• Published 14th Mar 2015
  • 7,833 Views, 6,677 Comments

Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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267 - You Are Not Alone

"I'm sorry."

Silver's ears jerked upright as he blinked away the tears. He had been walking down a hallway in a fugue, trying to regather his thoughts. A glance around revealed no person near him. "Who's sorry?"

"I am." The voice was tinny and poor in quality. "I'm so sorry... My NefNef... I had such a great experiment lined up for when she came back."

"Samantha," sighed out Silver. "It's... good to hear from you. Can you monitor us from this far away?"

"Not well." There was a pause. "I saw her die. Her signs went crazy, and I couldn't help her. I couldn't do anything. Oh! Wait, nevermind that."

"Never... mind that?" He shook his head, trying to puzzle Samantha out, always a challenge. "So you did do something?"

"I sure did," she chimed proudly. "I mean, not for NefNef, she's very dead... Um, but I did save someone."

Silver felt his ears perking up. Dare he hope? "You..."

"Yep!" she blurted, not giving him time to get it out. "Sitting in a fancy incubation pod. If I had a willing jackal around, I'd transplant it into her. Think if I ask one nicely enough they'd say yes?"

"No! No, don't... If you can care for it properly, do that." He imagined Samantha naively asking for such a heavy sacrifice. "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry? You didn't do anything wrong." Samantha snorted over the tinny line. "Silly Silver."

Silver felt a ghost of a smile teasing his lips. "I was with her. I was the closest person with... authority."

"I don't have any of that," admitted Samantha easily. "Never stopped me before. Oh, you had them put NefNef in a box, right? Bring her home. I can still do some interesting things with her."

Silver stopped mid-walk. That statement was perfectly Samantha, but that didn't stop it from setting his nerves on edge. "Samantha, I am fairly certain her people wouldn't appreciate that, and neither would she. Before you tell me she's dead and she doesn't get a vote, I'll remind you she was literally someone who talked to spirits often."

Samantha blew a raspberry over the connection. "She'll haunt me if she doesn't like it, then I'll get to see her again, so that doesn't sound so bad. I wonder if she'll be good at haunting people? That'd be kind of nice. Yes, I am certain. I will be haunted by her after my experiments."

Silver considered what emotion would be most appropriate for that moment, shaking his head. "If you've been watching us, do you know what happened?"

"It's like peeking through a tiny little hole with snow at the end." He heard her sigh softly. "I could see things happening, but not the details. It's up to you to avenge NefNef!"

"Any clues on how to do that in a productive manner?"

Sheba was suddenly beside him. "Who are you speaking to?"

Silver jumped in surprise, even as a wry smile formed. He was reminded of Nefertari, good and bad. "Hello, Sheba."

"Tell her she's welcome to join the cool people club," whispered Samantha in his ear.

Silver flicked that ear softly. "I was consulting the spirits."

"You are a shaman too?!" She frowned softly. "Why did you not use their magic?"

Silver turned away, considering his surroundings. "Caught me. Now... I believe we need to speak to the sultan at least one more time."

Sheba smiled brightly, sharp fangs exposed. "Is it time for the sweetest revenge?"

"It's time to know what happened, to start." Silver waved a hoof outwards. "How many died. How many were injured, if any were harmed without outright dying."

"If I was there, I would have tracked them and would tell you. I can report that zero Canterlot citizens were harmed in that attack." Samantha sounded so happy to be giving that report.

Too happy. Silver grunted softly. "I would have been surprised if there had been, but Nefertari was a citizen, making that report mildly false."

A shocked gasp sounded over the connection as Sheba peered at him oddly. "Please don't make the loss of your wife the last step before you give up on sanity. I'm just getting used to your presence."

Silver awkwardly smiled as he backed up a half-step. "I have an ally in Canterlot that is talking to me."

Sheba crossed her arms, tapping a finger on an elbow. "Do you? Quite a talent. Can they talk to me?"

"No. Is she coming with you? I'll add her to the network when she's here. Tell her I said hi and I'm Samantha."

Silver rolled his eyes, imagining Samantha bouncing in place, so many miles away. "She cannot, but she is happy to meet you. Her name is Samantha and she can't wait for you to be there."

"Samantha..." Sheba purred softly, suddenly beside Silver. "I can't place that name. What is her relation?"


"She's my adopted daughter, and a genius. I hope you two will get along, but that's not for today. Right now." He pointed in the direction he thought the sultan was. "Let's chat."

"As you wish." She gestured more grandly before starting off, though she moved slowly until he caught up and matched his pace. "He is not as good at secrets as he thinks he is."

Silver turned an ear to her. "While curious, this feels like a bad place."

"You're learning." She reached over and stroked a long equine ear. "I will take over that part of your training. It is the least I can offer my slain rival."

Silver glanced over at her. Was this part of her coping mechanism? Was Nefertari's death that heavy a blow to her? He shook his head a little, putting that aside. Having a devoted guard was not a bad thing, and he knew what awaited her if he cast her out. He would keep her close. "We can't allow this."

"Allow? It has already happened." She lifted her shoulders as she walked along with him.

"We must find the source, pray it is one that is not easily replicated, and destroy it."

"And if it is not?"

Silver frowned savagely, his teeth set hard a moment. "Then this world enters a new age, and it will be a terrible one. Imagine, being able to kill like that, from a distance... Even just one person at a time is horrific, but that count is likely higher."

"Let's find out." Sheba raised a hand and rapped the back of it against the heavy door they had reached. "Is the sultan at home? Prince Silver Watch of Equestria wishes an audience."

There was a moment of quiet before the grand double-doors opened inwards away from them. Inside was a throne room, with the feline sultan perched on a most well-designed throne befit of one that wishes it plainly known how powerful and important they were, or at least thought themselves to be.

"My friend, and his guard. Do enter." He waved them forward from across the long room. "Have you more news for me?"

Silver strode across the soft carpet. The carpet ran down the center of the room, towards the king. Beyond it was hard marble. It was all very expensive looking. Silver kept his eyes on Asim Obami, sultan of Anugypt. "I'm afraid not. I was hoping you would be the bearer today. How bad is the damage? How many were--"

"--Let us not speak so of such a terrible way." He waved a paw, dismissing it. "My physicians tell me I performed a cowardly act. Your wife, she was not ill, and she was no danger to me. For this, I feel a gift is owed, for a friend who has lost so much, when I was not there for him." He struck the flat of his palms together in two smart claps. "Bring it in!"

A double-door in the side of the throne room burst open wide, fluttering scarves twirling as females of several species came wandering in. Half were biped, the other half down on all fours. He saw a few ponies, some saddle arabians, towering over the other ponies. They were all female, and all moving in tempting fashions.

It was a time he could appreciate the true mix of his body and mind, as his eyes swept from the suggestions of bipedal women, but straying towards the more subconscious cues he was getting from the equines. Still... "What are you--"

Asim held up a hand for silence. The procession entered with a large cart held aloft between four of the larger and stronger of the women. As one, all of them bowed low towards Silver, the cart being placed down with the motion in a move that he had to assume they had practiced. "A small gift, to help ease a troubled heart." He gestured at the shrouded cart and the women arrayed beside it. "Take what you will. Take who you will. They are all willing to be yours, for a night, or for longer."

Sheba snorted softly. "A cruel joke," she spat out, acid in her breath.

Silver turned away from them, looking to Asim. "They are your servants or subject, unwilling to anger you. I will not force anyone like that." He had accepted one like that in the dream, he remembered. It had actually worked out... Still...

Asim snapped his fingers. "Tell him why you would accompany him."

The woman whose eyes he had met bowed her long neck, for she was a giraffe, a quadruped. "You are a scholar of species, genuine in your curiosity. I was hoping you could help me, and my kind. We are frightfully rare, but perhaps, with the right assistance..."

He looked to the next. "And you."

She swept her hand to the right, bowing low, her breasts hanging temptingly in the motion. She was a cow, bipedal, smiling gently. "As much as I love the sultan, the tale of the too-kind prince is too hard to say no to. I would support you and give you love, as you love your people and those who care for you."

Silver shook his head quickly. "I... This isn't what I came for. How many victims were there?"

Asim nodded towards a silent feline nearby. "Our agents are still gathering that information. In the meanwhile, if it helps, my young prince, whomever you select need not warm your bed. Any royal house deserves fine servants, and these are some of the finest. They will work for you well, each eager to do so."

A literal mouse of a woman waved an arm excitedly, her round ears perked. "Even while grieving, you want to fix what is wrong. I would gladly serve in your house. Please, let us have that honor."

Sheba waved a paw at the lot of them. "Your ruse is as transparent as still water. Why are all these servants female?"

With a rush of flames, what had seemed to be a female bipedal bear suddenly became a male feline, matching Sheba's species. "I can be male, if that's better," noted the changeling with a smile. "I'm not aware of his tastes, but I know he has been nothing but kind to the changelings. I would gladly serve in his house."

Asim did not argue the changeling's interruption. "Think on it. I have assigned you a room, and they will all be close at hand for your review and consideration." He gestured to the cart itself. "Now, take a look. There are some other things to consider."

Silver sighed as he advanced on the cart, figuring that until he had at least given what the sultan was offering due consideration, he would get little, and be seen as rude. On the rich black cloth set boxes and vases, each topped neatly. He reached with his magic and willed the first box open, revealing a riot of gold and silverish hints. Platinum?

He closed the box just to open the next, revealing a dizzying array of instruments in a larger box, all of fine Anugyptian make. A vase held spice, another was filled with incense sticks. The cart was a mind-boggling assortment of gifts of no small value. "You're too kind..."

"Nonsense." He sat up, clapping his hands together. "Equestria is our friend and ally, long may it remain so. Take it, and know this is true."

Part of Silver wanted to lash out, to be angry and loud and furious and sad and inconsolable. He wanted to run away and hide.

But he was a prince. He silently set that mask into place. He was a prince, and he had to act it. "Your gift is touching. I accept it. Let us put this messy matter behind us. I look forward to your cooperation in that, so we can return to much more pleasant topics."

Asim waved a hand over the line of women. "Wait for him in your chambers. We have important business to discuss."

Author's Note:

So, of the potential servants shown, any catch your mental eye? Most/least favorite? Do share!

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