• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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16 - Lodgings

A guard arrived not long after they arrived at Silver's quarters. "Princess Luna is ready to see you."

Silver groaned at the timing of it, but Jake looked excited. "Can I go with you? I want to meet Luna."

Silver tensed as images flashed in his mind of how this could go, then an idea came to him. He grinned a little before nodding, "Follow me." He trotted out into the hallway with Jake following behind, and the guard leading the way to Luna's quarters. "To remind you, this is royalty. You should treat her like you would the President, if the President had the authority to have you killed or banished without a trial."

"Harsh," said Jake, "She wouldn't do that, right? She likes videogames and being liked by other ponies."

Gamer Luna? "She's only seen one video game, ever," advised Silver. "Just be polite."

They entered her room, with the guard waiting outside. Luna was in her pose that Silver had learned meant 'come over here and do as a stallion is built for.' He blushed at the open invitation even as Jake ogled the sight, "Uh, hi."

Luna rolled to her hooves quickly in alarm, "Who is this? Silver, my invitation to you does not extend to friends."

Jake pointed at himself, "I'm Jake, and you are best princess."

Luna gave a slow blink, "Thank you." She looked to Silver then, "Well?"

Silver gestured at Jake, "Jake is having a hard time learning the cultures and customs of Equestria. I know you can learn everything about a person with their consent, but can you give knowledge?"

Luna tilted her head slightly, "Celestia frowns on it. She says ponies should learn the old-fashioned way, so that they prize the information."

Jake pointed out, "I'm not a pony."

Silver nodded, "This is true. I doubt it will change his basic nature, but at least knowing the rules gives him the option of following them."

Luna raised a brow, appraising the new biped. A sly grin came over her, "Do you want to be?"

"Want to be what?" asked Jake.

"A pony. Perhaps a strong earth pony?" asked Luna. Silver knew this wasn't permitted, but kept this to himself. Luna might be testing him, or maybe she'd break the rules. Either way was her decision, not his.

"Seriously? Like Silver here?" asked Jake, pointing at Silver before patting him on the head, "My OC is a pegasus. Flying would be crazy awesome."

Luna set her head on her hooves, "Oh, do tell us of this 'Oh See' of yours."

Jake began to enthusiastically explain, "She's a--"

"She?" asked Luna with a raised brow.

Jake turned a little red, "Well... kinda, yeah? I mean, Equestria's run by mares, right?"

Luna nodded slowly, "Yes."

Jake flashed a smile, "So who wants to be the lesser sex?"

Luna raised a brow, "Would you not miss being male?"

Jake shrugged softly, "Let me have a mare before you zap me and we'll call it even."

Luna turned her head towards Silver, "Your friend is quite... interesting." Her attention slipped back towards Jake, "Converting genders requires a great deal of energy. Such a boon would have its prices. What would you give to become as you imagine?"

Jake frowned a little, "What'd Silver pay to become his OC?"

Silver raised a hoof, "My OC was Rough Draft, you met him before. This," He gestured at himself, "was made for me. I didn't design it."

Jake grinned all the wider, "You mean my OC exists? Dude, that's awesome. We can be, like, sisters or something."

Luna raised a brow, "Our question remains. Silver gave thirty years of his life for an equal feat of magic, though he has repaid the crown in blood and pain and continues to serve. We wonder if you would serve as faithfully?"

Jake fell to his knees, "I'll do anything for you, best princess."

Luna's voice whispered in Silver's mind, ~We think he knows not what he agrees to.~

Silver tried to think back, ~He probably has a very romantic vision of being your friend or lover.~

Luna smiled at Jake gently as her thoughts echoed for Silver, ~He doesn't seem that useful, and Celestia will chastise me most dearly if I strip away his species as I did you.~

Silver tapped a hoof on the ground, ~I'm not suggesting you do change him, or not. I do think he needs help learning before he gets himself put in jail forever.~

Luna set a hoof on her chin, "Very well, we have decided."

Jake stood up, "Really? Will you do it?"

Luna nodded, "Yes, on a condition to be met before we finalize the deal."

Jake raised his brows, "What would that be?"

Luna gestured out of her chamber, "You will attend a finishing school of etiquette. When you have learned how to stand before us with dignity, you will then decide what you want, and we will give it all due consideration."

Jake looked disappointed, but Luna continued, "This will give you a chance to learn the city, and its people. If you wish to call them sisters and brothers, you should know them. If you are unwilling to do even this, then you are not ready for the sacrifices I require." She turned her head to the door, "Take this one away, our business is done."

A night guard slipped into the room and began nudging Jake out, who wasn't ready to go. "Wait! I still want to talk with Luna!"

The guard had little sympathy, "She has dismissed you. Time to go." The guard was well-trained and fit, able to pry Jake's feet from the ground and hurry him into the hallway. The door closed behind them.

Luna gestured for Silver to step forward, which he did swiftly. She gently pet over his head with a hoof before softly tapping him, "Why did you bring him? I do not envy you if that is your ward."

Silver shrank a little, "I wasn't sure what else to do. I was hoping you had an idea."

Luna smiled, "I have several. It pleases me to know you trust me." She drew Silver up, curling around him. "If he has the same knowledge you do, he will be easily manipulated. I will send him to Twilight. She will adore the subject for her studies, and he will learn to acclimate in Ponyville. Perhaps she can divine how he came to be here." She whirled a hoof, "Or, we could throw him through the mirror portal. The human world there is close enough to yours that we should feel little guilt, and he will delight in the human versions of the ponies he fetishizes."

Silver wrinkled his nose as he cuddled with Luna, "I think the first one is the kinder of the two, and we could learn more from it. Were you really considering making him a pegasus?"

Luna tapped her chin, "If he was more polite and less groveling, perhaps. Making him female would require much more worth than I think I could take from him. Speaking of..." She rolled over onto her back, moving Silver into position, "You may begin."

Silver huffed loudly, "I am not your... sex toy..." He nipped at her belly, "I don't want that. I want to be a lover, and a friend."

Luna gave a low snarl before poking Silver, "It is your duty to pleasure me."

Silver shook his head, "Actually it's your job to pleasure me, but I don't want either. I... we were close, before. I want you, as you, as Luna. Not as a sex object, or to be a sex object." He slid down from her, blushing gently, "Though it does good on my self-image to know I'm good enough to be called on for that, I'd still rather have Luna as a friend than to be looked at with the same eye as a battery-operated toy."

Luna sat up slowly and looked at Silver, "You are a defiant colt."

Silver flashed a bright smile, "I am your defiant colt." He held up his forehooves, sitting up and balancing, "And I want a hug and conversation more than I want to mate with you."

Luna's expression cracked into a little smile, and she pulled him up, giving him that hug he requested. A matter popped into Silver's head, "My first wife, Night Watch, has specifically requested I give her a foal first. I... don't know what to look for, so..."

Luna tilted her head, "It is fortunate you spoke of this."

Silver's ears perked, "Are you, now? Soon? Oh god, have you had foals before?"

Luna shook her head, "Not in a very long time. Being banished does that."

Silver nodded hesitantly, "Would they also be alicorns?"

Luna's expression fell, "It is very unlikely, to say we have never witnessed an alicorn birth outside our own. Celestia and I remain unique. Any foal I birth will live a normal life, and die."

Silver went rigid, "Uh... this... is going to sound..." He flopped to the ground, unable to continue. Luna prodded him until he relented, "Did you make the lunar pegasi?"

"Make?" asked Luna, "In a fashion. They are my children."

Silver blinked, "No way."

Luna frowned, "Do you doubt my word?"

Silver shook his head quickly, "I mean, a whole species?"

Luna shrugged gently, "It was long long ago. My relation to any single lunar pegasus is faint at best."

Silver squirmed in place, "Did... you plan to make lunar unicorns?"

Luna flashed a smile, "Don't forget I know you. You have your own fetishes, though you sit on them and smother them, rather than thrust them in other's faces. Does that excite you, imagining my belly swelling with the result of your trysts?"

Silver's blush couldn't burn brighter. He didn't answer, but Luna thought he answered well enough. "Give your first wife her foal. It is her right to request it." She gestured at the door with a wing, "Begone."

Silver perked an ear, "We won't play today?"

"Begone," repeated Luna firmly, but she leaned in and kissed him between the eyes. "I will call when it is prudent."

Silver made his way back to his room at a relaxed pace. He didn't see Jake, nor was he in a special hurry to do so. When he pushed open the door to his room, he saw Fast sitting on his bed with a paper in front of her. She was grinning. Silver tilted his head at her as he approached, "What's up?"

Fast nudged the paper, "Homework for you."

Silver hopped up onto the bed beside Fast and began reading over the assignment, subconsciously rubbing alongside Fast. Besides being a ready snuggle target, she offered helpful advice when he hit rough parts of the classwork. He would earn his graduation, ambassadorial duties or not.

The next day, Luna sat beside Jake, "I have decided that you are worthy of a great honor."

Jake's eyes went wide, "Really? Am I going to be a knight?"

"Close," said Luna, "You will assist royalty, namely one Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"The Twilight?" asked Jake, getting excited.

"The one and only," agreed Luna with a smile, "She wishes to learn more of humans, their culture, and how they have entered Equestria. You will do your best to assist her while learning pony culture in Ponyville."

Jake clapped his hands together, "Great! That mean I get to meet the rest of the Mane Six?"

Luna nodded, "They are drawn to Twilight, so there is no way you can miss them. Do try to be polite. Twilight has enough trouble with her new abode. Also, I'm afraid I can't name you #1 assistant, as Spike, the dragon, already holds that honor."

Jake gave a dismissive wave, "Nah that's OK." He looked clearly distracted, envisioning meeting Twilight and the others. "When do I go?"

Luna extended a wing with a train ticket, "Now. Your train leaves in twenty minutes. Be prompt."

And so Jake was banished from Canterlot, with a big grin on his face.

Author's Note:

Jake was not here for long, but he will be missed... maybe...

He's off to make a terribly stereotypical HiE fic with the mane six. He's already assigned to live with Twilight (that's never happened before) and be her assistant.

If only the typos would go harass that story instead.

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