• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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181 - A Delicate Situation

Silver settled himself as the others relaxed. A good first sign, or so he figured. "Fancy, is this the first time this... has come up?"

Fancy looked a special kind of shamed, perhaps reserved for those with enough dignity to feel the pain of its loss. "I'm... afraid not old bean."

Fleur seemed to notice his saddened look and rose to join him. "You know I love you."

Fancy put a leg over her and drew her close. "As I find you dear, but these indiscretions..."

Fleur's ears went back against her head. "I just like a little... spice. You're a darling, a dear and wonderful stallion, but you're a little... predictable."

Fancy quirked a faint smile. "You weren't expecting me to be here."

Fleur pointed at Silver. "That's his fault. He's anything but predictable."

Fancy looked like someone kicked him in the belly. "A-are you?"

"No! Perish the thought." Fleur nuzzled his cheek. "Unpredictable is fun to visit, not to live in."

Silver wasn't sure how he liked the way the conversation was going. It wasn't like he actually had any training in counseling in general, to say nothing of marriage specifically, but he'd try. "Fleur, have you tried suggesting fun things to do with Fancy? I'm certain he'd be willing to try a few things, especially at your request."

Fleur perked her ears. "Fancy, bless his soul, is a wonderful stallion, but very traditional."

Fancy glanced between the two others. "What would you suggest that you think I simply wouldn't try, if it meant you being happy?"

Fleur leaned in a few inches and whispered a few things into Fancy's ear that made him turn redder and redder by the moment. "That's just the first idea that comes to mind."

Fancy adjusted his collar as if he were suddenly too warm. "Well, yes, I see... Perhaps... We could give that a try?"

Fleur perked her ears. "Would you? It's a most ungentlecoltly thing to do."

Fancy smiled at that. "Making sure one's loved ones are happy is about the most gentlecoltly thing anypony can do. Besides, we can be much more discreet when we are alone." He gestured at Silver. "At least, rather than sneaking guests off in the middle of a function."

Fleur had the dignity to blush at the obvious chastising. She glanced between the two. "I'm glad that's settled then. I'll try... But..."

Fancy raised a brow. "Silver has already declined. He takes his wedding vows, as unusual as they are, seriously, much like I do."

Fleur raised a hoof to tap her snout. "A single kiss won't shatter either of us, will it?" She rose to her hooves. "Just one, and I will let this whole thing go."

Silver rose to stand himself before glancing between Fancy and Fleur. Was a kiss safe? He approached and went to kiss her cheek, but she wouldn't accept that, of course. She ducked at the last minute and planted her lips to his. It was a pleasant enough kiss, though most of the passion came from her end.

He gave her a parting nuzzle and directed her towards Fancy. "Your husband is willing to do anything for you. You don't need any other stallion in the world, and none could hope to match him."

Fancy was last to rise. "Right. That needed to be done, one way or the other, but I'm sorry you had to be in the middle of it." He nodded at Fleur. "We'll... try some of the things you mentioned, after the function is completed." He shook the blush from his cheeks. "Now let's return to the others before the gossip about what we might be doing reaches a fever pitch."

Fleur and Fancy trotted from the room, leaving Silver to emerge at his own schedule. He sighed softly, imagining all the ways that could have gone so much worse. There hadn't been shouting and screaming, or, perish the thought, either of them coming to blows with the others. Imagining the two of them broken apart made Silver shake his head slowly, hoping that they'd come to an accord and find their happiness.

"What are you doing?" Night Wing emerged from a corner of the room. It reminded Silver somewhat of Nefertari, except Night Wing was not only allowed to do it, but legally required due to his very own command. "You're out of their sight for too long. Return to the others before they let their gilded tongues start flapping."

Silver nodded to her and trotted out of the room, returning to the party still in progress. His return seemed to be noticed, but not commented on.

That zebra was there, and seemed to be watching him most closely as the others were talking about a dictate Celestia had just made.

One noble mare scoffed softly. "She thinks she can just command the very flow of the economy."

A stallion raised a brow. "Why can't she?"

"It's larger than even she is. There are too many ponies involved, and it's not always the act of any one pony that makes all the difference." She raised a brow. "She may move the sun, but she may as well try to keep a hill of sand from moving."

Silver looked about the group. "What did she say?"

The mare frowned a bit. "She stopped a pair of stallion gentlecolts from tearing down a forest nopony is using. They'd bring it into active use, which would be a gain for the economy."

Silver blinked. A pair of stallions? Economic? "Flim and Flam, by chance?"

The mare brightened. "You know them? Yes, those are the two."

One of the stallions waved it off. "Those two are as half-baked as their inventions. There's always something missing, when it isn't an outright fraud that they're peddling. I stand with the princess in protecting anything from those two."

"You haven't had a drink." It was the zebra, offering a glass he balanced on a hoof precisely. "It's hardly sporting to be the only one not partaking."

A lone drink, nursed slowly, shouldn't hurt anypony. He also figured that his increased mass would dull any effects, which was fine seeing as he wasn't there to be drunk. He accepted the glass in his magic. "Thank you, what is it?"

"A blend of fruits. If you would prefer something harder, the bar certainly is prepared."

Silver approved of the zebra's selection quietly as he tipped it back and took a little sip. it tasted like cherries most of all, with just a hint of alcohol, but he couldn't hope to identify what sort with his inexperience.

A stallion nudged him. "Do you watch the races?"

Silver blinked before it came to him. "The Wonderbolts?"

"Oh, well, them, but they're hardly the only ones." He waved off the idea. "They aren't even the fastest. They have precision on their side, but a pony that only has speed couldn't even dream of joining them, which is where the races come in." He raised his glass in his magic. "Strong solo acts that focus on nothing but being the fastest thing out there. From the sound of it, you haven't seen many."

The mare from before smiled at them. "Are you about to drag our new prince to a race? I simply have to be there for that."

Fancy raised his glass. "I'll raise one to the races. A fine sport, just a pony, their skill, and the track. A few friendly wagers to spice things and you have the making of an excellently spent day. Come, Silver, you simply must join us."

Seeing nothing wrong with the general idea, he nodded. "I may bring my family along, if that's alright?"

Fancy raised his brows. "Please do. I should like to meet the mares that caught your eye."

Silver found his eyes wandering towards Fleur, who was staying at Fancy's side. He let out a little sigh of relief. "I'll be sure to bring them." He sipped from his drink softly. "Will the others bring their families as well?"

One stallion perked up. "I wasn't... But why don't we make it the theme of the day?"

Fancy nodded at the idea. "Excellent notion. Everypony bring their loved ones with them and we'll enjoy their presence along with the races.

A mare smirked a little. "You can't do one with the other."

A stallion beside her nudged her gently. "Don't be like that."

Another mare nodded. "Maybe I'll show him how fun it is with all the others there. It's worth a try, wouldn't you say?"

"Too right." Fancy clinked his glass with the mare and a shared drink was enjoyed.

The party went well, with mostly small talk and court gossip to go around before the guests slowly started to excuse themselves to head home. When there were only a few, Night Wing appeared at his side. "Come on."

Silver turned to Fancy. "Thank you for inviting me. I'll see you at the race."

"Oh, yes, and don't forget the family." He tipped his glass towards Silver a little. "Safe trip, though with that experienced warrior at your side, I should hope for anypony foolish enough to cross you tonight."

Silver departed with Night Wing at his side. As soon as they were out of ear shot, she snorted. "Besides a dozen rookie mistakes and one huge foul-up that you managed to pull out of a complete dive, you didn't do that badly." She raised a brow. "You used to partying? Of course not. Damn recluse." Her wings fluttered faintly before relaxing on her back. "You've been drugged, by the way."

He stopped and looked at his companion. "If you knew that, why didn't you stop me?"

She flashed a smile. "It won't hurt you. You drink like a shy filly. I'll be surprised if it can even put you to sleep at your proper bedtime, let alone anything more than that." Her mouth closed but her fangs remained on display. "Maybe next time you don't accept glasses from strange zebras. Don't trust them."

That sounded alarmingly racist to Silver. "Just because he's a zebra?"

"Zebra don't bow to Celestia or Luna. They're not Equestrians." She rolled her shoulders. "Doesn't matter what they are, they're not us. You're the first ascended prince, so that's going to draw attention by itself, and don't think just from inside Equestria." Wing turned to Silver. "Congratulations, you're popular. Enjoy it."

Silver snorted as he took an angry step forward, just to wobble a bit. Was it psychosomatic, now that he knew he'd been slipped something? "Your next assignment is to find out who that zebra is."

"And take care of him?" She raised a brow. "I--"

"No! Just find out who he is and where he's from. Dig and give me a complete picture."

She smiled thinly. "For a moment there, I thought you'd grown a pair, but fine. No crime in looking before you leap. I'll be back with a report." She stepped back into an alley and was lost.

Author's Note:

Silver survives the party, practically a typo in itself.

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