. “If it would help, pretend I am not here, explain them to Silver.”

Tumble gave a shaking nod. "R-right, not here, so…" He took slow steps forward. "I did a little… I can't pretend they aren't here!" He turned to Stick. "Look, I'm Rough Tumble, nice to meetcha. What's your name?" He thrust a hoof forward almost violently, turning to very aggressive politeness.

Setting aside her notebook, Stick offered a hoof back, slower than the stallion. “Stick Cart, and it is nice to meet you too.” She made sure their hooves got a little clop as they connected. “Would it help if I didn’t look this way?”

Rough Tumble glanced away. "S'ok… Ponies think I'm a brute 'cause I'm thick." He hopped up into the offered chair. "So…"

Silver gestured towards the both of them. "Now that you're introduced. Tumble here has a thing for trucks. How this involves you, Stick, he can carry big heavy things a long distance. Pegasi can move small things fast, and heavy things a short distance, but if you want to move a piano cross-country, it's train or nothing. Town doesn't have a train depot, out of luck, and it's a monopo--"

"Where did you get all of that?" Rough looked confused. "Oh wow, were you reading up on it too? I didn't think…" He flushed a little but went quiet.

“You better believe I have looked into such things.” Stick pulled out a second pad, opening it. “I probably shouldn’t show you this, but…” Inside was a sketched map of all of Equestria, with all the train routes and a few ‘pending’ labeled routes. “And yet, there are still places that are just not feasible to reach with rails. Your idea is valid, but you have a choice first.” Stick lifted up her quill and licked the tip, starting to scratch on the paper. “Will you put yourself forward to join with the railway, or work separate?”

Tumble licked over his lips as his hooves rubbed against one another in nervous habit. "I was thinkin' of doing it on m'own, you know? Ain't nopony knows me yet." He gave a sudden smile, some hint of confidence showing through. "By the time they do, it'll be too late."

“Good choice. You could still use the railway yourself, or even get work from them. Those locations are going to need things delivered, prior to their tracks being laid.” Stick started scribbling furiously. “How many trucks do you have? How many employees?”

Silver provided an answer quickly, "It's just himself, for the moment. We have the first truck of his fleet already selected." He flashed a bright smile. "It's a real monster. It should be able to handle any terrain with a full load."

“Just starting out then? Perfect, nothing you need to unlearn, as Penny would say. But we will need to look into more trucks, I can see a lot of use for such a business. Do you have some costs worked out? Vehicle wise, what does it use to run?” Stick was flicking to another page, finding a table already ruled up.

Tumble nodded his head. "The one we picked out runs on almost anything, but best on gasoline." He rubbed at his cheek with a hoof. "You'll show me how to do this?" He glanced towards the sun-lit window and back. "You're really serious about this? I mean…" The impossibility of the situation seemed to be dawning on him. "I'll do my best."

Silver nodded. "That's all we're asking. We're putting you in your element, and I know you can make it work." He smiled. "Do you think you could find other ponies? Ones that like trucks, driving them, taking care of them, things like that?"

Tumble only nodded, clearly overwhelmed.

“Perfect, and yes, I most certainly am serious about this, Rough. Now, the easy bit, or bits as it may be. Are you able to pay for this, or will you be seeking investors?” Stick set her quill down, making a few judgments about what was needed and that investigation was the order of the day.

Silver pulled a bag out. "I do get paid for what I do, and if it helps out a friend of mine, I can't think of a better use for it." He pushed it forward only for Tumbles' hooves to cut it off.

"N-no! You're doing… everything. I'll earn this."

The sentiment struck Silver to the quick and he gently pulled the bag back. "What have you got for us, Stick?"

"Well, there are a few options. There is private investment.” Stick gestured to the bag. “That has advantages in that you deal with a few ponies who likely know you well. There is asking for a royal advance, basically, the crown lends you the money needed to start your business, you have to deal with royal pains in the flank with that, though. Or you have the latest innovation, venture capitalists, ponies who weigh up the risks and rewards associated with a new business.” Stick giggled a little at the end.

"H-how does that work?" He looked to Stick curiously.

Silver smiled as he leaned forward. "Let's say I give you some money." He pushed that bag forward again. "It wouldn't be a gift. I'd be expecting the money back, and some extra. I'd be an investor, and a little bit of the money you make in the future goes to me, for helping start it in the first place."

Stick nodded. “Close enough. You could even just never pay him back, but give him a small percentage of your profits each month. There are a few flexible ways to handle that. The other two… are a lot more complicated, you will be assigned a pony who will be looking over things, a lot. If they don’t like what they see they can either demand you give the money back or just take control… not fun.”

Silver nudged the bag forward. "It wouldn't be a gift. You can pay me back, then we're even."

Tumble glanced to his friend who had become a prince, then to the bug that knew way more about businesses than he did. "I…" He frowned a little. "I don't want anypony telling me what I gotta do."

Silver gestured at Stick. "She's going to tell you a bit, but she's on your side."

“Right, so venture and royal are out. So that leaves you needing investors. We need to work out what you need to get you and your truck rolling, we need to get you some jobs to do to get real bits coming in and then look at how to grow bigger. Also, as your business advisor, if a pony gives you bits and doesn’t wave a book worth of paper for you to sign, you take it, okay?” The changeling wore a big grin, her teeth showing a touch, giving it a bit of a predatory look.

Tumble looked up at the bag, then Stick and back once more. "I'll return this, promise." He slipped from the chair and accepted the bag solemnly. "So… what else do we need? This thing's kinda heavy…"

"There's a reason I left it on the desk." Silver snorted out a chuckle. "I can keep it here until it's actually in use if you prefer."

“Or you could take it to the bank and let them keep it safe. Sheesh, you don’t need to carry it around with you. I will need to collect somepony, if we are going to go and buy you that truck. I don’t know the first thing about them, but a mare I know will have a clue.” Stick smiled and got up. All the pads before her started folding up and tucking away on their own.

Silver's horn glowed as a magazine floated out of his desk, already open to the truck they had picked before. "This is the one. Take Tumble with you. He should be involved with the buying of it. It's the only one of its kind." That fact made him roll his eyes, but he didn't expand on what irked him.

Tumble bobbed his head. "I want to be there, um, please?"

“Of course, you are the one who will need to sit in it for a long time. Sort of like an office.” Stick lifted a hoof and reached for the stallion’s shoulder. “But my friend has a thing for machines, she will know exactly what to expect from it.”

He smiled hopefully. "I'll take good care of it." He slung the bag over his unoccupied shoulder. "T-thanks, both of you. I'll pay you back, Silver." He added as almost an afterthought. "Nice wings."

Silver colored faintly at the praise. "Go and show them what you have."

Pulling out her little calendar, Stick made some notes. “We just need to head by the train yards, my friend is down there. You ever seen a train up close?”

Tumble seemed confused at the question. "Uh, a few. Ain't never rode one before. Why?"

“Well, she helps make them. As I said, she knows machines well.” Stick gave a wave to Silver. “Did you need help with anything else, Your Highness?”

Silver snorted gently. "We're friends, you don't have to say things like that. Good luck, both of you." He waved them off, pleased with how things had gone.

“If you say so. You should get in contact with Penny again, have lunch or something.” Stick waited for a reply by the door, holding it open for the bigger stallion.

Tumble nodded to the changeling. "You're pretty nice. I…" His words, likely offensive in an unintended way, were lost as he departed, leaving Silver to his own devices.

Sending a letter to Penny, there was an idea...

Author's Note:

A collab chapter, in my story?!

That means I get to blame the typos on Damaged, muahahaha.

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