• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Pinkie: Something Seems... Cheesy

Pinkie couldn't believe who she was seeing. Cheese Sandwich? Was it really him? She looked him up and down again. Yep, it was definitely him. Pinkie suddenly felt very tingly and warm. She realized that Cheese is her soulmate. The one she's supposed to be with. Pinkie could already vision the fun times ahead, but was still nervous. She wanted to turn away, but the current was too strong to move.

"Pinkie Pie?" He asked. He moved his western hat back a bit, smiling. "Well, it's good to see you again!"

Pinkie smiled, nodding. "Yeah! Really good!" She replied. She nervously glanced around, unsure of what to do. She then remembered: for the current to leave, she had to touch him, and the current would transfer.

She walked over to shake hooves with him, more nervous than anything. As their hooves touched, Pinkie's tail went crazy as the current completely left her body. She felt it transferring to him. Because of this, Cheese shot up into the air, his southern clothes landing in a heap on the ground. When he fell back to the ground, he picked himself up, his eyes wide.

"What was that?!" He asked, looking at Pinkie in confusion.

Pinkie giggled before holding up a hoof... which had an electric shock button on it. Cheese chuckled.

"So... I'm guessing you're still the best party planner in Ponyville?"

Pinkie nodded. "Yep! But... was there ever any doubt?" She replied, giggling some more. "So... are you going to a party?"

Cheese nodded, picking up his clothes. "Yep. My cheesy sense told me there's a pony in need of a party in Vanhoover-"

Pinkie gasped, cutting him off. "Vanhoover?! That's where my sister and her husband live!" She said, smiling. "Can I come with you? I mean, to help with the party and all, hehe."

Cheese smirked. "Sure, why not? That party in Ponyville was one of the best parties I've ever created, and you helped with quite a bit of it!"

Pinkie bounced. "Woohoo!" She stopped bouncing and raised a brow. "But... isn't Vanhoover a long ways away from here?"

Cheese shrugged. "Well... sort of. It's about a week's walk, and that's while fractioning in our breaks and sleep."

Pinkie nodded. "Okie dokie! But... we can fly there! I mean, I'm assuming you can take off into the sky like I did earlier."

Cheese laughed. "Well, I can. However, my cheesy sense somehow fractions in the walking distance to the next town. Therefore, I arrive right on time. If we fly, we'll get there too early to make a dramatic entrance."

"Oh, that makes sense," Pinkie said, giggling. She looked to Cheese's back and found it bare. She gasped.



"Where's Boneless?!"

Cheese raised a brow. "I left Boneless with you, remember?"

Pinkie's eyes widened. "Oh, right..."

"Is he doing alright?" Cheese asked.

Pinkie immediately turned away. I can't tell him! What if he gets mad? Well, it was the only way to save all of Equestria! Would he be okay with never seeing Boneless again?

Pinkie looked into his eyes, feeling some kind of strange reassurance. She took a breath. "Well... actually..."


Pinkie rubbed her neck. "Do you remember when... Tirek was destroying all of Equestria?"

Cheese slowly nodded. "Yeah...? Who could forget that?"

Pinkie gulped. "Well... the only way to defeat him was this... box by the Tree of Harmony where the Elements of Harmony are. There were six keyholes needed to unlock this box," Pinkie started, moving her hoof along the ground. "So... Twilight told us to find items that were given to us because we used our element to help them with something. So, I brought Boneless, since I'm the Element of Laughter and helped Rainbow Dash have the best birthaversary ever, and I got Boneless from you, who helped me realize when I should stop with something if a pony isn't having fun anymore. So, when I put Boneless on the box, he turned into a... key."

Cheese put his hooves to his head. "BONELESS TURNED INTO A KEY?!"

Pinkie looked to the ground. "But he helped save all of Equestria!"

Cheese stood back on all fours, looking to Pinkie. "Where is this... key?"

Pinkie shrugged. "I dunno! The box then went into the ground and Twilight's castle grew from it. He's either disintegrated or in the walls of the castle."


"I'M STILL CONFUSED!" Pinkie said, putting a hoof to her head.

Cheese took a breath. "Well... we would all either be dead or under the rule of Tirek if Boneless didn't make his noble sacrifice. So, for that, I'm proud of him."

Pinkie smiled. "Yeah. Me too," she said, her brow furrowing. "Wait... didn't you have another Boneless?"

Cheese raised a brow. "Oh, Boneless Two?" He pointed over to a lake, which a yellow rubber chicken was sitting beside. "He's getting a drink."

Pinkie looked over and giggled. "Can I go say hi to him?"

Cheese nodded. "Sure thing! I have to go pick him up so we can continue on the road."

Pinkie nodded. "Okie dokie lokie!" She said, bouncing to the lake. She reached the chicken and smiled.


The chicken only drooped his neck in response. Pinkie got in his face, looking right into his eyes. After a few more seconds of silence, she looked over to Cheese.

"Does Boneless Two not like me?" She asked.

Cheese put a hoof under his chin before scanning Boneless. He got close to the chicken's face, looking into his eyes and up his body. He turned back to her.

"He seems... suspicious of you."

Pinkie raised a brow, though a blush was visible on her cheeks. "Suspicious of... what?"

Cheese shrugged. "I can't tell. Boneless doesn't talk too much."

Pinkie quietly nodded, hoping the Choosing Stone wasn't the reason Boneless was suspicious. Although, how much could a chicken know about a Pie family tradition? Cheese scooped up Boneless and carried him over to his southern clothes. He put them on, adjusting his hat so the sun's rays wouldn't be in his face. He then carefully put Boneless on his back, smiling at the chicken. Boneless only drooped his neck a bit.

"So... should we be off?" Cheese asked. Pinkie nodded.

"Definitely!" She said, bouncing next to him. He wasn't moving too fast, but it was okay. Pinkie figured that he was a bit tired from always walking back and forth all across Equestria. Pinkie stopped bouncing and started walking at a normal pace, which was very strange for Pinkie, to say the least.

Pinkie felt her eyes drifting, and she couldn't stop them. She scanned his tall figure, feeling herself blush. As her eyes were wandering, she looked up and saw Boneless Two staring right at her. She waved, put on a fake, wide smile, and turned around to face the ground. Her cheeks were still burning, and her heart was doing somersaults. She wanted badly to run, jump, anything besides walking. She looked at Cheese, wanting to say something, but suddenly felt... afraid? That's what it felt like. She was afraid of saying the wrong thing.

She looked at him for a few more seconds before turning away. Luckily, he didn't see her, considering he was focused on the road ahead of him. Pinkie was trying to think of good conversation starters, but nothing came to mind. She wished Cheese would say something, but she knew that he was used to walking in silence, so this was probably normal for him. She swallowed before thinking of something.

"So... cherry or cherry changa?"

Cheese's green eyes flashed down towards her. "Hm?"

Pinkie blushed. "Uh... y'know... what do you like more? Cherries or cherry changas?"

"Cherry changas," Cheese replied without hesitation. Pinkie gasped.

"Oh my gosh, me too! At least you give me a straight answer!"

Cheese raised a brow. "What?"

Pinkie giggled. "Oh, when one of my best friends, Applejack, wouldn't talk to me, I kept asking her that question. She never gave me an answer! I would've stopped asking her if she would have answered the question!"

"Have you asked her since?"

Pinkie stopped in her tracks. "Uh... no." She started walking again. "I should probably ask her when I write to her."

Cheese nodded. "That sounds good. I'm a bit curious as well," he said before looking to Pinkie in confusion. "Wait... why are you here anyway?"

Pinkie nervously chuckled, glancing around. "Well, you said I could join you, silly!"

Cheese shook his head. "No, I mean, why you're on this road in the first place. It's a pretty deserted road."

Pinkie blushed. "Uh... I was flying through the air, crash landed, and saw you. I'm still not the best at controlling myself..." Pinkie admitted. That was actually true. Pinkie periodically shot into the air, but has always had trouble safely landing on her hooves.

Cheese nodded. "Okay. I understand."


Silence engulfed the two party ponies for a few seconds. Cheese broke the silence.

"So... how have you and your friends been the last few years?"

Pinkie beamed, happy to be able to talk about her friends. "Oh, great! I'm still a great party planner! Also, two of my sisters have found their special someponies!"


"Really!" Pinkie replied, starting to bounce. "As for my friends... they're all doing great, too. Twilight has a castle and tons of friendship responsibilities, but she's really smart and good at making checklists, so she is always one step ahead of everything. Rainbow Dash has become a Wonderbolt! She's amazing! Not much have changed for Fluttershy or Rarity... Oh! I take that back! Rarity has boutiques in Canterlot and Manehatten! Applejack's orchard is bigger than it was before, and there's been so much apple cider! Though... she's been acting strange lately. I have no idea what's going on with her. I'll have to ask her..." She trailed off. She shook her head, clearing her thoughts. "Well, that's enough about me! What about you?"

Cheese smiled, thinking. "Well, I've had a lot of parties to plan. The most memorable one was this one time in Manehatten..."


Cheese smirked. "There was this guy who hated parties with a passion. My cheesy sense told me he needed a party, though, so I planned one for him. He wouldn't join in the fun at first, so a mare pushed him in. After a few minutes, he was having the most fun he's ever had in his life." His smile grew large. "Also, because of my party, that stallion and the mare that urged him to join the party got in a relationship together, with help from me!"

Pinkie giggled. "I didn't know you were a matchmaker!"

Cheese chuckled. "Well, not really. I mean, I have experience with that area, so-"

"You do?!" Pinkie asked, her eyes widening.

Cheese nodded. "Yeah. I was in a relationship with a mare in Manehatten... Coco Pommel."

"Oh, I know her! She's really nice!" Pinkie replied, feeling a bit jealous.

Cheese nodded. "She is. However, we both realized that we didn't like each other as much as we thought." He looked away, blushing a bit. "And... I currently have a marefriend..."

That last comment was a bit quiet, but Pinkie could hear it. The area grew so silent that if someone dropped a pen a few feet away, it would be heard clearly.


Cheese kept his glance to the ground and the area around. "I have a marefriend. Surprise. She's a Wonderbolt."

Pinkie felt like someone was stabbing her heart with a fork hundreds of times. She suddenly felt sick and a bit dizzy.

I have a marefriend.

Pinkie felt her eyes grow moist. She tried to look up, but could barely move her head. "That's... Great!" Pinkie said halfheartedly. "I bet she's great!" Pinkie tried with all her might to keep her mane poofy and a large smile on her face.

Cheese smiled. "Thanks! And yeah, I guess..." He replied with a blush.

Pinkie nodded, looking around. She felt her vision grow blurry. "Uh... I'll be right back..." She looked behind her to see an outhouse positioned by the road. "I gotta... go to the bathroom," she finished before taking off. She could barely feel her own legs. The only thing she could feel were the chilly drops of water falling onto her legs.

She quickly entered the outhouse, slamming the door and sitting down on the ground. Her mane deflated a bit as teardrops stained the wood floor like coffee spilling all over a new shirt. Pinkie's blue eyes looked up to the ceiling as she tried to blink her tears away.

"He was supposed to be my soulmate... it was wrong... this is wrong... everything's wrong..." Pinkie softly muttered to herself, trying her hardest to pull herself together and tape her heart into one piece again.

Author's Note:

Goodness, writing this made me feel sad. :ajsleepy::fluttercry:

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