• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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186 - The Moon Rises

Luna sat up in bed, her head muggy, her mane frazzled and splayed even as the inner portions of it attempted to flow properly. With bleary eyes, she looked around to see a smiling nurse looking at her.

"Do you feel alright, Your Highness?"

Luna blinked at the question, as innocent as it was. "I feel like something is attempting to escape my skull. What happened?"

A soft cough came from the other side of the bed, where Luna saw a night guard standing vigilantly. "Did you wish to speak?" He nodded. "Go ahead."

"Mistress, you were ambushed while in attendance with Ambassador Silver Watch." He bowed low as he spoke.

"I was?" Luna frowned as she slid to the floor on shaking legs. "Has the culprit been found?"

"About that," began the nurse, only for the guard to bump her right out of the way.

"She has, Mistress. She is in custody awaiting your word."

Luna glanced between the two. A part of her demanded swift action, but she felt... she should do what was right, not what felt expedient. "Good, let her speak. Nurse, what were you trying to say?"

The nurse glared at the guard before looking at Luna and smiling. "Your attacker, Samantha. She gave us the ingredients she used for the drug that incapacitated you. She... is a menace, but she didn't mean to hurt you, ma'am."

Was that who it was? The memory of the event started to come back to her. The angry looks of those two mares, the needle, the darkness. "I see..." By many rights, she was still a commoner with Silver not yet ascended to princedom. She could have the mare swiftly dealt with. Vengeance could be hers... But it would be a dish served bitter and cold. It would cement the fact that Silver would never love, let alone like, her. She would be driving that wedge in herself, and for what? "I would speak to her. Where is she?"

The guard held up a hoof. "She is in custody, Mistress. She will be brought to court for proper trial. We trust you will be in attendance, Mistress?"

Court? Trial? Luna scowled. "Who would be bringing these charges to her, if not myself?"

The guard glanced off with obvious sudden nervousness. "Is that not what you want, mistress?"

Luna lied. She lied completely. "I asked her to do it! She is innocent of any crime. Bring her to me this instant."

That did not mesh with what had already been said, and the guard raised a brow at Luna. "The drugs have clearly had an effect on your memory, Mistress. Please, rest and recover. We will see justice done."

Justice done... She had wanted justice done before, and it had ended poorly... "Don't hurt her!"

"Mistress?" He took a slow step back. "She's... Keep Princess Luna here, for her own safety." He turned to leave.

Luna looked to the nurse with challenging eyes. "Will you obey him?"

The nurse gestured at the rest of the infirmary. "I have work to do. Healthy patients are free to go whenever they like." She smiled a little. "Do what's right."

"I intend to." Luna strode out, shaking her head to clear it as she sought out her sister. This was becoming quite a mess, and she had to stop it...

Samantha rolled from left to right upside-down in her cell as she listened to Silver argue with a night guard elsewhere in the castle, trying to determine where she was. She wasn't in the same cells Silver had been kept. He had tried there already. At least knowing Silver was hunting for her made her a bit happy.

Light shone down the hallway a moment as the clip-clop of hooves came towards them purposefully. "The accused has control of Princess Luna through mind-altering drugs."


"It's true. We have a report from a trusted guard. She wanted to release the accused without a trial."

Samantha rolled up to her belly. "I did no such thing. If I was going to mind-control Luna, I wouldn't use tranquilizing agents at the same time. That's illogical."

One of the guards approached her cell, just a vague shape in the shadows. He clanged a metal-clad hoof on the bars of her cell. "Silence! You've done more than enough harm."

Samantha raised a hoof at the guard she could barely see. "And what if I'm telling the truth? Proper rigor demands the discovery of the truth through empirical means."

The guard seemed confused at her words. "What?"

"She's trying to confuse you." A second shape walked up to the bar. "You just wait here. We'll discover the truth at the trial, then you'll face your punishment." He nudged the other guard back. "Until then, all guards are to keep a minimum safe distance from her. She's dangerous."

Celestia looked up with a smile as Luna entered day court. Many eyes turned to regard the entering Princess of the Night. "Sister, it's good to see you."

Luna gave a wan smile. "We need to speak."

Celestia confused Luna's words with her archaic way of speaking. "Go ahead, we're listening."

"No, we need to speak." She gestured between herself and Celestia. "It is of the utmost importance."

That broke the ambiguity and Celestia waved off the court. "Court is recessed for an hour." When most of the ponies had left, largely leaving the guard behind, she fixed her eyes on her sister. "What's wrong?"

Luna gestured outwards. "I fear my guard is acting of its own volition. They plan to prosecute Samantha, Silver's wife, with or without my consent or support."

Celestia raised a brow. "And just who do they plan to preside over such a trial? Certainly I wouldn't sentence a pony in the manner they desire."

Luna snorted softly. "Even you, gentle sister, have banished the truly unrepentant."

Celestia nodded. "This much is true, but Samantha hardly fits that description. She acted in error, but she wishes no harm. You realize that, I hope?"

"That's why I'm trying to stop this." Luna clopped the ground. "This travesty must be brought to a halt."

Celestia smiled. "Then perhaps we would be better served doing as they wish."


Celestia pointed at herself. "I will offer to oversee the trial of 'the one that attacked my dear sister'."

Luna blinked, but the logic of it came to her. "They will think you are ready to sentence harshly."

"They will bring me to her, and I will listen fairly, and judge." Celestia's wings spread wide. "Justice will be done."

Luna quirked a smile. There was that term again, but coming from Celestia, it seemed alright. "Thank you, dear sister. Let me confer with Silver Watch. He deserves to at least know what's happening." She turned for the exit. "Good luck."

Silver sank to his bed with an angry grunt. "It's like she vanished!"

Night frowned at that. "You know that's not what she did."

"Of course not... They have her, somewhere. You were a night guard, didn't you--"

"I told you... I guarded mostly outside the palace. They didn't need to tell me where all the secret places were, so they didn't." She let out a little sigh. "Need to know..."

"Right." Silver slipped back to the floor and trotted past Night into the nursery. "I hope she's alright. Why did you two do that anyway?"

Night followed after Silver. "To protect you, stupid stallion. Luna shook you up something fierce... and we were worried for you."

Silver looked back to Night, then sighed. "Look, thank you, both of you." He returned to her and pressed nose to nose. "I'm lucky to have two such lovely people in my life. Let's just make sure we keep both of them."

Night nodded at that, but there was a soft clopping at the door, drawing her attention. "I'll get that."

She opened the door to find a frazzled Luna standing there. She raised a brow at the Princess of the Night. "You're looking well."

"I bear news of Samantha."

Silver emerged in record time. "Luna?"

Luna nodded at the two of them. "She is... Celestia has it under control. I lost control of the entire situation..."

Night gestured at Luna. "Can you tell us what happened?"

Luna took a slow breath. "While I was asleep, my guards moved to produce justice for me. They are eager to see your wife punished for the crime of attacking me."

Night raised a brow. "What do you think she's guilty of?"

"She did attack me." Luna dipped her head a little. "But an apology would be sufficient, just as I owe you so many, Silver. Being knocked out was rude, this headache is unconscionable, but I wish no more than that." She offered a hoof to the two. "I've had enough justice."

Silver's face split in a little smile and he reached out, meeting that hoof. "I'll agree with that."

Night rolled a hoof. "So what do we... do now?"

Luna grunted softly. "I would sorely wish to take action, but this is truly out of my hooves. I trust my sister will put this to right. Until then, we wait."

Silver looked between the two mares beside him. "Fine, then we wait. While we do, it's long past time we settled things, between us." He gestured between them. "Night Watch, this is Luna. Luna, this is Night Watch. I think you two have a lot in common."

Night blinked at that. "Where are you going with this?"

Luna nodded in agreement. "We are also confused."

Silver smiled. "I want you two to know each other, at least as friends. Have you met my wife? Night Watch is a tested warrior with an excellent record. Night, this is Luna. I'll be serving alongside her as royalty. You're both very important mares in my life."

Night looked over Luna. "We've... met--"

"Meet Luna." Silver gestured at the Princess of the Night again.

Night let out a suffering sigh. "Very well. Nice to meet you, Princess Luna." She offered a hoof.

Luna nodded in reply. "It is an honor to meet such a distinguished warrior." She reached to meet it with a clop. "Will you tell us of a valorous battle?"

Night glanced between the two a moment before she settled in place. "Alright, there was the time..."

Luna listened quietly as Night began to speak of her adventures at Silver's side, defending him and that which she held valuable.

Night suddenly stumbled over a part.

"What was that?"

Night colored softly. "I... You were my idol, as a foal. I wanted to fight with the quiet poise I imagined you had. It was all imagination, of course. You were... not here... but I imagined it, and followed that vision. I galloped towards it, always wanting to be that warrior of the night..."

Luna gave a small smile. "In some ways, you have outshone the original. I am proud to know you, warrior." She reached a wing and drew Night close. The two grew quiet, but much meaning was exchanged in that silence.

Author's Note:

Things are looking up in this chapter, I think, at least once this grave typo of justice is taken care of.

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