• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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235 - Courtly Interruptions

Silver donned his fanciest clothes, walked with wings wide and head held high. His shoe was shined, freshly buffed, and another shoe hovered beside him, equally shined and ready to use. His magic threw open the doors to day court, drawing the look of the guards there, as well as the nobles in the back, but he was not challenged.

Celestia looked up with a surprised expression, pausing mid-sentence with what she was dealing with. "Ambassador Silver Watch?"

He descended towards the princess. "I have come for you," he said, walking carefully to make sure every step was as regal as it could be. "That the royalty of the city, united in our love for our people, would also be united together." He set the shoe on her podium. "Princess Celestia, I will dutifully serve as your stallion, and as a servant to this great nation. Will you serve as my mare, as you serve as princess of this nation?"

Celestia's eyes widened slightly. She hadn't expected this, but there it was. "I would be certain that you know what you're proposing." She glanced past him to the great crowd that stared unwavering and fixated. They had their audience. "I am unaging, and unflinching in my vows. If I accept this, we will be tied until your death, which may be for quite some time. Will you accept an eternity at my side?"

"We will stand together," spoke Silver as he turned a little, offering those watching a better view of them both. "We will serve as the pillars that hold up ponykind, forever and together. We will defend them from those that would do them harm, forge alliances of friendship, and foster each generation so that it is greater than the last."

Celestia turned faintly red despite her control. He really was going through with it, and in such an unorthodox fashion, but it seemed genuine and well-presented. She pulled off one of her golden shoes with her magic and slipped her hoof into the silver one. "I may not always wear this, physically, but I accept the tie it places around my heart as a reminder of our shared devotion, to Equestria, to our ponies, and to the future."

Silver moved around her, to stand beside her, each wearing one silver shoe. "To the future," he echoed. "And to each other. Long may Equestria stand, its people smile, and we with them." He leaned in. She felt a moment of intense trepidation. He was going for it, and it was his action. She accepted it, and they kissed in full view of the court. Silence fell, eyes locked as they exchanged saliva, passion, and solemn promises.

The room erupted into soft stomping as their kiss parted. While there were a few sour faces, as there surely would be, most appeared moved and pleased by the demonstration. Celestia felt an opportunity and brought a wing around under Silver's chin. "This nation is not overseen by one, dear husband. Where the sun resides, so does the moon. Will you stand at her side as well?" The fact that she had said husband made soft murmurs spread. They were eating it up, and her saying it made it even more official than anything else so far.

Silver gave a firm nod. "Even as I bask in your warmth, I admire her cool and enchanting beauty. Together, we will stand for Equestria. She sleeps now, but I will approach her this evening." He turned from her. "As much as I would desire to..."

"Not so hasty." Celestia shook her head. "This must be consummated. Court is adjourned."

There were gasps of surprise. The more bawdy, male or female, gave enthusiastic clops against the ground and cheered for their princess as others stared with wide eyes at the forceful lesson that their ruler even had such parts, let alone seemed willing to use them. Despite this, they began to leave, conversation becoming loud and gossip flowing freely. News that Silver and Celestia had become an item would spread far and fast.

Celestia led the way away from the court. "We're not to be disturbed," she instructed her guards while indicating they should stand a short distance from the door. Close enough that they would still hear that things were going on. Even such acts needed witnesses of a sort.

Silver followed Celestia, watching her with new eyes. She was his wife. She owned him, and he owned her. They were about to... He grew unpleasantly constricted in his fine clothing as they entered her private chambers and closed the door.

He praised the sun in every way he could think of. From the very suns on her rumps to the delicate features of her face, he made it clear that he thought she was a vision of loveliness. He did not feel the powerful suction of life stirring, but it was clear that Celestia approved of his efforts. He held her and was held. They were tired but pleased, and savored being together.

She stared into his eyes. "That was very bold..."

"As bright as the sun I claimed?"

She rolled over onto him. "You may yet be growing, but I am still larger and wiser."

He kissed her chest and pushed against her. "Large or small, I couldn't be happier right now."

The deal had been set, he had added Celestia to his herd without a First Wife to stand in the middle.

Later, Silver settled in his office. He wore his usual clothes, including his saddlebags, and made notes as he read over the coronation notes. "One more to go..." At least, that day.

A knocking made him look up. "Come in." He wasn't expecting anyone, who could it be?

It was a shadow pixie, an umbrum. She had cool blue eyes but was mostly monochrome across the rest of her body. She wore soft red clothing that worked down to a skirt. "Mister Watch?"

"That's me," reported Silver with a smile. "How can I help?"

She smiled nervously. "Well, you see... This is awkward..."

"It's alright." Silver tapped his desk. "Please, assume I won't be offended and just talk." Offending him was usually hard.

"Well alright. Do you know Samantha Watch?"

He nodded as he closed the door behind her. "She's my adopted daughter." He winced suddenly. "Did she do something wrong?"

She looked relieved. "Oh good, so you know. She did... She came to me, oh! I'm Miss Shade Fire. Nice to meet you." She bowed her head. "Anyway, Samantha came saying you wanted to marry me."

Silver went a bright red in his cheeks. "Marry?!"

"I knew she wasn't speaking for you, Mister Watch." She smiled a little. "We don't even know one another."

"I hope she didn't bother you too much. I know she can be pushy at times." Silver fretted at the idea of Samantha shoving her way forward eagerly.

"Oh, no, I mean, besides coming to my house. Once... She's fine, if a little eccentric. Her son is a good student, mostly. I just didn't want... I mean, if you really had... I... Look, you've done us all a great favor, Mister Watch, but there have to be better umbrum than me to go after."

Silver smiled a little. "You're putting yourself down. I'm sure you're a lovely person."

She blushed, ready to argue that, but it would be arguing against herself. "I'm just a teacher..."

"My father was a teacher," noted Silver. "A fine career, and more important than most give it credit for. Every important person, er, pony likely had a teacher behind them. Even the ones that drop out often are shaped by the experience, much more often positively than not. No, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a teacher."

She began to go more and more red the more he spoke, but he didn't stop.

"Celestia's a teacher, you know. Without her serving as one, we wouldn't have Twilight, who became a princess and so much more."

She shook her head violently. "I work in a rundown school in the middle of the poor part of town. Even among teachers, there are better and more important."

"Why are you so certain in shooting yourself down?" Silver raised a brow. "You teach the children that most need to be taught, to have a chance to elevate themselves. More 'refined' teachers would turn up their noses, but you care more than that, I bet."

"I..." She sank a little. "It was the only position that accepted me... They're not used to umbrum." She glanced away and back at him. "Look, see, why would you even care? No offense! I mean, you're nice and all." She approached cautiously. "Look, I'm like a third your size!"

Silver blinked, realizing his words could be taken as convincing Shade Fire that she was a worthy mate. "Forget me a moment. I'm talking about you." He hopped down from his chair and circled the desk to be with her. "I've heard Samantha speak of her son's schooling, and she's quite happy."

Shade smiling wryly. "I get the feeling she's usually happy."

Silver couldn't argue that. "You're making a difference in the lives that most need it. For some, you are the only adult they can approach safely."

Shade glanced away before looking back at Silver. "Are you really part of a herd?"

There seemed to be no way to avoid talking about himself. "Yes. Night Watch and Celestia are members."

Her eyes widened a little. "So she wasn't lying about that... With great ponies like those, you don't need little ol' me at all." She waved it off. "Night is so fierce and strong, and they're both so bright and wise. Celestia... You don't need me."

Silver didn't need her, or had even planned to approach her, but every self-deprecating comment hurt him. He wanted to help this caring little female. He reached for her, setting a hoof on either shoulder. "Miss Shade Fire. You are a great person. You are doing a job that is worthy of so much more applause than it gets. No matter how small you feel at times, you are a giant in the lives of those around you, even if they don't realize it. Please, be proud of that."

She quirked a little smile. "You're just... saying that to woo me."

It didn't help that he got the impression it was working solidly. "I'm not." He really wasn't! Darn it, wasn't there a way to make this straight without crushing her feelings one way or another? "Look, let me ask a tangential question. Are there umbrum princesses, mayors, or such?"

"There's Lord Sombra?" She tilted her head. "He has eyes only for one, and I would imagine that's not you, um, sir, no offense. We don't really have anyone besides that."

So much for that... He was speaking to one of the higher ranked umbrum by merit of their not really being any ranks yet. They had been freed too recently. "Shade Fire, I mean it when I say you are perfect the way you are, and I would really be happy if you would be happy. Stop selling yourself short."

"Do you really like sharp minds?"

Silver winced internally. This was all headed in the direction he hadn't planned. He let his eyes roam over his monochrome suitor, finally looking at her as a female instead of just a person. She was small, but she had a brightness in those blue eyes. She would... What was he thinking?!

Author's Note:

Miss Shade Fire, we thought you escaped, but instead you came to Silver with a fresh batch of typos. I thought teachers fixed those?

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