• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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191 - Mr. Happy

Luna opened the door to the training area to find that one of her practice dummies had vanished. "Samantha, where is Mister Happy?" She tried to keep her voice calm and even, despite a flush of irritation.

"Hiding," replied Samantha with a smile, swishing her tail.

Luna put a hoof to her face. "Please retrieve him this instant."

Samantha rose and retrieved the dummy from a nearby closet. "He's alright."

"Physically, perhaps..." Luna looked over the dummy. "Why did you do that?"

"If he was put away, I couldn't say anything wrong to him." Samantha nodded with confidence, as if it were simply common sense.

Luna gestured to Mister Happy. "And what if he didn't want to be in the closet?"

Samantha looked confused at the notion. "He didn't complain..."

Luna went with a hunch. "Did you give him a chance to?"

"... No..."

Luna gave a gentle smile. "Now, tell me, why is that acceptable?"

"I didn't hurt him!" She gestured wildly at the doll. "See, he's fine!"

Luna nodded. "But you scared him, and he didn't know why he was in a closet suddenly. While physically unharmed, you wounded an arguably more important part of him. Doesn't he deserve the right to decide if he wants to be in a closet?"

Samantha shrunk a little. "I guess so..."

Luna pointed at Samantha. "Wouldn't you like to determine when you enter a closet?"

Samantha opened her mouth to reply when she popped out of existence. The closet door opened, revealing Samantha where Luna had teleported her. "Hey!"

"I apologize, it was merely a demonstration in this case. Did you enjoy being put in the closet?"

"No, but I opened the door and left, so..."

"Could the other ponies you put in closets do that?"

Samantha's expression went from calculating to realization slowly as she pieced together that her combined actions might have had unforeseen context. "Was... it really that bad?"

"May I?" Luna smiled gently. Samantha nodded, then vanished again. The door slapped shut on a tied up Samantha.

Samantha tipped over and flopped inside the closet, trying to effect her escape. "Alright, this is... far from ideal... I can't even take notes like this..." Had she been doing this? "This is worse than jail!" At least in jail she could wriggle around and check her trackers. Being totally immobilized was near the worst possible thing. "Please let me out!"

Luna pulled open the door with her magic. "A valuable lesson has been learned." She gently undid Samantha's binding. "Now, tell me in your own words why we shouldn't do that to ponies?"

"It impinges on scientific progress," stated Samantha with a firm nod of confidence.

Luna let out a quiet sigh. "For you, perhaps, but what of other ponies?"

"It impinges on their scientific progress?" She looked perplexed at the very question.

"Not all ponies are interested in what interests you." She forced a little smile. "That's normal. Whatever they like to do, they don't want to be stuffed in a closet without consent. Could you tell me why that might be?"

Samantha frowned with thought. She began to move a hoof through the air as she mumbled scientific-sounding equations to herself. "It doesn't allow them ideal progression of their desired activity?"

"That much is true, but even a pony at rest will be irritated by it. A pony wants autonomy. Surely you wish to be allowed to do what you want?"

Samantha burst into a smile. "Then I can go home?"


Samantha pointed at Luna. "Preventing a pony from doing what it wants is wrong, so you won't stop me from going to my family." She rose up to her hooves. "Thank you, Princess, this has been--"

"Not so quickly!" Luna took a step forward. "You have to finish learning before I can--"

"I learned this." Samantha nodded firmly. "I will return tomorrow for more lessons. Goodbye." She walked past the stunned Luna.

She practically ran into an incoming Silver. Samantha squealed in delight and embraced her stallion gladly, an exchange returned eagerly. "Hello, Samantha. Have you been good for Luna?"

"I have!" Samantha kissed his cheek. "I learned an important lesson today."

Luna shook herself lightly. "She... has. Samantha, I must add to my lesson."

Silver turned Samantha back towards Luna, but kept a grip on her, hugging Samantha firmly from behind.

"There is a time when you are permitted to prevent a pony from action." Luna raised a hoof. "If they are about to hurt another, break a law, or hurt themselves, then you may intercede. A parent may also restrain the activity of their foals, for their protection and benefit. Understand?"

Samantha gave a slow nod. "Like I was arrested."

"Exactly so." Luna smiled gently. "You are, until I release you, effectively my foal."

Samantha tensed in Silver's grip. "Are you going to restrain my activity?"

Silver pulled her back gently. "She has a loving family waiting for her. It's good for her."

Luna nodded at Silver. "I actually agree." She waved them both off. "Go, and listen to their advice as well. I expect you back tomorrow promptly to continue things. You are my ward until I say otherwise, and there is yet much land to--"

She was cut off as Samantha gave her a telekinetic squeeze. "Thank you! I don't know why Silver said you were intimidating. You're perfectly reasonable." She turned toward the blushing Silver. "Let's go home."

Silver sputtered a little. "I didn't..." The damage was done. Luna looked dejected. It was a bad day for avoiding touching on the feelings of the Royal Sisters. "Samantha, go on ahead. The foals are eager to see you."

With a bright smile, Samantha trotted out of the room, bound for her home.

When she was gone, Silver let out a little sigh. "Luna, you know I don't feel that way."

"Do... you?" She rose to her hooves. "I'm an awkward intrusion on your life, frightening and... intimidating. It was my fault, just as surely as Samantha was to blame for her hasty action." She half-turned away, tears forming in her eyes.

Silver couldn't stand it. He just wanted the ponies around him to be happy, was that such an impossible goal? "Luna, you're fine..." He approached her on unsure hooves. "Thank you for taking care of Samantha."

She waved him off and let out a little sigh. "I was performing my duty."

Silver threw a leg over her, half-hanging. "Don't give me that. You could have hired a psychiatrist and effectively washed your hooves of the mess, but you didn't. Luna, you're a wonderful mare."

She quirked a little smile. "You're just saying that, even if it is nice to hear..."

He gave her a gentle nuzzle and settled beside her. "You're a friend."

"And..." She stifled the thought from emerging, but Silver knew what it was. He was painfully aware of what it was.

He was a prince, and the two unwed princesses were both eyeing him, existing family-be-damned. For a moment, he felt incalculable rage. Why wouldn't they just let him be!

"And that's all." Luna gave a haunted smile. "I used up my chances, haven't I... Such foolishness." She shook her head. "Have a good day, Silver Watch. I will attempt to mend the holes in her troubled thinking tomorrow. Treat her well in the meantime."

Silver rose to his hooves. He wanted to say more, but the exact words for what he would say, those escaped him entirely. So he said nothing in the end and trotted from the dim room.

Luna looked to Mister Happy and reached out, giving him a prod. "What are you looking at?"

In the nursery, Samantha approached the two happily crying foals. Their waving hooves were the best welcome home she could expect. With her magic, she lifted both up to easy reach and nuzzled at the two. "How are my littlest subjects? I missed you..." They missed her, though their words to express the feeling were less eloquent.

"They let you out?" It was Night, approaching curiously. "Welcome home, Samantha." They hugged softly, all four of them squeezing happily. "Where's Silver?"

"He should be behind me." Samantha nodded. "I am still Luna's ward, but she let me return home." She waved a hoof around. "This is my home, and I do my best work here."

Night let out a little laugh at that. "You want to be here for more than work, I hope?"

Samantha blinked softly before it clicked. "Oh! Yes! I should properly express myself." She leaned in and pressed her lips to Night's without further preamble, threatening to tip the lunar pony over before she began to kiss properly.

In the end, they did fall over, hugging and kissing when Silver entered. He flushed a bright red at his wives exchanging such a passionate gesture. He started to back away, hoping to not disturb, but his retreat was halted with a sudden telekinetic grab. "I'm sorry for limiting your movement, and hope you will forgive me, but I think we both want you here."

Silver approached to find both Night and Samantha did want his presence. They nuzzled and kissed and nothing further with the foals right there. That was just as well. They had kisses to give to the foals as well. Their family was brought together again, and the joy of it was quite enough.

When the snuggling-welcome was complete, Night sat up. "Samantha, do you understand why what you did got you in trouble?"

"She's a princess?"

Silver winced. That was... not entirely wrong. "You almost killed a pony, princess or not."

"I did misjudge that..."

Silver poked her lightly. "Misjudged or not, you don't tranquilize people."

Night nodded. "Not as a means of interrogation."

Samantha bobbled her head. "I should have used the truth se--"

Silver bonked her gently on the head. "I love you, but stop that."


They had some steps to make. But they were steps they were willing to take, with a pony they measured as worth being.

"I'm going to teach you the golden rule."

Samantha perked up. "The Golden Ratio?"

"Not quite..." Silver smiled gently. "The Golden Rule is 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' So, basically, you shouldn't do things that you wouldn't want someone to do to you."

Samantha rolled one ear back as she seemed to consider the very notion of that. "I suppose I wouldn't want darts thrown at me, but I wouldn't want my husband scared! She broke the rule!"

Silver nodded at Samantha. "She did, and she deserves to be scolded, but two wrongs don't make a right."

"I'm going to tell her." Samantha sat up straight. "She should at least be aware of her mistake."

Silver tried to ease her enthusiasm, but Samantha was quite set on telling Luna the next day of her error when she went for more lessons.

Author's Note:

Welcome back to the herd, even if you aren't legally attached at the moment.

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