• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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176 - I'm Here to Help

Silver burst through the door to his room, looking around wildly. Samantha and Night looked up. Samantha had a book in her lap, and Night was performing push-ups at the time and both looked quite surprised at his sudden entry.

He looked to Night directly. "Hon, dearest one, have you been... doing something?"

Night hiked a brow. "I do a lot of things. Is that bad?"

Silver took a soft breath. "No, of course not... First, let me say that I love you so much. So long as this isn't hurting you or other ponies, I want to support you..."

Night rose smoothly to all fours and stepped towards him. "Do you even know what you're talking about?"

"No." Silver quirked a smile. "I don't, but I do know I want to be there, for you. If you're hiding anything, even a silly something, or something you think I might be upset about, please share it. I promise, promise to not be angry."

Night stared at Silver evenly. Samantha suddenly clopped her hooves. "Oh, that!"

Night glared at Samantha. "Don't you dare."

Silver perked his ears. "What? Please..."

"Do you trust me?" Night pointed a hoof at herself.

"I... yes..."

"Then trust me."

"Tell me everything is alright."

Night leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Everything is alright."

Silver let out a slow breath. "Then... fine, but do tell me when you feel more comfortable. You have nothing to hide from me."

Night raised a hoof under his chin, raising it. "Alright, then let's start with you. Who told you there's anything to worry about?"

Silver glanced off. "Do you remember, uh, the lunar pegasus, with the Warlocks?"

Night blinked softly. "I don't know the Warlocks well, but I think I know which you refer to. What about her?"

Silver sat up straight. "She attacked me, ranting about all kinds of things. I think she was worried I was e--"

"We're talking to Luna, now." Night frowned. "Let's go."

Silver blinked at that, falling in behind Night. "Luna?"

"They're her Warlocks." She glanced over her shoulder. "She'll get this straightened out. So let's go."

Samantha made no attempt to follow them, and soon they were gone, even if Silver wondered a little what she knew that she wasn't allowed to tell. What was his wife up to?

"I can't believe this, no wait, I can. It's just..." Night glared over her shoulder. "You're about the most patriotic pony around. If any of the princesses said you had to do something for the good of Equestria, you'd already be packing your bags to go and take care of it."

Silver tinted at the praise. "I'm not the most, stop that. I'm just trying to do what's right."

Night nudged him suddenly. "Exactly. Now let's go." She strode towards Luna's bedchambers and nodded to the guards. "Is Princess Luna available? We have a situation."

The guards glanced at one another. "She last reported..."

"He's a prince now. Let us in."

They saluted and one turned to the door. "Please be polite. Prince or not, we are sworn to protect Luna, and will do so."

Silver smiled. "I'm not here to cause trouble. We're friends, I hope." And more, if what he remembered from the last time Luna visited his dreams. "I'll be on my best behavior."

The door was opened, permitting them to step into the gloom of Luna's room where she sat before a mirror, brushing her mane. It seemed a somewhat useless activity as the brush passed through the wavy mane and effected little true change in it. She looked up at their entry and smiled. "Silver and Night Watch, a pleasure to see you both." She turned towards the door and waved at the guards to close the door. "What brings you here?" Her eyes wandered over Silver. "You're even more impressive in the waking world."

Night tensed a little. "Already saw him in dreams, I gather?"

"It would be hard not to." Luna nodded. "We did nothing untoward, I swear."

Silver smirked. Not for a lack of effort on her part. "We're here bec--"

"One of your warlocks attacked Silver." Night hefted a hoof at Silver with a scowl. "Why?"

Luna blinked at that. "What? It certainly wasn't at my command. Who?"

Silver grit his teeth, still not recalling that name. "Lunar pegasus, female, cranky on her better days, very serious."

"Night Wing." Luna nodded. "But she isn't a warlock as of about a moon ago."

Silver blinked. "What? She was acting like she was."

Luna held up a hoof. "I swear. We are both royals, so it would be most unbecoming to have lies between us. She was retired."

Night shook herself out. "Alright, that gets the Warlocks off the hook, but it doesn't excuse her."

Silver put a hoof on Night's shoulder. "I have a question first. Did you ever mention wanting to make a lunar alicorn?"

Luna stiffened at the idea. "I... yes... I had, at one point, entertained trying to lead you down that path, but you..." She quirked a smile. "Perhaps I should have tried harder, but I abandoned the idea. I tried again with your friend. You will recall she is a lunar, but she never quite reached for what was needed to ascend. She is happy as she is, so... That failed." Luna drew a slow breath. "Not that I am disappointed with how you turned out. You will make a fine prince, and Equestria is better for having you." She hiked a brow. "The answer is surely neigh, but you would not consider it now, would you?"

Night snorted softly. "You would ask, but fine, why did you ask that, Silver?"

Silver gestured vaguely off. "She, uh, Night Wing, she sounded like she was bitter that your plan didn't work. It was another thing she held against me. Look, I don't want her jailed forever or anything, but she clearly needs to be talked to and calmed down. She served Equestria for decades, let's not end that like this." He glanced away. "Besides, she..."

Luna shook her head. "I will seek her out and question her. We will put this matter to rest. I may have a certain... reputation, but I am not immune to my sister's teachings, or your own. I will try to show her the error of her ways. You are right. It would be terrible to end her career like this. So... about our query?"

Silver smiled at that. "I have enough on my plate, dear Luna. Let me be a solar pony, but I am your friend, and I do support the lunar ponies, as a whole. I walked a mile in their shoes."

Night raised a brow at the uniquely human saying. "Good, my husband's fine just the way he is." She moved up and nuzzled at him gently, pressing her warm body against his own. "Even if he lets a dream dictate too much."

Luna put a hoof to her chest. "Night, since you are here... You are aware your stallion will be recognized as prince, yes?"

Night frowned a little suspiciously. "Of course, and...?"

Luna gestured at herself. "I am a princess, and..."

Night snorted softly. "You're late. We already have one princess petitioning to join the herd."

"What? Who?" Luna clopped the metal-clad hoof to the ground. "They can't compare!"

Silver let out a little sigh. "It's Fast... She was already part of our herd, before either of us became royalty."

Luna's jaw worked silently a moment before she frowned. "We see..." A bitter laugh escaped her. "At least it wasn't Celestia." She cleared her throat. "Nevermind that for now. I will seek out Night Wing. You can go now."

They were dismissed, and Luna pointedly avoided looking at either of them. Night turned Silver back towards the door and began leading the way.

Silver glanced aside at Night as they walked. "That went well."

"You went and did it." Rounding the next corner came Night Wing. "Fetching my own princess on me?"

Silver quickly raised a hoof even as his shield sparkled into being. "Can we talk, please?"

Night Watch lowered, wings flaring. "Some things can only be settled the old fashioned way."

"You should listen to your whore of a wife, she has a few good ideas." Wing lowered in a similar stance, wings spread and a scowl on her face.

Silver drew in a loud breath. "Please, Wing, you did a lot of good for Equestria. The ponies didn't give you nearly enough credit, but if it wasn't for the Warlocks, and you, those changelings wouldn't have been saved. We wouldn't be a hair's width from rescuing the crystal queen." Whose name he had forgotten, darn it.

Wing took a slow step forward. "What do you know about us?"

"I know you're hurting." Silver sat on his haunches and smiled gently. "Tell me about it?"

"Tell you about it?!" Wing launched forward, only to be intercepted by Watch. They both tumbled to the ground, biting with needle-like teeth and kicking with sharp hooves for a moment before they separated.

Silver found himself wishing he had learned the time stopping spell Twilight had used. "Stop, please. I'm completely serious, tell me. I promise I'm here to listen, not judge. Tell me." He let his magic spread, suffusing the area with a faint amount of his telekinetic presence.

"You're getting ready for a trick." She crouched, facing him. "Stop it, all of it."

Deciding to be the first to show trust, he nodded. "Alright." His horn went dead, shield fizzling and field fizzled away, invisible to most, but he imagined Wing could see at least his horn. "Please, let's talk."

She suddenly ducked to the left into a shadow, and was gone. He was barreled into from the left as she jumped out of a shadow beside him and tackled him to the ground. "Ever the Ambassador, I see."

Watch scowled. "He's being twice the pony you are right now."

"Take that back!" She drove a hoof down onto him, driving out a pained oof from the impact.

"Start acting like a pony should." Watch stalked closer.

Silver suddenly rolled over and grabbed her, hugging her in a tight embrace. She did not accept it, thrashing in his grip. The movement of her hooves was painful and lacerating. "Tell... me..."

Watch suddenly dove in, tackling Wing off of Silver and to the ground. "My fool of a husband wants to help you, ungrateful filly." She sank her teeth suddenly into Wing's shoulder. "Let him."

Author's Note:

Well, that escalated quickly.

A typo is revealed, but perhaps some good can come of it? Let's find out.

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