• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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228 - Reporting for Duty

Samantha sat down at a desk. Her desk. It was in her office. She looked around slowly at it. It was like Silver's without the personal touches. She would have to furnish and select such, to make those who visited her feel at home with the impression that they were in her home, not just an office. With her magic, she turned the name on the desk to face herself. "Minister of Tribal Unity, Samantha Watch", it read, and she smiled to read it.

There were already some ponies awaiting her, so she saw no reason to keep them as such. She set the name placard down and rang the bell in her magic that had been left for her. "Send in the first!"

A lunar stallion entered. She'd seen him before. He had been swept up in the AmNeigh thing and was medium-low on that ghastly pyramid. He had not served under Samantha. "Hello, ma'am." He glanced left and right. "May I start with a potentially rude question?"

"If you're asking, it probably isn't rude," reasoned Samantha. "I'm here to serve, and if disclosing information will do that, please, ask."

He hopped up on the chair facing Samantha and sat down. It was easily large enough for him to lay down on it without difficulty. "Why are you here, ma'am, instead of a lunar pegasus?"

Samantha perked her ears. It was at once a good and awful question. She considered a moment. "The fact that you have to ask that question is part of why. I am neither the unicorn you see or the lunar pony you want to see. I am a pony, and so are you. Being both proud members of this nation, I will do everything in my power to set your place straight and fight for you."

He blinked softly. "Did you prepare that ahead of time?"

"Should I have?" She tilted her head. "I've never served this position before. You asked, and I answered as best I could. I can't promise I won't make mistakes. If I do, tell me, patiently please. I will work hard to be the best at this job." She offered a hoof. "I do mean it. You are a pony, and you deserve a fine place, like any pony, of any tribe."

The stallion quirked a little smile. "You're a curious pony. I feel like I'm talking to a foal, but one with a big heart and big dreams. Is that why the Royal Sisters picked you? Alright, so... I used to work at the cannery, east side of town. It was alright enough business, until it fell apart. Problem, I only really know how to run canning machines, and that isn't a skill asked for a lot. Even when it is, if they have a choice between a lunar pony and a solar pony, well... So here I am, no job, no support. I want to work, really, I do! I don't want a hoof-out. I want to earn my keep."

She tapped her chin as she considered what he might have done in his work. "Have you assembled machines?" He shook his head. "Repaired them?" He wobbled a hoof. "I imagine you've cleaned and up-kept them?" He nodded. "What about what goes into them and who they sell to?"


"The machines, clearly they canned something specific, for a specific purpose. Are you aware of it?"

"Y-yea, why?"

"Why did the cannery you were at fall apart?"

"The owner retired, didn't have foals, so he let it go, and that was that," explained the lunar stallion.

"So it's still there?" asked Samantha, perking with hope.

"Covered in graffiti and broken windows, but yeah, why?"

"Why don't you run it? You and the other ponies that used to work there?" She clopped her hooves. "If you take on many ponies that would otherwise be out of employment and give them something productive to do... This would be a fine first expenditure of my royal stipend for just this sort of project." She clopped her hooves. "It will be good to have a lunar pony that ow--"

"Wait wait wait! Who?"

"You. Do you suggest another?" Samantha tilted her head.

"B-but..." The stallion looked overwhelmed. "I never ran a factory before. There's so many things..."

"That is why you will hire those who know what you don't. Assemble a crew of those who have the experience but are currently out of work, of any tribe, lunar or not. Give me the address." She levitated a paper and quill over. "I will oversee the legal matters of obtaining this defunct factory and we will begin remedying this fact."

He wandered out of the office a few minutes later, dazed, but happy. The smile wouldn't leave his face even as butterflies danced in his stomach. If things went well, he and his friends would have the factory back, and own it. But they'd have to take responsibility for it. There would be no 'boss' to blame for bad quarters or years.

Samantha kept going until she calculated she was within the limit, with a generous 50% leeway in case her calculations were tragically off. She prioritized things that would help more than one pony, and those that would theoretically turn a profit to help more ponies. She would make a pyramid of her own, but instead of the top laughing cruelly at the bottom, the money would flow up to her just to fund more pyramids, and everyone at every level would be treated fairly.

With the final t crossed, she hopped down from her chair and trotted out of her office. She flipped the card from 'In' to 'Out' and smiled. She had completed her first day, and she liked it. Checking her trackers, Moonbeam was doing a circle around the castle. She detected no other ponies with him, so she trotted outside and looked up to find him, then began to wave energetically. He came in for a smooth landing.

"Yeah?" he asked, looking her over.

"It's time to get you into school."

He wrinkled his snout. "Yeah, sure, you can try, but don't blame me when it doesn't work..."

Samantha raised a brow skeptically, but since Moonbeam was following her, she set it aside and made for the main office of the united Canterlot school districts. She entered the well-manicured building and made her way up to the counter. "I'd like to register my foal for school please."

"No problem, miss." The mare pushed forward a form with her magic. "Just sign th-- Who is that?" She was looking past Samantha to Moonbeam.

"That's my colt. Why?"

"He's a bit... old to be entering school," she noted as he rolled his eyes. "We usually accept young foals who remain until graduation."

"Surely an exception can be made? He's had some difficulties at home that are thankfully resolved and he's ready to en--"

"I'm sorry, ma'am." She pulled the admission papers away with a soft tug of magic. "He's too old to enter school."

"But he was in school before!"

"How recently?" asked the secretary.

"About a year," offered Moonbeam.

"Sorry, ma'am. Can I help with anything else?"

Samantha was red with frustration and anger, not directly at the mare, but there was a good portion aimed at her. "Where do you recommend I go?"

The mare shrugged. "Maybe a college?"

Samantha huffed and turned away. Her colt wasn't ready for academy, not yet. "Good bye."

"Good luck," offered the mare as she returned to her work.

Samantha stormed out of the office. That was a--

"I told you." He circled to her front. "Nopony wants a lunar colt, especially one as old as I am."

She pointed a hoof at him. "When Silver is told he can't have something, do you know what he does?"

Moonbeam blinked softly. "Uh, no?"

"He finds another way." Her magic grasped him firmly and hefted him up as she got to trotting. "I will not fail you as a mother so quickly. You're going to school and you're going to receive the education you deserve."

"It's alright, really," he insisted, floating along behind the incensed unicorn. "I know how to fend for myself."

"It's time for me to fend for you. I am your mother and I accepted that responsibility." Samantha looked over her shoulder. "There's another place we can try."

Silver was in his own office, but he was far from alone. Night was there, sorting papers about shamanism she could find and those she had penned and both were keeping half an eye on the two energetic foals. They were an occupied family, but their duties seemed smaller shared, even if it meant being in the same room.

His duties, besides foalwatching, were mostly involved in making sure he didn't get the coronation wrong, or the ritual to accept Luna and Celestia to the herd. "With him gone, and Samantha doing her part, we can move forward soon."

Night nodded as she shuffled papers. "I look forward to that, but I've been thinking. We should honor tradition, but we don't need to be enslaved by it. We should take this chance to show we're doing it our way, but we're not rebels without a cause. We appreciate the old ways."

"They let us be together," noted Silver as he flipped papers in his magic. "What do you suggest?"

She reached out a wing and scooped up Morning Glory, just to drop him by his box of magic goodies, which he began to dig through eagerly. "I have something in mind. It will catch Celestia and Luna off-guard, because we won't tell them, but they'll have enough poise to roll along and we'll have a good time with it."

Silver smiled faintly. "So long as it's nice and won't make too big a stink." He put his papers down and took a deep breath. "Do you think Samantha's doing alright?"

"It won't," assured Night as she rose to her hooves. "Look over this." She dropped a collection of papers in front of Silver. "This is my primer on shamanism, assuming you know nothing. Scan through it and see if it makes sense."

Silver plucked up the papers in his magic. "You should go over this with Nefer. She's been in the shamanism game longer than you, I--"

"No, please," stated Night firmly. "We've gone our separate ways."

Silver blinked softly. "Was it that bad?"

"She stole Samantha's mother and was ready to fight me, for real, to keep her. Yeah, I'm done with her." She snorted loudly and turned a little away only to find Clear Twilight peering at her. "What?"

Clear reached up and booped her mother's nose with a hoof. It brought a smile to Night's face despite herself. "Rascal."

"She's not wrong though. She lost, didn't she?"

"I won," corrected Night. "Samantha got to say a proper goodbye to her mother and send her off into the ether." She glanced away a moment. "That's all some ponies ask for, and never get." She trembled a little. "I'm proud I was able to give that to her."

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