• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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242 - Be Prepared

Putting aside thoughts of seductive jackal ladies and well-meaning but criminally unaware daughters out of his mind, Silver trotted energetically to the address listed on the paper that floated beside him. It looked more like a photo shop than a clothing boutique. The oversized camera that hung above the door seemed a subtle hint to the fact.

He raised a hoof and moved it to knock on the door, but never reached it. The door swung open before he could make contact and a pony stood behind it. This pony was dressed in black and white, with vertical stripes on her top and horizontal with some pinkish hues on the bottom. She had magenta glasses that hid her eyes. "This is what I work with?" she asked to no one in particular. "Is rough start, but we work ze magics!"

"Oh, hel--"

"Now is not speaking time." The pony clopped her forehooves together in two clear strikes and other ponies emerged from the building as if just waiting for the command. They hefted Silver right off the ground and carried him inside without delay.

Silver was certain he'd seen that pony before. What was her name? It had been some time since he could actually watch the show he was living instead. Photo? Photo something... He remembered her not being a threatening pony, so he played along as the others set him down on a stage and outfits were rolled into view. He was going to be dressed in a wild montage? That seemed to fit the world's general flow, sure.

Photo's brow creased in a frown. "Mmm... You is larger than most, but we make it work. First, here!" She pointed at his head just as one of her assistants slapped down a big dapper top hat across him. "No no no, not royal. No magics here." She waved it away and the assistant grabbed it off Silver's head. Another slipped a crown on his head. It wasn't just any crown, it was his crown.

How did they get that? He tried to ask, but they were ignoring him entirely. Fine wires were woven around his horn to enhance its appearance. A monocle was put over an ear, just to be taken away and replaced with a half-rim of glasses. "Da! Now we are working ze magics... A hint of studious nature..."

Silver predicted a long but harmless day and decided to just relax and let it happen. Fighting would just make it take longer and he likely wouldn't win many arguments, not with Photo in her element.

Luna staggered through the halls. The day had been much tougher than she had predicted. At last, Celestia was back in charge. She would have to patrol the dream realm. Luna snorted, imagining the trouble Celestia could get in. "That'll teach her it's not an easy job... Now, to sleep."

Her forward progress was suddenly barred by a bipedal shape. Nefertari had appeared just in front of her. Luna nodded softly. "Ambassador." Then she moved to just walk around Nefertari, too tired to care much.

Nefertari put a hand out in the way. "Not so fast, my exotic princess of the night. We have words to share." Her eyes wandered over Luna. "Your mark, it has changed. Ah, that was announced, my apologies."

"Yes... and with it, my schedule." Luna let out a loud yawn. "I am retiring for the day. Goodnight."

And yet, Nefertari did not get out of the way. "A moment of your time, Luna. I wish to assist you."

"Assist me?" She regarded Nefertari squarely for the first time. "In what matter?"

"You are entering a strange thing, this herd. You are the only true warrior among them... Do you not fear being overruled at every turn?" She wriggles a few fingers. "Silver can fight, but hates it. He will take peace if it is an option. Celestia, too, will take peace if it is an option, even an uncomfortable one... Equestria needs a few warriors near the top."

Luna's need for sleep lifted a little at the conversation, ears directing themselves at Nefertari squarely. "And you would prefer to lead our people towards war?"

"I am not so foolish... This is a peaceful place, and is strong for it... but things happen. Sometimes, a strong hand is required when soft words fail. I will gladly serve at your side. First... we may serve as a beacon, to draw other warriors, like my own people. A political marriage would be a clear signal. Many would come, and Equestria would be safer."

Luna arched a brow lightly. "You seem to understand the idea of a political union better than most of the others involved."

Nefertari made a flippant wave of a hand. "I was a politician before I arrived on your shores. Marriage is for arrangement of power. Love is a pleasant side effect. Your future husband has shown his worth. I would serve you, my future herd mate, and be the strength that Equestria needs."

Luna's nose wrinkled. She still wanted precious sleep. "Have you spoken to him, that future husband?"

"He said I should speak to others, as I am."

Luna's ears danced. Had he approved? She didn't feel a lie coming from Nefertari. "You would no longer be an ambassador."

"This much is true. They would have to send another, and I would work with my replacement." She moved without movement, her right hand suddenly at Luna's brow, giving a soft pet. "I apologize. You are more tired than I had thought. Shall I escort you to bed?"

Bed? That sounded delightful... Luna let out a thunderous yawn. "Please..."

Nefertari walked alongside Luna, supporting her. "We warriors are tasked with so much. We must guide and work alone."

"Alone," agreed Luna. "You work alone?"

"Of course," spoke Nefertari in a low whisper into Luna's ear as they walked. "I am the only of my kind in some distance. I know what isolation feels like. You are to be admired, watcher of the night."

"Admired?" Luna waved her guards aside as they approached. "You're flattering me. It--" She paused to yawn. "--won't work."

"It isn't flattery when it is the naked truth." She thrust a clawed finger at one of the two guards. "Speak plainly. Is the princess worthy of adulation?"

"Yes, ma'am!" barked the guard.

Luna smiled and proceeded past them. "Of course they would say that, good ponies, the both of them..." She could see her beloved cushions ahead of her. Sleep called in sweet unheard notes.

"But it is still truth they speak." The focus had slid off of her, and that was where she wanted. "Come, it is time to rest." She guided the tired princess to lay herself down and pulled up a blanket. "Even the fiercest warriors require their sleep. Perhaps, when you are ready, you will share tales of your own battles."

Luna let her head sink into the soft cushions. Sleep was claiming her. "Have you fought?" To her, Nefertari was an ambassador first.

It was a fine question to be gravely offended by. Nefertari clenched a hand tightly, claws biting into her own flesh as she resisted the urge. "Of course... Why, we have both crossed swords with that future-husband of yours. We mustn't let him think he's in charge now, can we...? A firm hand, that is what is required."

"A firm hand..." Luna slipped away from the waking world, a loud snore proclaiming the event to the dark room.

Nefertari stroked a paw over Luna's side gently. The seed had been planted. She doubted she would get too much resistance from Luna. Though if she was asleep, that meant the other... She had work to do.

Night strode with a humming Samantha and her son walking alongside her. Night's own foals were strapped to her sides, too young to trust to walking along on their own for such a distance. "Silver has been taken for a full treatment, but we can manage our own fashion without outside assistance."

Samantha tilted her head a little. "What do your odds tell you?"

Night frowned a moment with calculation. "I will help you find suitable clothing for the event."

Samantha's smile broadened. "I knew I could count on you!"

Moonbeam, Samantha's adopted son, snickered softly. "Mom's a genius, at specific things. I can dress myself, don't worry."

"Be that as it may." Night glanced to the side at the fellow lunar pegasus. "You will accompany us. We'll be dressed as a family."

Moonbeam shrugged softly at that. "If it helps, sure. It got me out of school for the day."

Samantha's horn glimmered as several books appeared. "Don't worry, I have your work and assignments with me."

Moonbeam groaned, his vacation dashed before his eyes.

It was not to be one outfit, Silver discovered. As soon as Photo Finish, as he had learned was her full name, was satisfied with an outfit, they pulled him free of it and got to making the next. Once they were on the third one, his patience was wearing thin. With a weary sigh, a field of force popped into being around him, barring the way for her eager assistants to approach him, or hooves that might try to place themselves in his mouth. "Photo Finish, thank you, but why are we still making outfits? This is a single event."

Photo sputtered a moment. "I do not even start to understand. Ponies, they hope, no pray for Photo Finish's magics, and here you are, hoping it will end. Do you not want ze magics? Do you not want to shine like ze stars above? The cameras, they will be trained on you. They will flash. There iz no zingle event! You are a czar! Ponies from everywhere will always be watching you."

The idea of it was... horrifying. Thrilling too, to a point, but mostly it made Silver tense. Still... Photo Finish did have a point. His shield faded gently from view. "I'm sorry."

Photo gave a brief smile. "This is good. You make mistake, you learn. We learn. Now magic, we return to it." She clopped her hooves. "I think you will be happy with the next."

As her assistants moved back in to return to dressing Silver, he gave a little smile. He was blessed. He had to remind himself of that fact at times. Even as they moved his limbs without asking to get the clothes onto him. Even as they swapped wildly from one fashion to the next, he reminded himself of how lucky he was in the end. He was a prince of Equestria, and there were far many worse fates to consider. A day of being dressed was well worth all the things he would get, had already gotten...

He had no room to complain. Not without being a jerk, or so he told himself. Once it was all done, he would return to his home, a castle. He would eat fine food, rest on the softest bed, read forbidden tomes, and maybe sleep beside, or with, attractive females if such was his mood... or theirs. No, his blessings were large and obvious.

A thought interrupted his counting of good fortunes. "Where is the rest of the herd?"

Photo lifted her shoulders in the barest hint of a shrug. "Zhey are not scheduled for today. I prefer to focus on the now, ze magics. There iz less magic in tomorrow, or yezterday. We focus on the now, yes?" She pulled over a camera and directed it at Silver. "That, that is my job. I capture now, then now iz forever. Ze magics, captured."

Silver sat up, looking at the camera. "I hadn't thought of it like that. That's a good way to view photography."

"This, I know." The camera flashed brightly, dazzling Silver a moment. "Brilliant! Get him into zomething blue." Her workers saluted in unison and came in at Silver from all directions. He let out a good-natured sigh as they got to reworking his fashion.

Author's Note:

Everyone's getting ready for the big day! What typos await us?

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