• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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145 - The Boiling Point

As he nudged past horse after horse, he heard a sudden cry of alarm from his left. He looked just in time for a tidal wave of goo to rush over him. He tried to lift himself up with his magic, before his horn touched the stuff, but it held him like glue, or perhaps his magic refused to grip beyond the surface of the slime, and just pulling at his head wouldn't do the trick.

The ballroom was a mess and panic was almost universal, well, except Pinkie, but that hardly seemed surprising. The sound of beating wings made him raise his eyes to see Night hovering over him. "Do I get to tell you that I called this?" Night snorted softly. "Didn't you see it getting larger?"

It had? "No? I was trying to get to Discord."

Night pointed across the sea of slime to where Discord was arguing passionately with Tree Hugger. She began making the most curious of sounds that ended with an emphatic neigh, only to repeat again in a soft droning chant. The ooze around him began to undulate and flow in obvious response.

Silver perked an ear. Whatever she was doing, it was working. Another example of earth pony magic? The waves retreated, allowing ponies to refind their hooves. Ponies that had been thrown up against walls were plucked up and brought to the floor.

An angry declaration from Discord brought attention towards him as he held Tree Hugger in a grip and rent space and time with another claw, creating a portal to some other place. He looked quite ready to hurl the mystic pony right out of Equestria. Silver felt a flush of anger. The very idea of harming such a peaceful and clearly talented pony was abhorrent, but Fluttershy approached him far more quickly than he could.

She began lecturing him on the virtues of friendship. Silver brought up a hoof quickly to stifle a laugh. Of course. Of... course. The Mane Six were involved, it would be solved with a friendship lesson. With Discord placated, Tree Hugger was gently set down. The chaotic chimera stuffed a paw into the slime and drew out a veritable mountain of jewelry and restored the Smooze to its normal stature.

Silver saw the faint glimmer of fading purple and reached for it quickly. With a triumphant snatch, he recovered his pendant. His touch-sensitive magic brushed up against a familiar shape and he returned his grip with his wedding shoe also brought to him. "One to go." He stepped into the shoe and gave it an experimental tap before moving for Discord.

Night landed beside him. "Are you going to tear him a new one?"

Silver hiked a brow. "Too late for that."

"What do you mean? He's standing right there."

He shrugged a little. "Friendship lesson deployed. The matter's resolved, minus getting my watch back." He waved a hoof about. "See, everypony's already getting back into the party."

Night gave a little snort of obvious disagreement, but didn't press the matter. Together they managed to get up close to the chaos spirit.

Discord smiled widely at seeing Silver. "You didn't replace me with her did you? We're still friends, right?"

Silver blinked, and it all made sense. "Oh, no no no. You've been my friend for a while, Discord. I didn't want that to change. Family and friends are two wonderful things, and I hope one never stops the other. Uh--"

Discord grabbed him up and gave him a sudden hug before putting him down, interrupting his words entirely. "You're not so bad, for being from a species willing to split heads when things get rough enough."

Night raised a brow at him. "You are speaking about Ambassador Silver Watch, I will remind. Speaking of which, can we have his watch back?"

"Oh? Sure sure." He produced a watch from nowhere and tucked it right in Silver's vest pocket. "Don't hold it against ole' Smoozy, he just can't get enough shiny things."

Silver shook his head lightly. "It's not his fault, it's yours. I mean, man, you brought him here and didn't hang out with him at all. That's not being a good friend."

Night gave out a bark. "And now you're a source of friendship lessons?"

He kissed her cheek. "Somepony made sure I learned a few of my own to get me ready for this moment."

Discord rolled his eyes. "Don't push your luck. Anyway, see that?" He hiked a thumb at the placated Smooze. "That could've been you. Don't rush to call me a bad friend."

Silver's ears flicked back of their own accord. "Yeah, thanks. Look, I never said you weren't a friend, you're just a little rusty at it. Lord knows I make a few mistakes of my own."

"I'll be back," reported Discord in a suspiciously Arnold-like rendition before he vanished to appear beside the Smooze and deliver an apology for leaving him behind. Pinkie snatched the pile of goop away for a dance and all seemed forgiven.

The gala was back in full swing. Even Celestia was in good spirits as she nudged Twilight onto the dancefloor, much against the latter's expressed will.

Silver felt his cheeks suddenly burning hot. Was that a friendly gesture, or was something from his dream proving even slightly correct?

A wing settled over him as Night pressed in close. "Seeing all these ponies dancing, did you want to give it a try?"

He looked to the floor nervously, but with Night at his side, he decided to put such fears to the side and let her show him a good time. "Let's."

They moved together in the rhythm of the music. Neither was a particularly skilled dancer, but simply pressing together in a gentle hug and moving together was a joy enough, and they felt no need to make it fancier than it had to be.

A claw tapped Silver on the shoulder and he grunted with annoyance, looking over his shoulder to see Nefertari leaning over him. "What?"

She grinned at the two. "With this little gathering in motion, the outside is clear... care for a rematch?"

Really? Silver blinked at her. "I'm dancing with my wife. That rates higher than a spar."

Night made a dismissive wave over his shoulder. "Shoo shoo."

Nefertari scowled at the motion. "Don't take that tone with me."

Night pulled Silver closer. "Don't be rude. Everypony's here to have fun and meet ponies, not fight them."

Silver felt the need to keep things calm. "Tomorrow."

Nefertari seemed pleased. "Tomorrow. I'll find you." She was gone. Even the dense crowds of the gala couldn't slow her.

A soft tapping pulled Silver away from the dance a few minutes later and he peeked to see no threat. It was Tree Hugger. "Oh, hey there."

"Like, blessings... We were so roughly interrupted."

Night tilted her head, looking over Silver's shoulder to the green pony. "Like I'm being right now?"

"Peace..." She held up a hoof. "I'm not here to harsh any vibes. Be at ease, dancer of the night. You two harmonize well." She tilted her head faintly. "When you finish dancing, seek me out, alright man?" Her eyes went distant a moment. "There it is again..." She turned and wandered away without another word.

Silver looked to his wife. "I think she knows more than even she knows."

Night cracked a little smile. "Eloquently put." She leaned in and kissed his neck before sinking her fangs into the flesh without piercing it, nipping at him gingerly. "I can see you're curious. Let's go see what's inside that green skull of hers."

Together they fell back to all fours and began weaving through the crowd to where Tree and Fluttershy were enjoying one another's company. With the sound of small crackly explosions, their attention snapped over to the same stage Discord had usurped earlier.

Trixie was taking up the stage. "Behold!" She wagged her hooves and her horn began to glow and sparkle bright enough for everypony to see easily. Fireworks and dazzling displays of lights began to erupt around her, many forming miniature versions of herself that were also standing with their forehooves spread wide in a grand display.

Fluttershy smiled at the show. "She's gotten a lot nicer about her performances."

Tree nodded placidly. "Her inner energies are in alignment." She noticed Silver and Night approaching and smiled at them. "That was fast... I hope you didn't rush just for me." She put a hoof to her chest. "I am Tree Hugger, and this is, like, Fluttershy."

Silver smiled at the somewhat dazed-looking pony. "We've met before." Though he had forgotten her name and was grateful for the reminder. "How did you two meet?"

"Oh!" Fluttershy sat up. "We both have an interest in rare and exotic animals."

Night smiled at that. "It's nice meeting through hobbies. Are you two enjoying the Gala?"

Tree nodded. "The Princess makes her castle surrounded by magic, real magic." She spread her hooves slowly. "You can see it glowing in everything..." She suddenly started. "Oh yeah..." She pointed at Silver. "Your aura. It's even wilder than the waterfall outside. Do you know why that is?"

Silver smiled a little as he moved to stand beside their table. "I could give a few guesses, but let's start with the most obvious one. I wasn't born a pony."

Tree tilted her head at him. "What were you? What are you? What will you be?" She sank to her haunches as if crushed by the very weight of her own thoughts. "We all ask those things..."

Fluttershy looked more confused than her spaced out friend. "Um, sorry. She can get like that sometimes. She doesn't mean anything bad by it."

Silver reached out a hoof towards Tree. "I don't take offense. It's nice to meet you."

"Righteous..." Tree reached out and they clopped hooves softly. "You're alright, pony or not." She tilted her head. "Are you a pony?"

Night bumped against him lightly. "He tries to be more pony than many ponies I've met."

Tree clopped a hoof to the ground lightly. "That's what it is. I should have seen it earlier." She tilted her head at Silver. "Your aura is screaming with effort and control. You should, like, be yourself, man." Her eyes got that far-away look in them a moment. "Woah..."

Fluttershy nodded, though she didn't seem to understand exactly what her friend was saying. "Being true to yourself is very important." She smiled at Silver. "I'm sure you're a very nice pony, even if you were not a pony before."

Night adjusted her glasses as she sat beside the table. "He's a patron figure for taking it on the chin is what he is. I love him though."

Silver felt trapped a moment. All three mares were talking about him, but not exactly to him. He had a feeling if he just remained quiet, they would continue.

"We should have a formal reading and cleansing. Open those chakras wide and take a breath of the world itself." Tree nodded. "I'm told it's a real eye opener for unicorns. Blow your mind..."

Author's Note:

The gala is winding down, but Silver's life isn't. There's so much more to be learned, and typos to make!

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