• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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174 - First Day of Class

Silver strode through the streets of Canterlot with a smile. Perhaps everything would work out just fine. To have Fast returned, to break no hearts managing it... They were both at royal tier, so that shouldn't be an issue. No obvious issues stood in the way of a happy ending there, save for Samantha finding her to be 'compatible', but Silver doubted Fast's charm would fail on Samantha.

Everything was looking up.

He stepped up to his flight school and glanced up at the sign before he reached for the door with his magic only to let it fizzle. He was a pegasus here. He reached with a hoof instead and nudged it open, slipping inside. "Good morning."

The pegasus mare was at the counter, Dawn, not his instructor. "I was hoping you'd either show up early or not at all. Have a moment?"

"Sure, where's Air?" Silver tilted his head a little.

"With another class." She rose to her hooves, then launched herself at him like a rocket, landing hooves-first into his chest and knocking him to the ground. "Let's make this quick and easy. You're too big."

Silver rolled upright, frowning at the sudden attack. "Too big to fly? I respectfully disagree."

"Not that." Dawn rolled her eyes. "This school specializes in young ponies and country ponies that know how to fly right but need refreshers on city etiquette. You are neither of those." She pointed at his wings. "When did you get those?"

Such a pointed question. "Recently."

"But you can fly with them, but your form is entirely wrong. You're a mess." She scowled. "Trying to work that out of you would be a full-time position, but here's the thing, we teach entire classes. Do you think it's fair that Air's focusing on you while the other students watch and do nothing, or would you rather not get what you want while the rest of the class progresses?" She rolled a hoof. "It's one or the other."


"And don't give me lip about your royal status. I don't care how rich or poor you are, you're just not a good fit for this class. You need a private tutor, period." Dawn tapped at the ground as her wings fitfully twitched. "Look, I can see you're serious, but so am I. Go and get a private teacher. You'll learn faster and you won't be messing up a class in the process."

Mares of Equestria had a habit of setting him right in his place. Silver let out a slow breath. "Do you have any teachers in mind?"

Dawn smiled. "You're listening then? Good. I thought you were really a noble and you'd insist on it no matter how loudly I complained." She walked back to the counter. "As it turns, yes. We keep contact with a few really good instructors for just such emergencies. It's beyond me why Air thought he could just squeeze you in." She settled behind the counter and drew out a book. "I'll send him up to you. You just go home."

Silver blinked. "But you don't know where I live?"

Dawn raised a brow. "Silver Lining, ambassador to the humans?"

"Watch, Silver Watch, but yes, that's me."

She waved it off. "Look... You don't remember me, but I remember you. You helped out during the Tirek attack... Congratulations on the wings, but this isn't the right place." Dawn gave a bittersweet smile as she sat up. "I'll send him over. He's a good flyer and a good pony in general. He'll get you soaring like a natural, promise. Come back when you're flying straight and I'll be happy to see it, just not right now, alright?"

Silver gave a single firm nod. "Alright. I'll wait for him." He turned for the door. "Sorry for all the trouble. Tell Air I said thank you for trying."

She waved him off, and soon he was outside.

"I say, are you planning for your foals?" It was a familiar stallion, Fancy Pants. "Hmm, but they aren't pegasi, are they? I admit, I've gone and forgotten, quite poor of me."

Silver smiled at him. "Fancy, it's great to see you. How have things been?"

"Quite good, ole chap. Nice to see you as well." He offered a hoof and they touched and shook up and down rather than the straight forward clop that other ponies might do. "What brings you here?"

Silver flicked his horn back at the school. "I was going to get lessons, but they're not suited for me here. They're sending a teacher over for me."

Fancy raised a brow at the school, then at Silver's wings. "I do say... It's about time we had a prince that took the title as seriously as our princesses."

Silver darkened with a fierce blush. "I'll do my best." He glanced left and right. "Does it bother you that I'm not, you know, born a pony?"

He hiked a brow at Silver. "Not a pony? You were a foal when I met you, not even able to use that horn on your head yet, but you studied hard. Not to say you didn't have your stumbles, but who doesn't really?" He adjusted his monocle lightly. "You take life seriously, and those around you, under and above you. Is somepony giving you trouble? They shan't be invited to my next social, hmmph." He produced a card in his magic and floated it over to Silver, an invitation to a fancy gathering at the races.

Silver smiled at the confidence and support. "I... guess it was just me..."

Fancy pointed at Silver. "There you go again, worried about what others think about you. You really should focus more on being who you are, and less about what others think of it. Be that as it may, welcome to royalty, good chap. I imagine they haven't assigned you a domain yet. It took many years for Cadance, though significantly less for Princess Twilight. Hmm... Is it true, did you start creating spells? I hear that's a rare talent."

Right up there with his escort into princedom, Star Swirl. Silver smirked a little, thinking of his awkward ascension. "I have, and still do, when the inspiration strikes. I like magic."

"But it doesn't define you, just like Princess Twilight. She likes magic quite a bit, I'm told, but here she is, Princess of Friendship of all things." He leaned closer. "I understand if this a personal question, but the grapevine says you're busy trying to bring back the herd. Bold move, I dare say. I can barely keep up with one."

Silver colored at that. "They keep me busy, for sure." His ears perked with a thought. "What do you think of a noble family trying to squeeze into things?"

A frown creased his face. "That does sound unfortunately likely. Have you met a few gold-diggers hoping to score quick prestige and influence in such a distasteful way?"

"Well, yes." Silver rolled a hoof. "But the one that did it, I don't blame her. She's being pressured by her parents and it's a bit of a mess." He snorted softly. "I want to get her off the hook without getting her in trouble with her relations. Any advice?"

"That's quite a tricky situation you have there." Fancy tapped his chin with a hoof slowly. "This may be beyond your reach, old boy. So long as you and she understand the situation, it's done. Simply back away. Let's put such heavy topics aside. You've grown into a fine stallion and we really haven't had the chance to catch up." He pointed at the card floating in air. "Please, come. I feel like you're practically an adopted foal of mine, and I'd love to spend some time. You can meet some friends of mine, and I get the impression you'd like to put a good hoof forward with the movers and shakers of Canterlot."

Silver tucked the card away in a pocket. "I'll be there, promise." He felt happy to run into Fancy. "You were one of the first nice ponies we ran into after coming to Canterlot."

"I do recall that. You and your mother, Missus Lulamoon." He raised a brow. "Still beyond me why she refuses to accept that. She's raised a fine young colt into a great stallion. She should be proud. Does she fear she'll be looked down on for taking an earth pony for a husband? Nothing wrong with that, I say. We have to follow our hearts in the end, so long as we're proper about it."

They shared a final parting hoof-shake and went their separate ways. What lingering funk there was about not getting his first flying lesson that day was blunted with positive tidings. "Maybe I am worrying about nothing..." He stepped up towards the castle and the guards saluted at him. "Good day both of you. Any messages for me?"

"None that we've seen, Your-- sir."

Silver perked an ear, figuring what was almost said, if aborted. "Allow me to ask, what do you think? Would I make a good prince?"

The guards shared a glance and looked back at Silver, seeming nervous. "Permission to speak freely?"

"Please." Silver nodded. "Anything you say won't be held against you, I swear."

The first guard cleared his throat. "It's a bit odd that a convert would rise as far as you have, but I don't think anyone in the guard doubts your intentions, sir."

Silver smiled slowly. "Good, and I hope you will tell me if I err from the right path. I'm not looking for mindless servants."

The other guard pointed at Silver. "We'll do what we can, sir, but you're the one that has to make decisions, in the end."

Silver mulled over that a moment. "I'll do my best to make good ones. I like Equestria. I want to see it, and everyone in it, do well."

The first guard cracked a little smile. "That's all we ask, sir."

Silver trotted past the guards to see the flash of a pony going around the corner with a flick of the tail that felt oddly inviting. It was the wrong color for Carrot Plate. Who was giving him come hither motions in such a subtle, yet bold, way? He took slow steps towards the mystery even as he ran through defensive spells, just in case.

He turned the corner just to see the back end of the pony slipping into a room. She must have been guiding him along. There was no way she took exactly the right amount of time for him to follow her. With a frown, he let his magic loose, feeling at the walls and art as he primed his telekinetic senses. He would uncover that mystery...

Author's Note:

You thought there'd be a class? Surprise! It was all a typo.

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