• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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113 - Hello Mother, Hello Father

The Watches were gathered with their family, and even Surprise, around a fair-sized table. Food was brought to them one course at a time and they enjoyed sampling and talking. Spirits were high and smiles and laughter were had and shared.

At least, until a platter was brought out and pulled up, revealing a serving of roast duck. Night perked with interest even as Rough, Trixie, and Surprise gaped at the carnivorous offering with obvious shock.

Rough Draft glanced around nervously. "Why would Princess Celestia have that here?"

Surprise shuddered. "A duck?! They have feelings!"

Silver reached and gave it a poke "Not anymore," he stated with a deadpan pragmatism. "Do you like duck, hon?"

Night twitched an ear towards him as her nose danced. "Never had it before, but whoever made this knew what they were doing. It smells great." She licked her lips. "Like Silver said, staring at it sadly isn't going to make it spring back to life."

Rough shook his head. "A human would say that." He flashed a bright smile at Silver. "I forget sometimes you are one of those, inside." He reached across the table to poke at Silver. "You've gone so native it's easy to overlook that." He turned his head to Trixie. "It's just like in my books!"

Trixie smirked at her mate's enthusiasm. "Trixie is glad he lives up to your expectations." She waved a hoof at the roasted creature. "Will you join them in this 'fine' meal?"

"Night?" After Hours stood in the doorway, her eyes locked on Night Watch. "My little watch!" She rushed across the dining room, galloping with the clip-clop of hooves. Even her wings gave flaps as she was charging, though she didn't leave the ground. Behind her, Bedtime walked at a more sedate pace, a smile on his face but not rushing while his wife was taking center stage.

Night's head snapped to the sound of her mother and her eyes went wide even as her pupils contracted. "Mother?! Father?!" She didn't get much else out before her mother crashed into her and she was encased in strong wings and hugging forelegs.

"Oh, I've missed you so very much," choked out After as she nuzzled into the cheek and neck of her daughter. "I didn't even realize how badly until I saw you." There was something wrong with the shape of her daughter. As the intense moment passed, she let her eyes drop and saw the rounded and gravid state of the lunar pegasus. Her wings flared out wide. "Night Watch! What happened to you?"

Bedtime arrived at the table and nodded to the others present. "Nice to meet you." He was nervous, but it was a more subtle nervousness than the bold displays of his wife. His eyes swept over them, from the bright shades of Trixie and Surprise to the more subdued hues of Rough Draft and Silver Watch. His attention settled on Silver. "Ah, are you the colt they were gushing about?"

"They?" Silver hopped down from his seat. "Nice to meet you, mister..."

"Bedtime, one word." He offered a hoof. "And if I find out you've been anything but proper with my daughter, we'll have to meet in a different kind of way."

Silver shrank back at the threat, but regathered himself quickly and thrust out a hoof, meeting with his with a clop sound. "Silver Watch, and I'm afraid if I was ever poor to your daughter, she'd rip me apart before you got there."

He laughed at that, reaching out a wing to swat Silver on the back. "She would at that, wouldn't she?" He raised a brow. "Was that always your name? I believe in destiny as much as the next pony, but that's a bit much."

After prodded Bedtime with a wing. "Have you seen our daughter?" As he looked towards where she was indicating, she threw her wings wide. "How long have you been expecting, and not even a letter? Don't you think I care about you?"

Night Watch got to proper standing and frowned at her mother. "Mother, calm yourself. I wasn't trying to avoid you, just not to bother you."

"Bother me?!" After Hours recoiled, but she marshaled herself and began to take deeper breaths. "Oh little watch, you haven't changed." She advanced on the retreating Night Watch and had her wrapped up in a new hug before the pregnant mare could escape. "Well let's put that aside. I'm bothered and I don't plan to be un-bothered until my daughter's a happy mother of her own."

Rough Draft offered a hoof towards Bedtime. "Pleased to meet you, hmm, are you a brother-in-law now? No no, I'm certain that's not right..."

Bedtime met the hoof with his own. "Whatever it is, we're brothers now." He felt at ease around the darker and more earthy tones of Rough Draft. "So you're his father?" His eyes wandered to Trixie. "And you must be the mother. He takes after you both."

Trixie beamed proudly. "Yes, Tr--I am his mother." She offered her hoof in kind. "Nice to meet you, Bedtime was it? I am Trixie." Every time she referred to herself there was a little hesitation as she tried to correct her usual habit around the new acquaintances.

Night squirmed free of her mother's grip and gave her a kiss on the cheek before moving to hug her father. "Please, letters or not, I'm happy to see you both. What brings you here?"

After tilted her head a little. "We got a letter." Her nose danced and her eyes wandered to the table. "What's this? It smells fantastic..."

Bedtime agreed with that sentiment, moving to sit beside the table as he licked his lips. "Now that we--"

"Hi! I'm Surprise!" She was seated beside Bedtime.

Bedtime recoiled in surprise. "Oh! Hello there. You do live up to your name." He raised a brow. "How are you related, ma'am?"

She shook her head quickly. "We're friends." She flashed a bright smile at the new pony. "I hope we can be too." A hoof swung to point at the duck. "I bet they made this for you guys, so don't wait on us, enjoy!"

"I never tried duck," admitted Silver, eyeing the roasted bird.

Night tilted her head. "Me neither, but now's a fine night to try."

The fact that Silver took a portion for himself made Trixie and Rough look mildly ill, though the latter was still watching with morbid curiosity. Surprise might have been as well if she wasn't so busy chatting animatedly with the new ponies. "I can't believe she didn't tell her parents. Well, you're here now, so let's have fun! Oh gosh, the whole family's here now!"

Trixie raised an ear. "If it helps, my meat-eating son neglected to mention just how things were going either."

After tore into the meat on her plate, savoring the taste a moment before she went for another bite. "Mmm, it's alright now. We're here, and these foals of ours aren't escaping us."

Trixie smiled, a nervous smile as she beheld how After Hours was attacking her food like a true predator. "It's nice to... meet you."

Bedtime was enjoying his own meal far too much to give a reply. It seemed all the lunar ponies were enthralled with the meat. Silver was more reserved in his eating. Not that he wasn't enjoying it, just that he wasn't tearing into it like a starved wolf. "I don't think I've seen you quite this ravenous before."

Night looked up at Silver. "I don't think I have been before. Maybe it's the way they prepared it?"

After Hours raised a hoof. "Compliments to the chef!"

The duck was completed and the platter swept away by servants as a new tray was set with something garlicky and made more of bread than any meat, perking the interests of the rest of the table. As everypony returned to nibbling, conversations became more relaxed. Platters came and went as they talked amiably, until dessert.

The dessert tray was flanked by royalty. To the left was Celestia, and to the right, Luna. Conversation died away, but two ponies were largely unhumbled by their immediate presence.

Surprise and Silver both waved a hoof at their guests. "Hi there," they said unison before looking at each other and laughing a little.

Celestia nodded to the table. "A pleasure to be here. It seems our guests found you before we planned, but it seems to have worked out."

Luna looked across the table and her nose danced. "It's just as well. The kitchen brought the special plate early as well."

Night raised a brow at Luna. "I should have guessed you were involved in that."

Luna recoiled a step as if struck. "Did you not enjoy it?"

Celestia put a hoof in front her sister. "We were both involved in this, without regrets." She smiled at the group. "To your satisfaction, we hope."

Trixie sat up straight. "While she was not expecting to meet new in-laws today, this has been a wonderful dinner."

Most of the others nodded in agreement, but Night didn't seem convinced. Her eyes were on Luna alone. "Well?"

Luna returned the gaze. "Well?"

Night clopped a hoof on the ground. "Don't you have something to say?"

Luna's ears fell a little as her view slid towards Silver. "We are sorry for how you were treated. We would like to discuss it... more, later." She glanced away and back. "In private, please."

Celestia stepped forward. "Now who's ready for some dessert?"

"Oh, me! Me!" Surprise waved a hoof excitedly, practically vibrating where she sat.

Cakes, cookies, pastries and other sweet treats began to descend on the table, each held aloft in Celestia's golden glow. "Please, enjoy yourselves."

Bedtime looked between the offerings and the princesses supplying it. "This feels like too much, Your Highness. To be served by the princesses of Equestria? What have we done to deserve this?"

She fixed her eyes on Silver. "You've brought several pains to light. Wounds that may have worsened with time. What price is a little dinner compared to what tragedy may yet be averted? Parents of heroes are still heroes." She spread her wings slowly. "So please, enjoy yourself. You are all our guests."

Silver reached with his magic, trying to heft up Celestia, but that was a task beyond him. She did notice his attempt and raised a brow. He smiled sheepishly. "Just because you feel indebted doesn't mean you have to sit to the side. Please, join us."

Luna shook her head at Silver. "See what I have to put up with?" A smile spread over her snout despite her words. "Well, since we've been invited..."

Celestia took a place beside Silver and Night, while Luna sat opposed. Little did Night's parents expect they'd be seated at a table with the All-Mother at their side.

Author's Note:

Well that's a dinner they won't be forgetting for a while, I imagine.

Despite the typos in invitations and scheduling, it all worked out quite well.

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