• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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261 - Long Game

Silver waved a hoof over the opulent grounds spread out below them. "You--" He cut himself off. Asim had not built any of what he was about to speak of. He was likely born into it. "Your ancestors believed in grand displays."

"There is a place for such things," Asim agreed. "Such as entertaining guests." He held up a lone finger as he turned to face the lawn and its workers. "It is also a promise. Given time and growth, all of our lands could be just as vibrant. We are not as lucky as Equestria to live in more hospitable climes, but with work and dedication, miracles can occur."

Silver looked out over the same carpet of grass and vibrant flowers in manicured lines. "Equestria is not this." He extended a hoof in a slow wave. "We have cities where one is lucky to spot a tree. We have deserts to rival yours, where a cactus and desert flower is all one can hope for, but we struggle, just as you do." He thought of the apple orchard they worked on in the middle of a desert, wondering a moment just how hard it was to keep them healthy and happy. "Despite the rumors, Equestria is not a paradise, though we like to pretend at times."

"And this is why I wished to speak with you." He turned to face Silver directly. "Assumptions are what pen us in this corner we find ourselves. Tell me, husband of a jackal, can they be lived with? Is there kindness in their heart?"

Silver's ears pricked as he glanced at the door that concealed where his wife was. "She is a challenge at times, but what wife is not? I am certain I prove just as trying at times... She loves me, in her way, a fierce way that... I have learned to like. She will pull me by the ear when she thinks I am being foolish, but will protect me with the same zeal."

One of the sultan's ears flipped back. "I have experienced that. I think she just enjoys the art." His brows fell. "Are you aware of her purpose?"

"Purpose?" Silver hiked one brow in turn. "As an Anubian?"

"Hers is an earned name." He clicked two of his sharp feline claws together. "It marks her as an enchanting companion. It is, in part, her duty to bedevil and win the trust of powerful members of other tribes and races."

Silver didn't like what he was being told. "Are you telling me to distrust her? We snared her as much as she came for us."

"No need to be defensive." He held up a lone hand, palm towards Silver. "We are allies, I trust. Equestria has had good dealings with us that I hope will continue, hm... Now, to the matter at paw." He wriggled a few fingers as he spoke, though both hands soon rested on the guardrail. "The termination of all Anubians, a bold endeavor, and not one I feel certain could even be done, but even if we assume it will be an imperfect strike..."

"Unacceptable," agreed Silver, stepping to stand at Asim's side. "We know where two of them are. One of them, Nefer saw."

"Nefer? What cute pet names." He chuckled in a brief noise of amusement. "Yes, two, out of how many? I do not think even your captive is aware. That is why we must not immediately dash them. Each contains information we need. Keep your female companions on a tight leash."

Silver softly huffed. "I will tell them, and they will know. That should be enough. They are not children who cannot perceive of delayed gratification." He reared up, his forehooves coming down on the guardrail as Asim was doing. "Are you married?"

"Soon," he said with a little flick of two fingers. "But that time has not yet arrived. A simple thing, really, but I will not trouble you with it. Let us turn our thoughts to this more pressing affair." A fang seemed to poke free of his lips, as if he were smiling subtly. "Not that you have worry for heirs, Prince."

Silver's ears perked at him, reminded of something... "I have had a prophetic dream, and much of it has come to light in new ways. I saw an artifact in these lands that may... solve your problem." He wasn't sure he was catching what Asim was hinting at exactly. "If I see it, I will bring it to you."

Asim left one hand on the rail as he turned towards Silver. "You are as eager to solve problems as your reputation hints at. This is not one that I feel comfortable with... a prince searching for answers for." He held up his free hand. "But even as I say that, I will not stop you, Prince. I you find an answer, I will accept it and swallow my pride." He brought his hands together in a smart clap of the pads on the palms and fingertips. "Tell me, what manner of artifact did you dream of?"

Silver's ears fell back. "I fell victim to it, given to me by a hopeful suitor. Clasped around the..." He trailed off, turning more and more red at his attempt. "It enhances the libido, fertility, and virility, and... It was very effective, frightfully so. How much of that was the dream's logic, I couldn't say."

"Find it, and you will have made a friend for life, my visiting prince." He laughed then, his hands resting on his belly. "I trust you feel you have no need for such a thing? Just as well. I will bear your words of warning to heart, however. Before rushing, my scholars will unlock its mysteries and render it safe."

How had the conversation veered towards that? Silver could only blame himself. He hadn't needed to even bring up the near-cursed artifact that had plagued his prophetic dream. "If I see it, I will do my best to get it to you." He turned to the door. "About Sheba."

"What of her? I will release her to your custody, as a kindness. Were it not for you, I would gladly make an example of her." He crossed his arms, looking at Silver sternly. "Will you add her to your stable?"

Silver felt his blush only growing worse. "No! My wives would find new ways to tell me how bad of an idea that is, I imagine. She says she is a descendant of the former rulers of this place, when they were pharaohs instead of sultans."

Asim slammed the guardrail with a clenched fist. "You test me! She is a political enemy as well, and you would have me release her? You tempt me with dreams and fancies, but ask so much of me, Prince Silver Watch." His mask of fury suddenly broke. "But I have a request that will end several of my problems at once."

Silver perked an ear at him in silent invitation to continue.

"I insist," He waved a hand broadly. "Take her and make her yours. If she is your wife, she will be tied to Equestria and loses her teeth. None will accept a sultaness, or pharaoh, that is tied to another nation."

Silver sputtered. "I just said that was a bad idea!" he got out after a moment, backing away from Asim.

"Then at least take her away." Asim made a dismissive wave. "If she leaves this country with you, then I will be satisfied, and never let her return without you at her side. If ever I see her outside your shadow, that will be the end of her." He brought down a hand on Silver's shoulder, fingers digging a little. "While I believe you can be an ally, she is a very real threat, even if what she said was a fabrication. Once someone makes a claim to legitimacy, they cannot be tolerated."

Silver could feel he had said the wrong thing. "I will keep her close at hoof and she will leave with me, I promise."

"Swear it." His fingers dug in a little harder. "Swear it on your sun princess."

Those fingers were starting to hurt! He considered repelling the angry sultan, but that felt like it would only escalate things. "I swear, by Celestia, that she will leave with me and I accept, without reprise, that she will be dealt with if this is ever not true."

Asim's grip ebbed and turned to a soft pat before he drew his hand away. "I apologize for visiting such inhospitality upon you, honored guest."

"Will you tell me the story?" Silver sat down on his haunches, facing Asim. "I will remove her, as promised, but that doesn't ease my wondering."

"As a guest, you must know there are limits." He took a step that changed direction even as he made it, swerving for the door. "She has had enough time to write what she knows. Let us begin to clear this mess."

"Wait! I mean, is this going to be a full raid, with guards?" He hopped up to his feet, clip-clopping behind Asim. "If we make a procession of it, they may destroy it before we get there just to spite us and throw us off the trail."

One of Asim's feline ears turned to Silver. "There is wisdom in these words. You travel with warriors, and if a particular one met an unfortunate end, I would perhaps be forgiven for not weeping as I should..." He turned to Silver. "Nefertari knows how to defend herself, and the other is her match if not exceeding it. Travel with them, since that seems to please you. I will conveniently forget this meeting occurred, at least until news of results reaches my ears." He brought his hands together just to spread towards Silver. "I think you will not let me down, hmm?"

He had just went from a full compliment of guards to none at all save his wife and bodyguard. Still, he knew both were warrior enough to be worth more than a dozen lesser people each. It would suffice, to speak nothing of his own talents. "We will act on our own initiative. No sultan would ask me to take police actions in his state. That would be absurd."

"I am glad you understand that. Most absurd indeed." He reached for the handle of the door. "I have never heard such an outrageous thing. Now, it's been a pleasure hosting you this short time. I pray my city sees to your various pleasures." He pulled the door open and vanished inside with a purposeful but not hurried walk.

Silver trotted after him, calling out, "are you done in there?"

"We are," came Nefertari's voice just before she appeared beside Silver. Sheba was instantaneously on his other side, pinning him between the two females. In front of him, held in both of their hands, was a piece of parchment with writing scrawled all over it, including a crude map that his eyes wandered over. "We trust it is to your satisfaction?"

The parchment suddenly raised out of sight as Asim took hold of the top and pulled it away. "Allow me a moment..." He flipped it over, taking hold of it in two paws. "Mmm... Logical... Yes..."

Sheba leaned in close, pressing her curves against Silver entirely by accident, maybe. "Is he going to help?"

"I echo that thought," whispered Nefertari, pressing equally close.

Silver felt uncertain how happy he should be to have two females so eagerly close, considering how deadly both could be, and how little love flowed between the two. He was not their shared friend or lover. He was something to fight over like a cat and a dog, as they were in a manner of speaking. "This will be mostly up to us, but I doubt we will have problems." He smiled nervously, though dared not turn to face either of them, lest he insult the other. "I have two skilled warriors that eclipse whatever they have."

Author's Note:

The time for action approaches swiftly. Can they put an end to this plan?

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