• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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12 - Saturday

Silver and Night walked side-by-side through the city. For most, business had resumed as if nothing had happened. Once in a while though, a pony would smile at Silver. There was no large fanfare or hero's welcome, but simply being welcomed felt like a... "It's different," he said.

Night perked one of her bat-like ears at Silver, "What is?"

Silver shrugged softly as they moved towards the castle, "I don't feel so much like a stranger in the city."

Night softly nudged against Silver, "You went through a lot of trouble for a stranger. I hear a lot of what happened while they were drained was a bit fuzzy, but at least your face seems to liven up ponies."

Silver smiled gently, "That's encouraging. Really, I mean that. Feeling welcomed really brightens things."

Night pointed at the castle as they came up to it, "Well try not to be too welcomed by the princesses. I just got you." She slowed to a stop. When Silver turned to her, she gave him a hard glare, "I know you know what it's like to lose somepony so quickly. Don't do that to me."

Silver winced as he fidgeted in place, "I'll do my best, honest. If they want to tie me up in the dungeon, I'll make sure they allow conjugal visits."

Night frowned, "Not funny. "

Silver shrugged, "You married me, you get the dry humor with it. Let's face destiny, together." They turned together and trotted up to the gate. The guards nodded at them, not barring the way as they stepped past into the spacious interior of Celestia's home.

Night had been partially correct. Three of four princesses presided. Twilight was nowhere to be seen, though Silver guessed she was dealing with her new tower. Cadance smiled brightly and approached them long before they arrived at the tastefully-arranged picnic. "Oh look at you!" She brought her wings around, grabbing Silver by the cheeks, "You look so much happier than before." Before Silver could get out much more than a mumble, her attention was on Night, grabbing her similarly, "And you're the one he caught? Or did you catch him?"

Feeling a sudden surge of confidence, Silver smiled, "She captured me with her enchanting beauty, and ensnared me with her innocence. I would have escaped if not for her iron-clad sense of duty that held me still."

Cadance's smile somehow deepened as she began to giggle, "You sound like Shining shortly after we became very special someponies. Come, you must tell us all about it over lunch." Cadance gave off a gentle presence, warmly welcoming them towards the neatly-pressed blanket covered in food. She made for a bright contrast to Luna, who glared at Silver as if he may have arrived to steal from her.

Celestia was serene and composed. As they arrived, she nodded her head lightly, "Good of you to join us. I trust you found your way easily?"

Night smiled gently, "I used to work for your sister, your majesty. I could get him here." She bowed low before Celestia, then Luna, and once more for Cadance.

Silver watched Night go, then shook his head, "If I did that, there's a good chance I'd fall over. I hope nodding is good enough." He dipped his head towards each of the three, though Luna turned away when it was her turn. He perked an ear at Luna, "Really?"

Luna frowned at him, "Verily."

Celestia cleared her throat, "Let us begin with acknowledging good deeds done. Once-human, now pony of my kingdom, you have acted in our best interest at almost every turn, even at personal cost. Though I doubt my ponies would have perished without your action, you spared them suffering and gave them succor and friendship when things were darkest." She spread her white wings wide, "I thank you, on their behalf. As a squire of the court, this would be expected of you, but I am told you are no longer that."

Silver glanced towards the petulant-looking Luna and back to Celestia. "Luna made a few... errors. By her own terms, she destroyed the life I had promised her. I bear no ill will towards her, but we... have to keep our word, right?"

Cadance nodded properly, though she looked like she was hiding something. Celestia was much more stoic in her soft agreement. "That is why I will offer, as prize for your efforts, the position. You will be paid handsomely as my servant, and given resources to continue your research. I hear you are quite the magic enthusiast."

Night's wings spread sharply, but she forced them back down, "You are very generous, your highness, but Silver wishes to be his own pony."

"Does he now?" asked Celestia, looking at Night, then Silver. "Silver is a good pony, a great pony. He wishes for the best for Equestria. At my side, he could accomplish great things for the betterment of all ponykind."

Silver shook his head, "I want to finish school. I'm not even fully adult until then."

Celestia gestured towards Luna, "Then why did you throw yourself at my sister? Surely you realize... If she accepts your hoof, should your first wife accept her, you could become intimately bound to the court. Everypony would know of it within days, most within hours."

Night huffed softly, "Which is why I will not accept her until then." She stomped a hoof, "If I don't invite her, there's nothing to discuss. The stallion can only approve."

Cadance held up her hooves, "So serious. We should calm down." She reached forward, picking up a tray with a slice of strawberry cake and offering it to Silver. He hadn't had strawberry cake in... he'd forgotten. He accepted the plate in his mental grip and nibbled on it. It was better than memory recalled! Cadance spoke as Silver devoured the cake eagerly, "I am delighted that Silver has found a good and true wife, that looks after his interests so keenly."

Luna winced as Cadance said that, shuffling in place.

Night smiled at Cadance, "Somepony has to watch this big brave idiot." She swatted Silver gently, then wrapped him in the same wing that struck him, pulling him close. "I swear he has no sense of self-preservation. He'd sit in a burning building if he thought doing so would save enough ponies."

Silver tilted his head, "Only ponies that mattered to me."

Night snorted, "You say that, but I've seen different." She fixed eyes with Cadance, "You seem to know him. What do you think?"

Cadance gave a warm expression, "I think he is becoming better. I can feel your love flowing both ways and it is delightful."

Silver perked his ears, then pointed at Luna, "What about her?"

Luna's wings shot out as she jumped into a defensive stance, "Dare you not!"

Cadance let out a slow sigh, then looked to Celestia, who nodded gently. Cadance nodded in return, "Luna--" She was tackled to the ground under Luna. It turned out that Cadance was no stranger to being tackled, and her pretty pink hooves went to work tickling Luna, driving her back in forced gales of laughter. "Luna has a huge, angry, crush," announced Cadance, smoothing her feathers.

Luna sat down heavily, "There are countless reasons this would not work."

Cadance developed a wiley expression as she looked to Luna, "Name them."

Luna snorted, "It was you, dear niece, that suggested against it, to start. He is of common birth, and she as well. She is first wife, where I would rightfully be. A secondary wife is no place for a princess. They are short-lived, and will be gone long before I." She reached out a wing and brushed it ever-so-softly across Silver's nose, making him sneeze, "It would end in heartache, even if the nobles were convinced not to riot in fury."

Celestia gave a slow nod, "Then we should tell them the truth."

"The truth?" echoed three ponies at once. Everypony but Cadance looked at Celestia with confusion.

Celestia pointed at Silver with a hoof, "Are you not a delegate of your people? Your work at learning our culture has been admirable, going so far as to choose a guard as your guide and prove that our people are romantically compatible." She swept a wing towards Luna, "It is hardly without precedent that either of us would spend some time being partners with a foreign dignitary, to help cement good relations. You would not be a member of his herd, as first wife or any other, but as a royal consort and contact."

Luna trembled as she shook her head, "That would be a lie! Sister!"

Celestia tilted her head, "Is it?" She looked to Silver, "Do your people intend to invade Equestria?"

Silver shook his head quickly, "Not that I'm aware of."

"Already, peace reigns," said Celestia.

Cadance grinned, "Will you share your technology with us?"

Silver nodded gently, "As much as I can?"

Cadance clapped her hooves, "Already we profit from trading of knowledge. You were very wise to open diplomatic channels with these 'humans', Auntie."

Luna thudded a hoof onto the soil, "He is not even human anymore! Who will believe that this... colt... is delegate of anything? The scandal that will spread should I lower myself to accompany this barely-stallion!"

Cadance looked over Silver appraisingly, "You're judging too quickly. This is the same 'colt' that fed half the city. This is the same 'colt' that challenged the nobles and rose despite it." She leaned towards Luna, "This is the same colt that has your heart in his hooves, and he's trying so hard to be gentle."

Luna darkened, though it was hard to see, "Niece, your impertinence tries me."

Celestia nodded once, "Then it is settled. We welcome you, Ambassador Silver Lining. Will you accept Princess Luna as your royal consort while you remain in our kingdom?"

Silver trembled in place, looking to Luna, then Night, trying to figure out what would be best to do. "May... I have a moment?" He rose on shaky feet and nipped at Night. She soon joined him and they quickly escaped across the yard to talk. Luna frowned and leaned in, whispering to the other princesses hotly, though her words were lost in the distance.

Night frowned sharply, "I knew it! She isn't going to give up until you're under her hoof."

Silver shrugged gently, "I don't get the idea Cadance or Celestia would ever hurt me intentionally."

Night waved a hoof, "Neither of them are offering to be consort. Sit." When Silver sat, she put a hoof somewhere very delicate and applied pressure, making Silver curl on himself, though pinned under her hoof as the pain built. "That's for even thinking of Celestia." She drew her hoof back, "Now answer me honestly. Do you want Luna?"

Silver did his best to recover from the abuse without outright rubbing himself. He could still feel the eyes of the other princesses on him intently. "I..."

Author's Note:

Should he go for it and claim Moonbutt, or stick to his guns and refuse her?

I refuse typos!

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