• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Limestone: There's a First for Everything

Limestone took a small sip of water as she watched Lightning step outside. It had been two days since herself and Lightning had told everyone else about them, and she was still embarrassed that Brave saw her so close to Lightning. She shook this thought off and smiled as she took another sip, letting the cool, refreshing liquid slide down her throat. She then heard the door open, and saw Lightning fly into the house with mail in his hooves. He then dropped two letters on the table Limestone was sitting in front of.

"I think those are from your family," he said as Limestone smiled. She looked at the two scrolls, and saw that one had what looked like cake frosting on it. She giggled.

"It looks like my sister got frosting on this. I'll read it second," Limestone remarked as she opened up the cleaner scroll and read what was inside.

To: Limestone Pie

From: The Pie Family Rock Farm

Good day, Limestone. It sounds to me like you're happy in Vanhoover. And if my sister is happy, I am happy as well. It's good to hear that you have met good friends and a stallion who stole your heart. And thanks for the heads up. I've been a little nervous, considering I have to use the Stone next. But, after hearing your experiences, I have more of a desire to go.

Sincerely, Maud Pie

Hello, Limestone. I was really happy to read how well you're doing. It must be hard to meet new ponies and quickly become close friends with them. I've never had the ability to do so.

It sounds to me that Lightning Drift is treating you right. And that's great.

I hope that your relationship goes well from here on out, and that very minimum bumps have to be overcome.

Sincerely, Marble Pie

Limestone, it is amazing for a mother to hear how you're doing on your own out in the great big world. I have been nervous for you. But, it seems like you were able to make sense of the Choosing Stone's strange magic, and found the one for you. I could not be more happier, since I could tell you seem really happy in the environment you're in now.

And we most certainly want to meet Lightning Drift. Notify us when you decide to bring him over. I'm very proud of you, sweetheart.

Sincerely, Cloudy Quartz

Good day, Limestone. Just like your mother, I am very proud of you. I don't know much about this Lightning Drift you speak of, but he must be amazing, considering he's the one the Stone chose for you. I'll be waiting to meet him.

Your friends sound nice as well. It's always good to have friends with you, wherever you are.

I could not be more proud of you, Limestone.

Sincerely, Igneous Rock

Limestone smiled as she rolled up the scroll she read and opened the next one. As she did, confetti was somehow shot into her face. Well, everything from Pinkie Pie has a surprise like that inside.

Oh my gosh! I was just about to ask you how you were doing, and I get a letter from you! I swear, I think you're a mind reader at times!

So... let's talk about you, now. You say you're in... Vanhoover?! Wow! I've always wanted to visit Vanhoover! I'll drop by sometime to see you and your new friends and lover! Your friends sound a lot like my friend, Rainbow Dash! Rainbow loves flying. Maybe I can bring her as well! Ooh, my friend Rarity's a huge flirt, just like Brave Flight! Oh my gosh, I just wanna bring all my friends! It can be a friend meet and greet! Yay!

Ooh! Hearing that you have a lover makes me very happy! Is he cute? Does he think you're the best thing ever?

And you say that he lets you stay with him?! Did you two snuggle? Did you two kiss? Oh my gosh, I have so many questions!

It sounds like you're having a great time, Limestone. I wanna meet Lightning rrreeeaaalllyyy badly!

Respond when you can! I'll be checking my mailbox for a letter!

Sincerely, Pinkie Pie

Limestone read over the letter again before giggling. She then turned around to face Lightning. "My family is itching to meet you soon."

Lightning smiled. "Really? Well, we'll have to find sometime to do that! Maybe after about three dates or so."

"Y-you already have dates planned?!" Limestone replied as Lightning nodded.

"Of course! I need to plan ahead!" Lightning replied as Limestone flushed.

"Nopony has ever put this much effort into pleasing me before..." Limestone said as a small smile formed on her face.

"That's a good thing. I want to be the one who spoils you most," Lightning replied as he gave her a kiss on the cheek. Limestone's cheeks reddened even more.

"Aww, thank you!" She replied as she hugged him, butterflies going crazy in her stomach.

Limestone looked over to Lightning as he descended the stairs. His mane and tail actually looked neat and not windblown for once. He also had a nice dress suit on. Limestone couldn't deny it; he looked handsome. Very handsome.

"So... why do you look all fancy?" She asked as a smirk crawled up his face.

"Well... I just wanted to have a nice walk!"

Limestone raised an eyebrow. "With a dress suit?"

Lightning quickly nodded his head. "Y-yeah! Doesn't everyone take a walk in these?" He nervously glanced around as a smirk formed on Limestone's face.

"You're taking me out, aren't you?"

Lightning's eyes narrowed as he put a hoof on his forehead. "Man! You ruined it!"

Limestone giggled. "You wanted it to be a surprise?"

Lightning nodded. "Of course!"

"Well, I'll admit, I didn't expect you to be taking me out at first. But, it was unbelievable for you to just want to go for a walk in that fancy getup."

Lightning walked over to Limestone and smiled at her. "I suppose you're right. I'll try to make it more of a surprise next time."

Limestone smiled back at him. "You don't have to." She then paused and took a few seconds to stare into his eyes. "But... where are we going? It seems like I have to put a dress on. Which... I don't have."

Lightning waved a hoof to the side. "It's okay. You can just show up as you are now. You'll still be prettier than every other mare there," He replied as he gave her a wink. Limestone's face turned red as she turned her head, trying to let her mane hide her face.

"Well... I doubt that."

"And I don't. Come on, otherwise we might be late," he replied as he kept his glance on Limestone, trying to give a flirtatious smirk. Limestone met his glance and walked over to him, brushing against his coat.

"Alright. I wouldn't want you to be late after going through all that effort to look like a gentle-stallion for a change."

"Hey, I'm a natural gentle-stallion and you know it."

"Natural? More like unnatural!" Limestone sassily responded as Lightning hit her lightly in the side with a wing. "See? That was a very un-gentle-stallion move!"

"You still think I'm not a gentle-stallion?" He asked as Limestone gawked, looking around the restaurant. It was one of the nicest ones she had ever seen. It had beautiful paintings on the walls, chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, candles were on tables, a fireplace was giving a nice glow in the corner, and all the seats looked like they were made of very fine leather.

"Well... I guess I've changed my mind a bit now..." Limestone admitted as she continued glancing around. She then walked to the counter with Lightning as he talked to the mare behind it. The mare then walked over and showed the two their seats. Limestone and Lightning followed, and saw a nice table for two. Lightning sat on one side, and Limestone sat on the other. The mare smiled.

"We will be by for drinks soon," she remarked as she turned and left, leaving Lightning and Limestone with each other. The two stayed silent for a short moment.

"You... you didn't have to do this," Limestone said as she looked at the menu in front of her.

"Oh yes I did. You were the one who had to work up the guts to confess your love to me. The least I can do is treat you."

Limestone looked up to him from her menu. "Oh, you've already done more than you need to!"

"And what might you be referring to?"

Limestone decided on a drink and closed her menu. "You let me stay with you, and provide me with necessities. You also make really good food."

Lightning gave a small chuckle. "That's a first. Nopony ever says my cooking tastes good."

"Well, that might be because I've never tried the stuff you cook for me before. So, I appreciate it more," Limestone replied as a waiter approached. He gave a smile as he levitated a notepad and pen with his magic.

"What may I get for you two tonight?" He asked as he flipped open a free paper. Limestone was the first to speak up.

"I'll just have water."

"And I'll have pink lemonade. Nice and cold, please."

The waiter nodded. "Alright. Your beverages will be by soon," he replied as he left the table. Lightning then looked at Limestone.

"Liking the service?" He asked as Limestone nodded.

"Yeah. I've never been to a restaurant like this, so it's very nice." She said as she unrolled the napkin on the table and placed it on her lap. She looked at the candle flickering in the middle of the table. "This is also the most romantic dinner I've ever had."

Lighting used a hoof to smooth out his mane. "That's the idea. I wanted this to be memorable for you."

Limestone smiled as she twirled a piece of silverware in her hooves. "Honestly, I had no idea you were the romantic type at first. Well, I was completely wrong."

Lightning nodded. "I even surprise myself once in a while."

Limestone smiled back at him as the waiter put the beverages in front of her and Lightning. The waiter then took out his pad and pen again.

"Do you have choices for a meal yet?"

Lightning nodded. "I'll have the deluxe oats and vegetable dish, please. I'll also have a dish of steamed carrots to the side, please."

The waiter nodded and turned to Limestone. "And you, milady?"

Limestone looked at the menu quickly. She didn't know what to choose. She put it down, trying to come to a decision. "I'll... uh... have what he's having, please." If Lightning was having it, it must be good.

The waiter nodded as he wrote the orders down. He then smiled at the two. "Alright! I'll be back with your orders very soon!" He replied as he turned and walked away. Lightning and Limestone turned to each other and gazed into each other's eyes. It was like staring into the sky; they couldn't break away. The two were abruptly cut off by a set of hooves being thrown in front of them. They looked up to see a large Pegasus stallion standing there.

"Aw! You two having a nice, romantic dinner together! Isn't that cute?" He asked as the other four pegasi behind him nodded their heads in agreement.

"Br-Brave! Guys! What the hay are you doing here?!" He asked, a hint of mild irritation in his voice. Brave took his hooves off the table and spread his wings.

"We just wanted to check on the new couple!" Brave said as he hovered in the air. "We also want to make this date memorable!"

Sapphire poked Brave on the shoulder. "Uh... aren't dates supposed to be private?" She asked as Brave turned around to face her.

"We're not intruding! We're just showing a bit of fun! Living it up a little!" He replied as Sapphire looked at him, a little unsure.

"Uh... but we're still..."

"Sapphire, quite worrying! Now, let's go!" Brave replied as he took a few speakers he had Cloud Warrior carry. He then turned them on and handed them back to the Pegasus he took them from. Cloud backed up from the sudden presence of the loud song.

Meanwhile, Lightning was burying his face in his hooves. It looked like his ears were down flat. Limestone stole her glance from Lightning to Brave Flight, who was now flying around in rhythm to the song. He was good at it, she had to admit. The mare from the front desk ran over.

"Turn that music off! This is the wrong place!" She demanded as Brave halted. He then flew in a few circles around her, messing up her mane. He then started laughing as he flew back.

A waiter carrying a few plates of food walked out on the scene. In shock, he stopped. Brave continued dashing around, and ran right into him, not noticing it until he hit the waiter. The food flew up into the air, and landed on the floor with a loud thud.

Everypony looked at each other in nervousness. Cloud took this as his cue to turn off the speakers. Silence hung over the restaurant.

The mare from the front walked over with her windblown mane and tail, and scowl present on her face. She pointed a hoof towards the door.

"I don't know who you are, or why you insisted on ruining out nights, but just leave! Now!" She demanded as Brave stood up.

"I'm sorry, ma'am! We were just trying to make our friends' date better, and-" he replied, pointing to Lightning and Limestone. The scowl stayed present on her face.

"They may leave as well. I don't want trouble-bringers in a nice restaurant like this one. So, just get out!" She finished. Everypony stayed silent. Brave walked over to Lightning.

"Hey, bro, I'm sorry. We all are. We wanted to give you a memorable night, and..."

Lightning took his face out of his hooves. "Memorable?! Yeah, this was memorable, alright!" He replied, slamming his hooves on the table. Brave stepped back, a little intimidated.


Lightning stepped off the chair. "I just wanted to give a mare a nice, fancy date for once! One time! And what happens? My friends ruin it!" He burst before walking out of the restaurant, slamming the doors open. After he left, ponies resumed chatting in the room.

Limestone awkwardly stood up from her seat and saw the mess in the room. She looked at the door, where Lightning was no where to be seen.

Oh, what a night.

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