• Published 14th Mar 2015
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Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat - David Silver

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

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27 - Reaching Deep Within

Nightwing slowly circled around Silver. "Warmer," she ordered.

Silver let the already-furious magic within him build. He felt like he'd pass out from the heat building in his body. Nightwing had forced him to just channel the force without letting a bit of it out of his horn. A strap ran over his barrel that had a metal thermometer on it, showing how warm he was becoming.

Nightwing shook her head, "You're holding back. You should be able to get up another three notches." She moved to look him in the eyes, "Hold an image of a waterfall coming from your heart. Expand it, let that water free. Breath deep and hard."

Silver began to pant loudly, gulping in air while focusing on that image. The meter hesitantly bumped up a notch, but he was starting to see spots. He suddenly slumped, flopping to the ground in a tired pile.

Nightwing smiled, "You're getting somewhere."

Silver perked an ear, "Thank you."

Nightwing snorted softly, "You have five minutes. Drink, breathe, be ready to get back to work."

Silver did just that, gulping down water. His horn began to spark wildly as he let the magic free from inside him. Nightwing approached quickly, slapping her hoof against his horn, "Stop that. You need to learn how to hold more magic, so hold it." Silver groaned internally, but closed off the channel, remaining warm as he guzzled the cool water in the bucket.

Soon enough he was back to work, and so it went through the day. By the time Luna roused to raise the moon, he was barely reaching that third mark. Nightwing smiled at him, "Not one whine out of you. I thought it was just something you did naturally."

Silver frowned at the insult, shaking himself out, "No one likes a whiner."

"Too true," agreed Nightwing, "So maybe I can learn to like you. You still have that magic bottled up tight?"

Silver nodded. It felt like his insides were on fire. She pointed at an ingot on the ground, "Lift."

Silver tilted his head at the ingot, then let the magic go carefully, trying to not let the torrent escape too quickly. His horn sparked and fizzed as he forced the magic into the outer channels. His hands appeared at his will, and reached for the ingot, grabbing and tugging. It didn't move. He let more magic loose, and more, and... As his horn began to grow red with heat and a new pain lanced from it, the ingot was rudely shoved across the room, lifted a precious inch and thrown. It collided with the wall, leaving a large dent before it fell to the ground heavily. Silver flopped after it shortly. His horn hurt, to say nothing of the ache through his entire body.

"Congratulations," said Nightwing, "You're a weak four. Just keep practicing at it and we'll make you do it without pissing yourself with strain."

Silver limped out of the room, worn and tired. He meandered his way to the dining hall and collapsed into a chair. Only after he got some mashed potatoes in himself did he notice he was not alone in enjoying a meal. Celestia watched him quietly between sips of her tea.

"Hi," he offered.

Celestia smiled gently, "I see why Discord enjoys your presence."

Silver blinked, "I just say hi?"

Celestia lifted up a slice of cake in her magic, and brought it over to Silver. Silver took a bite out of it, then soon two more. It was delicious, and his body seemed to want it all, so it was soon gone. "You did, but you said it so naturally. I didn't feel like you expected something from me, for good or ill."

Silver licked over his lips, then tilted his head at Celestia, "If you don't mind my asking, what do you see when you look at me?"

Celestia perked an ear at him, "I see a young colt with alien eyes. I see a proud stallion who is eager to be a good husband to his wife." She seemed to consider, "I see a pony who is ready to challenge society, but desperately wants it to accept him."

Silver nodded slowly, "I suppose those are all true." He smiled, "Do you want a turn?"

Celestia nodded, "It's only fair." She sipped from her cup as she looked down at him.

Silver tapped his chin with a hoof, "I see a wise, but sometimes tired, ruler. I see a mother who fears for her children, but is also afraid of smothering them." He suddenly smiled, "I see a mare who is never treated as one."

Celestia recoiled a little. The last statement apparently struck a bit too close, and she gave a stiff nod, "I see we understand each other. My sister enjoys your company. I trust you are careful with her feelings?"

Silver gave a hesitant nod, "She takes charge much of the time, but I want her to be happy."

Celestia half-lid her eyes, gazing at Silver intensely a moment.

Silver squirmed a little, "I could be speaking far out of line, so feel free to throw a slice of cake at me if you want, but I already have two wives, and your sister. You're a--"

Pie splattered across Silver's face, gooey and warm.

He could hear Celestia speaking, "Don't think too much of yourself. Luna says you serve well as her consort, just keep that up."

Silver wiped his face off, first against the table, then he could see a napkin and finished the job, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean any insult."

Celestia sipped her tea, "It is a rare stallion that would even hint at the idea of bedding both princesses of the land. That would look quite awkward."

Silver changed topics suddenly, "I managed to rate a rank four in raw output today."

Celestia smiled like a proud parent, "Very good for you."

Silver pointed at Celestia, "What do you rate?"

Celestia raised a brow, "Do you know what the numbers mean?"

Silver shook his head, "Each one's heavier than the other."

She nodded primly before enjoying a cookie. "One order of magnitude. Going from three to four is quite the achievement. If this is your first time, I imagine you're quite sore."

Silver quickly bobbed his head, "Parts of me I didn't knew exist hurt right now."

Celestia smiled, "Don't give up, and eat more. You must be famished."

Silver realized she was right, and pulled over a big pile of vegetables to start chewing through eagerly, "So... what do you rate?"

Celestia shook her head, "It isn't fair to compare yourself to me."

Silver huffed softly, "So, what, are you a ten? I can handle being outclassed by you."

Celestia raised a gold-shod hoof, "It's not that easy. With regards to my talent, it is difficult to measure. The sun is quite heavy."

Silver thought back to his knowledge of celestial bodies and nodded in agreement, "Can't argue that. What about rocks and weights, like we do for the test?"

Celestia smiled, "Six."

Silver blinked softly. On one hand, er, hoof, he felt she should be higher, on the other, that was pretty high. "Did you have to practice too?"

Celestia nodded, "Oh my, yes. I may not look it, but I was a foal once too. I was a one once before."

Silver opened his mouth to comment on her age but thought better of it before it could emerge, "Thank you, for everything." He waved a hoof around, "This nation, this castle, and everything else that you've given me a chance to live in."

Celestia gave a warm smile, "You are enjoying being a pony?"

Silver nodded quickly, "Very much so." He clopped his hooves together, "That reminds me. Thetics visited me, saying the academy wanted me back. What are your thoughts?"

Celestia gestured at Silver, "It is your decision. I believe Luna would be disappointed if you left her warlocks so soon. Are you not enjoying your time with them?"

Silver considered that, "Well, the one I'm spending the most time with right now... We got off to a rough start. She seems alright, in hindsight. She's actually being supportive, and not just screaming at me."

Celestia leaned forward, "I will tell you a secret. Though my sister has quite a pair of lungs, she prefers quiet." She nodded as she leaned back to upright, "She would not tolerate a pony who screamed too often."

Silver fidgeted a moment before he nibbled on his food thoughtfully. He was still ravenously hungry, and the food tasted all the better for it. "Are you alright with me... being with Luna? Probably... you know?"

Celestia raised a brow, "She is my sister, not my foal. Speaking of which, if she feels it is well-timed to have a foal, that is her decision. I look for her safety, but I do not control her." She looked Silver over with greater intensity, "What you feel is much more telling."

Silver shrank a little, "Excited? Nervous... It'll be the first time I'll be a father. I've been an uncle before, and I think I'm not bad at that."

Celestia nodded, "Then you have little to fear. Luna has many servants who will see to the foal's immediate needs. Being a good uncle is exactly as the situation calls for."

"But it's not a niece or nephew," argued Silver, "They'll be my son or daughter, or both? What are the odds of twins? Do ponies have fraternal twins?" Silver stopped rambling when a white wing settled across his face, making him sneeze.

"You will have as many as you should have, no more or less," answered Celestia. "You will be fine."

Silver nodded slowly as the wing withdrew, "Sorry. I did mention I was excited. I mean, shouldn't I be? Two lovely mares are going to bear me foals soon." An ear shot upright, "Is, uh, birthing a complicated affair?"

Celestia gave a soft hmm, "Is it in your home?"

Silver wobbled a hoof, "I would normally get both of them to a doula for training and education, so it could go as smoothly as possible. A healthy female who is armed with the right knowledge and takes care of herself can get through it without too much fuss."

Celestia shook her head, "Luna already has servants who will see she is treated properly and well. Your wife, however..."

Silver's ears fell, "I gave away my money."

Celestia nodded, "You did, but you also serve faithfully for Equestria. I will not let her suffer for it. I'll assign a physician to watch over her."

Silver smiled hopefully, "Please try to get a kind one. She acts tough but I get the feeling she will get nervous once or twice. I can't imagine a first-time mother not doing so."

Celestia rose to her hooves, "Enjoy the remainder of your meal. It was a delight having a moment to speak to you alone." She moved to leave, but not before patting Silver on the head with a wing. "You are a good pony." He warmed inside at her words, and soon she was gone.

Author's Note:

Hey, reader, what's the scouter say about her power level?!

What, 6?! But that's impossible!

What is the power rating of a typo?

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