• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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82 - A Lie We Accept

Cadance reached up to tap at her horn. "What are you suggesting, exactly?"

Sombra smirked. It was an expression of confidence and pride. He clearly knew, or believed he knew, something. "Imagine this, Pink Princess. There is a species of ponies. They approach the early Crystal Empire, but upon growing close to its Queen, their 'disguises' are stripped bare, revealing them for the true monsters they are." He smiled, sharp teeth displayed. "The ponies panic, the guests turned monsters panic. Mayhem erupts..."

Shining's determined face faltered a little. "Wait, you aren't really implying?"

"Implying? That would be beneath me." He rose up to his full height. "I'm telling you. These 'monsters in disguise' are captured, locked away before they can finish their nefarious scheme. I imagine, during the struggle, some real harm was inflicted on the crystal ponies, more than sufficient to make their actions justified. They were thrown in a box, the key tossed aside, and victory was declared."

Radiant looked between the door and Sombra. "But that means they aren't monsters, and neither are you! It's just a big, huge, terrible misunderstanding..."

Sombra put a hoof at her snout. "Oh no. I am a monster. I've proven that quite firmly." He strode past her towards a window. "If they see me, how many shrieks of utter terror will ring out? I imagine we'll hear them from here."

Cadance moved swiftly, blocking the way to that window. "Wait. I know you've done some bad things before, but it doesn't have to define you."

Before any other reply could be given, a new head poked up from the stairs and all eyes turned to the small changeling.

The changeling gave a nervous little giggle. "Sorry," she stammered out before vanishing back where she came from.

Sombra raised a brow high. "What was that?"

Shining gave a little chuckle. "That was a changeling. They were thought to be monsters too, but some of them have given up that lot and live with us."

He scowled in the direction the changeling had vanished in. "You live with that without cringing every time it comes into view?"

Cadance gave a gentle smile, feeling a chance. "She has her own charms, and is a good pony. She's even marefriends with a pony, a unicorn. With any luck, I can preside over their formal wedding. I would like that."

He wheeled back on Cadance. "You not only tolerate it, you would support them?" He crashed to his haunches. "This is not the... Are you deceiving me? Speak plainly. I will know if you're lying."

Cadance stepped towards him with her kindly expression. "Monsters are just ponies that we don't understand, who don't understand us." She offered a hoof towards him. "But I'd like to."

He stared down at her offered hoof, glancing between it and her face repeatedly. "Dark, tell me, how has she treated you?"

General Dark Pass snapped to attention. "As an honorable member of another country. Like a dignitary... despite what we've done so far." He hung his head a little. "It's been very humbling, but welcome, sir."

Radiant trotted back to Sombra's side. "They brought me straight to you when I asked. They didn't try to keep us apart, even if it meant you'd be angry and ready to fight them, but please don't. They seem like nice ponies. They... They really seem like they want to help."

Sombra thrust a hoof suddenly at the door. "If I open that, you will have countless more ponies with angers as riled as mine or Dark's ever were. Are you ready to face that?"

Shining Armor swallowed loudly enough for the room to hear easily.

Cadance handled it marginally better, shuffling in place. "Perhaps it would be prudent... if we could keep it down to a trickle? Let some out, one at a time?"

Sombra flashed his sharp smile at her. "It is as before. Heal them, or do not. The door is either open, or closed. If it is open, I don't imagine any other force will keep them from the freedom they have long awaited." He stepped towards Cadance, looming over her. "Are you ready to face that? Can you face that?"

Cadance resisted the urge to shrink before Sombra, quivering just faintly as she held her footing. "We don't have a choice, not if we mean to do the right thing." She pointed at the same door. "Let your people go, and we will face what comes next."

A knocking perked Silver up, with a little tired muffled moan coming from Night. He gently nuzzled her before slipping from the bed and trotting to the door, his magic opening it to reveal a crystal pony guard. "Sir? Princess Luna is requesting your presence immediately, in the old throne room, beyond the door."

Silver's ears went up, licking his lips and glancing back at his tired and sleeping wife. "Alright, but watch this room, and if Night wakes up, tell her where I've gone and that I love her more than life itself." He flashed a bright smile, then got to trotting, racing through the hallways towards where Luna had called him.

He found her, and so much more. His steps faltered as the entirety of the Mane Six came into view. It was too late, Luna had spotted him. "There he is. Come forward, Ambassador."

Silver approached Luna, and all the famous ponies arranged around her on those steps leading upwards. He brushed against half of them reaching Luna. She seemed blind to any discomfort he was feeling. "Y-yes, Luna? What's going on? I didn't know the M--Er, Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends were being called."

Twilight leaped on it. "Were you about to say Main Six?" She raised a brow. "I thought Jake was joking."

Her friends gossiped without mercy about the habit. A hoof landed on his shoulder. It was Applejack. "Don't pay them no mind. Luna here says yer already involved in this?"

Luna nodded. "You have already had contact with Sombra, have you not? And the umbrum?"

"Can you answer a few questions about both?" Twilight was smiling hopefully, her wings extended a little to either side. "Won't take a moment."

Silver shook his head. "Nice to meet you again, Twilight." Without thinking, a hoof raised to brush at the pendant dangling around his neck, mind swamped with a life lost of being at Twilight's side. The wound became new and sore, but he sucked in a breath. He would not go down that path. "I wasn't brought here for scientific updates on the side of these stairs though, I imagine?"

Luna canted her head. "I should think not. Sombra has been revived, and Cadance faces him... We have sent one ahead to see how their meeting fares before we move to intervene, but we are ready, should the negotiation fall through." She directed an ear at Silver. "Being our Ambassador, we thought it right that we sent you ahead to join in the discussion."

Silver stiffened anew. "They moved fast. Radiant Hope is with them?" Luna nodded, and he began to scale the stairs. "I'd better get moving, though I'd say it's a very good sign things haven't exploded already." He smiled a little. "Maybe they won't need me at all. That'd be nice." He broke into a trot, ascending the steps without any further delay. He passed by a familiar changeling. "Hey."

She nodded at him. "Good luck, human. It's tense in there, but they're still talking." And on they both went,

Silver emerged into the room just as Sombra approached the door. All eyes turned once more to see who intruded on the scene. Sombra's expression darkened. "Ah, I thought you would not stay away for long." His eyes wandered over Silver as he emerged fully into the room. "You're smaller in person."

With a little smile, Silver nodded at Sombra. "It's not the size, but how you use it."

Cadance snorted a barely restrained giggle at the words.

Sombra rolled his eyes. "It matters little. I have magic enough to crush you like the little colt you are."

"You do," agreed Silver. "But let's not do that. I'm not here for that." He sat on his haunches, meeting Sombra's shadowy gaze. "We made a promise. Where's her shard?"

Sombra paused for just a moment, as if caught entirely by surprise. "Hm? Oh yes." He drew a shard from beneath his luxurious cape. "We did make a deal, and you have delivered. Let it not be said Lord Sombra does not fulfill his word." He flicked the shard with a twist of magic, forcing Silver to scramble to catch it. "Is that all?"

Cadance gestured to Silver. "He is Ambassador of Equestria, sent to us by Celestia herself."

Sombra raised a brow. "Is he now? What would she think of this plan then?" He fixed his gaze on Silver, leaving him feeling naked despite basically always being so. "We will release my people, and they will be furious. They may hurt many ponies in their anger, and it is at the word of their own 'Princess' that this occurs. What would she say to that?"

Silver licked over his lips. "I wasn't privy to the start of this conversation, but if Cadance agrees to it, then I also agree with it. You were wronged, Sombra, and your people long before you. If we can untangle this mess... I'll see it through, with her, and everypony else."

"Brave words." He turned to the door. "But I can hear and smell the fear wafting off of you." He put a hoof on the door, tracing it slowly along its contours. "An entire people, their fury unchecked. Your false bravery will crumble soon." His horn began to glow with dark magic and his hooves slammed into the door. "Let's see." With a wrench, he pulled the door open, just a crack, and it was enough. With a loud sucking sound of ancient air, shadow exploded into the room. First one, then countless umbrum flowed out around Sombra. The room was filled, then overflowing almost instantly, pouring down the stairs and out the window.

The umbrum were free.

Author's Note:

That went... well?

I think?

Should I blame this all on the typos?

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