• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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137 - A Revealing Evening

"That wasn't nice of him." Silver shook his head a little, ears flopping limply at the sides of his head.

Starlight raised a brow at him. "He didn't have a choice. The cutie ma--"

Silver raised a hoof and put it over Starlight's snout, earning a withering stare. Being dull meant not feeling such glares as keenly either. There were some benefits. "Did somepony take away his quills and paper?"

Starlight jerked back away from that hoof. "What? I don't think so?"

Silver nodded a little. "Then he could... Maybe he got too busy, or something bad happened, or something good. It was..." He shook his head, the fog irritating him. "Can I have my mark back?"

She sighed as her magic faded. His mark zipped back to his flanks the moment it was permitted and with a jolt, he was whole again.

He smiled with relief. "Now--"

"No, enough." She bore her teeth at him. "I've wasted enough time on this already."

Silver felt he was so very close. "Why don't you see him? You're not a foal anymore."

The strength suddenly fled her. "W-what? He's busy doing important wizard things..." She shrank away. "He doesn't have time for me."

Silver frowned a little. "He should make time, and he would, if you turned up and reminded him."

Starlight turned halfway from him. "I don't even know where he is..." Her resolve steeled and she wheeled on Silver. "Stop distracting me! Let me guess." She thrust a hoof at his cutie mark. "You have a cutie mark in talking ponies into things. That's why she made you a diplomat."

He blinked before a chuckle escaped him. "Way off. My special talent is hybridizing and experimenting with magic." He turned a little to show it off. "These are some of the words of the first spell I ever made."

The concept seemed to suddenly confuse Starlight on a deep level. "If you have a talent for magic, why aren't you a wizard too?"

Silver took a little step towards her. "I like magic, and I'm good at it, but I've chosen to help other ponies, as an ambassador. May I help you?"

With an almost audible click, Starlight perked up and smiled. "You've found freedom from your mark! No wonder you kept prying even with the blasted thing peeled off of you." She raised a hoof to his cheek. "See? Isn't it better to do what you want, instead of what 'destiny' demands? And you're even not-awful at it!" She gave a manic little laugh as she fought a shudder. "And those ingrateful ponies said they couldn't get good at what they wanted. Of course they couldn't! They were just imitating their blasted marks instead of finding hobbies they genuinely liked."

Silver had never been to Our Town or witnessed who Starlight was speaking of. He sat down on his haunches. "Starlight."

"Yes?" She looked at him, mane disheveled, not from any physical means but reflecting her unkempt psyche, bristling under the pressure.

He held out a hoof. "I would like to be your friend. My cutie mark will never get between us, I swear."

She scowled at him and clopped a hoof on the ground. "And then I'll just stop and everypony can be happy and that insufferable princess will never get what's coming to her and I should be alright with that because 'yay friendship'? No." She turned entirely away. "You're nice, but deluded." With a blindingly bright flash, she was gone.

He heard clops against the floor as Sunny and Celine emerged from either end of the aisle and approached him. Silver perked an ear. "How long were you there?"

Celine nodded lightly. "If we allowed you to come to harm, Night would never forgive either of us."

Sunny smiled. "Besides, you are our stallion, potentially. It's only proper we watch out for you. I know your culture values men protecting the females, and I hope you don't see this as emasculating."

Silver shook his head, then the rest of himself in a vigorous motion. "I'm happy to have friends that care. Their sex shouldn't mean a damn thing. Oh, does Night know why I've been late?"

Celine gestured in the vague direction of Silver and Night's room. "We informed her, but she would undoubtedly be pleased to see you in pony and unharmed. Shall we?"

As they began to walk together, Sunny was at Silver's side. "She had the piece she needs, and she knows she can approach you without difficulty or reprisal on your part. I am curious, how much of that was an act?" She raised a brow lightly. "Do you sincerely wish to be her friend?"

Silver glanced back where she had been before the flash. "Yes. I've seen her once she's been knocked off that pedestal she's built for herself. She's a good pony, er, will be, has been? My time is a little muddy."

Celine moved to take up his other side. "Will be, with hope. What you have seen is could-be's and what may-have-been's. You performed well."

Silver frowned at the choice of words. "You say it like I was pretending."

Sunny inclined her head a little. "You were, not in caring, but in pretending to not know much more about her than even she understands of herself. She didn't suspect you. Your sincere care kept her off balanced from noticing anything else."

With an air of mild victory, they made their way home.

The door opened and the royal sisters stepped aside to allow a blur of fangs and dark fur to pounce on Silver, bringing him to the floor as Night kissed and nipped at him. "They wouldn't let me go and tear her in half. Are you safe?" She began patting him down with her hooves and wings, inspecting.

"I'm fine, promise." He sat up and nuzzled at her gently. "Even better, now that I'm home. Anything exciting happen while I was out?"

She smirked at him a little. "You weren't gone that long. But now that you're back, it's time to get to work."

Silver lifted an ear. "A new human?"

Night shook her head. "You wish. It's time to pick out outfits for the gala you agreed to go to. If I'm going to go to the Grand Galloping Gala, then we're all going to be dressed properly for the event."

Trixie poked her head out of the room. "If you two lovebugs are finished, Trixie would also like to shop for suitable garments for such an event."

Celine tilted her head. "Did you get a ticket, Trixie?"

Trixie froze, then scowled. "Silver, address this obvious mishap immediately."

Silver looked to Sunny, who shook her head. "Your ticket is good for you and your wife. Your foals can attend, but it may be wise to find a foal sitter. This is not really an event for such young ponies."

He looked back to Trixie, who held up her hooves. "Oh no you don't! Trixie will not be foal sitting when she could be showing the kingdom how Great and Captivating she can be!"

Rough nudged into Trixie's side. "I'll keep an eye on the little ones, you go and show off for all the 'lesser' ponies."

Trixie's expression became a joyous smile. "Has she mentioned how much she loves you recently?" She smooched his cheek and turned to Sunny. "Now, about that ticket?"

Sunny gave one of her gentle smiles. "It must have gotten lost in the mail. I'm certain one will arrive soon."

Trixie nodded, eyes closed and poise proud and certain. "She is certain that is the case. Now, shall we shop?"

Rough retreated to watch the foals, and Silver realized his wily OC had managed to avoid having to go clothes shopping with two self-conscious and fashion-concerned mares. Silver let out a little chuckle as he rose to his hooves and turned to start walking out of the castle. "Let's get you two looking even more spectacular, if that's even possible. The tailors of Canterlot have their work ahead of them if they think they can outdo what nature's already managed."

Night colored a deep red as she followed. "Silver! When did you start spinning such flatteries around?"

Trixie was beaming. "She cares not, simply keep it up. Colt of mine, what feature of mine captures your attention most strongly?"

Silver swiveled an ear at Trixie. He felt as if he had just walked into a deadly trap and considered his move carefully. "Hmmm, it's so difficult to decide on one when the whole arrangement works together like a skilled harmony."

Correct answer. Trixie giggled with joy as she cantered along.

Night raised a brow as she followed. "And what about me? And don't you go saying 'the whole thing'." She prodded his flank. "That only works once."

"Oh that's easy."

She started. "It is?"

He nodded, facing forward still. "Your eyes. Deep and dangerous, wide and observant. I get lost when I gaze in them, to say nothing of your mane and tail, both wonderful splashes of light and life, promising that the night can be gentle, if you treat it right."

Night found a new blush burning fiercely in her cheeks. "I swear... where did you pick up this habit?"

Silver considered a moment with a little frown. "I used to say things like that more often, when I think about it."

Night nipped at his side as she caught up to walking at his side. "Well don't hold yourself back. A mare likes to hear these things sometimes. I think anypony would."

Silver tilted his head. "Then when is it my turn?"

Trixie grinned devilishly. "She likes your tail."

Silver glanced back at his very Trixie-like tail. "You would, mother." He lifted the tail a little, suddenly distracted by it. "When is this going to go back to normal?"

Trixie swatted the tail before moving up on his other side. "Maybe it won't. Do you dislike it?"

Silver considered. It wasn't a bad look, not really. He glanced back at it again. "It doesn't match the mane."

Night reached, running a wing over Silver's mane. "Maybe we should make it a matching combination?"

Trixie flashed a bright smile. "Nopony would then doubt for a moment that you were truly a colt of hers, which you are."

Silver raised a brow. "About that. Ponies don't seem to inherit colors in the first place. How does that even work?"

Night shrugged a little. "I look similar enough to my parents."

"Trixie does not." She tilted her head. "It's always charming when it works out, however. Some ponies are lucky enough to look like bigger and smaller versions of the same pony side-by-side. Enough of that, we have clothes to select..."

And so began a new adventure. An adventure in fashion.

Author's Note:

Starlight is gone, and nopony was harmed for her presence. A good sign, or just a typo in her plans?

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