• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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13 - Luna Eclipse

Silver nodded at Night, "I have this." He trotted away from her and she followed with a slightly worried expression. He returned to the gathering of princesses with a light smile.

Celestia nodded towards him, "Have you made your decision?"

"I have," said Silver, "And I accept your position of ambassador of human affairs."

Cadance and Celestia looked pleased, while Luna's expression was harder to read. "But," said Silver, "I will not accept Luna as part of the bargain. I have already made my offer to her, and she has heard it. If she wants me, she should approach me, not be ensnared in the machinations of well-meaning peers."

Cadance raised a brow, "Are you certain? This is what you've wanted for quite some time."

Silver shook his head, "If it means taking her against her will, it's not what either of us wants." He looked to Luna with a smile, "I'll be here, if and only if, you want it."

Cadance clapped her hooves softly, seemingly delighted at the romantic words. Celestia nodded with her stoic expression, "Very well. We'll work out the particulars, but we'll seal the deal now." She offered out a hoof, but at the wrong angle for bumping. Silver looked confused.

Night gently brushed his flank with a wing, "Kiss it."

"Oh!" Silver moved up and moved to kneel down. A few months in a pony body was still insufficient to master kneeling, and he fell forward, thumping lightly into Celestia before flopping over with a complete lack of grace. Luna burst into laughter at the sight as Cadance barely held in titters.

Night advanced to help gather Silver back up to his hooves, "Sorry, your majesty. He's still a clumsy oaf."

Celestia shook her head, "Think nothing of it. No harm done. Silver Lining."

Silver rolled up quickly with Night's gentle wings to help, "Yes?"

Celestia smiled gently, "I would ask you a few questions you are in a unique position to answer. Consider it your first task as ambassador."

Silver nodded, ears alert and directed at Celestia. This close she was terribly imposing, but he felt nothing but kindness from her. This didn't negate that he was small for a pony, and she was quite large. "What would you describe as the positive facets of pony society?"

Silver considered this a moment, "The first thing I noticed was how well the various tribes got along. It's not perfect, but my own people trip over incredibly subtle differences like colors and eye shapes or an accent. Heck, there have been wars over which invisible patron in the sky you paid heed to, but that was mostly a cover for resource-grabbing." He rolled his shoulders, "Compared to that, well." He pointed a hoof at Night, "I'm now married to this lovely mare, and she's not my tribe at all, but despite all the surprise about it, not a single question was raised about that fact. No one said 'You're a unicorn, why are you marrying a lunar pegasus?' Tribal unity is amazing. A pony is a pony."

Celestia nodded slowly, "You have not seen it all. There are places where that breaks down, but it warms my heart to hear you say that, and to be reminded how hard we've fought to reach this point. I am told you have been researching magic, a most ambitious plan for one who has only recently gained a horn to do it with. Can you show me what you've found?"

Silver considered this, "My signature spell isn't fit to show here, in the garden. It would burn these lovely flowers. But I have another." He sat still, closing his eyes and trying to remember the spell by rote. When that failed, he grunted and pulled out his notes from a saddlebag, "Pardon. Experimenting I like, memorizing patterns, not so much my thing. Here we go." He began playing the letters across his horn before his heart crystal exploded with colors. At first the colors seemed random, but they shone with the color of the magic of each pony it was pointed at, even non-unicorns, producing many rays of light that reached out towards the ponies in the area. Oddly, a bright green shaft reached out for one of the guards.

"Huh..." said Silver, looking at that guard. The eyes of the princesses followed the light as well. The guard started to look increasingly nervous, though he tried to remain stoic. "If you have something to admit, you should do it now," suggested Silver, "Celestia is a very forgiving sort, and I have no issue with your kind, if I'm right."

The guard's front shattered. His form was consumed in fire, revealing the black chitinous plate of a changeling. This was clearly not one of Nicole's, with the irregular round holes that penetrated it. Wings spread and it took off into the air, only to be trapped in a bubble. A white stallion stepped out from around the hedges, eyes locked on it and horn glowing with the magic that held the changeling.

Luna snorted softly, "And you thought you'd need him for Silver."

Silver recognized the white stallion's cutie mark as Shining Armor and smiled, "A pleasure to meet you, Shining."

Shining perked an ear at Silver, "Hey. We'll talk after I take care of this." He trotted off, dragging the floating changeling behind.

Celestia nodded towards the still glowing heart crystal, "How did you make that?"

Silver tapped his chin, "Well, they gave me a spell to imbue the crystal with your personal color, and they gave me a spell to make other things glow. Both were considered low-level introductory spells. I took the symbols of both and mashed them together." He pulled out some more paper, revealing jumbles of notes, "I would love keeping track on my computer, but it'll break eventually, and then everything will be lost. The nearest computer shop is a dimension away. I got a lot of... less-desirable results, but eventually I figured it out. The new spell taps into the heart crystal's ability to glow with personal magic and makes it visible." The glow faded along with his spell, his heart crystal returning to its lavender shade.

Celestia pointed at the dangling pendant, "Why does it glow that color? That is not your color. Your magic is clearly a pure silver."

Silver flipped his ears back, "Oh, well, back when I was under the effects of Lyra's eager, but poorly-formed, spell, Twilight tried to help me. I was wearing this, but I hadn't charged it with my own magic, because I had none. It became charged while Twilight exerted heavy magical power, trying to brute force the spell."

Cadance tilted her head, "I had wondered at that little thread."

Silver perked an ear, "What?"

Cadance gestured at Silver and his pendant, "You have a little thread running to it. Are you fond of Twilight?"

Silver flushed gently, "Not in that way! She is adorable though. Not nearly as adorable as Night Watch." He turned and nuzzled gently into Night's cheek.

Night snorted gently, "That was transparent, but I'll accept." She hugged him gently with her wings.

Silver turned his attention back to Luna, who appeared to be relaxing over the course of the discussion, "Luna."

She went rigid again, "Yes?"

Silver smiled, extending a hoof, "Will you be my royal consort, of your own volition? I would value your assistance and company."

Luna glanced around, at Cadance's eager expression, her sister's stoic look of expectation, and Silver's hopeful smile. She let out a slow breath before she brought Silver's hoof closer with her own and kissed it, "It would be a pleasure to serve as your guide in the courts. My duties prevent me from always being at your side, but time will be made."

Silver nodded slowly, "I wouldn't want to drag you away from your other affairs." He glanced at Night, then back at Luna, "Thank you." He felt dizzy and elated. That had worked better than he could have hoped for, barring Luna suddenly producing Celine again, this was good.

Night folded her wings tight as she looked over Luna, "I'm not sure how I feel about sharing my stallion with my ex-boss."

Silver wheeled on her and pounced on a sudden urge. They went down together as Silver bit at her neck and cheek softly with his blunt teeth. Her complaints became lost in a sudden intense bout of snuggling before the princesses, to Cadance's clear amusement. Celestia raised a brow, "Did you?"

Cadance shrugged, "Maybe a little. They're already in love, no harm, no foul."

When the spell ran its course, Silver and Night separated, both cherry red with embarrassment, but no further argument on either's lips. Silver looked at Cadance, "You are a very powerful pony."

Cadance smiled gently, "Me? I'm the least of the princesses." She waved the comment off.

Silver shook his head, "You are the most subtle. You can't make things explode or invade dreams, but when a pony falls under your magic, they don't want to escape."

Cadance nodded her head, "I can't create feelings from nothing. You two are simply easy targets because of your already-strong feelings. No hard feelings, I hope?"

Silver closed his legs shamefully, "Only one."

Cadance smirked, "It is nice to see a pony that admires my work."

Luna snorted softly, "You're being shameless, niece."

Cadance fixed her with a devious glare and Luna put up her hooves quickly, "I do not want a turn! I will not be made to act so in front of the guards. It's not proper."

Cadance shrugged, "Then I'll keep it to those who appreciate it."

Silver felt the urge rising in him again, but Night acted first, tackling him to the ground instead.

Celestia raised a fine brow, "I do have more questions for him, niece. While he appears to be enjoying himself, this is not good for doing business."

Cadance stopped toying with Silver, and soon he sat up with Night. Night huffed softly, "If you want to visit, later, maybe, but that's enough of that in this courtyard."

Cadance nodded her head but was otherwise silent. The shipping princess had made her presence felt, and looked pleased. Celestia gave a smile at Silver, "This may come as a surprise, but we already have a task for you."

Silver perked an ear, "You want me to research something?"

Celestia shook her head, "I feel you will do that without prompting from me. No, this is much more specific to your ambassadorial title."

Silver blinked slowly, "I thought... that was mostly for show?"

Celestia shook her head, "I would never make a position if there was no need for it. A second human has arrived, a male, like you. He is far younger, and quite distressed. He arrived in Appleloosa, but is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. I would like you to see to his comfort, as one of your people."

Silver went stiff. He hadn't expected to actually be an ambassador...

"I have every confidence in you," said Celestia with that soft smile of hers.

Author's Note:

What a twist!

Typos think they are cool, like plot twists.

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