• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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20 - Up in Ash

Silver woke to a stinging pain across much of his back and head. He cracked open an eye to see a white-furred mare dabbing him with something. Silver wondered for a moment if all nurses were born with white fur before he tried to move, but found his limbs were secured to the bed with thick straps.

"Are you awake?" asked the nurse. "You're alright, but you have to stay still."

"Why am I tied? Did I break something?" asked Silver worriedly.

The nurse shook her head, "All burns, no breaks. You're OK, but you're in a lot of trouble young colt."

Silver shook his head, "I don't remember what happened. I passed the test, then...?"

The nurse lifted her shoulders before resuming her dabbing. Whatever she was putting on Silver's back felt very cool and soothed the stings for the moment she touched but the relief faded almost instantly.

When she was finished, the nurse left quietly, and Silver was alone with his thoughts, trying to puzzle out why he was there. A knock came from the door twice before it swung open with a golden aura, revealing Celestia. She smiled gently, but the expression fell away to careful neutrality. "Are you awake?"

Silver nodded, "Yes, uh, why are you here? What burned me?"

Celestia frowned slightly, "We were hoping you would tell us a little about that. I have been told you were speaking with a professor when you conjured a ball of fire and set everything in the area ablaze, including yourself."

Silver swung his ears back. Being told of the events helped bring them back into focus, "I made the ball, but I didn't throw it! I wouldn't!"

Celestia looked... sad, the sort of expression a mother would offer to a poorly-behaving child, "But you did. Four ponies were hurried away for severe burns, the professor included. The damage to the school is not insignificant." She paused, "One of those caught, another student, may not survive the day."

Silver slumped onto the bed, "Is... I didn't mean..."

Celestia raised a hoof, "It is as much my own fault. You did not hide your ability to weave dangerous magic. You told me directly you could burn my flowers, and you have." She leaned forward, "My precious little ponies, my most beloved flowers."

Silver felt fresh tears build quickly. It was like his world was collapsing around him. "I'm so sorry! I didn't want for anypony to be hurt, not one!"

Celestia gave a slow nod, "I believe you." Silver began to relax a little as she continued, "But that does not change the facts. Murder with war magic is the one of the highest crimes a unicorn can commit. Your future hangs with the survival of that mare." She settled beside the bed, "One thing is quite clear."

Silver directed an ear at her, "What's that?"

"You are no longer welcome in that school," said Celestia, announcing the death blow for Silver's previously bright-looking education. "There are no words save a direct command that would get you back in, and the scorn you would receive would make the effort futile at best. Even if she survives, you are a warlock, a wizard of battle, and you will be feared as such."

Silver pulled against the straps holding him down, "He was holding me still with magic!"

Celestia raised a brow, "And that justifies such destructive power?"

Silver sagged, "No..."

Celestia gave a ghost of a smile, "You may yet prove a good pony." She rose to her hooves, "Pray your mistakes do not cause another to lose their chance at their destiny. I will return, when she is stable, or... beyond us." Celestia departed, steps silent on the tile.

Silver tried to summon his hands, but felt the congestion that implied he had a magic blocker on. This didn't surprise him after he had a moment to consider. He was a magical criminal, of course they blocked his magic. Stupid roleplaying! "Why did I have to make a fireball for my first spell," he groaned to no one.

A fresh knock came from the door before Fast and Night stepped in. Fast closed the door behind them with her magic and they took up positions at either side of his bed. Night looked... upset... She opened her mouth to speak a few times, but no words came out. She eventually looked to Fast.

Fast sighed softly, "Night doesn't know what being a unicorn is like." She reached a hoof and rested it on Silver's ribs, "I almost hurt myself with magic, and you pulled me away from that. I'm sorry I wasn't there to leap on you when you needed it."

Night clopped a hoof on the floor, "How could you?! Why would you use a spell like that in a school?! There's no good reason for it!"

Silver sagged in his restraints, saying nothing at all. What could he say?

Fast continued, "If they kick you out, I'm going with you. We're together now, right?"

Night peered at Fast a moment before she sighed, "I'm not going to be outdone by Fast Change. Silver Lining, tell us what happened."

They sat there, watching Silver say nothing. Fast reached out and began to prod him, "We're not leaving until you start talking." Silver grumbled and groaned, but Fast just kept on prodding until he relented.

"That teacher," started Silver, "he grabbed me in his magic so I couldn't move at all and just kept saying the most hateful things about how he'd make everything I did miserable. The fireball was one of the few spells I had memorized, unless I wanted to use the, uh, spell I passed the test with... I never threw it. I just... passed out."

Night threw her forelegs wide, seated on her hind, "What happens when a fireball isn't held anymore? A bunch of unicorns found out the hard way." She put her forelegs on the ground, "I'll fight for you, Silver, but this is bad, really bad."

Fast hopped up on the bed and looked over Silver, "Stop berating him. I think he knows he goofed up." She reached out and poked his burned back, making Silver wince and wriggle. "At least you're not burned too badly to feel that."

Night rose to her hooves, "I have ponies to see. We'll get through this, somehow." And she was off. Fast curled in next to Silver, and things became quiet.

A soft knock announced the arrival of Silver's next guest, Lyra. "Hey." She trotted up to the bed, "Didn't expect you here, Fast Change. You're looking awful snuggly."

Fast Change raised an ear before she went stiff. Suddenly she was a bright orange pegasus with unfurled wings, "Hey!"

Lyra tilted her head, "Don't change on my account."

Fast shook her head, "You surprised me, and why shouldn't I be here? I'--"

"In his herd?" asked Lyra, pointing at the restrained Silver, "Sorry about all this. He just finished acing the class test too. Those rotten bastards didn't even keep his spell. They threw it in the fireplace without even glancing at it." Lyra grinned slyly, "Which is why I made a copy before I turned it in."

Silver couldn't help but let a giggle escape. Lyra was good for the soul. Lyra hopped up onto the bed beside Fast and poked Silver, "Congratulations on passing school!"

Silver blinked, "What?"

Lyra tilted her head, "You're done, you passed. Nopony in Canterlot can question your ability to do magic. I mean, yeah, you might get your horn chopped off or thrown in jail or banished or whatever, but damn did you pass the hell out of that school."

Fast struck Lyra with one of her wings, which hurt them both about equally. Wings were sensitive instruments. "Don't tease him. I thought you were his friend."

Lyra rubbed her noggin where she had been hit, "What? I am! I'm being serious! The way I hear it, he threw magic that'd do a crown warlock proud. If he hadn't been ground zero for it, it would have been amazing!"

Silver cast his eyes downwards, "And a pony might die for it..."

Lyra wobbled a hoof, "Yeah, that part kinda sucks, seeing as they weren't a big bad monster or something. Well, I just wanted you to know I still think you're awesome, and thanks for the spell." She hopped down from the bed and trotted from the room.

As silence returned, Silver spoke to Fast, "Thanks for sticking around. I'm kind of surprised--"

His words were cut off as the door swung open violently without knocking. Trixie trotted in with a deep frown. She stormed the bed, "You have besmirched the fine name of Trixie! When ponies ask what kind of students Trixie teaches, they will think of dangerous brutes of wizards!" She slapped the bed with a hoof, "She told you... You weren't ready yet!" Her head sunk on the edge of the bed, starting to cry, "Why couldn't you just be a happy little foal for a little longer! Trixie would have taught you better than this..."

Silver opened his mouth with no words. He struggled against his bindings a moment, trying to reach Trixie, "I didn't mean to hurt you, or anyone! Please..."

Trixie looked up at Silver, "It is too late for such apologies. You are beyond Trixie's reach to help." She half-turned for the door, "She is happy to have had the chance, and sorry she failed so completely." With a bright flash, she was gone.

Fast, ignored but still present, gently rested her cheek on Silver's wet one. She held him close as he wept quietly for her.

The door was already open when another set of unicorn ponies arrived. Silver didn't recognize any of them. Fast stepped over Silver, spreading her wings defensively. The mare and stallion sat at the base of the bed, looking at the two quietly a moment.

The stallion spoke first, "She was so happy... She worked so hard to get in, and she was just mastering her first spell."

The mare frowned delicately, "What did she do to you? Why would you take her away from us, and her friends? She..." she sunk against the stallion's shoulders and they both went quiet.

Fast looked perplexed, "Was? Is she...?"

The stallion quickly shook his head, "She's still with us." He directed a hoof at Silver, "No thanks to you."

Silver flinched, but had nowhere to go. He could say sorry, but how much difference would that really make to them? He considered telling them he didn't mean it, but that felt like an insult even in his own head. "I hope she'll be OK..." he settled on.

They sat there for a while, just watching Silver and Fast and saying nothing at all. Eventually, they rose together and walked out into the hallway, the door closing gently behind them with their magic.

Author's Note:

Don't play with fire kids, mmmk?

Explosions in schools do not pass by without consequences. Celestia is not pleased.

The typos only make her anger grow!

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