• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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41 - Pace Yourself

Silver woke up in a clean and soft bed. The room was brightly lit, and Night Watch was slumped against the bed, where she apparently fell asleep waiting for him. He smiled at her, but didn't want to disturb her, likely needed, rest. He slipped from the bed and slowly stretched out, silently berating himself for knocking him out that way. He moved for a small mirror and sink and looked over his reborn face.

His horn looked intact, along with the rest of him. He splashed some water and used some magic to gather up some and started washing his face and mane, waking up and freshening. Despite that set back... "I am ready."

"Ready for what?" Night had woken up at some point, and was watching him. "Not to cast that spell again, I hope."

"Oh no! Ambassadors shouldn't need that." He turned to face Night with a smile. "I'm sorry for worrying you. I didn't know it would do that."

Night shook her head as she approached. "Celestia told me that was a full level over your head before you could keep that going for any amount of time. What was it? I saw fire, and Celestia said it was for war, but refused to give specifics."

Silver licked over his lips. "I designed it in my dreams. Luna said none of it was true at all, but that's obviously not entirely true."

Night raised a hoof over Silver's snout. "Leave it. No good ponies need to know a spell like that."

Silver drew his muzzle away. "I hopefully never will, but if some pony does, I'll have it written for them. I want to make a fresh copy of every spell I can memorize, once I get the mirror crossing under control, and have it added to the archives."

Night shook her head quickly. "Having a tool invites its problem. This is a solution to a problem I never want. Please." She leaned in slowly. "For me?"

Silver deflated under her pleading look and the little tremble of her lips. "You're manipulating me, and damn if it isn't working... You know I don't want to upset you..."

Night smiled gently. "Then that's settled. You already have two questionable spells to your name. Is that really the reputation you want?"

Silver shook his head. "No, no it really isn't... It just feels like a waste, even a crime, to let knowledge fade." He tilted his head. "What if I gave them to Celestia directly? She would know where to put them."

Night let out a little sigh and smiled. "Fine. I can live with that. Make your copies, and give them directly to the crown. Don't let another soul see them. Now, come on. If you're awake and feeling alright?"

Silver quickly nodded.

"Good, I want to see you outside for the first time in a while." She nuzzled him gently, then moved to fetch his bags and help get them on him before getting her own on. "I feel like celebrating. Your new position, you finishing Luna's treatment, take your pick." She led the way without pause, leading the two in a spirited trot out of the castle. "I'm surprised, but pleased, you were so eager to take this back on. There have been other humans, you know." She glanced over her shoulder. "They could use the help of someone who understands their point of view."

Silver brightly smiled as he kept pace with Night. "I'll be glad to do that. Are they here, in Canterlot?"

"Some, others have settled, more or less stably, in other places where they've found friends." She smiled. "Celestia wasn't about to uproot them if they found a place, afterall. You can send a letter to them, inviting contact, but if they're comfortable enough not coming here, they're probably doing alright. Good on them." She looked left and right before crossing a street. "You still like meat, right?"

"Of course."

"Good. I'm hungry for something that squealed once." She peeked back again. "Up for ribs?"

Silver suddenly remembered he was a unicorn, and not the lunar variety. "My memories say 'yes!' but will it hurt my unicorn body?"

Night waved it off. "Wouldn't be the first time you had it. Worst I remember is some gas." She turned to him. "You're sleeping in your own bed tonight."

Silver burst into sudden laughter. "If that's the worst I'll face, let the predatory feast commence."

Night flashed her fangs and eagerly led the way, only to run into Lyra walking along with a bag full of groceries. "Oh hey guys! It's been a while." She smiled her bright smile, waving at them. "Where are you two love bugs headed to?"

Silver tilted his head at Lyra, thinking back to how much had changed... "I'm fine, but I heard you should visit Bon Bon."

Lyra looked shocked, ears pinning back. "What? Really?! I... Really?"

Night glanced between them. "At least write her a letter, perhaps?"

"Y-yea, at least a letter..." She took a half step away. "At least..." And she was suddenly gone, vanishing into the crowd, clearly unsettled from the brief conversation.

Night tilted her head at Silver. "Did you dream something about her?"

Silver nodded quickly. "They were both miserable until Lyra went home, then they both got happy. I want them to be happy. They're both great ponies, who make each other happier. I'm almost certain Celestia would let her go home if she asked nicely."

Night chuckled softly. "She was being a good teacher and not causing trouble, she'd probably let her off for good behavior, if she asked, yes." She pointed ahead. "That's our stop. They cater to griffons, lunar pegasi, and anyone else that likes a bit of protein."

She had energy in her step as she led the way in. "Try not to sermonize everyone. Remember, they were just dreams. Some of it was your own subconscious playing with what you remembered. It may be right, or not, based on what you knew." She paused to peek at him. "For what it's worth? I agree. Those two will be happier together."

Silver nipped at her wagging tail. "You really are excited about this."

Night turned to him. "Tell me why I should be."

Silver knew a challenge when levied at him. "You lose two mates, one for a noble sacrifice, and the other for being a dummy. You at least got one of them back, and you're really eager to show off to everyone, including yourself, that you have your stallion back and plan to keep him."

She tapped him on the nose. "I knew you'd understand. Now no more tail nips. This is hardly a private place." She turned back for the restaurant. "We should both be on our best behavior as we stuff our faces."

Together, they were seen to a table and the aromatic meats were brought to them apparently a few different kinds, though Silver couldn't quite place what animal they were. Whatever they were, they were dead, cooked, and delicious, which meant it was time to eat, and they did.

"Excuse me?"

Silver looked up at the male voice and started. A human! An archetypal brony of the skinny variety, or so he thought. "Hello there! What brings you by?"

The human smiled nervously. "I usually eat here. They serve good food, um, sorry to bother, but I heard you used to be the human ambassador?"

Silver put a hoof on his chest. "I am again, though working from the other angle. Don't worry about that. How are you? Equestria treating you well?"

"I..." He rubbed behind his neck. "I didn't believe them, but there you are, eating ribs. I never saw another unicorn doing that before." His eyes wandered to Night. "Are you a human too?"

Night flashed her teeth. "Born and raised just the way you see."

"Oh! Um, congratulations?"

Silver nodded. "I'm a very lucky stallion. Are you alright? Don't be shy. I'm here to help."

"Really?" He sank down to one of the free cushions. "Well, thing is, I only saw this show, like, twice? I don't know a damn thing. I don't even know why I agreed to be here. I should have read the fine print..."

Silver smiled gently. "The Text is wily like that."

"Oh, you met him? Duh, of course you did..."

Silver put a hoof on the human's shoulder. "I know him. So, here you are, in Canterlot. This is the capital of Equestria, home of Celestia and Luna, the ruling sisters. They're alicorns, you see. I hope you don't mind if I eat while I give the breakdown?"

And that's just what he did, chewing and talking, usually not at once, as he ran down the basic history of Equestria.


"Oh, sure, but what part of that explains her?" He looked to Night.

Night spread her leathery wings wide. "We are the children of Luna, a creation of hers to watch the night, when other ponies would be sleeping. These days, we can be whatever we want, but watching and guarding is what comes naturally to us. Please refer to us as lunar pegasi. Not 'bat' ponies, unless you want to make a new enemy really quickly."

"Oh, sure." He smiled. "Lunar pony, got it."

In the end, the new human seemed far better for at least knowing where he was, though Silver was quite sure he'd see more of the man to get him properly integrated with pony society.

"Say, so, how'd you end up with hooves?"

Silver waved a forehoof lightly. "That's a long story... Possibly several. Ultimately, I showed up here in a weak state and took a way out when I saw one. I hope you make your decisions with your eyes open."

"Do you regret it then?"

"What? No! No. I've learned to love my life." He put a hoof at his chest. "Myself, my wife, and everything in it. It's worked out, just going at it the hard way."

The human reached for Silver. "May I?"

Silver's ears perked up. "Huh? Sure, but I'll note petting most ponies has rather serious connotations, unless you're already a good friend." He grinned. "Fortunately for you, you're literally in my care. I'd say that qualifies." He accepted the gentle petting across his ears and cheeks, then giggled as it turned into a tickle under his chin. "Cut that out," he demanded in the most non-demanding way.

That was the first and last contact with the human that evening. They enjoyed their meal, and Silver suggested to look them up at the castle, and they parted.

They returned to their suite. Despite Night's words, she corralled him towards her bed, and they didn't sleep much for an hour before she kicked him out to find his own bed.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Author's Note:

Welcome back to the living, Silver Lining. You have a job ahead of you! You don't sound at all upset at the idea.

Beware, the typos lurk, awaiting their chance.

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