• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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109 - Did You Drop This?

Silver was not permitted to return to the infirmary. Dragged along still laying in his bed, Trixie carted him as she talked gaily with the others. "Now that Trixie is here, all your problems will simply go away." She perked an ear with a sudden thought. "Wait, when was the wedding and why wasn't Trixie invited to it?"

Rough spoke before the slightly overwhelmed couple could do so, "It feels more like a domestic partnership, much like our own."

Trixie waved away the idea. "Trixie can do whatever she wants, but she will not settle for her colt gaining a wife in secrecy!" She looked over her shoulder at Silver. "Or are you still hoping Luna changes her mind?"

Her words stung at Night and Silver and their reaction was strong enough to stop even Trixie's boisterous commenting. She perked an ear at them. "Oh..." She turned back forward and the journey became quieter a moment before Trixie angrily stomped a hoof as she walked. "If I had the chance, I would show that princess what she has coming!"

Rough Draft stayed back with the couple. "Night, daughter." His voice was low and quiet. "You can be honest with me. If you're happy with things as they are, I'm not here to complain, just support." He smiled a little, looking sheepish about it.

Silver looked down at Night and Rough. "She knows about my origin, Rough."

Rough jumped a little. "Oh? Oh! It's still amazing to think my OC did all... this."

"OC?" Night raised a brow.

"Original Character," provided Rough with a nod. "I made up David the human, who was a writer like I am. Imagine my surprise when I ran into him in my town, looking a little lost."

Silver smiled down at his OC turned adoptive father. "How's your writing going?"

"A little slower with a wife around." His tail swished a little as he trotted along. "But I'm not complaining."

They arrived at their room, Trixie leading the way. As soon as she stepped into it, her muzzle scrunched up. "What is that?" Her magic glowed, plucking something from their bed. Silver spied a hint of it and paled. His own magic snatched it from Trixie, earning a deep scowl, but he had his slime back. He brought it to himself and set it on his horn, where the anemic little bundle of protoplasm began to feed on him hungrily.

"You really shouldn't get in the habit of that." Discord rose up as if he had been sleeping behind the bed. "It didn't work out very well for the last pony that made it a regular tradition."

Night glanced at the almost-paralyzed form of her feeding stallion and Discord's always calculating face. "What have you found?"

"Oh, you're getting better." Discord sinuously rose up, floating in the air without any obvious effort. "No insults or insinuations? Well, since you asked so nicely, I'll tell." He folded his arms as if leaning on something though nothing was there. "A friend of mine really got into this. The book Silver's reading is Star Swirl's notes on it. The old unicorn never didn't actually do much with it, perhaps for the best."

Trixie rolled a hoof. "Get to the point, Discord. You are tiring Trixie with your meanderings."

Discord huffed at Trixie. "I don't recall addressing you. Mother-in-laws should be seen but not heard."

"Wha--" Her words were cut off as she was suddenly sealed in a glass box, allowing her to play a mime with an eery facility as she tried to find a way free.

Night tried to ignore the sight even as Rough moved quickly to assist his wife. "Please, go on."

"Thank you." Discord smiled. "Have you ever heard of 'The Smooze'?"

Silver perked an ear. "The purple goopy thing from the first generation?"

Discord raised a brow. "More green and semi-transparent, really. That's what happened to the last pony that got addicted to the slime."

Silver cringed at that. The paralyzation had worn off, and his slime was back to its normal size. "Alright, you win. It's alright to use it to patch up one more time, I hope? I don't need to turn into a big blob."

Night shook her head quickly, then paused a moment. "Thank you, Discord. That was a very good bit of advice."

"Knock yourself out, then I'll be taking my leave. And you're welcome." Discord pointed at the slime on Silver's horn. "I'll be taking that with me since you won't be needing it."

Silver closed his eyes and focused on the letters across his horn. The magic flowed smoothly, and he felt the power of the slime rush through him, reverting his pattern and repairing his broken form. With a dull snap, his breathing became easier and the pain faded by the moment. Soon the only complaint he had was that he still had a cast on. He was just as he was when he first created the slime.

He suddenly felt air flow across his horn. looking up, the slime was gone and so was Discord. "Thanks." He was speaking to nothing, but he hoped Discord heard, wherever he had gone off to.

Trixie fell out of the glass box that suddenly wasn't there anymore. "Oof! What a rude creature." She scowled before she smiled at Silver. "That magic! Trixie could not see it well, but she could see it was impressively complex. Where did you learn that?"

Rough put a leg around Trixie and hugged her tightly which seemed to relax the both of them.

Even as Silver answered, Night hopped up onto the rolling bed with him and began prying him free of his bindings. "It's from a book I borrowed from the Star Swirl library."

Trixie raised a brow. "You should be careful with any magic from there though Trixie is pleased to hear her son is trusted with such powerful tomes." She hopped up, her forehooves resting on the edge of the bed and a grin on her face. "Have you been practicing your magic? Does everyone tremble at your power?"

Rough burst into laughter. "He's your son, I can't imagine he hasn't been."

Restored to a whole body and freed of the cast with Night's sharp teeth and prying wings and hooves, Silver stretched out languidly. He turned less pain-ridden eyes to Trixie and noticed a faint glow around her belly. It was magic, woven subtly. "Trixie?"

"That's mother to you." Trixie turned up her nose.

"Right, mother." He pointed a hoof at Trixie's undercarriage. "Did you do something magic down there?"

Trixie went from bright blue to red in her cheeks. "Trixie may have forgotten how keen your eyes are."

Rough blinked in confusion. "Are you hiding a few pounds?"

"Yes and no..."

Night lifted an ear at the exchange. "This is why you were praying for a daughter."

Trixie's blush intensified. "Perhaps..."

Rough put the pieces together and gasped, looking faint a moment before it passed and he grabbed Trixie from behind, pulling her into a fierce hug. "We're going to be parents!"

Trixie snorted at it even as she fell into the embrace. "We're already parents."

Silver nuzzled into Night's cheek before hopping free of the rolling table. "Congratulations, both of you. You probably don't need me to say, uh, dad, but you better take care of her."

Rough laughed at Silver, a smile on his face as he approached and threw a leg around Silver's neck. "My OC turned son is giving me advice on how to treat the wife he practically gave me." He brought in his free hoof and gave Silver a rough noogie around his horn. "Thank you."

"Did somepony say another foal's on the way?" Surprise hopped out from behind a dresser as if she had been hiding there the entire time. "That means I get to throw another party!" She clopped her hooves with a joyful look on her face. "How long are you two gonna be here?"

Trixie peered at the new green pony with some confusion. "Trixie does not think we have been properly introduced."

Silver squirmed away from Rough's headlock, shaking his mussed-up mane. "That is Surprise, who lives up to her name quite nicely. She's a friend of the family, and a great baker and party planner."

Surprise thrust out a hoof. "Hiya! And you are the Great and Powerful Trixie, who's becoming a Great and Maternal Trixie, and is already a Wise and Protective mother of Silver Watch. Gosh, you have a lot of titles." She burst into giggles. "Nice to meet you!"

Trixie reached, touching her hoof to the new pony's. "Yes, charmed. You sound familiar..."

Rough Draft nudged the wheeling table out of the room and closed the door. "I'm not one for big parties."

Trixie huffed. "But Trixie most certainly is." She looked to Surprise with a smile. "It should be the star of Canterlot for the day or evening it is held. All should behold Trixie. If she's going to be known as expecting, it should be on everypony's lips all at once." Her eyes slid back to Silver, looking him over from front to back. "Silver?"

"Hmm?" Silver perked his ears at her.

Trixie pointed at his tail, which was just like her own. "Trixie does not recall this. While she is flattered that her son looks up to her, this seems a curious way to go about it."

It was Silver's turn to darken as he looked back at the tail. "It was a bit of an accident."

Night settled beside Silver, blocking the view of the tail. "Every time he used that slime, it reset the time on it to make it more interesting."

Surprise leaned around Silver's other side to see it again. "Well now that the slime's gone, the tail will go right back to normal, right?"

Trixie smirked faintly. "Good. Flattery is complimenting, and imitation is the highest form of flattery, but Trixie is certain you can stand on your own hooves and with your own look."

Rough Draft nudged Silver in the chest with an outstretched hoof. "Just another day for our son. You're cursed with an interesting life."

Silver quirked a little smile. "I can think of worse curses." His eyes darted from Rough to Trixie. "This is funny. I mean, two generations of family, together, expecting all at once... Is there a name for that?"

Night waved a hoof over them, but Surprise was suddenly there, hugging both generations close on either end of herself. "I call it a big super terrific party waiting to happen!"

Night wrinkled her nose. "Not exactly what I was going to say, but close enough."

With injuries tended and crises averted for the moment, all five of them became comfortable around the suite. With a polite request, another bed was brought in for Trixie and Rough to have separate of Silver and Night.

The family was together, but there were two ponies missing...

Author's Note:

Let the party begin! Typos are not invited, so if you spot any, let us know so we can give them the old boot.

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