• Published 14th Mar 2015
  • 7,834 Views, 6,677 Comments

Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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238 - Repairing the Crown


This is a note. If you have not, proceed to https://www.fimfiction.net/story/351810/silver-shield and read that, then come back here. This is not an author's note because I know some people read by downloading the whole thing and no author's notes are to be found.


Fast threw open the doors with a telekinetic shove, storming in on Celestia and Luna's dinner, fire in her eyes and her body trembling with fury. "What is this about evicting the changelings?" asked the reformed changeling herself.

Celestia nodded to Fast. "I was looking for you. You're in."

"In?" Fast blinked softly. "What do you mean, In? I'm pissed off is what I am!" She stomped towards the table, iridescent wings fluttering.

Luna gave a light nod. "That anger may abate when you realize what she means."

"Why don't you just say?!" barked Fast, putting her face dangerously close to Luna's.

Celestia tapped the table lightly. "Calm yourself. That is no way for any spouse of Prince Silver Watch to act."

"I--" She crashed to her haunches. "What?"

"It is as she said." Luna nodded, placid and unfazed by the tirade. "You are to join the herd."

"I... That's great... But..."

Celestia's horn lit up with her golden magic, lifting the stunned Fast and setting her on a wide seat. "I am evicting the hive, not the changelings, but if action is not taken, it will be seen that way. You wanted to join, your wish is granted. It will be a grand ceremony, full of pomp and display."

Luna nodded in stately agreement. "Yours is a political marriage, binding ponies and changelings together through one of their royalty and one of ours. It is fortunate that you already have feelings for Silver, that will prevent potential hardship."

Fast shook her head violently. "You're not taking this away from me," she shrieked before she caught herself. "You're making this as unromantic and unloving as possible. Am I really that bad that you'd only accept me to win at politics?"

Luna glanced to Celestia. Celestia nodded softly. "Our opinions may change, in time. Time is one thing we have in abundance, when it comes to this. We must act quickly for the current matter. I have no intention on scaring away good changelings. If they wish to live as part of Equestria, then they are welcome, but it must be as an Equestrian citizen, not as a changeling."

Fast felt her fight stolen from her. "So... changelings who want to stay, can?"

Celestia nodded. "They may, provided they become citizens like anypony else living here. That isn't much to ask. With that caveat, they are as welcome as anypony, minotaur, dragon, or much anything else is. Equestria is not known for being selective in the species of its citizenry, even if ponies do make up the vast majority."

Fast quirked an ear at each princess in kind. "So nobody's being given the boot?"

Luna smiled suddenly. "Unless they are missing footwear and request it."

Fast stuck her tongue out at Luna in revenge for the pun. "That was awful. Alright... alright... so... when do we do this?"

Celestia gestured out a window at the darkness. "Tomorrow, noon."

Fast jerked upright. "That soon?! How do you even plan to announce it?"

Luna glanced to her sister. "She has a point. This gives ponies precious little time to prepare."

Celestia nodded. "She does, but the announcement should begin immediately... Let's delay the ceremony until next week, but begin a city-wide holiday in preparation to it. The herd will be finalized and publicized. Everypony will have reason to celebrate." She clopped her clad hooves together, summoning a guard.

While she told him what to do, Luna looked across at Fast. "Sister must be very anxious to act. She rarely makes such errors. Even if this lacks some of the 'romance' you desire, you are getting what you wish, with a chance to get the rest. You will accept it?"

Fast frowned a little before her expression cleared. "I would be running away again if I said no..."

"You would be," agreed Luna. "Will you?"

"No!" Fast blinked. "I mean, no, I won't run, not no to the other... Yes! I will join the herd." She rolled her eyes. "Now you're getting me mixed up. Luna, you're good at that." She hopped from her seat. "It will be a pleasure being your herd-mate."

Luna hiked a brow. "Will it? Are you not angry at our refusal to love you?"

Fast gave a faint shrug. "I can't blame you... I have to prove I'm worth the time, but I will." She leaned forward. "And you don't scare me, miss Princess of the Night."

Luna quirked an ear. "This is good. Fear should not be what governs things within a herd. That is a life I wish on nopony at all."

Celestia rose from her own seat. "With that all out of the way, I should get some sleep. Luna, I leave it to you."

"Your kingdom is in good hooves," assured Luna. "Sleep well."

Fast watched Celestia go before she moved to Luna's side. "As a side, I've thought you were the prettier of the sisters for a while."

Luna blinked at that. "Honeyed words to curry our favor?"

"Ask Silver, I've mentioned it before. You've got what it takes." She flashed a bright smile before flames overtook her and she became her ruddy red unicorn mare self. "You have just enough exotic edge while being so very pony. I hope you see me the same way in time."

Luna's eyes wandered over Fast. "Exotic, yet familiar?"

"Exactly!" Fast's horn lit up as she snatched a bit of food off the table and gulped it down with barely a chew. "Do you know where Silver's hiding? Does he know?"

"He does not."

Fast suddenly looked quite excited. "Can I break the news?"

Luna held up a hoof. "I do not mean to begrudge you this pleasure, but it would be best were I or Celestia present to validate your claim." She rose and began walking to the door. "Let's get this done. The court is waiting for my presence."

"Don't sound too put out about it." Fast trailed along after Luna. "Thank you though. It shouldn't take too long, then we'll let you get back to royal business."

"Royal business is your business," corrected Luna as she went, navigating through the castle. "You are now part of the highest herd in the lands. Even if you have no official say on any matter, your social power is immense, and others will seek to exploit it. See that you don't become a tool for others."

"Like Celestia?" Fast said in a sing-song taunt. "I'm off to a bad start."

"True." Luna went quiet after the word until they reached Silver's room. "It is late. He may be retired." She raised a hoof and knocked softly. "If he does not answer on the first try, we will wait until the morrow."

Fast bounced a little on her hooves as she waited with Luna, but no answer was coming. Just as she saw Luna was about to give up, Fast drew in a breath, but then aborted the shout she was about to make.

Luna saw the whole thing and tilted her head faintly. "We felt certain you would call, what changed your mind?"

"If it was just Silver, I woulda just charged in there and bounced on him until he woke up, but it isn't... Night could be sleeping too, and their foals. I wouldn't just be a jerk to any one pony, I'd be being a jerk to them all. What kind of herd-mate would I be?"

Luna's passive face eased into a little smile. "That is a very mature opinion."

Fast rolled a hoof. "I was playing princess for quite a while, don't forget. I have my wants, but I haven't forgotten the basics. Besides, just being a good pony with good manners isn't that unusual of a thing." She turned in place, looking around. "Well, that puts me out for tonight... How about I join you?"

"We are going to court."

"I didn't forget."

Luna began walking. "And you still wish to come? It will not be very interesting, more likely than not."

"You act as if I didn't hold court before. I've had plenty of changelings with plenty of demands and complaints." She huffed softly. "I know what I'm signing on for. Besides, if I never show up for court, ponies will think I'm just an ornament instead of being part of the herd proper."

"Well said." Luna gave a nod before she gestured to Fast, facing a guard. "She will be seated beside me." The guard did not dare deny the request, not that there was much to deny, and they proceeded to night court.

Silver sat on his haunches on the roof. Night was beside him. Between them were three sleeping foals, tuckered out from a full day. Two of them belonged to the two adults, one was Rough Draft's. Silver let out a slow breath. "This isn't going to fix Canterlot."

"It won't," agreed Night. "There's a good sixty percent chance this is just the first step of many Celestia has in mind. She plays the long game, just about every time. I suppose when you're as old as she is, you get in that habit, or you'd be in a sorry state."

Silver nodded absently before it struck him to ask, "What's the other forty?"

"It's hard to be certain with Celestia." Night's snout wrinkled thoughtfully. "I figure there was a small chance, maybe 10, she just lost her patience and acted without thinking. Another ten that she planned on doing this anyway, and this just gave her an excuse to go ahead with the plan. Five that she is being pressured by some outside agency..." She looked over at Silver before leaning over and nipping his closer ear. "I feel like I'm just guessing when I'm less than twenty on any given chance, which I mostly am. That's why I try to avoid listing them."

Silver's ear twitched softly. "You heard about Rough, right?"

Night glanced down at the foal and back at Silver. "Want to share the details?"

"It's... well..." He reached a leg out and pulled Night closer just a little. "They didn't work out."

"It's like that, huh?" She sighed softly. "If there weren't a foal involved..."

Silver wrinkled his nose. "I think she was just in love with the idea... but she isn't a mother." He glanced aside at her. "So here we are."

"Here we are," echoed Night. "We'll do right by them." She peered down through her glasses at the sleeping foals. "They won't suffer for their parent's foolishness."

Author's Note:

You thought the story was over, didn't you?! Well, it was, sort of. Now it's not. Let the saga proceed. Does this make you happy? Sad? Let me know down below!

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