• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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26 - Darkness

Silver awoke to a dark, yet familiar, place. He stood up on nothing, looking around. He examined himself, and found he was still a young unicorn. "Hello?"

Words formed in the darkness, floating quietly, 'Are you happy?'

Silver tilted his head, "Wait wait, before I answer that. What does my answer do? Are you going to send me back if I answer the right, or wrong way?"

'Do you wish to return?' asked the words, the old question fading away.

"Not what I asked!" retorted Silver.

'You did not answer the question either.'

Silver settled on his belly, "I'm not trying to pick a fight. You've given me a unique opportunity... whoever you are. Can we do introductions? I'm Silver Lining, formerly David. You are?"

There was silence. Well, there was silence before, but now the letters had faded away as well, making Silver feel alone.

'My name carries no meaning, but you are welcome, Silver Lining.'

Silver nodded, "Alright. I can't force you to say, but, yes, thank you. I saw you brought one other over at least? He seems happy from his letters. Are you out to make people happy?"

'I expected less happiness. Your life is full of hardship, but you enjoy it.'

Silver tilted his head a little, "I'm going to assume I can be bluntly honest with a possible super-powerful entity of words, so, here goes. Sure, I get hurt and put in odd situations, but I also gained a family, and there are not zero, nay, three females that like what I'm packing, both upstairs and downstairs. Compared to my boring life before, or slow constant grinding pain? I'll take the spikes with the much higher spikes of pleasure and satisfaction."

'Do you wish to play a game?'

Silver frowned a little, "I feel threatened the way you... wrote that. Is this the kind of game where I end up hurt?"

'Perhaps. Do you desire power? Are you willing to suffer for it?'

Silver shook his head, "If you're offering to be, I dunno, the world's first alicorn stallion or something, deal's off unless I happen to figure it out on my own."

'It will be your actions alone. I can only open paths for you. Only your feet, or hooves, can walk along them.'

An ear perked, "What paths have you opened so far?"

'I gave you your reflection. I insured your future mother stayed in Manehattan when she had planned to depart on research a few days before you arrived. Is that not enough?'

Silver slowly nodded, "Did you take them away?"


Silver shook himself out, "You've been... honest, so far I can tell, which really isn't that far. Why are you interested in me?"


Silver blinked, "That was refreshingly blunt. So I'm a little fun experiment?"


Silver felt better, "Well, it's good to know where you stand. Just don't break your experiment. I'm a lot less fun dead or shattered. So, uh, you approve of what I've done so far?"

'You have made the world you entered more interesting slightly. You change things around yourself without thinking. The guardian of dreams is herself plagued with doubt. The guardian of the day has misstepped grossly, in full view of the world. Even the guardian of chance finds you odd. You could be a force of great good, or ill, but you stride firmly towards the middle, trying instead to just be a good person.'

Silver's eyes swept back and forth over the letters as they appeared, "Is that... bad? Trying to be a good pony that is."

'You could do so much more! You could be a master manipulator. Few would see through your lies. You could seek out ever greater magic, becoming known on the level of Star Swirl.'

"I could grab every mare that'll stand still and make the biggest harem around, but those all sound like awful ideas on one level or another," argued Silver. "Is it bad to find satisfaction? I'm getting better at magic, at my own pace."

'You have answered my questions. You are still alive. Do you wish another gift?'

Silver blinked, "What kind of gift?"

'What do you desire?'

What did he desire? Silver frowned in the thought of it. The last gift was his desk, which came exactly as he requested it. He suddenly wondered where it had gotten off to, but turned his thoughts back to the present.

"My father," he decided, "is a very sad person. He regrets his many decisions deeply, many of which include me. Can you make him happy?"

'I could bring him to you.'

Silver shivered softly, "No! No... dragging him abruptly to pony land seems like something he would not appreciate. Is there anything else you could do?"

'I can only open paths. He will not walk down them.'

Silver frowned a moment before it faded, "Alright, I... think I believe that. Fine, I'm going to be greedy then, and hope that doesn't offend. Can I be stronger? More specifically, can you increase my magic throughput to, I don't know, so I can lift level 4 instead of 3?"

'Are you that afraid to ask?'

Silver sank to his belly, "I'm trying to not be a jerk. Why? If I asked to be an alicorn stallion on par with Celestia, would you do it?"


Silver cringed back, wondering just how much disruption this entity could cause. "While that would be... cool, I wouldn't own my own life anymore. I would be thrust bodily before everyone and stared at no matter where I went or what I did."

'Are you not already?'

Silver frowned, "One moment of public speaking does not compare."

'You are still watched. You are still judged.'

Silver waved a hoof, "Well, fine. As tempting as living out a power fantasy is, I get the idea you'd only 'open the path', and that path would not be easy or safe. Would I even survive?"


Silver pointed at the letters, "See! No, how about the minor upgrade? How dangerous is that?"

'It will hurt. You will certainly survive.'

Silver smiled, "That sounds better than trying to be ruler of the world. Open that path."

'Are you certain?'

Silver considered a moment, pawing at the ground with his hooves. "I may regret it later, but yes, I am sure."

Silver suddenly awoke mid-step and crashed directly into a guard. He recognized her by her hiss. It was the angry night guard. She easily shoved him over and was on top of him, growling in his face, "Luna may have requested I not taste you again, but that doesn't give you leave to push me."

Silver squirmed under her, "I didn't mean to, sorry." He thought back to the conversation. Was this an open path? "Say, since I have you here..."

"I have you here," corrected the night guard, settling on Silver. "I cannot bite you, but there is no rule against pinning you for a small while."

Silver nodded, "Technically true. Luna--"

"Princess Luna, to you," ordered the angry female.

"She said you were very good at your magic. Does any of that translate to unicorns?" asked Silver.

She perked an ear, "Yes. Surely you have felt the magic within yourself before you channel through your horn?"

Silver quickly nodded, "Yes, all through me."

She bared her teeth, "Good, you're not too stupid. That is pony magic. All ponies have it. I suspect all species have it. The only difference is how it comes out."

Silver managed to squirm around so he was facing up instead of to the side, belly-to-belly with the female, "Can you show me how to get more of that?"

She turned her snout upwards, "Why should I? You are too much a coward to even train with us outside your safe books."

Silver considered this with a frown. "What if I did train with you? But there's a catch."

She snorted, "You don't want to chip a hoof?"

"Close," he confessed. "For appearance sake, I can't return home looking like I was killed. This is for Equestria, not me, not that I like being hurt."

She spread her wings wide, "I can hurt a pony in many ways that doesn't leave a bruise. Are you certain you are prepared for this?"

He didn't like the sound of that, but the path had been opened. It was up to him to put a hoof forward. He nodded. She suddenly stepped off of him and lifted him with her wings to a standing position, "Remember that you asked for this. I will not be kind. I will not be soft, but if you listen to me, you will grow." She bared her teeth, "You have Princess Luna's eye, and possibly more. I'll do what I can to make sure you're worthy of it."

Silver gave a hesitant nod, "Yes ma'am. Just don't, you know, kill me."

"I am First Harbinger Nightwing. You will refer to me as that, in its entirety," she said as she swept a wing wide. "Perhaps, if you prove you are worth not looking at like pond scum, you will earn a shorter name to say. Now, tell me. You've done those unicorn tests. How much can you lift. 2?"

Silver flushed a little in indignation, "Three, ma--" Nightwing began glaring at him. "Uh, First Harbinger Nightwing?"

Nightwing nodded, "Three. We have a three on the warlocks. We should be ashamed." She nudged him with a wing, making him wobble, "Be prepared. Tomorrow, I will begin breaking you, then putting you back together." She trotted off with a purpose, soon lost to the corridors of the castle.

Silver trotted back to his room, where Night Watch was waiting. She looked like she had just gotten in. He approached her quickly and nuzzled, "Hello there! How did your shift go?"

Night Watch smiled gently, "Caught a foal trying to sneak in. I brought him back to his mother, should have heard him bawling. I doubt he'll be back."

Silver circled around her, then conjured his hands, starting a gentle massage across her neck and withers, "Quiet other than that?"

She began to relax at the gentle attention, "All quiet on this front. Fast mentioned you were visited a few nights ago?"

Silver perked an ear, "Oh, yes, by the academy. They want me back."

She turned to face him with a raised brow, "And?"

Silver lifted his shoulders, "And... I didn't agree or disagree. I already made a big noise about joining the warlocks for training, so that would probably look very odd."

Night reached with a wing and prodded Silver on his snout, "So why not both? Learn some control and basics from the warlocks, then get back to the spell-studying you wanted to do anyway. Everypony wins then." She suddenly squinted, "You smell like a female and it's not Luna. Now you know I tolerate your dalliances with the princess, but I wi--"

"Easy there!" said Silver as he raised a hoof, "I was tackled by a big mean mare. She's going to teach me how to build my magic reserves."

Night snorted softly, "OK, but my statement stands. I don't want to hear about you laying with any other mares."

Silver quickly nodded, "I won't, promise. You three are more than enough for me." He tilted his head, "What would you do if I became an alicorn?"

Night blinked through her glasses, "What would I do if you grew a second head and began singing a diamond dog opera? I don't know, but it'd be about as likely. What on Equestria brought up that question? I have better odds than you, and they aren't good odds."

Silver smiled, "That is an amazing image you just painted." He moved forward and kissed a cheek, "Don't ever change."

Author's Note:

We learn some things in this chapter, but are they good things?

Did you know formless entities can make typos in their words?

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