• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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229 - Together We Stand

Samantha nodded to the guards. "I require speaking to my mother."

They blinked at her in confusion.

"Oh! Sorry, she's not formally invited yet. I wish to speak to Princess Fast Change please."

One of them pointed to the lunar pony floating behind Samantha. "Does it involve him?"

"Yes, it does," she confirmed. "I hear you have a multi-tribal school?"

The other nodded. "We do, you do--"

"I'm going to a changeling school?!" cried Moonbeam in surprise and more than a little worry. "No way!"

Samantha turned to regard her flailing passenger floating in the air. "Now you stop that immediately. The negative thoughts you're having are exactly the reason you were turned away from the standard schooling options. They are ponies too, and will welcome you and give you the education you require."

One of the guard coughed softly into a hoof. "As we were saying, you don't need to speak to Qu--Princess Fast Change for that, just the school teacher. I'll show you." He got a nod from his companion and rose to lead the way.

"They'll suck the love out of me! I don't want to be a zo--"

The guard frowned up at the colt. "We will do nothing of the sort. We only take what's given. What about you, vampire bat? Will you drain my blood away and leave a desiccated corpse behind?"

Moonbeam turned red as a rush of emotions swept through him. "How dare you call me a vampire, vampire!"

"Blood drinker."

"Emotion eater!"

"Night Predator!"

Moonbeam pointed to himself. "That's more a statement of fact than an insult."

The guard quirked a smile. "As was yours."

Samantha set Moonbeam down in front of the guard as tensions seems to die down.

Moonbeam offered a hoof with uncertainty. "So, I'll be safe here?"

The guard clopped hoof to hoof. "You'll only be 'eaten' if you consent, and only a little. We want to be good neighbors."

Samantha smiled as peace was reached. There would be hope for her ward here.

Silver stood with foals strapped to either side. Next to him was an uncomfortable Night Watch. "Look, she did wrong."

"So have the both of us at times. That doesn't mean we don't offer a chance to make up." Silver leaned over and kissed her cheek. "I'm not asking you to become best friends, just to not hate her forever."

Night grumbled softly before she raised a hoof and clopped the door twice.

The door opened, nothing there to Silver's eyes. Nefertari's spirit guardian scowled at Night. "You've returned. There's nothing here for you."

Night rolled her eyes. "Don't be dramatic with me. Where's Nefertari?"

"She's working, unlike you."

"When is she expected back?"

Silver tilted his head. "Who are you talking to?"

The spirit smiled wickedly. "It doesn't run in this family I see."

Night kissed Silver's cheek. "Part of being a shaman," she explained to Silver before facing the grinning jackal. "I want to speak to Nefertari, when should I return?"

"When you are ready to admit your failings."

Night scowled at the spirit. "I'm here to offer her a chance of forgiveness, not tell her I was wrong, bec--"

Silver put a hoof around his wife and drew her close. He could only hear half the conversation, but it was clear where it was going.

Night let out a sigh as she was hugged. "Look, I need to talk to her, alright?"

"I will inform her." The spirit closed the door with a snap, leaving them in the hallway.

Night nuzzled into Silver's warmth. "She rarely outright lies. Nefertari will be told we came knocking."

"That gives us a few options." Silver nuzzled the top of her head. "We could wait, or find her. She's probably in the castle still, likely at court."

"And you won't be happy with waiting." The answer she received was a fresh boop on the nose from Clear Twilight. "Right, let's find her then."

She wasn't hard to find, but to approach... She was seated with other foreign dignitaries at Day Court, watching some pony on the stand complain about something local. They shared occasional whispered comments, but mostly seemed detached from the petty dealings of such trifling things. Still, they formed a unit, and made coming close to her difficult.

Night gestured a wing at them. "Well, guess that's that. We'll have to wait..."

"You know I won't take that." Silver looked over the room and the group. "We'll get her."

He did the only thing that came to mind, as outrageous as it was. He walked up to the knot of foreign dignitaries, starting with the gazelle-like female at the end. "I wish to speak to Ambassador Nefertari."

Just asking proved to be more effective than not, and Silver won his way towards his target. As he reached Nefertari, he was suddenly yanked, pulled down to sit beside her. One of her arms patted him on the back. "Hello, fellow ambassador. What brings you to my side? You're not scaring away my neighbors, this time."

Silver quirked a little smile and nodded. "I came to get you for a conversation. It involves Night."

Nefertari scowled. "We have precious little to discuss."

"I'd like to fix that," explained Silver. "This is far from the first mistake I've seen, and is not like--"

He stopped as Morning Glory popped free of his confinement and into Nefertari's lap. He held up his hooves at the female and received a gentle hug for it, much to his apparent satisfaction.

Silver reached with his magic to reclaim his colt. "Sorry about that, he does that. Now, really, just a talk."

"For you," spoke Nefertari as she rose. "Come. Court is no place for personal conversations."

They departed, meeting with Night on the way out. Nefertari snorted softly and glared at her once-student, but continued ahead. Night looked equally pleased to see her once-mentor, but soon they were in a tasteful but mostly-empty room. Silver set both of the foals down to explore and play.

Night faced Nefertari directly. "Perhaps I was a bit hasty..."


Night squirmed in place. "We don't have to be enemies."

"Then what are we?" challenged Nefertari. "You don't want the lessons I offer, and my views are quite alien to yours. You don't want to be with me, as a friend, it see--"

Silver nuzzled her, right in the belly. She went a dark red in surprise and fury. "And you! Why are you trying to be nice?"

He smiled a little. "I've met you many times, in better times and worse. I would like you to be a friend, also." He gestured at Night. "We're bringing this magic to others, and would like the help of someone already practiced in it."

The idea of being wanted for something was far less alien. "Ah, so there is a purpose to this beyond 'friendship for friendship's sake' then? Hmm."

Night rolled her eyes. "Pretty sure we'd be here having this conversation either way once he found out I turned you away. He's not wrong though, there is a practical side too."

"My price is simple and low." Nefertari rose to her full height. "Accept me."

Silver blinked softly. "I think I do already?"

"Not that." She waved it off. "I spoke to the noble, Blueblood. He mentioned you would perhaps be seeking one of every race for your 'herd'."

Silver turned red that time. "W-wait, I stopped that! I'm quite happy enough marrying the princesses."

"You're marrying the princesses?" Nefertari smiled wickedly. "It's good to confirm that. My price remains. Turn my shame into honor, to make it clear that you bested me for my hand and that we are joined."

Night put out a wing, partially blocking Silver's view. "I am the alpha mare. You have to go through me first."

"I'm not asking to partake in pony culture. I'm demanding you respect mine." Nefer leaned towards Night. "I will not ask him to abandon this group, that's fine. If I'm one of many, none will question if I act separately of him."

Silver felt a bitterness grow. He had just settled who was family or not and was happy with what he had. "We didn't come here for this."

"But here you are. You can take it or not." Nefer shrugged softly. "If you accept, I will perform my duties as wife."


She ran her paws along the sides of her body. "Males of any race get certain urges. I would be a fool to write off the possibility that you may even leave me swelling with hybrid pups."

Silver flushed dark and glanced at Night, then her. "Let me think about it," he said weakly, wanting to get out of there.

"There's nothing to think about!" complained Night before she looked guilty. "Look, Silver, you know I support you, but this is my job, a job you gave me, and this isn't even one of your crazy ideas. You're being forced!"

Nefer shrugged softly. "So deny me and be done with it, then leave and don't return, for we have very little to discuss."

Silver smiled nervously at the shapely biped. "We need to, uh, talk. Does this have to be decided now?"

"Take your time." Nefer shrugged lightly then moved to leave. "You know how to find me, I trust." She was soon gone.

Night struck Silver, a wing across his snout in a vicious blow. He felt a blinding anger for a moment, but it faded quickly. She smacked him again and he was sent fleeing from her. "How could you even consider it?! I made my mistakes, but we settled on it. I'm the First Wife. I decide who enters the herd, and she's not one of them."

Silver lifted her up and away out of striking range, only to be suddenly tackled to the ground by a spirit. Night's grandfather was pinning him to the ground. "I have tolerated a lot of your strange behavior at Night's request, but this is too much. You gather females around you, just to take one she doesn't even like? What kind of husband are you! Back in my day, a stallion had one mare and he was happy he had that!"

Night flopped to the ground, the tackle disrupting the magic holding her. She quickly closed the distance and warded her grandfather away. "Easy there. I still want him in one piece."

Grumbling, her grandfather slipped off of Silver. A keen crying suddenly split the room, to be joined by another. The foals were there, and watching their parents fight, and neither liked what they saw.

Silver's ears pinned to his head as he rose up. "Let's talk about this like grown people, after we calm them down."

They both went to comfort their children. Their conversation would have to wait.

Author's Note:

In case you thought Silver's life would be nothing but rainbows now, nope, the typos continue.

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