• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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17 - Welcome to Court

With it being an option, Silver decided he wanted to see what court was all about. "I don't have to bring up anything," he told his herd, "I just want to see how it works."

Fast rolled her eyes, "Sounds dreadfully boring. Have you seen the kind of ponies that enjoy court? Don't become one of those."

Night nodded her head, "While I disagree with the why, I agree that court is no place for you. You will crumple like a house of cards when a noble starts with the pressure."

Silver raised an ear, "Is it that bad?"

Night wobbled a hoof, "One-third will want to chase you away from 'their' turf, one-third may want you, for pleasure or their personal ends, and another third will be glaring at you to make sure you don't get influenced and used by the other two thirds." She smiled, "You know one of them, nice enough stallion named Fancy Pants. Ah, and his wife, Fleur. They're practically saints of the elite, but even they don't regard lower-class ponies as the same as them."

Silver shrugged, "It can't hurt to watch, can it?"

Night huffed softly, "If you must, go at night. You and Luna may have rough patches, but she is clearly more ally than not. Celestia rarely intercedes when it comes to the elite, and if you get crushed under them, she won't help."

With agreement reached, they spent the rest of the day being together and working on his school assignments. As the sun dipped, a messenger knocked on the door. He surrendered a letter to Silver, who quickly opened it, "Huh, Jake sent a letter."

Hey Silver!

Twilight insisted I write 'my' ambassador a letter. Just because she had to do friendship reports doesn't mean I should have to. Anyway, Ponyville is great! All the ponies are here. Odd thing, I saw Bon Bon at her store, but no Lyra anywhere? Was that just in the show? Pinkie threw me a party and it was pretty crazy. Uh, Twilight's giving me lessons on managing books and etiquette. It's a bunch of... shit, she's watching me write and she doesn't look happy.

So! What was your human name, before you went Silver Lining? Or was that your name? Kind of an odd name. You know you didn't have to go full-pony to live here. They barely seem to care. I used to be a huge Fluttershy fan, but Pinkie is awesome! Rainbow's pretty cool too. I have a 'hoof ball' game scheduled with those two tomorrow.

Best Wishes,

Silver folded up the letter with a smile, "That's nice. Jake is really fitting in over at Ponyville."

Fast tilted her head, "Same human? How has he not started a riot?"

Silver shrugged as he fetched a fresh piece of paper, starting his reply, "Twilight must be a good influence on him, and he's probably starstruck around the Elements. He sounds like he's really enjoying himself though, so I'll mark it as a success." He quietly sketched his reply, explaining the extreme basics of how he arrived and eventually became Silver Lining, as well as wishing good luck to his fellow human. He folded it up, ready for sending. "Wonder if Twilight will send one."

"Straight to Celestia," replied Night. "She has no obligation to share her research with you. She probably forgot you were involved, outside of being an ambassador."

Silver frowned a little, "I really would like to know what pulled him, and me, into this world."

Fast shrugged, "Why, you want to go back?"

Silver shook his head quickly, "No! Heavens no. Leave you all behind?"

Fast frowned a little, "You've danced around the topic enough times. When you get back from your court-watching, you're going to tell me about your parents, the originals. You won't dream of leaving us, but your birth family? Pfft, not even a regret."

Silver frowned in return, but the expression washed away, "That's not true... I wonder about my mother, and my niece. I left an income stream, if they have any idea how to get to it. Even if they don't, it'll automatically pay some bills for... How long has it been? I bet it's still doing its thing. Hell, if I'm declared dead, there's a saving's account automatically growing over time they could, and probably will, plunder. I'd be shocked if that didn't happen."

Night tilted her head, "Do you have worries that aren't money related? You don't even consider money on this side."

Silver moved towards the door, "They didn't let me worry about too much else, besides, my niece is a genius in school, and artistically gifted. She'll make it. My only fear for her is her ability to self-start." He nudged the door open with his magic, "Want to come with me?"

Night wrinkled her nose, "I only visited night court to give a report, if I had to." Silver left Night and Fast behind, trotting through the halls towards the courtroom. The ponies were all quite well-dressed, and seemed to look him over with a clear disdain. He heard a soft whisper about his utter lack of fashion. Amusingly, none called him obscene for being nude, just... boring and blase. He slipped in with the crowd and looked around for a good spot in the amphitheatre-style seating. Luna stepped out and everypony rose for her. Taking the first seat he saw, Silver stood in front of it with the others. When Luna settled, they all sat back down.

Luna's eyes swept over the audience, seeming to notice a few particular ponies, one of which included Silver. He smiled at her, she frowned. He wondered if he had made a mistake. Court passed slowly, with most matters being... banal. This pony makes too much noise at night. That pony shines their lights too brightly for stargazing.

A familiar mare that Silver couldn't quite place stepped up to speak, "Your majesty. There is an uncouth barbarian in the hall."

Luna raised a brow, "Verily? Would thou kindly point them out?"

The mare pointed directly at Silver, making him go rigid. "That one accused my filly of scandalous activities, and we have yet to be redressed."

Silver suddenly remembered who it was. That crazy unicorn's mother. She had a name, and it had entirely fled him. He bemoaned his terrible recall, wondering how he could forget the name of the unicorn that tried to rape him.

Luna struck wood with a hoof with a loud bang, "Will Ambassador Silver Lining please step forward."

Silver rose up and trotted towards the front of the court amid surprised whispers and unabashed stares. Luna gave a faint smile, directed at the crowd, "We see this one has yet to be introduced. This is Silver Lining, ambassador of the humans."

The mare staggered back with wide eyes, "What's a human? What nation is this?" She clopped a hoof down, "I demand justice!"

Luna raised a brow lightly, "He is a diplomat, fully recognized by the crown. Would you have us cast him from Equestria?"

"Yes!" shrieked the mare, shaking with a naked fury.

Silver wasn't sure what he should do other than stand there, so that is exactly what he did.

The mare suddenly closed the distance. It was over in a bright flash, he had been struck across an eye by the incensed mare. Stunned gasps rippled through the court.

Luna was as calm as ever, "Would any argue that the lady has struck a diplomat without provocation on his part? This is a most serious crime." She leaned forward, "One that carries severe penalty."

The mare staggered back from Silver, who was rubbing at the bruise quietly. She stammered uselessly before she took a shaking breath, "I'm sorry."

Silver almost said it was alright, it was basically hardwired for him to say that to anyone that apologized, but Luna's voice whispered, ~She does not deserve your mercy. She has caused you and your parents grief. Let her suffer the error of her own making.~

Silver glanced about, then at the quivering noblemare. The gravity of her crime was clearly settling on her, and she was breaking down. "Why do you hate me?" asked Silver

The mare blinked at the unexpected question. "You accused my little girl of such terrible things!"

Silver shrugged, "And what if she did them? What if... I'm not lying? You are ready to throw me from my new home, and to hit me, for what? The court agreed with you and your foal, is that not enough? I have been denied whatever justice I sought, but that gives you leave to ch--"

"Enough," said Luna. "You are hereby banished from court for a duration of one month. You will pay the diplomat a standard recompense for striking him, and you will apologize. Such behavior is not suited to any pony elite."

She looked like she was ready to start seething, but she sank, "I'm sorry..." she slunk away back into the seats, only for a guard to direct her the rest of the way out of the room.

Luna nodded, "Will the next petitioner step forward?"

Silver got the impression he was dismissed and slipped back to his chair. A mare had moved to occupy the seat beside him. The unicorn mare smiled at him as he settled. The tension of the event must have caught up with him as his chest went tight, and he felt as much like crying as attacking something. Abruptly, parts of him started reacting in a wholly inappropriate way. He snapped his hindlegs shut and curled in place a little, trying to look small and hide the sight of anything wrong from everypony else.

Court passed torturously slowly as Silver wondered why he hadn't listened to his lovely wives and stayed away from it all. Eventually ponies began to filter out as Luna called the court adjourned. Silver waited patiently, still indecent, and hoping the rest of the noble ponies would leave, but that mare just... sat there. Eventually there was no one there at all but two night guards at the entrance, Silver, and that mare. The mare rose from her seat suddenly, and the anxiety doubled. His breath became rapid and his heart thundered in his ears. What was this? She stepped over him despite there being nopony else in the other direction, "Excuse me..."

Silver shook his head, "S'alright..." Oh god why couldn't she leave faster? What was that? He felt something brush-- It was her tail. She was doing it on purpose! The two remaining brain-cells he had in good repair banged against one another. This mare was in heat, or at least stunk like it, and she was coming on as heavy as a... metaphors failed him. "What do you want?"

She smiled at him, "I own significant holdings on the local mineral market. Wouldn't it be lovely if we combined our political capital?"

Silver's jaw fell. She was proposing a power play while suggesting something much more intimate with her body. "Uh, I'm... already married."

"Oh," she said, and she moved on as if nothing had happened at all, just primly walking away.

Silver slunk back to his room, darting from cover to cover. He confessed what happened to his wives the moment he got in. They were merciful, and the tension was soon released, at least after they got him to promise not to go to court again.

Author's Note:

Silver wants to see what court's about!

It's a trap. There's nothing but typos in there.

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