• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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244 - Circle of Mares

Celestia brought down a hoof on the table in a series of soft but firm clops. "I call this meeting of the Royal Herd of Equestria to order." Her eyes swept over those that would be her partners. Her sister had already been a partner by merit of being her sister. There were new faces to such a thing. "Our official founding is impending, but I feel this meeting is called for." Her eyes continued their sweep over Night Watch. "We have all been approached by one who wishes to join our ranks before that date." She met eyes with Silver a moment, nodded at Fast Change, but kept on moving to the one she was speaking of, Nefertari.

Nefer rose smoothly and bowed to the table as a whole. "It is a pleasure to be here. I know we have had our... friction in the past, but that is true for every member with every other member here. I am prepared to do my part."

Silver sat up and raised a hoof. Celestia smiled gently at him. "What a well-trained stallion we have. Please, Silver, speak."

His cheeks warmed. A part of him rankled at the idea of being referred to in such a way, but the full ire refused to come. He blamed it on liking Celestia, or maybe just being a person that avoided conflict when he could. "Nefertari--" Her ears perked at him. "--You tricked me. You never really asked if I wanted you here, just took off when I mentioned the others."

Nefertari put a hand at her chest. "Are you saying you don't want me then?"

His tongue ran over his teeth as he looked over Nefertari. It was another shred of his dream coming to light. He had been with Nefertari once before. "I'm not saying that..."

"It is time to say that." She settled back in her seat. "Or to accept me. I believe that is why we are here."

Celestia was looking at Silver directly. "The way I see it, there must be order in this, or ponies will think you are simply marrying whomever catches your eye." She put a hoof out towards Luna and curled it back in towards herself. "For us two, we are the rulers. It is logical that we are a part of any royal herd. For the others... a reason and order must be established, and I think one has already been proposed to you, my stallion."

Night reached for her glasses and slipped them free of her snout, held in a wing as the other worked a rag over them. "You're talking about Blueblood's idea, one mare of each race he's touched."

Fast Change rolled a hoof. "That covers Night and me nicely, and cuts off a lot of other mares from making clumsy plays. Hay, cuts off all the regular ponies from the start." Her eyes darted to Nefertari. "But has Silver made much a difference for the anubites?"

Nefer flashed a bright smile. "Oh, he has, in that indirect way he has shown much skill with, yes... He brought us together, my student." Her eyes on Night Watch. "Shamanism brought to Equestria... Not vilified or secret. My people will react well to the news, especially if I am joined to the highest family of the land." She spread her clawed hands slowly. "This is a political marriage, let there be no doubt, but one with great political dividends. Our people will be brought tighter."

Luna cleared her throat softly. "The concept and workings of political marriages are not foreign to either of us, but we are aware you hope for more."

"Should I not?" Nefer crossed her arms under her chest, lifting them in the motion, an act that was entirely ignored by the equine females in the room. "The binding is logical, but if we can find affection or love while performing our duty, or even indulge in our baser pleasures, then that is simply a benefit to what we must already do. We must eat, why not eat things that please us? We must drink, is it wrong to place it in an appealing container or to spice it just so?"

Celestia sat forward faintly. "Tell us, what would you bring besides the act of marriage?" She inclined a hoof towards her. "What reason have we to not accept your hand and then cast you aside, ignoring you at every opportunity?"

Nefer's face split into a grin only a carnivore could have, far too wide for creatures will full cheeks to give comfortably. "How wickedly cruel to suggest, Celestia. You have some fire in there... If I do not prove worthy of your time, then to be cast aside is the natural result. I do not think that will be an issue." She curled a finger towards Silver. "You will send him away, this I feel certain, and you will want warriors at his side. That cannot be Luna, or yourself, we both know this."

Night huffed at the implication. "We're not going anywhere, but even if we did, Celestia would send me."

"Fast," Nefer spoke, looking to her. "Tell Night why that may not be true."

Fast froze a moment, put on the spot. "Well, uh, you see...." She clopped her forehooves together, trying to think of a good reason before it clicked. "Right! You're needed here. You have a class, and foals. Celestia wouldn't want you in harm's way."

"Precisely." Nefer's eyes closed partially, gazing at Celestia. "Fast is lovely, but will you trust him entirely to her care? No... I will protect our stallion. Let any that think they can place a hand on him without our leave experience new varieties of discomfort." Her paws came together, the pads striking one another in a clap. "As harsh as my ways seem, they will be brought to your benefit."

Luna lifted her shoulders in a shrug. "I see no harm in this. I look forward to her joining."

Fast tilted her head left and right. "I'm not going to get in the way. I know... Silver's turned on by her shape."

Silver's cheeks lit up and he swatted at Fast's shoulders. "Hey!" She offered no apologies but a little giggle.

Night sank back in her chair with a loud huff. "I want one thing made clear. In the future... should we be approaching, or already tripping over, some social more, you'll inform us and give a chance for remedy before assuming we run by your rules." She pushed up her glasses. "There's over a fifty percent chance we will regret this on some level..." She canted her head faintly. "But the same can be said for not accepting it... I... approve."

Celestia put a hoof on her chest. "As alpha female of this herd, a title I trust none oppose?" She paused a moment, looking over the table. "The final decision rests with me."

Silver sat up at that. "You may be the alpha female, but that doesn't mean you're the alpha of me."

Celestia raised a fine brow. "Are you requesting to experience the female side of things again?"

Silver flinched back. "I..." Celestia knew about his dream. Just how much she had dedicated to memory was another matter. "If I want that, there are spells."

"There are," she agreed with a little nod, a satisfied look on her face. "Seeing as you have not used them, you are happy as you are. You were aware of what you were entering long before now. My ponies will not be pleased if I suddenly begin acting as if I were not their ruler. I am the alpha of this herd. I trust this will be the last we speak of it?"

Night shook her head. "The odds are low on that."

Silver sat back on his chair and did not further complain.

Celestia nodded once more at him. "That matter put aside, I accept Nefertari's motion to join the royal herd as one of the representatives of the races Silver has touched. Silver, you do realize this will create other... expectations. You have not selected an umbrum wife, and gossip will only grow in intensity, along with proposals ranging from innocent to wildly indecent, until you set your eyes on one in particular and we agree with the selection. You have, perhaps foolishly, discarded the shield of the First Wife. They will come for you directly."

He looked over to Nefertari and dipped his head at her. "Welcome to the family."

She rose to her feet. "It is a pleasure," she said in almost a hiss, reveling in her victory. "There is celebration to commence. I know little of the 'umbrum', but that is a fact that is easily remedied. We will find someone fitting... Perhaps someone demure."

Luna burst into sudden laughter. "Looking to avoid competition for his time? That is scarcely a warrior's way, is it?"

Nefertari scowled at Luna before her smile returned, easy and relaxed. "I look forward to our jousts. Alpha," She looked towards Celestia. "Are there other matters to discuss?"

"There is." Celestia clopped a hoof down twice. "I put this matter to rest, resolved. The preparations around the city progress smoothly and the ceremony is ready to proceed. Nefertari, do you have attire befitting the occasion?"

"I do."

Night raised a hoof. "I would like to see it, just to be sure. Anubite fashion is not pony fashion."

Celestia nodded at Night. "Motion seconded, please go over your selection with Night Watch and ensure your readiness. The vows and specifics will be delivered to your rooms later today. I trust you'll all have it dedicated to memory."

Silver paled near his nose at the idea. That sort of memorization was right about his weakness, second only to his ability to remember people's names easily. Maybe there was a spell for that?

Luna saw Silver's discomfort and shook her head. "Be at ease, our stallion. Your lines will be the simplest. You are, after all, the stallion. What you may wish to focus on is any personal oath or words you may wish to speak when you are prompted, as words to give to us, your herd, or the people of Equestria, who will be listening quite closely. Don't even think of saying nothing at all."

Silver quirked a little smile. "No pressure. Actually, that sounds a lot less scary. I can talk any time. I'll make it up on the spot and it'll be fine."

Celestia spread her wings and the room became more brightly lit as her magic swept aside the curtains that covered the windows, allowing light to spill in generously across the room. "Now, business aside, I do hope that we, as a curious family, can find satisfaction in one another in all the ways that a family might. Confidants, companions, lovers, there are so many ways family may come together."

Fast fixed Celestia with a lecherous leer. "You've already been taking advantage of at least one of those."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Her face was the model of composed before it broke into a little smile. "We will have much growing to do, together. Let us proceed with confidence."

Night raised a hoof. "There is one matter. This seems to make it clear that neither I nor Fast enjoy the same... level as Celestia or Luna."

Luna pointed at Fast. "Technically she is higher, being a formal royal who served with distinction in the defense of her people."

Celestia glanced at her sister and back at Night. "Be that as it may, our comparative social orders are for public display. Alone, I hope that we see each other as family in time."

Night adjusted her glasses as she settled back. "Even in a family, there are strata..."

Nefer flexed her claws. "Then seek to improve your position. I hardly intend to sit idly."

Fast snickered, a hoof over her mouth. "And you're encouraging her?"

"What is a battle without spirited competition?" Nefertari lifted her shoulders. "We will compete and better ourselves and this country in the process."

Author's Note:

The herd takes a unified step forward, even as other worries lurk around the edges. This will work out, right? What typos await at the wedding?

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