• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,784 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Limestone: Startling Reveals

Silence hung over the area like an anvil. Limestone felt like she couldn't breathe. It was out. She nervously glanced around as she waited for a response.

"W-what?" Lightning stammered. Limestone looked up into his eyes, her face completely flushed.

"You heard me. I-I love you."

The two stared at each other in silence for a moment. Limestone felt her heart about to burst from her chest and her mouth go dry. She could barely get out another word. She tried to push her voice up to her mouth, but it took a little while in the midst of the awkward silence.

"Oh, I probably just messed everything up," she started, pounding her right fore-hoof on the ground. "I-I'm sorry about this. I should just head back to the rock farm and get back to my old life, so we never have to see or think about each other again." Limestone's eyes became blurry as her ears flattened. "I'm sorry... but I think I should leave-"

"No!" Lightning interrupted as his cheeks turned a light shade of red. "Please... don't... don't feel like you have to go. You're fine."

Limestone looked back up to him. "R-really? But..."

"No buts." Lightning said as he ruffled his feathers. "Don't go."

Limestone cocked her head in confusion. "Why not? Me, a random mare that you just met, told you she's in love with you. I understand if you don't want me around. You don't have to show sympathy."

Lightning shook his head. "No. You don't understand." He then let out a deep breath. "Don't go back. If you do... well... this... is the only time that this... will ever happen."

With that, Lightning quickly wrapped his fore-hooves around her neck and pressed his lips against hers. Limestone felt her ears perk up and her heart skip a beat. She picked up her fore-hooves, which felt numb from the shock she was feeling, and put them on his hooves. After a few seconds, they pulled apart as he looked into her eyes.

"Limestone... it might seem crazy since I just met you, but... I... love you too."

Limestone's eyes widened as she felt a smile inching up her face. The Choosing Stone hadn't failed! Lightning loved her back! Limestone couldn't do anything but smile like a fool. Her mind was still trying to process everything, but it seemed hard.

"Are you still planning on going back now?" He asked, scooting a little closer to her. Limestone shook her head.

"Of course not!" Her ears then flattened. "But... I'm out of money and have nowhere to stay."

Lightning let out a small chuckle. "Limestone, I'm pretty sure we're more than friends now. Correct?"

Limestone nodded without hesitation.

Lightning smiled at her. "Well, doesn't that mean you can stay with me?"

Limestone's eyes widened. "R-really?"

Lightning nodded. "Of course! Now... do you want to get settled into my place?"

Limestone didn't know what to say. He was offering her to stay with him! "Uh... sure!"

"Great." Lightning replied as he stood right by her side. Limestone then remembered something. She had to tell Speed and Sapphire!

"Uh, Lightning, I have to go to Sapphire's house to see Speed and Sapphire really quickly."

Lightning raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

Limestone felt her cheeks redden. "Well, they wanted to know how this went. You know... my confession."

"Oh, so they're in on this, too?" He asked as Limestone nodded.

"Yep. They helped prepare me. I needed some help with all this," Limestone responded.

"Oh, I don't bite, Limestone. You didn't have to be scared to do this," Lightning teased as Limestone rolled her eyes.

"I was afraid that you wouldn't love me back. I needed some confidence from those two."

Lightning nodded his head as he looked at the area in front of him. "Oh my gosh, it's gonna take forever to walk there!"

Limestone looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "And what are you going to do about it?"

Lightning spread his wings and lowered his body. "Fly you there, of course!"

Limestone felt her cheeks grow warm. "Really? It's only a short distance away!"

"Yes, maybe, but I would rather fly. And I'm not leaving you on the ground!" He responded as he motioned for Limestone to climb on his back.

Limestone rolled her eyes playfully as she climbed on the back of her stallion. Lightning then stood up tall, flapped his wings, and took off. Limestone wrapped her hooves tightly around his neck, afraid of falling. Lightning let out a chuckle at this action.

"Something tells me you've never been off the ground before."

Limestone nodded her head. "Yeah! You're right!" She responded, staying latched onto Lightning's neck. A realization then quickly hit her. "Lightning, if Brave Flight sees us like this, we are never living this down."

"Well, he's gonna find out about us anyway. Ever since I kissed you I've been preparing for his teases and how I will responded to them," Lightning replied as he spotted Sapphire's house. He then descended onto the grass.

"We're here!" He remarked as Limestone climbed off of him.

"Thank you, Lightning Express." She said, playfully sticking her tongue out. She then looked to the door and then to him. "Are you coming in?"

Lightning nodded. "Sure. I don't think they'll tease us like crazy."

Limestone thought for a moment. "Well, I don't know with them." She then knocked on the door. Silence. Suddenly, the door was thrown open as Limestone was very quickly pulled inside. It was then shut. Lightning stood outside the doorway, not knowing what to do.

Limestone looked to see the inside of Sapphire's house and the beaming faces of Speed and Sapphire. Speed jumped up and hovered in the air.

"How'd it go?!" She asked, eagerly waiting for a good answer.

Limestone smiled as she replied. "It went... well... perfect, to say the least."

The two's grins widened as they both gave Limestone a brief hug. They then separated as Sapphire spoke up.

"So... he likes you back?!"

Limestone nodded. "Yep."

Sapphire then jumped in Limestone's face. "I was right! I told you!" She replied as she flew in the air. Speed then descended and got in Limestone's face, much like Sapphire did.

"Did he kiss you?!" She asked as Limestone's face reddened.

"Well... uh... yeah..."

Speed smiled even brighter as she pumped her right fore-hoof. She then held it out in front of Sapphire. "You owe me five bits!"

Limestone cocked her head to the side. "What?"

Speed looked back to her. "Oh, I made a bet against Sapphire, saying that she would have to give me five bits if Lightning kissed you. And he did, so Sapphire owes me!"

Limestone nodded. "Oh, okay." They all then turned at the sound of the door opening. Lightning awkwardly stood in the doorway, looking at the three mares.

"I just now figured out that the door was unlocked," he said as Speed bust out laughing.

"Lightning, since when were you out there? You should have just said so!"

"He came here with me," Limestone said as Speed giggled.

"Aw, that's so cute! I wouldn't expect anything less from a love-struck couple~!" She cooed as Sapphire nodded her head and fluttered her eyelashes. The blue mare then walked to Lightning and got in his face, her look turning to one of sternness.

"You listen here, Lightning. If you do anything to hurt or heartbreak Limestone, Speed and I will be after you like hawks. Understood?"

Lightning nodded. "I don't plan to do anything of the sort. And you two wouldn't be able to catch me, anyways."

Speed flew up to his face, having a look of fake irritation on her face. "Hey! I'm the fastest one here! It would be easy for me to catch you!" She replied as Lightning nodded.

"I know. But I also know that I can use a cloud to kick lightning in your faces."

Sapphire and Speed gasped. "Wow. You're cold!" Sapphire replied as Lightning chuckled.

Limestone giggled along. "So... what should we do now?" Speed looked around to face her and descended. She then got a teasing look on her face.

"Well, you and Lightning should have a nice, romantic dinner together~!" Speed suggested. Limestone felt her face heat up.

"Well, I think whatever is in my fridge will serve us for tonight," Lightning replied, walking over to Limestone and putting a wing over her back. Sapphire raised an eyebrow.

"What a way to be a cheapskate," Sapphire remarked as Speed's wings flew out and a grin filled her face.

"Wait... are you two... staying together?!" She asked as Limestone tilted her head down in embarrassment. Lightning nodded his head, seeming proud.

"Yes, she is staying with me. She doesn't have anywhere else to stay," Lightning replied as Speed giggled, almost menacingly.

"Oh, you two are so cute~!" Speed cooed. Limestone's face turned a light red as she spoke up.

"Well, I wouldn't say that." She paused for a minute before looking outside. It was getting darker. "Oh, I have to go check out of the hotel!"

Speed's ears folded back. "So... you're leaving? I was having so much fun teasing you about your relationship!"

Limestone nodded. "Well, it's not like I'm not gonna be back. So... I'll see you two later!"

"See ya!" Speed replied. Sapphire nodded her head.

"Alright. But make sure to drop by sometime. I could then go get Speed and tell her to come over here," Sapphire said as Limestone nodded.

"Will do! And don't worry. I promise I'll be by." She and Lightning then turned and started walking towards the door. "See you later!"

"See ya!" Speed and Sapphire chorused as Limestone closed the door. After she did, she heard a chorus of loud giggling inside. She smiled as she descended the steps. Lightning bounded down after her. He then stood next to Limestone, smiling at her.

"Need a ride?" He asked as Limestone shook her head.

"Lightning, the hotel is literally right there. Did you think you've been transformed into a carriage or something?" Limestone responded, nudging the Pegasus beside her.

"Well, I happen to know for a fact that mares enjoy rides. I gotta please them," he replied, nudging Limestone back. Limestone giggled as she continued walking, breathing in the nice summer air. It was truly a very nice day. She looked up and saw the hotel. She realized that this would probably be the last time she would step hoof into it. She will now stay with Lightning, and eventually move in with him... maybe even start a... family?

Limestone felt her cheeks grow warm. Slow down... we just got together! She thought to herself as she tried to shake the blush off her cheeks. She soon found her way to the doors and opened them, breathing in the nice hotel smell. Lightning stepped in with her, not leaving her side. When they got to the counter, they spotted a bowl of cookies. Lightning smiled as he stuffed a few into his mouth, savoring their taste.

The stallion at the front desk noticed them and lowered his glasses. "What may I do for you?"

Limestone perked her ears up and put a hoof on the counter. "I am Limestone Pie, ready to check out."

The stallion nodded and looked through some papers, which weren't very neatly filed. He soon found what he was looking for and put it on the desk, taking out a pen.

"So, if I'm correct, you already paid. That means that you just have to-" he stopped for a moment. "Can you please stop your friend from eating all the cookies? We want to make sure to save some for the other guests."

Limestone turned to find half of the cookies gone, and Lightning licking his lips. She slapped him across the side. "Lightning! Control yourself!"

Lightning chuckled as he rubbed his neck. "Whoops. I got a little out of control, don't you think?"

Limestone raised an eyebrow. "A little?" She teased as she flicked her tail at him. She then turned back to the counter. "What do I have to do?"

"Oh. Well, you just need to return the room key. Come check back in when you have everything out of your room, and then I'll take the room key," the stallion responded as he popped a small mint in his mouth. Limestone nodded.

"Will do. Thank you, sir."

"Thank you, madam," the stallion responded, looking back to the papers on his desk. Limestone stepped away, dragging Lightning with her. When the two got to a hallway, Limestone let him go and erupted into a fit of giggles.

"Lightning, I am very surprised you're not overweight if you keep eating things like you did those cookies," Limestone remarked before laughing again. Lightning looked to the other side of the hallway, a sheepish grin overtaking his face.

"Hey, I can't help it. Those cookies were really good!" He responded before looking at all the doors adorning the wall. "Which one is yours?"

Limestone took the room key out before responding. "I'm room seventeen. Which is... right there!" Limestone replied as she spotted the room. She flashed the room key in front of the door, causing the door to unlock. She opened it and walked inside. Lightning followed, looking at the interior.

"This is a pretty nice place. Small, though," he remarked as Limestone picked up her saddlebag, made sure the bed was tidied up, and turned.

"Yep!" She responded as she started walking towards the door. Lightning looked at her in confusion.

"That saddlebag is the only thing you brought?" He asked as Limestone nodded her head, opening the door to leave.

"Yeah. I travel light," she replied as she held the door open for Lightning. After the two were out of the doorway, they walked down the hallway, letting the soft carpet comfort their hooves. Lightning kept looking at the walls.

"This hotel looks really fancy. No wonder you ran out of bits," Lightning remarked. Limestone nodded.

"Well, yeah. It wasn't too expensive, though," she replied as the two neared the counter. Limestone placed the room key in front of the stallion and flashed a smile. The stallion looked up and returned it.

"Thank you for staying."

"Thank you for providing your services," Limestone replied as she turned and headed for the door, Lightning behind. When the two were out of the hotel, they saw it had grown dark outside. Lightning looked down to Limestone and smiled.

"Are you ready for another ride now? My house is a lengthy distance away," Lightning said, spreading his wings. Limestone playfully rolled her eyes.

"Alright, fine, Sir Persistence," she responded as she climbed on his back. Lightning quickly took off, and, just like before, Limestone held tightly onto his neck. She couldn't look down. The fear of falling was something that had plagued her all her life. Well, even with that, she still enjoyed being on the back of her stallion, being carried across the open skies. She could understand why he loved flying so much. The feeling of the wind in her face and mane was very soothing, taking her into another world. She briefly wished that she could be a Pegasus, just so she could experience this whenever she wanted.

"Are you enjoying the view? It's not everyday you get to see Vanhoover from this height," he remarked as Limestone nodded her head.

"I like the feeling of the wind up here. It's very relaxing," Limestone responded as she felt Lightning flying down to the ground.

"It is very relaxing. Flying is the best stress reliever for me," Lightning replied as Limestone climbed off his back.

"I can see why." She looked up at the yellow and red brick house, not too tall, but not too wide either. It seemed like a nice place. "Is this your house?"

Lightning nodded. "Yep. Now, let's go in. We can have a nice dinner and everything."

Limestone nodded and smiled. "Sounds good to me."

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